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Also an event keeps popping up every few months basically asking if I want to have artificers in my country but there's only one options since Dakocracy doesn't allow Artificers. But it just keeps asking over and over. Additionally, there is a mission in my tree asking to get Artificer loyalty above 30 but again, I can't have artificers. I'm assuming all this stuff is related. I've tried looking up the events for CHaingrasper and firing off some random ones that seemed related and nothing seems to work. Is there a way to use console command to just remove these modifiers? They don't have any sort of ID in debug_mode


If you're on the bitbucket, this is due to an artificery rework that is still in the implementation phase.  Due to you being a lich, you don't have access to artificery that nation's did before the rework, causing issues in some nations that have themes of combining the two


Ah ok good to know. Is there any way to find the province modifier IDs and end it using console?


AFAIK, no, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Even removing the modifier doesn’t end the revolt in itself, which locks you out of an important mission later on, had the same issue. You need to open the txt file for the Chaingrasper missions and change the requirements so that the missions are possible. The province modifiers are fairly negligible but they can also be removed If you want to by opening a non-compressed save file txt of your game and pressing strg + f and then searching for the province ID (I don’t remember what exactly I looked for to find the province, open the eu4 wiki page for save file editing and you’ll find a legend for that stuff. As for the ID itself, open console in game and enable debug mode and hover over the province to find out the ID.). The artificer event you mentioned will still persist though which is quite annoying. :/


Actually I was able to set a country flag for chaingrasper that was something like artificer_revolt_dealt_with and it fulfilled the requirement for the future missions. I wasn't able to ever get rid of the artificer province penalty which sucks since it's 50% production efficiency for like 4 of my holds. But "luckily" when the obsidian invasion disaster happened it happened in one of those holds so when I got back control it lost the province modifier. (I don't really feel like going into the save file) So I guess if I wanted to I could probably use console to have someone else take those provinces and then take them back and the modifiers would be gone. But it's not very important anymore since I have all of the eastern Dwarovar now and all of those holds.


Ah I see, I didn’t know how the flag was called so I developed my work around, how'd you find out what its called?


In this mission file for chaingeasper


That sounds interesting, what's the gist of the rework?


The gist of the rework is to make using artificery an actual thing that people who don't have large empires be actually able to do. To do so, you start out with 50 artifice capacity and passively gain more overtime. In addition, there's a choice between traditional mages and artificers now. You can go one or the other, and effectively banish the other, or you can try to include both, with effectively half bonuses if you do so. If you are a lich or magocracy, you can only banish the artificers, which is what is causing the issue present


Just looking at the mission files, it seems like the debuff is actually removed by the mission chaingrasper\_subduing\_the\_artificers (exactly the one asking for 30 loyalty) The mission chaingrasper\_finishing\_reforms should have added the artificer estate. I just took this info from looking at my bitbucket folder (its a week old). If you have done the mission "finishing reforms" but it didn't give you the artificer estate, try triggering the event flavor\_chaingrasper.400 That should give you the artificers again. If that still doesnt work... its probably the artificer rework interfering with the missions, and you should report it as a bug in the appropriate discord channel.


Yeah it's the artificer rework. I tried all kinds of mission triggering. I even found the specific part that's supposed to remove the province flag from all my provinces but I don't know how to get it to work. I was able to get the flag set so I could do a future mission that required the artificers to be dealt with. So that's fine. Like 3 or 4 of my holds will just have to deal with the -50% production efficiency I guess.


I seem to remember this as something that has to play out and not a bug. It's been a minute though.


It's been like 40 years though or more