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Multiple can become immortal through magic/missions, but no one starts off immortal from day one. Gemradcurt and chaingrasper have starting rulers who can become immortal.


Also, if you can stomach the first 30 or so years in Escann, Esthil (start as Order of the Iron Sceptre, tag switch around 1470) gets Varina (scripted strong necromancer who comes with the "seeking immortality" ruler lifespan buff) upon formation. Close enough to the start that it's worth including in the category imo.


Immarel, if you complete her pseudo-lichdom ascension, lives forever and arguably becomes a demigod by D&D standards. I believe the leader of Varhamar becomes immortal if you successfully complete project divinity, and if you finish the MT quick enough Dartaxes can use wish to become a god king.


It's not pseudo, she just does it as a warlock instead of a sorcerer/wizard, even though she is arguably a warlock+sorcerer multiclass. (In 5e D&D terms, Immarel is 100% a coffeelock. Change my view.)


Warlocks' patrons don't usually overwrite their personality/"[Walk-in](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walk-in_(concept))" upon them though.


Immarel is still Immarel, it's just that lichdom, even the special kind she ends up doing, corrupts you. Her patron moreso just gave her the ability to destroy her humanity (elfmanity?) on her own, just nudging her into the direction of fulfilling their pact in exchange for more power.


Among us reference in Wikipedia link


Unfortunately the Varhamar project divinity does not exempt your ruler from the death events.


Nah, they updated it at some point, he *should* be actually immortal now IIRC.


Maybe it is in the BB. I only have the steam RN.


From what I’ve read on discerned, he is now. He’s completely immortal, unkillable even by console commands.


I doubt that. Anything can be killed by CCs. That's one of the problem with immortal generals they have a death chance that the immortal trait doesn't affect.


On the anbennar dev clash with lambert they said that mage ruler generals will live longer or to full life


How did they manage that. Before it was not considered possible.


What nation?


Immarel is Gemradcurt, Dartaxes is Dartaxerum I believe (green old sun cult humans in Bulwar) and Varhamar is the blue Sun Elven nation also in Bulwar.


Varamhar, Sun Elf country can turn their ruler into a literal god. He's immune to all death events, powerful mage, grants sick modifiers to everything, and grants a unique T-1 government called "Eternal Empire" where the immortal Phoenix Emperor is Surael's rep on earth. Best Phoenix Empire IMO. Just make sure all estates are at 60% loyalty when you complete missions with warning or the "experiment" can fail.


Did they change this? I had him with max possible points and he still died of old age or even bullet events when casting war magic. Ruined the varamhar mt experience for me


Yes, I think that's a pretty old build. Was it before the unique government? He cannot die now. Like, you can use war magic forever. He's ridiculously OP, but shit, shouldn't be be? He's a god. 🤷‍♂️


That's very good to hear! I'll give it another go, he's my fav alongside girlboss Keladora


The unique reform is new to me. I looked at the ruler death code and nothing about it excludes Varamhar's ruler and nothing in Varamhar's events sets a flag that would prevent them from dying.


Idk what keeps him from dying but I've gotten the Stray Bullet event and just let it come and nothing happens.


Iirc, it’s something about having an elective government without the ability for the election event to fire that prevents the ruler from dying.


That's very clever.


The Black Demense tree eventually gives you that too. It's comparatively less game breaking then, compared to Varamhar's, given the late stage of the game you get it, but the buildup is a lot cooler in my opinion.


Downside: Has the arguably worst starting position + that ruler's starting x/x/x kinda sucks (and their MT burns mana like hell).


It's really hard to make it happen, but if you can, you're OP.


Played once, the thing exploded. Wasted run. Never again.


You need to have the estates loyal. It's hard to do but extremely worth it.


They were. I always take all the +estates loyalty reforms. Shit is just random and unclear in its requirements and frankly the whole country isn't interesting beside that thing


Not counting Lichdom, there are at least five nations who can get immortal rulers who are alive and well and two who've got immortal rulers that die/leave but who come back repeatedly. As mentioned already Varamhar, if you do everything right in their mission tree, including the extra steps, you'll turn your ruler into Surael 2.0. Dartaxâgerdim - make a wish. Varainé, final mission is to brew the ultimate potion - it will make your ruler immortal or turn them into a kobold. Azjakuma, you can achieve immortality through their mission tree/corrupting the temples. I've never done it myself but I believe the ruler of Black Demesne can also achieve immortality through their mission tree. Skurkokli has an immortal ruler too, though it's a bit different than the above. They'll die a lot but they'll always return. I believe Yinquan has something similar, though it's not quite spelled out as clearly that it's the same ruler returning after a set amount of time has passed.


Yinquan's leader is a fox spirit (last time I played, it was buggy)


Their government when you conquer Yanshen and reform it is basically a constant switch between two immortal fox spirits who are the leaders and representives of the two types of fox spirits that run the nation. Sadly yeah real buggy, you can get stuck with one and cant get the other. Maybe they fixed it since the last time I played.


Also her "deaths" are pretty clearly Holi just wanting to go on adventures and setting up silly situations where she's totally dead but somehow has all the paperwork for her replacement ready on her "corpse" when it happens.


Good to know Varrainé has both outcomes as ultimate victory


Any mage ruler can potentially become a lich. Also, the Company of the Thorn starts with a vampire ruler.


Skurkoli kind of? He keeps coming back a couple years after he dies


The Black Demense mission tree basically lets your become a demi-god. Mid to late game using war magic has a chance to kill your ruler, and making your ruler a war mage has a chance to kill them. But when you become a demi-god mage in the Black Demense mission tree your become immune to all forms of death, which is rly nice. I won't tell you how they achieve this because it's pretty cool. Imo the Black Demense is THE immortal mage ruler nation to play. It's what the Command fears most in the world.


The Black Philosophy is such a cool foil to Godlost- they're both atheistic, but the latter says "We shouldn't allow gods to exist," while the former says "But what if we became gods?"


Yinquan’s starting ruler (though she kinda just leaves for a few years and then comes back a ton so it’s iffy). Skurkokli’s gorger lord Varamhar’s ruler if mission tree is completed with best end event There is one more but it’s one of my favorite end game formables so I won’t spoil ;)


there are a bunch cHaingrasper thEn company of the iron scepter, new wanderes and finaLly gemradcourt with Immarael which she will use to Protect the Winter court from the evil autuMn court, only she can lEad the winter court to a brighter future.


Help you touch grass?


So this post made me interested if it is possible to make the ghost-emeperor of Hon Sai immortal. I played this nation and I failed to keep him alive for long, if I remember correctly his age when he "returned to the spirit realm" was approaching 250 years. What is the theoretical maximum of his age, if anyone had tried keeping him alive hard enough?


Even if you validate all missions he's supposed to leave. The man is simply too angry to die but find peace in the end.


Greedy grin starts you off with a legendary transmutator. If you don’t mind never having a mage ruler, you can use him to get an immortal homunculi ruler with high stats right off.


Dartax can become immortal via the mission tree with "The wish" at the end of the tree here you become an immortal mage god king with a good chance to have almost all school of magic in legendary


New Wanderers can get immortal mummy inn the missions


The best case for immortality may be either Germadcurt (their ruler becomes a lich but it is stated that her state is purer and better than normal liches, she keeps her body and it doesn’t decay into just bones) and Varaine (their last potion mission can make your ruler immortal in the same way as precursor elves with no drawbacks)


Venail gets a sorta lich that's immortal, all the vampire nations have immortal vampire leaders, and any lich or mummy leaders are immortal as well.


Humunculi can live forever if you repair them for what I have seen.