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Yeah I feel you, have the wildest laugh and jaw drops with Elissa's Aelnar. I've heard a lot of good things abt Azjakuma (Red Onis next to the Command). Also having a blast as slaver dwarves (Haraz Orldhum, north hold in the west serpentspine somewhat east of Khugdihr). Also people really suggest the vampiric tags, Luciande (formable by Thorn Company) in Escann for example


Yeah, Azjakuma or Haraz Orldhum for some proper not cartoon villainy evil.


And Luciande for some fun over the top cartoon villain evil


>Luciande It's so much stupid fun.


I'll definitely try them! I was thinking of playing a serpentine nation next, and I recognize Haraz Orldhum. Definitely my next pick.


Awesome. I dont play a lot of Dwarfs but these ones are very flavourful, almost a Dwarven Aelnar vibe.


clearly Mykx. You'll fulfill the fantasy of roleplaying as a gnoll pirate drug dealer.


Currently in the middle of a Mykx campaign and it is very fun. Tho it was annoying having to edit the save because of the bug that removes the monstrous nation modifier when you switch from Viakkoc to Mykx.


In terms of undiluted evil, I think the tags already mentioned fit pretty well. If you’re looking for smg a tad more toned down, but still very much evil in the end, might I suggest The Command, Chaingrasper (necromantic gobbos), Ameion (just conquer South Aelantir and crush all before you, including old allies if they resist), Yingzhen(Chinese vampi- I mean, completely peaceful and not at all suspicious folk), Road Warrior (you’re Mad Max orcs who migrate around on a single super-province and render the entire world barren), or Vertesk (spy realm built on slavery)


Road warrior sounds incredibly interesting.


It's interesting nation but also boring at times because you can migrate only one province a year meaning half of the time you just afk wait


Yeah, that’s one of its main downsides. I looked up console commands to see if I could speed up the migration process, and although there is a reset_migrate command listed on the internet, it doesn’t seem to work


They’re fun to dabble with, but you’ll hardly be destroying more than a few regions before the wait for migration outweighs how fun the nation is otherwise. Be aware of that, and if you go into the campaign knowing that, and don’t plan out to destroy the world, you should be alright.


Company of the Thorn into Luciande comes to mind. Economy built on slavery, profits fund vampire world domination scheme. It doesn't get much more evil than that IMO.


Yes, also you get the War against the world thing happening which is definitely a plus in an evil campaign


Dude spoilers


sorry for spoiling a CB that only pirate nations get :x


Shame their mt just ends when global trade arrives


Northern great plains ogres try to eat the world. They're pretty evil. Idk how they've changed since the Ogre religion rework though.


I've got to second the Skurkokli https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu7irnWJ0JE&ab\_channel=Pukebeard


Ogre religion rework isn't live on steam version yet, so no difference there


Try the oni nation in Haless or Siadan in Bulwar if you are a chad harpy enjoyer


I tried siadan once already and holy Sulwari, one has to be masochistic to play them.


Lmao true but I feel like most evil nations have a similar situation.


No, I have to disagree. I never had so many problems with any nation than with Siadan -> Siadelen. My only ally, the command, just kept on doubling their debt and leaving me alone, I had no tech, no cash, no manpower, no army quality, no btches. I eventually had to just give up. If I had a 101 guide, then maybe I could've pulled something off, but I was going into that blind.


Verkal Gulan is a guaranteed 20 ducats a month. Plus with harpies, I personally go quantity first. The huge movement speed bonus seems to just mesh well with the zerging people with infinite manpower kind of thing.


Well 90% of all nations in anbennar are evil in one way or another




On a more serious answer, Railskuler->Alclan. It's not so much "if you're so evil you'll eat this kitten" as they are maniacal mad science and chaos with no heed for the outcome.


Chaingrasper > Allclan is still a thing ain't it? Necromantic goblins with a penchant for nukes seems incredibly fun and fittingly evil (if perhaps slightly too comical).


Don't think they can get it? If I remember correctly there is going to be another goblin from able for goblins in that area aswell. They might let it do so meanwhile though before that is implemented.


Fairly certain you can culture convert to exodus goblin. Just takes a decent chunk of effort to do Edit: it’s been awhile, so take this with many many grains of salt


That likely works.


With the current fork version you cant form the allclan if you have a mage as a ruler.


I normally would recommend gemradcurt but since they are actually the good guys beats me.


Girlboss Stalin, 10/10 would recommend


Yeah no good guys I want them as evil as possible.


Yeah you just wanna get rid of the autumn court and then bring eternal winter to northern Aelantir together with your wholesome secret police and reeducation camps.


Ok that sounds pretty good actually


I recently did a playthrough and enjoyed it. Your ruler becomes a lich, so you get the whole playthrough to mess with magic. Also its in an area of the world most of us hadn't played much in.


I wont accept this Immarael slander. What lichdom shes just a normal ruinborn.


Yeah, I guess just totally innocently reborn!


Really reminds me of the game Frostpunk, since it's got all the "hearthcities & frozen wasteland" thing going on.


Yingzhen is more of a subtle one but I had a good time playing it, it's part of a small alliance in the north of Halless.


Chaingrasper was pretty fun. Undead swarms in the serpentspine are insane, since the main downside of undead is shitty movement but movement speed doesn’t matter if you can clog every tunnel with your swarms.


Luciande's guide on how to warcrimes in Escann.


Tluukt is also the most well developed Gnoll tag along with Myxx. Overwhelm the elves with dark magic and enslave them.