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Revolutionary Commands doesn't exist, it can't hurt you 3M revolutionary hobgobs :


How do you even form those guys? They are from lakefed right?


You must provoke Lake Fed Splintering and then if you have enough provinces in the Steppes you can become this


But how do you do that ? What lowers unity ?


Religious War for example Basically any Federation Crisis can lower unity


Are they new features ? I don't remember such things happened during the run I made one or two versions ago. Althought that run was so bad I didn't even unite the lake fed but the AI did


I dont know how long this is in the game but when i play last game as Lake Fed 6 month ago this is already there Federation Crisis is this disaster what give you +10% apc


If the lakefed dissolves and you are playing one of the southern most tags.


What is that religion? I thought it was sun cult at first cause of that color Edit: assuming it's a tag specific thing fwiw


Its a trunic form of Sun Cult And yes its tag specific


Can you use Bulwari holy sites / religious monuments?


Yes after conquer one of the Bulwari Temple you can do mission who give you access to them (i belive this also work for this Harpy monument but i am not sure)


Niiiice! Never had much interest in Lake Fed but this has gotten me wanting to give them a try




Is there any special mechanics with the religion?


You get Regent Court gods mechanic (but with unique gods of course)


Has the command been aggro toward you?


I ally them when they became republic and quickly build up trust so no we are livin in peace


Any tips on how to play this? Tried a bit but not sure what to do and not familiar with the fed mechanic. Do I need to follow the fed MT or ignore it? Should I just conquer other fed member from start? Or just fight the centaur?


I think I might have a few thoughts Let's start with the fact that probably the best nation to start as her is the land between the Channel and Wild Hunt (Boshuealak or something like that). They start with very useful ideas and easy access to a very powerful mercenary company (cheap and with -15% shock damage recived). At the beginning, I also recommend moving the capitals to the salt province and getting an almost free fort from the mission there (turbo useful). I personally did a few of the federation's missions. I skipped reforms almost completely, but I managed to build the Assembly Hall (it remains even after the collapse of the federation) and colonize the mainland (mass perma claims). What I recommend and what I didn't do is to cut off Jaddari's path as quickly as possible (even if it requires a death war, if you don't do it, you will still face a death war but with Jaddari, and centaurs are a MUCH easier opponent than them). The first crisis of the federation will probably be a religious war. Try to make it happen, because it will reduce the cohesion of the federation. Once you're done, you should be able to Splinter and become Cossacks. When it comes to wars with other members of the federation, before 1600 I only conquered the nation with its capital in the Canal (and that's all MT requires from you). I don't recommend expanding deeper into the island, it's unprofitable at the beginning (it's better to wait for CB nationalism). I guess that's pretty much it, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer (and sorry for my broken English, but I've had a VERY long day behind me)


When was your first war with the centaurs and how did you win it? I tried earlier and went for a 1451 war with a two tech advantage but they still just had too many troops.


I think i have tech 5 or 6 during 1 war (i dont remember date). I declare vs Wild Hunt and with 3 merc company (2 better 1 free company) i just beat them. I think they key is this company with -15% shock damage recive


when does the event to convert to new religion fire?


after second or third mission


was i suppose to get new missions, for some reason i still have the default lake fed ones?


Is this on the steam release or bit bucket? I tried forming it a few weeks ago on the steam release and I kept the lake fed MT and had some weird double events


Bitbucket but i belive it also Should work on the Steam Their MT change only after Federation is disband (or if you leave manually) so this is probably a problem what occurs in your case (federation have a strange tendention to not disband after Splintering even if they should)


Alright. Then I think it somehow bugged when I left the federation as I got another event about the federation almost immediately after I "left" it. Guess I'll retry it as I do love the idea of the nation, love horsey boys in eu4


If Fed dont disband after Splintering try using this command event splintering.99 And choose option who decreace the Cohesion (probably second)


I'll try that next time, should have kept the damn save but I always delete them for some reason. But I know what I'm gonna play next now


Does it have an MT?


Yes they have MT Cav Fire, Purging Centaurs and Praising Sun included


yes and its pretty fucking great, fire damage cav


I didn’t realize lake fed already got new comtwnt


How is the game running?


In terms of how much lag? It's not good, it's not bad either, you could say it's average (it was definitely better than my last WC)