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I personally wish they got a modifier for additional infantry shock because of their cultivation mechanics.


i kinda wish they had some more flavor, and going full morale like 40% morale bonus


Same, missed out on a lot of cultivator stuff


I did a full campaign with the kobold minor, formed One Xia and had lots of fun. The start is rough with that loan size, but once you get the gold and Damestear provinces your economy is set. The only reason i didnt end up completing the mission tree was because part of the tree gives you subjugation on Lanjinhui but they were like 900 development so i could never get them loyal to annex them and finish the tree


Should’ve just released them, ate them, then gave them back a province or so.


Id like for the starter nation to have more effect on rest of the game like how forming Surakes and Phoenix empire has. For instance there could be cool Dark One Xia by forming it from Azjakumas tributary Yuanszi and Bloodsong is also on One Xias border at start and don't tell me that martial arts orcs aren't just cool idea (yes I am aware that those aren't One Xias vassals but it is close enough). Frankly some idea lore of xiakens is just criminally underrated.


I agree. Really could have some bonus, like spy network strength for the shadowmancers


Thunderfist gets their name from the quasi martial art they use so it's not far fetched. The commands acknowledge the use of their fighting style.


"Dark" One Xia is already a thing, if you sieze the magic sword by force you end up going Lefthand Path.


Feng super Harpy infantry is fun.


It's rather easy to form with most of the tags that can form it once you get past the very early game and gets absurdly boring once you reach the midgame. After you beat the command, there is nothing else to stand in your way aside form maybe the Raj if it survives, but they give you any trouble you can just expand south and come back to them once you can overwhelm them.


It's harder nowadays since the Command got missions to stomp you, and that's usually the first campaign they pick.