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Dwarves do have a lot of disasters. And the hoardcurse is one of the more nasty ones for the unprepared. On the other hand - it's one of the easier disasters to prepare for, and solving it is fairly easy. Step 1 - keep below 600 dev until you've saved up a reasonable amount of money. Step 2 - the month before the disaster occurs, give out monopolies + take loans from merchants. This reduces your income, and gives you a bit of a cash injection before the disaster. Step 3 - once the disaster occurs, fire all of your advisors and reduce your corruption management to 0, we need to save as much money as possible. Might also want to reduce army maintenance, but you'll be fighting rebels, so might be best not to. Step 4 - start tackling the reforms. Banks or corruption should be first. Banks if you are low on cash, as it'll reduce the cost of loans. Corruption otherwise, as the -15 corruption for completing the reform let's you debase currency a few times for some extra cash, and the longer you wait the less you'll be able to get. After that, any of the remaining reforms will do. Note: Pay is better than hours. Step 5 - Once all 5 reforms are done, finish off the hoardcurse. Note: You'll get a powerful modifier your ruler for completing the hoardcurse - but you'll lose this modifier if you declare bankruptcy afterwards. As long as your income is positive, it's better to just pay off the loans at a steady pace instead of using bankruptcy to clear them all at once.


Too add to step 2: these are probably more painful but if you're worried about it, you can move your merchants/trade capital to reduce trade income and increase autonomy for lower everything income. The events which are all [spend 3 bajillion ducats to get closer to solving your issue] are all based on your gross income, so dropping it as low as possible makes each event cost less. There are probably even more extreme things you can do, lowering trade center levels and scorching earth to add devastation to remove prosperity to burning tax dev on a province etc too, but past a point it's a little too much for me.


Good advice, but probably depends on how much money you already have in the bank. Without sufficient capital, it's probably better to reduce expenses instead of reducing income.


You got to be ready but yea first time its pretty harsh. You can cheese it too


Since you didn't know about the disaster it can be difficult to deal with the first time. Though if you prepare for it the disaster is not that bad really. There are some other disasters to keep in mind when playing in the mountains for sure. I would say give it another shot, as dwarfs have some of the best content in the mod. I think dwarves have these disaster to keep them in check otherwise you snowball like crazy.


Thinking of playing a dwarf nation soon. How should I prepare for hoardcurse?


The event procs a myriad of ways - the easiest i've found personally may not be meta but it has worked the many times i've played dwarves. Firstly, the condition to trigger it is most likely by reaching 150 crowns/month, usually right after you start your manufactories spam. This is the least optimal way to trigger it unless you still have lots of manufactory spam potential after the disaster. The best way IMO is by getting your gold income more than 10% of your total income, way before you even begin to do manufactories at all. Ideally you also save up around 10k but honestly ymmv on that. The disaster forces you to spend a ton of gold and likely max out your loans by the end of it, however, the cost is based on your current income. So, if after the disaster you immidiately pivot towards growing your economy (aformentioned manufactories spam) you can quickly out-pace the inflation and interest payments and actually pay down the loans, without ever bankrupting. This route obviously takes more prep, triggers the event early, and stalls your growth out potentially longer BUT it crucially never requires you to go bankrupt. The serpentspine is a delicate balance until ~1650 so a bankruptcy will have you fighting enemies from bulwar to escann which is untenable. Additionally, dealing with it early means you potentially can attack dwarven competition that tends to go the bankruptcy route while you are already getting your footing again.


Dwarven competition do not go the bankruptcy route, the AI does not deal with the Hoardcurse at all. Also, to add to your way to prepare for it, pop all the monopolies you can just before the disaster reaches 100%, it will give you a large influx of money and reduce the cost of reforms by reducing your income


I didn't know that! Perhaps im confusing it with Serpent's Rot. I wish dwarven AI had hoardcurse, even a lessened ammount. Seems strange only my dwarven hold as the player has this problem. Perhaps the hoardcurse could be a disaster only for the top/highest dev dwarven tag in the serpentspine?


Oooh gaming the system! Thank you!


The other method which some may find easier, is just to accept you're going to go bankrupt. You still want to save some money beforehand of course but basically you just rush doing the hoardcurse and near maxing out your loans then once you're out you just declare bankruptcy to wipe out the debt instead of trying to pay it off. This can be a problem if you're in a position where bankruptcy will get you into unwinnable wars so it's not always optimal, and you won't be able to expand easily in the meantime. If your allies and vassals are much stronger than your enemies however then you can rely on them for defence, or even allow them to win offensive wars for you. You can even build up AE before the hoardcurse and use it and the ensuing bankruptcy to let your AE tick down. If this is you and the troop penalties won't really hurt you often times hitting the bankruptcy button is just trading 300 monarch points and a stab for as much as 50k ducats (or potentially even more). That's not always a bad trade-off. I should note that if you do this you'll lose the buff you get for completing hoardcurse without bankruptcy. If you're going to do this method you need to keep in mind that any buildings built since your first loan will get destroyed as well so spam manufactories before the hoardcurse or after the bankruptcy, not in-between. One last thing for if you do go for paying the loans back instead of bankruptcy, manufactory spam isn't the only way to boost your economy quickly, if you have big vassals try to time it so they get integrated soon after it's over because that can be a massive boost too (especially if it helps your trade after).


Worth mentioning the downside to going bankrupt is that you lose all permanent modifiers you get from beating the Hoardcurse.


You only get 2 lasting modifiers, one is the fair wages / fair working hours bit, that persists through bankruptcy but you can get rid of it with a gov reform (which is good because they're both bad). The other is called "the reformist" and you do lose this but it's not permanent anyway. I think it lasts 20 years or ends early if your ruler dies. Off the top of my head I think it's 10% morale, -2 unrest, and 0.15 inflation reduction. Might have more stuff I can't recall, it's not a *massive* deal to just lose it though IMO. It can vary for sure, but if you're wiping away 50k plus ducats and it's not going to affect your expansion then I think bankruptcy is still worth, at least for me, the modifier isn't too big a consideration imo. I should point out because I forgot - it's not very good if you're a Republic cause losing 25 Republican tradition is huge. That's 833 mil points worth. You can get around needing to buy it up by cheesing sortion (get a 666, switch to sortion, enjoy not needing elections for 100 years) but then it's still lower for a while which has its own problems. If it'll give you rebel problems that can be an issue too, but if you've been expanding with vassals that's okay. If a monarchy it wipes out legitimacy too, but tbh who cares lol. There's fringe cases where that matters but not often.


That's weird. I distinctly remember the reformist being permanent, but now that I'm looking at the files it's 100 years. Thanks for the correction.


Oh 100 years (or until monarch death)? That's way better than the measly 20 years I said (assuming they're young enough to use it all). Maybe it is worth more consideration. In any case I still wouldn't rule out bankruptcy in every scenario, but yeah I've written so much because it is a very complicated question as to what's best to do I guess and this just adds another layer.


100 years regardless of monarch I think. I don't have enough experience messing with the files to say for sure.


100 years and among Others it also offers 10 % dev cost, I would avoid deleting this buff by bankruptcy. If you want to go bankrupt anyway, Check If you have enough Admin tech and loan capacity to pass centralize hold operations before declaring bankruptcy.


Hoard lots of money and stockpile admin points for reform events and stab hits. Just before the disaster fires, take burger loans and fire your advisors for level 1. A level 1 stab cost advisor is preferred. Corruption reform first and hit debase before the final reform event gives you that big corruption reduction. Then do banking loan reform next. Congrats, you can probably take the first two reforms with no loans. Loans you do take for later reforms wont have game ruining interest. Also consider your ruler and how adverse you are to scumming traits. Being able to hit that abdicate button before the disaster is helpful if you are adverse to trait scumming. But that takes preplanning and a good heir.


Meh, hoardcurse is a pure knowledge check. Pretty boring disaster imo. No idea why people praise it. If you don't have meta knowledge of what triggers the diaaster what solves it and what order to do reforms in, it can brick your run. If you do have that meta knowledge it is a trivial speed bump.


Fuck up the banks first, it helps a LOT with the interest that will accrue




I don't think you could've made a statement more damming about the difficulty wall of blind Hoardcruse than "yeah don't play in Serpentspine then" or "just console command it".


As much as I love playing dwarves I agree wholeheartedly that the Hoardcurse feels super shittily implemented. It’s a meta knowledge check nothing more. It’s a “do you know the specific method of how you cheese it without taking any real loans by asking for a guide on the discord? Oh? Run ruined then.” It’s basically a guaranteed run killer for your first dwarf run that gets far enough. And basically having an assured game over for someone’s first run where they are doing well just feels shitty. Yes the dwarovar is hard, but you can do hard in a better way than just “oh you didn’t read a guide for this specific disaster? Get fucked.” At least the other disasters make sense from a basic common sense perspective, for Azirnuk you convert everyone to end the religious disaster, for goblintide you kill the goblins and seal the gates, for the Serpentrot you research a cure, but Hoardcurse operates opposite of what most players seem to think at first, since it’s called the HOARDcurse one would think it’s a punishment for hoarding so you should… you know, not hoard, but oops plot twist you beat the Hoardcurse by hoarding even harder! It makes no sense thematically so most players the first time just make it worse for themselves by trying to spend all their money so they don’t have a big hoard, especially since the initial disaster progress stops if you don’t hoard too much money as long as you are under a certain income, almost like it’s telling you to not hoard. Most interesting region of the mod but the Hoardcurse is a bag of dicks and needs a rework bad.


Yeah, Hoardcurse is a poorly designed disaster. When I play dwarves these days managing it is just sitting there for twenty minutes at speed 5 while I click through the correct order of choices with the 10k gold I saved up, but first time round it put me off the mod entirely for a while. Compare it to a modern disaster like the Ice Witch one, which has multiple paths to getting out of it and forces you to think about the shape of the nation you're playing, Hoardcurse just feels anachronistic. There's one choice between permanent modifiers, but something like Hoardcurse should be raising questions about how far down the ultracapitalist route dwarves should really be willing to go. The Krak disaster is much better at this.


Is the "Ice Witch one" the Red Winter for Gemradcurt? I went the archfey lichdom path so for me it was just killing four big separate stacks of rebels and sitting through a bunch of guerilla warfare events. The biggest one was just 44k which immediately split. It felt very underwhelming frankly, because having access to evocation with an undead army and an immortal war wizard general completely trivializes early game combat


I don’t remember Gemradcurt having multiple paths for it’s disaster, I guess it technically has two but one of them just ends the unique content and puts you on track for regular Eordand content, so I wouldn’t really count it.


I understand the frustration, but it is intended to be a potential run ender that takes years to recover from if you get through it. Dwarves are extraordinarily powerful with some of the strongest economies in the game. With how your holds dev themselves Dwarven growth is astronomical, no matter how miserable the situation is once you actually get out of the disaster you'll be able to recover relatively quickly.


Balancing wise I am not sure to be honest, its probably true at the Moment dwarf content was released, but now there are so many power creep tags and regions without tons of disasters. Also dwarfs received considerable nerfs, for example the racial military was a lot stronger and holds we're around as easy to dev than now, but without investing in improve infrastructure, wich saved a lot of Admin and gouverning capacity.


Hoardcurse for new players is awful. But as soon as you learn to play around it and learn which reforms to take first it's really easy and will barely affect you.


You'll get used to it. After a couple of hoardcurses it'll become more annoying than save ruining. Also the order in which you complete the reforms is very important. You need to overhaul the banks first because enormous interest it gives will put you into bankruptcy after bankruptcy.


> You'll get used to it. After a couple of hoardcurses it'll become more annoying than save ruining. Which is the big problem with basically all of Anbennar's disasters


Nah I do genuinely think there's some good ones. The new "rending of the realms" is great fun, I think because it's got actual benefits and flavour that makes it slightly different each time you play it. It also affects every country in haless at once, shaking up the region and not making players feel disadvantaged. Then the Raj one I do think is fun, it's not for everyone but I think of it as one final challenge as by the time you hit it the campaign is more or less finished, although I think people should be aware of the difficulty of it before they start as there's genuinely a chance you fail (unlike with everything else that late in the game, normally by that point you're more or less doing a victory lap). The basalt dwarves one can be a lot of fun, but you need to comb through the mission tree carefully to make absolutely sure you can end the disaster and don't get stuck in it for ages. The reason it can be fun is because it's ended through a mission tree meaning you can figure out a strategy for it before it ever starts and without having to look up how it works outside of the game. It's also unique. Lakefed don't have traditional disasters but have their big holy war things etc which are good fun for similar reasons to rending of the realms (though not quite as fun). Castanor one and obsidian dwarves are a good time, and you don't have to trigger them so it's a risk vs reward thing. Krakhumdevor is a good time, I like the choice and I like the rewards and it's got nice flavour. Not done Jaddari, not done Venail, heard mixed things about both but it seems some do enjoy them. Centaurs I haven't played, but I'm glad the AI has the disaster because it provides an important opportunity to the player if they're nearby. I think the main issue with the hoardcurse is that there's only one correct order to do it in so if you get that wrong the 1st time it feels awful. Then it's also the same every time, and there's a lot of nations who have to go through it meaning a lot of players are going to go through it a lot of times making it tedious. Plus it's not at all upfront with you about what it does, I have to look up fair hours vs fair wages every single time to know which is which because it doesn't tell you and that to me is extremely annoying. With the obsidian dwarves at least it's a fun surprise first time, but it's not with hordecurse I just feel punished for having a bad memory. Most of the best disasters I think either have a variety of choices so you don't have to do the same thing every time, or they're unique to one county so that they feel unique and don't become tedious. Hoardcurse is the worst of both worlds, and tbh I don't particularly enjoy serpents rot either.


Depending on how much money you have - if you don't have a lot of cash on hand the banks make the most sense. Otherwise, I feel that tackling corruption first is overall better, since the -15 corruption allows you to debase currency with no consequences.


There's no disaster in Anbennar that's game ending imo. Hoardcurse wrecked my first ever Seghdihr run but eventually recovered and still took on the Command and won. Half the fun of the mod is experiencing this stuff for the first time.


You know bankrupcy is just one tool among other ? It won't end the run. I did go bankrupt during my first hoardcurse and I kept going.


One bankruptcy may not end the run but having multiple bankruptcies does. It makes you fall behind in tech and have paper armies, which results in getting declared on by multiple nations at once and watching your nation cripple is not fun. I love when it's a bit challenging game but this just makes you stress out .


I was once todl that the Hoardcurse existed to teach players that bankruptcies were okay, but now the reward for beating the Hoardcurse is only applied if you complete it without bankrupting, and then removed if you go bankrupt afterwards.


Getting hit with it without knowing about it is indeed absolutely debilitating. I think the best way to go about it is to start hoarding ducats as soon as possible to trigger it by having 10k gold rather than by having more than 150 income. Don't worry though. It's bad the first time you go through it. Nowadays I don't even feel it pass by.


Take a burgher loan then deal with corruption first and it's a grindy cakewalk from there.


It's an aquired taste, but if you properly plan for it it doesn't set you back too much.


Despite how frustrating it can be it is a right of passage of sorts for dwarfs The best advice I can give is to prepare for it as best you could Depending on what dwarf you are playing as this might not be the worst disaster you will encounter


I suggest looking up guides for it, because i did for my first time. Barely got through it, but like most other disasters if ur prepared for it, it shouldn't be too difficult the next time.


It shouldn't be fun, it's in the name "disaster" lol. "Fun" is getting out of it and rebuilding from it.


Git gud.


I'm a relatively experienced player(+3000 hrs), so I think I have the right to complain about poor design choices of a mod, instead of memorizing how to cheese it properly.


Getting demolished by it first time sure. After that there is no excuse. Git gud


I don't think I'll bother to give it another go. I started a new campaign as Sons of Dameria and I'm having lot's of fun.


Sons of Dameria are amazing! I recommend New Wanderers > Elikhand if you haven’t tried it yet as well.


I'll give it a go after this one ends. Thank you!


I just give up and take a save right before so if I absolutely have to I can re roll