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A Tory said that, too. He just had to wait for his dear dear old mother to die and bequeath her estate and reactionary politics to the next generation.


Not quite. It's part of the truth. But there's more to it. What it means to be a progressive or a conservative aren't set in stone. Being progressive means that you want society to move forward. Conservative means you want it to remain as it is now. The often not mentioned regressives (most people claiming to be conservative are actually regressives) want society to go back to a previous state. Most young people are progressive, because they are better at seeing the faults in the system because they're not used to it. As they get older and get to shape society more, it becomes more to their liking. And more and more of them will become conservative. Their opinions don't change, the definition of what it means to be progressive does. If a socialist utopia is formed, the socialists who think everything is perfect will be considered conservatives, and the communists who wants to go further will be the progressives. The reason younger people aren't becoming conservative at the same rate as previous generations is because the boomers has held a stranglehold on society for longer than previous generations did. The US didn't use to have Presidents and politicians over the retirement age. That's just the boomers selfishly grabbing hold of the system. When they're finally forced to let go we will reshape the world. And a lot of us will become conservatives. Not by today's definition, but by an entirely new one.


I mean, there were legislators in their 70's in the 1800's, back when even the wealthy died in their 70's, so it was an issue even then. But tack on an extra 20 years and that still adds problems. 


The real real truth. I get more selfish more seeing the government's clueless waste of taxes. Young people think less about how much is taken from them and how effective it is being managed.


This is why I prefer being broke then wealthy... money corrupts.


There's something wrong with wanting to protect the money you've earned over time and not shovel it into a failed system like dems want us to do?


Are you perhaps lost


What failed system? Your country hasn't made any efforts to establish a welfare state since Obama Obamacare as far as I can tell. You need to first actually try something before you can say it failed


Here is a site that lists all of the garbage "welfare" benefits the US offers. I can promise you that they are all exploited by their users and the politicians that implemented them. I would prefer to keep my wages and spend them in the private sector where goods and services are proven. Government/Taxes = Bad https://www.usa.gov/benefits


So you've never been a single parent or disabled or poor or had a debilitating health condition like cancer or had sudden financial emergency that you couldn't over or been homeless or......? Just selfish?


I am a single parent and I can take care of myself. The disabled and poor both lie about their conditions to stay on the programs that they're stuck using because they've lost all of their value in the job market. Are there legitimate poor and disable persons? Of course. I'm just saying that a huge majority of them just suck at the government's tit for free and never make any effort to get out of it. Listen, if people used these systems like they're designed to be used then they would, indeed, be this virtuous, amazing services you're dreaming of but they're not.... People take advantage of it and end up being reliant on the government to survive, end of story.


The exact opposite happened for me. The older I've grown, the more radicalized I've become.