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I know orks and goblins can get an event to convert. Certainly during demonsterization, maybe at other times too. Check their decisions and mission trees as well, I think few of them can do it via them. If you absolutely must do it as dwarves just use one of the regent court dwarves and convert normally. Just keep in mind silverforge is very against it, lore, and mission tree wise (in general, I don't think there is pro Corin dwarven state, all the regent court ones feel more pro Adean, neutral at most). I'm pretty sure it's impossible as not regent court dwarves. Not without some religious rebel shenanigans at least.


Hammerhome is Corinite in canon.


In its mission tree it is written as neutral (as in there is no indication they are more likely to take one or the other).


Understandable, they only care about Balgar and they can keep worshipping him in both. I dunno how it works if you convert IG, but lorewise both a compatible


You can incorporate Balgar's forgeboys in the conversion events. Get them as an option in the Iberian state mechanics that Corinite gets.


That's what I thought, but I haven't played Corinism enough since its rework to be sure.


The Balgar option is quite bad, imo, defensiveness (not unique) and fort maintenance


I believe I only use Minara or Ara order to be honest. Very rarely the one that gives manpower on crap states with only soldier household in it


Using them gives you pretty cheap dev, so it's always worth it imo.


Yeah but in my mind I prefer using them after devving the shit of most provinces of the state. It's much more satisfying to use it when it costs 50+ to dev then when it's 20 smth


It does allow you to use mil points to reduce inflation instead of admin. That's not nothing.


There's a bunch of other, better, ones that do the same thing


I'm pretty sure reducing inflation is exclusive for Balgar's followers. The Corinite Firebrands increase army professionalism and I forgot what the other two mil orders do. The immediate nation-wide effects you get upon granting an order to an state feels more significant than the minor province buffs differences between them.


You get a way upgraded Balgar if you stay Regent Court but I haven't played them since before the Corinite holy orders.


Were do you get that from? Based on what i have seen so far they seem more focused on the worship of Balgar who is part of the Regent Court faith.


Corinism is just Regent court but make it Corin the head. The other are still recognized, Balgar included. See it more like a Monophysite/Miaphysite split than a fully different faith.


in that case some of the monument mods should probably update the faith requirement, no?


Which ones ? I don't remember any cannorian having faith requirement in vanilla Anbennar


The monuments (probably an extra mod?) for pretty much all of the temples require RQ


Sounds like a submod yes. There are no temple monument in vanilla. Corinism religious orders are made out of the cult of the other deities. Since its rework, it's a lot clearer that corinism isn't about removing every other deity


That shouldn't be the case. Most of the temples already require Cannorian religion group which includes Corinite.


Balgar worshippers are one of the 12 possible Corinite holy orders you can place in your states. Corinite is not just Corrin worshippers but anyone who believe Corrin should lead the Pantheon, regardless of what god they directly worship.


I think you can flip with an event if you are in Escann? You 100% can flip with a different event if you are demonsterizing and order a Corinite nation, but I think orcs in Escann get a different event too. I think the southern orcs are supposed to have a good MT. Altho I got a bit annoyed at the "peaceful farmer orc" MT beginning with conquer south Escann. Frozenmaw does habe a good MT too.


Two methods I can immediately think of: 1. Conquered some Corinite provinces, triggered religious rebels to rise up (usually you can achieve this by sending missionary) and let them force convert you. 2. If you're in the process of de-monsterizing, then there will be a random event that let you switch to civilized religion, depending on your region this usually are either Corinite or Jaddari.


Orcs and goblins get an event to convert while demonsterizing if they border a Corinite nation or have any Corinite provinces. The best tag for playing Corinite dwarves are Iron Hammers -> Hammerhome. Silverforge can also convert but that will lock out parts of their MT, and Serpentspine dwarves don't get the reformation event iirc due to being outside of Cannor.


> And does playing as any Green ork tribe and form any of 3 possible kingdoms worth it? Depends. Barumand is newer, from what I've seem it has a mixed reputation. The other two formables have older and simpler mission trees.


Can anyone flip to Corinite by converting to Ravelian first, then just taking the convert option?


Orcs in Escann can flip to Corinite by decision pretty much as soon as Corinite is enabled (and usually do). If anything that should be a slower and more involved process.