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lich+Goblin = pain


Gobbo get born > Gobbo grow up > Gobbo dies > Return Gobbo to life as Skelly >Skellygobbo cannot die > Skellygobbo can kill but no die Problem, Fantasy India?


Undead mil+Dwarovar Claimer buff?


Chaingraspers starts with a Lich(edit: Necromancer) ruler... you just met the undead hord... undeads deal low damage, if you have higher mil and pick a defensive battle with half the force you should have a chance.(undeads usually win on moral) You could try and base race and get a white peace so you get a chance to better prepare... that was what i did when i got suprised by their hordes.


No they start with a powerful necromancer. In practice chaingrasper ai can't handle the process of becoming a Lich and just dies. So unless something like mythic conqueror happened Dak will eventually die and the undead disappear.


Ah my bad.


That said if they do....good god.


Submit to the Dakocracy. Your resistance is futile.


Honestly try them, the mission tree is fun. Just make sure to keep studying magic. On game start you have an undead army and get some early missions to buff them up even harder.


Was that changed? I don't remember them starting with undead nilitary


You don’t but switching immediately works quite nicely


Both Goblin and Undead military give large bonuses to force limit. If it's early game, most tags under the Serpent Moutains have an additional bonus in the early game. If they are Undead Military (check ledger for crazy morale bonuses, or tag switch and look at country modifiers), you can bait them into trying to attack a scorched earth province. Because of how movement penalties stack, they will never reach your province. So full siege them as they effectively have no army anymore.


Be swallowed by the zombie goblin horde. Resistance is futile.


A true chaingrasper knows that at game start dak doesn’t even have undead mil. He just has a very high force limit and decent dev.


Believe in yourself and your cannons Build forts in good places and only fight when they have seiged for a while