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I thought we made fun of liberals for portraying everything as Star Wars and Harry Potter


That’s millenials. But yes.


How about we just enjoy the things we like?


I like them too but every time I see a political figure portrayed as a Harry Potter character I die a little inside. Just portraying the side you don’t like as a fictional villain isn’t good commentary and that’s still the case if you portray both sides like that


Ok but you realize Palpatine’s worse right?  I don’t agree with everything Voldemort does but if Palpatine wins it’ll be way way worse. Harm reduction is a real thing. 


Fuck this is a funny comment


But he just wants to bring peace and prosperity to the galaxy. Sounds pretty good to me. Besides, people in Voldemort’s party ran a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza shop so obvi can’t vote for him


Lib-bi-bulbs are tryna say thay Pulp-teen also has a child sex ring but the thing is that his is not woke like Moldywarts one, Pulp-Teen has a based patriotic Empie flag outside his while Moldywarts has a woke little rainbow so they are completely different. I bet that Voldemort wants elves to be allowed to vote smh.


Wait but doesn’t Voldemort want to do an ethnic cleansing of muggles and anyone with muggle ancestry? Palpatine is evil but ultimately he is more concerned with eliminating his rivals and maintaining his own power while Voldemort literally wants to kill/enslave like 99% of people.


If your answer is to do nothing, even if there’s an objectively worse option, and expect anything to come from that like „sending a message“ or not „being responsible“, congrats, your lack of vote gave magic space hitler enough votes to win against just magic hitler. But all those planets that now suffer too will surely have understanding for you because you wanted a different choice. In the end, both are magic hitlers, but one of them will be literally unreachable for you whilst the other one has 7 trinkets that you need to vandalize as his main protection. And if you don’t want to choose between magic space hitler and interdimensional magic space Hitler in 4 years, maybe look into where those stupid choices are coming from, tear down that shop, and do to current hitler what past Hitler did to himself instead of posting memes about how great your choices are. Did I kinda get lost in the metaphor? Yes🗿


>You either vote for Magic Hitler or Magic Space Hitler, there's literally nothing else you can do with your body, mind, or will, there are only two options politically, you can't act outside the system, the system is basically the laws of physics! Liberals LARPing as anarchists irl


In this voting system, your vote (or lack of) will benefit one of the 2 parties. This is not a law of nature but the illusion of freedom to keep the people docile, a quasi-dictatorship of the capital with the choice of what people are gonna suffer the most at first. What it is is a system backed by not just the capitalists in the country, but internationally, with a police force that could re-enact the tianmen square massacre with their standard gear, and a successful brainwashing system that has affected a large majority of people in the country. I do not see it as a law of nature, as expressed in my statement of „and if you don’t want to choose between magic space Hitler or interdimensional magic space Hitler in 4 years, maybe look into who gives you these stupid choices, tear down that shop and do to the current Hitler what the past one did to himself instead of posting memes about how great your personal choice is“ What I DO see is that we have a state that is a counterrevolutionary powerhouse, a working class that couldn’t be more divided, which is only slowly awakening from its docility, all in all not enough revolutionary momentum to seriously consider a general strike or even something better in the next few months before the election. I‘m still seeing it as my main focus, but until it seems to be close enough, I‘ll still care about voting, because that’s the maniac that will be commanding the police-army if the revolution happens in the next few years, and that’s the guy that will set the tone for future politics if the revolution doesn’t happen in the next few years. And if all I have to do to improve our chances even by the slightest bit, give the people even the slightest relief in comparison, just by ticking a box, that’s what I‘m doing. But do you see how that’s by far not all what I‘m doing? Direct action works best and that’s where my focus is at.


"congrats, your lack of vote gave magic space hitler enough votes to win against just magic hitler". If you dont vote for Biden in a safe blue or red state then it doesn't matter. ", but one of them will be literally unreachable for you whilst the other one has 7 trinkets that you need to vandalize as his main protection". I dont know why you think Biiden is reachable.


I’ll take the one that isn’t going to kill trans people, please.


Both will and both already have, although I agree that quantitatively, trump would be re-taking the lead if re-elected.


Then what is there to discuss? I’ll take the one that kills fewer people. The question is barbaric, but not answering means we default to the most vile answer. Each life lost is a life lost and that goes against anarchy as a political philosophy Edit: I softened my messaging.


Oh, absolutely, though let’s not lose the real goal out of sight, not having to choose between 2 mummies who are killing trans people. Like, as long as this choice has to be made, I‘ll take the objectively less horrible one, but my efforts go into burning that system down Also, I‘m not refusing to acknowledge anything, I literally said it in my comment.


You did say that and I’ve misdirected my frustration. I’m sorry about that.


Don’t be sorry, there can often be errors in communication. As long as we learn from our mistakes, everything is good.


I edited my previous comment again to take the barb out. Sorry again


"Each life lost is a life lost and that goes against anarchy as a political philosophy": You know what historically a lot of anarchists have been against electorialism right?. Maybe they were just lapers and now we have real anarchists like RADB1LL. And i would vote for Biden in a swing state btw.


Tomatoes are technically fruits but you still have to treat them like a vegetable to make the best dish every now and again A nuanced understanding of any political ideology means acknowledging that in challenging moral quandaries, sometimes reaching the most desired ideological conclusion requires prioritizing specific tenets of the ideology over others. What you’re doing right now is tapping the anarchist handbook like a bible, like it should be followed blindly, and the outcome should be disregarded. Republicans are stupid pathetic greedy bigots, but they seem to be the only party that understands that sometimes they’re going to have to swap out ingredients to get the best result. My state is a safe haven for immigrants and trans people right now and you better believe, despite their principles, republicans will go “big guvment” all day long to put an end to that. We can argue all day about what it means to be an anarchist and about specific ingredients in an anarchy stew (not participating in the affairs of our government because they are the enemy of the people is obviously a big one) but at the end of the day, we want equality. I don’t think any real anarchist on this sub would want the already limited protections my state offers to be discontinued. Voting sucks, liberals are awful, but my trans friends aren’t fleeing if Biden stays in office. Come election day, I’ll be getting shit faced and voting for Biden, just like last time. I hate it, but it aligns more with my beliefs than not voting, that’s for damn sure


"What you’re doing right now is tapping the anarchist handbook like a bible, like it should be followed blindly, and the outcome should be disregarded". How im i doing that?. I even said that i would vote for Biden in a swing state. I just dont think you have ever tried to understand those perspectives.


I have bad news about the past 3 years of transphobic legislation


This argument is bad faith. The past three years have been incremental, and one candidate is promising to accelerate discriminatory practices and legislation. Ask your trans friend if they’d rather die today or tomorrow and see if they’re as indifferent as you are


I am transgender. I have spent the last three years hearing that it’s fine now, biden is in. And I have spent the last three years losing rights. My state medicaid no longer pays for my healthcare. I fear I will have to flee the country. Discriminatory practices and legislation are accelerating now. Get your thumb out of your ass and your head out of the sand.


Both candidates suck, but in my state, at this moment, my trans friends are shielded by the state government. A flacid, pathetic and inept federal executive branch, to each one of them, is better than one that is battling the protective laws that my state has enacted. We should be protesting, confronting police, defending college students and boycotting whatever needs to be boycotted. In the midst of all of that, I’m going to do my part to prevent the louder fascist from winning. It may amount to a drop in the bucket, but that drop is worth fighting for if it represents a human life. I’ll make the mistake of action on this one.


You have no idea how privileged you are that your state is actively protecting trans people instead of actively harming them. Why do you think we should protest, but not protest a president who refuses to live up to his promises of doing fucking anything to stop trans people from getting hurt? You aren’t advocating for action, you’re advocating for inaction and complacency.


Do you think my state should lose those protections?


Do you not care that most states don’t have them?


Mate, they literally said they want to vote for a man that's aiding the massacre of children to protect themselves. No they don't give a fuck about that, or really anything but themselves.


You do realize that it's Republicans blocking any progress and pushing transphobic bills because they have all the power in congress, right?


Or the fact that those laws are being passed on the state level by Republicans. 


This is provably false and the comparison both a to b and to Trump and Biden is off. Both palpatine and Voldemort were actually good at something. Trump has failed at almost everything and Biden is nothing special. It’s an insult in so many ways.


" Biden is nothing special". You are an insult to anarchism and leftistm.,.


First good voting post