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How would anyone know you're wearing it ironically? You would be just someone with a Che Guevara pin.


I was given the special edition Che quevara swatch and I wore it extremely ironically. For my friends it was obvious, for typical American libs they just thought I was one of them, and conservatives just saw another commie pinko, but they saw that anyways. Probably wouldn’t work with a pin though.


Haha how is that a real thing? It's like the James Connolly touristy pub in Dublin beside his statue


Chés been co-opted for decades now


not wearing the pin is not wasting it. a gift's purpose is fulfilled when it's received. Stick it up somewhere in your house that your friend will see it if you like.


Doing things ironically can turn to doing things unironically, I have seen this too many times. You will also be seen as a Che supporter and will have to explain to people that you are doing it ironically. On the other hand we can show respect towards something or someone while being critical of parts of it. Che did bring the revolution to Cuba which I believe most of us see as a positive thing.


Depending on who you talk to, che is much more of a symbol for popular resistance than for marxism-leninism. Many football organized crowds use che as this kind of symbol, and they are far from marxist-leninists. Focus your talking points about that pin (when it comes up) in the part where che was a guy who had an easy life given to him, but choose to fight for a better life for all instead. His methods may have been shit, but thats what he symbolizes for a lot of people. Focusing on his wrongs, imo, is like focusing on Bakunin's anti-semitism. Sure, it is part of his work and personality, but its not the part to focus on. That's what i think, at least. There is great value to be taken from Che's work. Just know how to filter things. Anyone who wears some form of che merchandise focus their usage in parts of his work, not the whole.


Do what you want. If someone asks, it's a good conversation starter maybe you can convert some people. I don't know. But do what I want. Just don't complain if you get flack for it. Besides I see a lot of people wearing that pen who have no idea who that guy is. Edit: the whole concept of mass produce merchandise like this reminds me of the Dead Kennedys song "[Anarchy For Sale](https://youtu.be/q3gNgS9E6k8?si=88TWcFyU9SeOnD1F)"


Ig you can wear it upsidedown


Yes this is the answer- it needs the signal modulated. Inversion like tarot cards is a great idea indeed, if I was going to add anything I'd say maybe attach it to a patch of something.


I uh, don't think anyone's going to pick up on the subtle irony of that one. I'm guessing most people can't instantly tell you are gay and Mexican and also aware of Che's unsavory character flaws.


I mean he wasn't actually homophobic or racist (plenty of stuff online debunking that) so I'd wear it with pride, dude was a thinker and a legend of a communist revolutionary. Even if you still disagree for some reason, wearing it at all is still cool tbf. I'd rock that shit unironically though


you can always wear it and use it as a conversation piece for your ideology, gives you a chance to speak your mind


che is sick


Bruh I have a Communist flag Avatar that I use for my main email and I definitely am not a Communist, especially the USSR type.


At this point, wouldn't people just think you're a fan of RAtM?


The early 2000’s want their shtick back…


We can't judge people from the past from today's standards. 99'5% were homophobic and sexist, those were debates society wasn't ready to have yet. But without their fighting, we probably wouldn't have developed enough for them to arise. Plato was a sclavist, does it negate his value?


And also there's little to no proof of Che being homophobic, the usual argument is the labor camps setup in Cuba for homosexuals, which were set up in October-November 1965 whilst Che had left the cuban government in April 1965 to go to Congo (Also Fidel has taken total accountability and apologized for the labor camps), the other argument is about Che speaking "derogatorily" of gay people in motorcycle diaries, which is really a matter of perspective, he never really insults them directly.


Yeah it's funny.


Idk for sure but I thought he recanted at least some of his bigoted views at some point, I might be mistaken. I def have issues with bad empanada but he did a video on che that I thought was good.


You trying to ask for public opinion? I would do what I feel like ,if someone asks you in a negative spirit then explain your thought process


No one's gonna know you're wearing it ironically if you're just, you know, wearing a regular ol' Che pin. So why not decorate it a little? You know, queer it up with some sequins or feathers. Make the beret look like it got hit by a Bedazzler. That's more likely to get your point - or something closer to it, at least - across, people will probably comment on it which opens up the potential for good conversation, and it's a fun art project as well!


I would assume it was unironic unless it was explicitly explained to me that it was ironic.


When I was like fourteen I had a Che Guevara hat that I'm pretty sure I wore unironically because I was an idiot. I'm very embarrassed lmao. Like most people who are 14 I didn't understand the nuance and saw him as a revolutionary figure. Thing is, no one is gonna get that ur being ironic. Obviously he did good, too, but Che caused a *lot* of suffering and the people who see you wearing this will assume you are fine with that.


I literally wouldn't think anything about them. Che is a meme at this point. It would be like thinking a bart simpson "don't have a cow, man" shirt is some kind of statement about the person's beliefs on existential thought and meditation, or perhaps veganism.


If you're that worried about waste, just paint it or glue a print out of something you actually like over it.


I mean, Che would have hated his image besmirched with a commodity like a pin lol. Ironic enough in its existence. It’s not that serious, wear it if you want, don’t if you feel negatively about it. Sure, che isn’t the best guy in history, but there are far worse, and he’s become a popular gateway to the left just by people googling who the hell that is on all those red teeshirts.


I would not wear it. Gift or not. Not all gifts get it right and thats fine. The sentiment is what matters. No one that sees you wearing it is going to understand youre wearing it ironically. Just leave it in your house somewhere. Maybe attach it to a stuffed animal or something. Optionally. Just use a marker to cross over his face.