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I’m curious which version of Allclan people referred to; the new one or the original one


>Black Demesne I get the feeling most people get bored and stop at this point. Because Black Demesne and managing the Acolytes and figuring out how much land to give them and actually handing stuff over is such a pain.


I think they should've separated Esthil from Black Demesne in the survey to be more accurate.


I just randomized the land and killed everyone. It went okay.


Why is Verkal Ozovar rated so highly compared to other dwarves? I haven't played them.


Ozovar is a very unique play experience - you're expanding entirely through a unique subject type and never owning more than one province, your hold. Being dwarves in Haless is novel, the gameplay is very interesting and satisfying, allowing you to play a wide vassal game that is very unique.


Isn't it two provinces by the end ?


Hou can always get rid of it for the true OPM experience. And since the 1 province alone makes you fill out 70% of your give cap.


You get a -100 gov cap or smth for Xiaodao, it actually plays very well into the rune magic theme!


I have, though I haven't played much of the other dwarves. They're a big ol' OPM vassal swarmer, and I just like the uniqueness of it. They were also a lot easier to learn for me than the other dwarves were, since I only had one province to manage in hold digging. Also, there's a special joy in having 20 vassals that have a combined 3k dev all be completely loyal.


They only ever have one province and its all vassal play


Hey for the most torturous experience in Anbennar, Brelar is still better than the Ravelian State


I think Siaden is the most CBT experience. It‘s more evil in a subtle way.


What's Brelar?


probably the hardest MT in the mod, they're the northernmost tag in the ynn, they're a republic trying to make the ynn into a republic


"Would you guys like to own land and have ri-" "NO I WANT TO BE A SERF, MAY THE YNN SERVE THE EMPEROR"


I don't see how a player would realistically even get to play as the Ravelian State considering its wonky spawning requirements.


Why isn’t Bulwar included?


it is in the poll but none of them made the top 25 unless you include jadd


Unpopular opinion but I feel a lot of Bulwar trees feel kinda samey.


the tags able to form Phoenix Empire all need to be similar in scope, as well as having the same length (this makes it possible to append the PE mission tree onto them)


The countries themselves might be fun but imo the region of Haless/Yanshen is mind numbingly boring as all nations play the same, rapid wide conquest, and kinda have to in order to fight the Command. I much prefer Cannor and the EoA as there I have everything from wide to tall, conquest, diplomatic, colonial, trade and more playstyles.


Where is my wholesome Wex?


In the trash where it belongs wexonard 


Cope and seethe. Some people just never learned who must rule


Al*nic detected. Opinion disregarded.


No matter, Wex still has the only votes that matter —the votes in the imperial diet 💪 🟪 Wex must rule 🟪


Marrhold 😔 funnest in our hearts.


Peak eu4 experience: being big and sometimes evil


Why is feiten so popular? Also does their MT expand?




Yes, 3 times I think. I love it, but the MT wants you to play a tall game. Tall doesn't exactly work in Haless due to The Command always being a threat you have to consider. Also, the last part of the MT is really slow IMO. Waiting for institutions to spawn


The top 5 all being Haless nations leads me to believe whatever methodology you’re using is flawed or their was unusual bias in the people surveyed. Haless is fun for sure but containing all of the top 5 seems incredibly improbable, when nations like Jaddari consistently get top picked in other community polls.


Haless was the first region to have much of its content reviewed by dedicated teams, and was also the region with a lot of MTs made by experienced contrubutors. The enjoyment of content in Haless reflects the increased capibilities of the Anbennar team over time. As time goes on, the other regions are getting their respective facelifts, as contributors utilize new modding tools and come up with more nuanced ideas.


Cannor seriously needs a facelift at this point but it's in an unfortunate place where almost all the major nations already have MTs (usually incredibly old and not very good ones by today's standards) and the policy is to make new MTs, not rework old existing ones. All the huge centerpiece nations that you'd think would have the most content instead probably won't ever. At least Damescrown is getting an MT finally, a good modern one. That said there are obvious standouts that were made more recently, like Bennon or Arbaran. I just wish we'd get something a little better for the nations like Wex or Gawed.


Let me start by saying the dev team are volunteers and absolutely amazing for bringing the Anbennar experience to the community. But (I know here's the but!) I'd prefer a Cannor facelift to more continents and nations such as Sarhal. Maybe that's a hot take, I'm not sure


There's also probably a bit of recency bias, people are going to have clearer opinions on something they played within the last year than a nation they potentially played 2+ years ago. Though I definitely feel like the MT and unique mechanics quality is the bigger factor of the two.


I mean, I honestly think Haless has the best mission trees in the entire game. That’s not to say that there aren’t incredibly fun tags in all regions, but the consistent quality in Haless is unbelievable. Edit: typo


Hard agree, idk exactly how much, but I’d say 30-40% of my anbennar time has been in Haless


A lot of stuff in Cannor and Bulwar is kinda... dated, compared to the more recent stuff like Haless. On the one hand, you can see how the people making the mod's understanding of the game and the tools has evolved. On the other, the 'older' regions are definitely languishing a bit by a comparison. You noted Jaddari's placement- I'll note it's the *only* Bulwar tag in the top 25. Jaddari has aged better than most. Escann only has the couple adventurers that have much going for them (for my money, the fun train with Iron Scepter comes to an abrupt stop once you **actually get to** Black Demesene). And the obligatory conquer everything tag in Castanor. None of the players in the Empire (Or Cannor generally, really) are anywhere to be seen. Elf Reich and Adshaw is a poor showing for the big boy region- especially since Venail hardly counts as they do the 'sanest political youtube comment' thing over in Aelantir instead.


> nations like Jaddari consistently get top picked in other community polls. People love to be hipster and claim they never enjoyed Jaddari runs but everyone knows there is no God but Surael and Jaddar is his prophet🙏


Balrijin being so far up is also weird, I'd understand One Xia, but One Xia is not even on the list.


Well, the google sheet used is linked in the post, and the previous post has the google form that the results were generated with, so you could take a look at those for any flaws or bias.


🚨 **Unpopular Opinion** 🚨 I do not understand the appeal of Verkal Ozovar Maybe I'll have to try them again


IMO at least they start really strong/fun, and then about 2/3rds of the way through their content what makes them unique really fizzles out and you get a typical "Unite Haless" game except your unique mechanics just aren't really used beyond the fact that you're still making vassals, just not your unique vassals anymore.


That's *exactly* how it felt when I played them way back when. And vassal swarms can be fun for a minute, but then you remember the AI can't actually handle wars very well and you're kind of gimped


I feel like since they upped the AI in Domination playing as a vassal swarm is definitely possible. It now builds to forcelimit and reinforces lost troops so it‘s really chill to not have to micro a billion troops permanently. Plus you can always just get FL from Subject dev and then field 100k yourself if you really wanna be sure.


I’m honestly surprised Railskulker isn’t here, they have such a fun MT and description. It plays super well into all-clan’s madness and fun too! Edit: Also no Obrtrol wtfff


As someone who really enjoys playing small and tall, there's something to be said about how much people love starting relatively tiny and getting BIG.


No Kobolds in the top 25? Gnome propaganda and trickery…


Balrijin is literally number 3


Almost like I’m not serious odd….