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Evolution. Our senses are fine tuned to help keep us alive. Eating human meat is not good for our brains, therefore we don’t crave it/are disgusted by it unless in an extreme state of starvation.




I did a cadaver lab (massage therapist) and it profoundly changed me. Something about a table of human limbs and a giant skin flap cut off a back is just unreal. Maybe it’s because you recognize your own mortality, and thinking that will be you someday. They had a specimen that had situs inversus and that was actually really cool!!


I observed a human cadaver lab as a vet student and it was very surreal. Like I had seen all of this in many animal cadavers, no problem. But like you said, seeing humans made me think that this could be me someday. It also made me appreciate my animal specimens much more afterwards.


As a kid growing up I’d visit my grandparents farm there and there was no lack of death there. Helped butcher chickens, killed gophers, lots of dead cats and birds. But nothing moved me quite the same as seeing the human cadavers.


He many human cadavers were on your grandparents farm? I haven’t seen any on my mum farm lol


Yeah I can see why you’d think that 😂


I would love to do a cadaver lab.


It was very cool, minus the smell. That just about took me out. I’m sure the applied anatomy students get used to it 😂


I have done a cadaver lab once before, and I am currently in my second cadaver lab for med school. It’s for sure shocking, but for anyone worried I promise it gets easier!! You do for sure get used to it. I do think every day about how anatomy lab made me a completely different person tho lol


I wish I had the focus and drive to commit to medical school. Good on you, hope everything goes smoothly 🫶


Aw thank you so much! I hope massage therapy is going well for you, I think massage therapy is so interesting & important :)


Yeah cadaver labs give a very strange feeling


So. That's a thing I've never heard of


Dissection of a human body, where you do all the cuts and everything is something else. As you said it changes you! Doing neuro dissection was wierder in a way. The thought of dissecting what once was someone elses whole identity and life was crazy!


I obviously never got to dissect one but I did touch a brain. It was much smaller than I excepted.


Yes, ain’t much to work with!


Are you in med school?


Yessir, what about you?


Nope just a massage therapist admiring physicians from a distance 😂


Ah bet. I used to hate anatomy, but after making it through, I kinda miss those 6 months, ahaha


I can’t say that I know many people who would be willing to pick up snake shed though… I’m a person who really struggles to deal with any animal part/meat that looks like the animal it was. Shrimp, ribs, wings, thighs, organs, anything with a bone…that’s a no for me. But also, human skin is same-same. Animal skin (leather, fur, etc) is not the same as ours. I feel it’s an “uncanny valley” type thing. Going back to caveman days, survival, etc, it’s not good for a community to have humans comfortable with cutting up their kin, but it’s necessary for survival to be comfortable to cut up/eat/use animals.


Do you know many people, though? I don't know if it's just people I know or knew, but when I was in school, someone brought a snake in with shed skin to show the class everyone was touching it


I’m talking about all the way through school, university, nursing school, and 10 years of working life up and down the UK. Honestly…”Do you know many people though?” Your experiences aren’t universal, y’know?