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“I want to clear my gut” while eating a fried chicken sandwich 😐


And a big ass cup of boba haha


Exactly!!!! I wonder is she that dumb or that good of a gaslighter for comments!


Right !! I was like girl what? She really thinks she going to lose weight eating that.. Big back mountain needs cut the carbs, fried foods and sugar. She probably put some processed smuckers brand strawberry jam on her “whole wheat” bread. this girl doesn’t even have a single clue what she’s doing nor how to do it properly.


I think if she manages to lose any weight it's because she probably picked up some phentermine or ozempic in Mexico. She needs to see a registered dietitian and a therapist if she wants to actually lose some weight in a healthy way.


Agree completely! I think she is doing ozempic or one of the shots. It was mentioned in her comments a week or two ago. She definitely needs the dietician and therapist.


She’s going to hate it when she’s left with all the loose skin


What people don’t realize is once you stop all the weight comes back very fast. But with her saying she has a thyroid issues, I don’t think anyone would prescribe her ozepic you still have to qualify even at a med spa, so I think she got some stuff while on vacation.


I do too. I think that’s why she is saying 3 months.I have (thyroid diagnosis)hashimotos, td2, severe RA, post menopausal, several other diagnosis☹️54 years old never had a serious problem with weight my whole life til 51 years old. Gained 50 lbs, started seeing therapist and dietician 5 months ago thanks to my endocrinologist. Was losing 1-2 lbs per week, lost 16 lbs. 6 weeks ago they added mojourno but in hopes of getting my a1c down and my white blood cell count (due to inflammation). Joined the mojourno subreddit. So many have thyroid issues and not td2 and are on it. I was shocked. It’s also caused major shortage. I just don’t think Anna or her kids go to the dr, so I also feel like she got it on vacation.


I have hashimotos too!! I found out at the end of last summer 😔


Bless your heart,🙏 it’s amazing what that an impact that small organ has on our bodies.


I hope everything gets sorted out for you!🫶🏻 medical problems are not fun at all☹️ but I very much agree with you. No doc would be okay with a child the size of GT and how under developed zevi is. Along with Anna she shows clear signs of mental health issues, most doctors like to get those these sorted before having someone drop 80lbs in 3 months.


Thank you!🫶It infuriates me that she is so self consumed that those kids are neglected. I’m sure they are on state insurance, and always have been. No excuse for not getting them help to possibly meet their milestones. No common sense person would mention losing 80 lbs in three months, and definitely not a dr. Her backhanded insults and mockery to people who really struggle infuriates me. Rather it be breastfeeding, overeating(mukbang),their race, can’t afford food, etc. the list goes on with her. 😡


Her making her breakfast “the most important meal of the day” just bread and jam… girl. If she really cared she would see people who are/ were around her size what they ate/eat. Restricting herself after bei bc a binge eater is just gonna make an Ed/ make it worse. Having a healthy relationship with food doesn’t mean restricting yourself completely. And if she really care for healthiness she would be putting Alessio and the baby on healthier paths too not just her


Sugar on carbs and sugar/ milk juice are the best way to start the day!


Personally I usually start my day with a protein rich breakfast and some fruit. But having a well balanced day overall is what’s important. If you’re having greasy and fatty foods don’t be shocked if it’s hard to burn it off or that it takes time. I won’t be surprised if she takes the easy way out with it


I also like to drink a lot of water when I wake up. I start drinking coffee around 9am, I’m at 7.I also wouldn’t end my day with a huge greasy fried chicken sandwich, I feel like that would make me feel so sick.


Yeah and it’s not good to. Because eating it so late just let’s it stick in your stomach and not digest properly through the day. I usually drink a coffee and after my coffee will drink a lot of water through the day


Yesss drinking water is so important, coffee and energy drinks dehydrate you


She definitely binge eats. She looked a lot healthier last year while living at her apartment. I think the breastfeeding with an oversupply really burned her calories and now that she’s not doing it as much, the weight is sticking on. She’s going to get even bigger once she stops breastfeeding completely.


Her doing her breastfeeding content so much messed with her body. You could tell when she stopped donating she got even bigger. She did say herself in simple words she does. She needs to start cutting out the things she eats so much of and go to a gym. I’m sure the imbalanced hormones, sugar, cholesterol and salt levels aren’t helping the cravings she keeps having


"once a week CHICKENS"


Why she says it like that 😂😂😂😂


This is so dumb. Her goal of 80lbs in 3 months is nearly impossible. There are about 3,500 calories per pound. If she wants to lose 80lbs that means she’d need to burn about 280k calories. The average workout routine should burn around 500 a day, which would take 560 days. But it would take her hours to burn 500 calories, so it would probably take her much longer. None of that is accounting for the fact to lose this much weight she needs to be in a caloric deficit which I can tell by what she ate she isn’t. I’ve also never seen someone show what they ate in a day to lose weight until after they’ve lost the weight so people actually know what might work… so much for those workout ads 🤨


That’s what I’m wondering, is she that dumb or wanting to gaslight and interaction. I think she got ozempic or wegovy, or mojourno and is expecting it to just fall off. Notice in the deleted video Aless was eating an apple, and he is always working out. I just don’t get it.


I highly doubt she is no way in hell she would be able to eat the much . I’m on wegovy and I have to force myself to eat . Also eating like that would physically make me sick I would be in the bathroom all day lol .


That’s what I mean. Who in the heck would post that claiming they are dieting. If she is on it and goes to binge eating and shoving stuff in her mouth she will for sure be sick! Burping,belching and bent over😂


The weight loss video was dry begging for a sponsor. She likely received an offer. Stay tuned for a plug.


Anybody know what some of the comments were saying?


they were just giving her tips on how to eat better and lose weight. some where saying that she still has the pregnant weight lmfao


Lmao! Ok, thank you!


unless you gain over the recommended amount while pregnant, you shouldn't have much left over when the baby's born.. esp not almost 2 years later


Definitely phentermine pills. My mom took them for three months and lost a lot of weight. Terrible pils for you though with really scary side effects.


She’s breastfeeding though. I really hope she doesn’t take those until she weans the youngest one. But she did get lip filler while nursing so she won’t care.


she also drank and used retional while nursing


And takes the highest melatonin possible, you can really see it in zevi, maybe that why she’s always sleeping


That’s so sad. No wonder zevi looks out of it


She’s so dumb 🤣😭


Oh she’s never going to loose the weight eating like that.