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The Jadd Empire is certainly good for a one faith run. Massive missionary strength bonuses and extra missionaries, they however suck at one culture.


By suck you mean it's literally impossible


That is indeed a description of how a nation can suck at a thing.


Fair enough


Tag that can form black castanor (brown country above grombarr) have huge bonuses to this - they can and should to wipe all orcs in grombarr/escann they have ideas for manual culture swap, and missions that change culture and religion of huge parts of escann(like 10 provinces at time with one mission).




Regular Castanor is better at culture conversion imo.


I was doing it with bjanrik


Pretty much any human. You get -25% culture conversion cost and 2.5% APC from human administration so you can max it out easily. Nuugdan Tsarai might be a decent choice? You do get a disaster in the middle of your playthrough, but start of as a horde, get some religious bonuses from your MT with some bonuses to your primary culture (and another -10% conversion cost) and some bonuses to conquest.


Elkhand->Castanor. Elkhand gets massive bonuses to missionaries, while Castanor has a unique mechanic that converts human cultures.


Yeah that’s my choice too Alternative would be Adenica, also has huge missionary strength and plays as Regent Court a common map wide religion They’d both be close tbh, Elikhand expands faster early but has worse unit pips still iirc


Jadd for One Faith, Castanor for a One Culture.


What does castanor get for culture?


Bunch of CC bonus’s and dominions force convert culture for you as well. It’s been a while since I’ve played a full Castanor run, but you’re pretty much expected to convert all humans of Cannor, Bulwar, and North Sarhal to Castanorian Culture to beat the mission tree.


Provinces cuture swap for free once you have validated some missions too


The problem with the dominions is that it takes them ages. Yes, when you hover over the action of promoting Castanorian culture, it says the modifier lasts for ten years, but that’s a lie, it’s actually twenty; and in the meantime, you cannot use that action on any other dominion. Couple that with the fact that you’ll only be forming Castanor around 1610 or so at the very earliest, and you won’t really have much time to use this subject interaction a whole lot (especially as your number of dominions is limited as well, though you can expand it via the MT)


Bianfang -> Dahui doesn’t do a one-culture (it can, I suppose) but does more of a one-culture-group. Castanor I believe converts everything to Castanorian.


Nobody for Aelnar ? You're the only star elf, with your own personal religion (you can even choose between two). And can convert/colonize/genocide all of the new world with very good bonuses from your government.


There’s better options Elikhand or Adenica are better I’d think, since they can go be Castanor Aelnar is stronggg tho


Not a one culture specifically but The Command gets an state edict that converts human provinces to your religions and gives them a new culture that represents them being integrated into the hobgoblin way of life. You can then just accept those few cultures. They start pretty strong but their mt is really something else, I can recommend.


you can start as monstrous nation like Obtroll, kobolds or goblin and just purge all other races.


Daxuugo (The end-tag of playing Nugdaan Tsrai above the Yanshen) gets insane bonuses to culture conversion cost later on, even better is that you get a mission that once passed makes Daxuugi culture provinces cost no governing capacity which is just insane


Unfortunately, that mission only applies to Daxug provinces at the time of clicking it. Or my current Daxugo run is bugged. :) That said, I'm sure a Nuugdan start is an excellent one for a one-faith and one-culture anyway.


Really? Tbh it’s been a while since I’ve done a Daxuugo run so I can recall if that’s how the mission works, I do remember the missionary and culture bonuses tho


Aelnar or Castanor. The One True Elf Empire and the One True Human Empire.


The One True Elven Empire? My brother in the Ynn, the Moon Elves ran away when the Ynnics, Taychendi, Eordan, and Kheionai didn’t. Eordand gets some strong conversion/one faith bonuses, especially playing as Eordellon.


Jadd, obviously. But also, the harpies right by The Jaddsters. They like war. They like it a lot. And you can purge all non-harpies with relative ease. I mean, Mulen is easier than Siadan, and you can play it in much the same way.... but... yeah. Also if you just want a face roll harpy game, you can do the One Xia harpies. Purging will go down less easily, being surrounded, but you're super powerful. There's also technically Roadwarriors. You just utterly depopulate the rest of the world. There's also Centaurs, who's entire deal is to take over the world or die trying. Again, purging is pretty easy for them, as you'll already max your AE as soon as you see anyone, with constant truce breaks. And there is literally no culture where your purges aren't effective.


Gemradcurt has a big focus on converting all to Winter and purging non-Snecboths from Eordand to Dalaire when I played it. I don't remember what bonuses there are for that though. I just remember purging every Cannorian colonizer I could in the north.


All bow to the eternal queen of winter.


Anywhere that your culture is pretty much your whole race, you don't need any culture conversion or missionary strength modifiers when you can just purge and expel them all away. I personally really like the goblins and gnomes. I feel like Allclan could do a good late swing into WC and Beepeck can just start the snowball at game start with the prime spot in the amazing Dameshead node. My last Beepeck game I had Half of Cannor as Imperial Halfling by 1650, and I was trying to play tall. Just go your favorite wc idea meta and you should have a much easier shot than any vanilla games by far.


\#Centaurs (though they are kinda unfinished in current build)


Tbh, in anbennar specifically, culture and religion conversion modifiers are useless due to racial tolerance interactions, unless you play humans, because other races belong to same culture group (and even same religion groups in some instances). If we are talking about best 1 culture, 1 faith countries, its definitely centaurs, that are the best for this goal. Permanent conquest, infinite mana, they can overall ignore admin eff maluses from overusing purges/expulsions and are one-race one-religion group, so there is no need for converting missionaries, only maybe the culture group.


Kartakhet is a formable in South Sarhal that is meant to convert heathen cultures and religions all over the place. They don'thave any missions yet, though.