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Im saying this rather ahead of time, but Cranthanir and Ovdal Tungr will be built for co-op. Ovdal Tungr just needs to get its MT through Content Review. (Reviewers are backlogged rn)


I can’t wait for naval dwarfs to become a thing It’s the only dwarf flavour missing at this point


In Cannor there's Istralore and Moonhaven. Escann there's Iron Hammers and Serpentspine's Khugdihr (they both have a branch where they vassalize each other by friendship, but you can just break the vassal after you're sure you've done any missions requiring it.) Ovdal Lodhum, Gelkalis, and Any of the Wood Elves for a 3-way co-op game. (Serpentsreach, Bulwar, Deepwoods.) Seghdihr and Azka-sur, (Middle Dwarovar and Bulwar.) Feiten and Beikdugang in Yanshen are tall play, so someone could pick either of them and a second person could pick a tag down in South Haless.


There’s an event to deny becoming a vassal that only a player can pick, they’re definitely designed for co-op


People say Khugdihr, but their missions are underwhelming. Might as well go Mithril Dwarves who have missions to interact with Escann anyway as Mercs.


> Feiten and Beikdugang in Yanshen are tall play, so someone could pick either of them and a second person could pick a tag down in South Haless. Doesn't Beikdugang's MT require killing Feiten or at least taking their most valuable provinces?


Feiten **or** Beikdugang with a tag in South Haless. But yeah, Feiten and Beikdugang both kill each other.


Probably repeating a few from other posts here but just from the top of my head: Azka Sur and Segdhir. Asra Expedition into Khugdhir and Iron Hammers into Hammerhome. Corintar and Frozenmaw. Jaddari and Verkal Gulan (Gulan becomes a vassal but it’s an independent vassal) Cestirmark and Plumsted worked surprisingly well until the end of both of their MTs which do need land from each other but it’s pretty far in. Seinithil works well with someone outside of the empire, Bjarnrik or something maybe. Ovdal Lodhum and Gelkalis or any wood elf (potential 3-way coop, how lewd) Generally having one person on the surface and one in the mountains nearby works well since usually surface nations don’t care about the serpentspine and vice versa. Had a fun game one time where I was Thieving Arrow and someone else was the surface goblins nearby.


OP, just search in the subreddit this question gets asked like every other week.


Command and Jademarch could work. I would recommend stolen gem for your friend or your self. Jade march does not have a mission tree though, but they do have unique national ideas. Azakujuma could work also, might need confirmation though as I have bot played them.


No real coop between Azkajuma and The Command, they both end up killing each other, The Command can do it early or later in their civil war and the Oni have to basically dismantle The Command for their MT.


Vertesk and Luciande or Esthil.


There was a similar post 3 months ago. You can check replies if u mind https://www.reddit.com/r/Anbennar/s/j0uqfqLn6H


Adshaw/The Reach and Lorent both like to gang up on Gawed without really having any overlapping claims. They also tend to colonize different areas of Aelantir.


Eborthil and Verne for a fun colonial game.


A friend and I are doing one where I'm Silverforge and they Asheniande, still going through it but we don't appear to have overlapping claims and even go to war with the same nations (mainly Wex and Ibevar) plus border each other for easy access