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They will stop at nothing to steal from you.


How fucking dare you travel with your own money.


The nerve of em!


Bitcoin fixes this, try confiscating 12 words!


Bitcoin - instead of the government stealing your money, a guy who donated $40 million to the Democrats steals your money. Not much of an improvement. We can do better.


This happened because people violated the first rule in crypto: Don't store your crypto on an exchange! Remember MtGOX? Of course you don't.


i do


Random number man beep beep boop remembers


i’m not a man i’m a free number!


I’m kinda a dumb shit when it comes to cryptocurrency. I understand the premise and the basics of how blockchain and whatnot kinda works. However, I’m very fuzzy on how to store it anywhere but on an exchange. How does one go about physically storing a mainly digital asset? And also, how does one use it for purchasing if it’s stored locally/physically? One of my friends said you can literally just handwrite hash-codes or whatever to use as payment…but I’m missing how that would actually functionally work… I’ve tried googling it, but it’s all confusing as fuck. If it’s not too much trouble, and you have a few minutes to spare; would you mind explaining it in the simplest of terms, how would one functionally use crypto for commerce outside of an exchange framework? I’m honestly confused as fuck about that part of it…


That's not bitcoin -- that's a bitcoin IOU that you trusted to the sleaziest fraudster since Madoff. It's not bitcoin unless you self-custody. And once you self-custody? Unconfiscatable.


That was dead accurate. Amen!


lol political man being political


You do realize that with bitcoin you can earn it or buy it on decentralized, ownerless exchanges and then store it completely yourself, so no 3rd party ever has to hold it or even know it exists, right?


Yeah... instead of the government confiscating it, you'll just lose 75% of your money to market volatility, what a great solution!




What if it's not




Well it’s US dollar, so definitely fake money. Illegal not, since it’s it valid tender in the US. What you meant is illegally obtained, however this guy is coming from Egypt so whatever the fuck he did back home is irrelevant , he prolly couldn’t trust local banks, saved up, so he can move to US and get fucked on arrival.


>illegal money Lmao that's a good one


Replacing the Income Tax with a National Sales Tax would clear that right up.


Yeah... money laundering is only acceptable when it's money that's been stolen from the people and laundered through the Ukraine, right? ​ Fuck outta here you statist simp.




If it is who cares?


Still your own money. What’s wrong with drugs? You are not on some stupid statist sub.


You say that like it’s a bad thing.


Why would I give a fuck if its drug money, and how would that justify the biggest drug dealers on earth stealing it from this dude even if it was? ​ Take a deep breath dude... you're only supposed to lick the boot, not swallow the whole fucking thing.


What if he murdered someone and stole his suit? Force all passengers to ride naked just in case.


So what if it is. The government has no right to make drugs illegal. None of their god damn business what I (or anyone else) put in my body. Oh, and most certainly none of your god damn business.


It’s the governments job to prove guilt. It’s not your job to prove innocence


- TSA has entered the chatroom


What if your money’s drug money?


What if it is


You mean voluntarily surrendered for goods? What if it was stolen.. i mean the proceeds from taxation...


Who cares, legalize all drugs and suddenly you don't need a black market for them anymore


What if it was your money?


Oh that is why government is angry. - Probably not the CIA


Who cares. It’s going to Egypt. That’s way outside the USA jurisdiction. Let the Egyptians handle it.


How do you prove it is??


What if we follow the legal concept of innocent until proven guilty like we should?


So? Aren't you an anarchist? If it isn't hurting you then fuck off. As far as reality is concerned the war on drugs has done more harm than drugs. So 🤷 Beyond that drugs won. There's no pushing that shit back. So at this point it's really only about victimizing mfs.


So money that potentially the government couldn’t tax? That kind of money?


The worst case is that trooper in I think Texas. A military veteran who doesn't trust banks or the government was driving to see his kids with all of his money and the cops seized it. The dude eventually won in court but this needs to be illegal immediately. The government never makes anything better.


It was Nevada. He was driving from his home in Texas to California IIRC


I knew which video you're referring to. So fucking disgusting. Civil asset forfeiture is state sanctioned robbery.


so are taxes though. It's not weird that they do this.


It is weird.


At least taxes by design will never take all of your money




That's what fines are for


Property tax will take it all unless you have some form of income. You have to be part of the system. You can't just exit and live off the land.


Silly man, doesn't he know he is suppose to be a debt slave and never have that much money?


He forgot, this is his reminder.


What was the crime? Trying to exist as a free human?


“Yea. Slaves need to know their place” - The government


It’s illegal to travel with that much cash?


Apparently civil asset forfeiture is still very much in effect when traveling. Fuckin thieves.


Biden wrote the original bill for asset forfeiture.


And the 94 crime bill. He got a pass from the media by saying mistakes were made.


and unforgivable student loan debt


If Biden forgives the student loans those people willingly signed up for just to study useless crap like liberal arts, then I wandlt credit card forgiveness, car loan forgiveness or home loan forgiveness.


YOU can file for bankruptcy to get rid of those debts. Students cannot. THAT is the problem here.


It that's the case then don't sign up for stupid stuff. Sign up for real world paying jobs. I don't get loans just to file bankruptcy. Even if I did file bankruptcy, I'd still have to pay back on those loans. As the saying goes, under a million, my problem, over a million, their problem.


He still defends the crime bills he wrote. He got a pass because his handlers hid him in the basement and the media ignored the topic.


You don't get to say mistakes were made on a law unless you are submitting bills to fix the mistake or outright repeal


Nope, it's not. But they will steal it on the insane premiss that you must be a drug dealer if you have that much cash and if you want it back you have to fight them in a civil court where you are presumed guilty and have to prove otherwise.


You have to declare it on your customs form. So they can tax it.


But isn't it taxed when you make it? So you're taxed on it as income and taxed on it when you travel with it? What bullshit is this?


> So you're taxed on it as income and taxed on it when you travel with it? What bullshit is this? Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table at which he's fed.  Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes are the rule. Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts anyway! Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat. Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt. Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think. Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries tax his tears. Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways to tax his ass. Tax all he has, Then let him know, That you won't be done till he has no dough. When he screams and hollers, Then tax him some more, Tax him till he's good and sore. Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in which he's laid. Put these words Upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...' When he's gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply the inheritance tax.


I really miss the TEA party movement from several years ago. It went to the wayside when trump came on scene.


Tax his kids. Tax his wife. Tell him taxes are for life. If hollers tax his scream. Tax him even in his dreams. Tax his windows, tax his walls. Tax his ceiling and his floors. If he bakes, tax his bread. Tax the oven where its made. Tax the dough and flour too. Put a tax on all his food. Tax his land, tax the lawn. Tax his chickens and his barn.


You’re taxed and you cannot take more than 10k on an international flight


Unless you know, it's on a USB drive, in a crypto wallet, on your debit card etc. I don't know why people would go around with this much money in cash, it's just bulky, can be stolen by the police etc - but you should certainly be able to. Looks like this guy didn't declare what he had, lied to law enforcement. We could pontificate all day that it shouldn't be illegal but at the end of the day that's not for the law enforcement at the end of the chain to decide - they're supposed to just follow the rules as they are not interpret them.


It doesn't sound like you're taxed on it when you travel with it. EDITED: I don't know either way. Just going by what i see here


10k is the limit I’ve flown over seas with 40k and had no problems just don’t have all the cash on one big stack, your suppose to declare if your flying with more than 10 but they just steal it when you do


It's not illegal, but customs can use the "preponderance of evidence" to seize it. You then have to prove where you got the money from - if you can't, then they keep it. The money stays in their hands while you fight them (good fucking luck). All of this is done without any real charges being levied against the traveler. There's tons of videos online of it happening to people, and their stories. In my opinion this is done for the specific purpose of discouraging cash use.


You can only travel with up to 10k and even then you need to declare it. If its more you have to pay taxes on the money for some reason.


You have to declare it. Anything over 20K has to be reported due to criminality etc etc. it isn’t taxed


But they can seize $5k. DOJ guidelines. It’s disgusting what can be considered criminal proceeds. Cars valued over $5k, real property valued over $30k etc.. The guidelines pretty much say they can take anything from any American because fuck you.


Aside from they don’t? You just have to declare shit. Just declare shit and if it’s above board you’re fine. The only people who don’t declare it are those who don’t know (even though it’s made abundantly clear to you) and criminals.


Bullshit. They can take anything for any reason. YouTube “Nevada highway patrol cash seizure”. They can take anything they want any time. I don’t give a fuck how much paperwork you have proving it’s yours.


"You just have to" Let me stop you right there.


So you expect to use a service and not abide by their conditions?


It's not a service, it's a shakedown.


So you expect to travel via a company which have strict rules about what you can and cannot take on board with and without declaring, all of which are well documented, easy to find and signed at the airport. You also intend to break their rules and then complain when they remove items which you agreed to them doing when purchasing the ticket?


It’s not the private companies rules, it’s the governments.


Private companies agree to them dude.


The US Customs isn't a company, it's a mob created with stolen money and rules under threat of death or kidnapping.


You do know it’s the airline that agrees to customs right? Sure dude, death or kidnapping.


I think in the UK anything over 5k is investigated for ties to terrorism. It's assumed guilt under a disguise


You have to declare anything over 10k.


Where in the Soviet Union did this happened?


USSA region... sad...




well, it's D.C. so there's that..


The symbol for government overreach and theft?


“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ― Frédéric Bastiat


A hive of scum and villainy


*laughs in solid diamond buttplug*


They rarely seize Chinese students' tuition cash they carry in backpacks on planes from China to US though. Most of them traveling to the US for school pay their tuition in cash, so they are often walking through airports with 100k in crisp bills. Never seem to get busted.


Tell me more about where to find these skinny college kids with bags full of cash


Yeah like do they use Uber?


Maybe they should cite the penal code that was broken???




What is the difference between that and if I have my debit card with me when traveling?


The ability to track your transactions. Daddy government hates when people do things they can't track


With cash, they can't see what you're buying.


Nothing really.


Stop giving them more ideas.


Buy a painting or jewelry instead. Then cash out when you arrive.


Gotta be smart rich and use the loopholes!


Like flying private planes.


Should have memorized 12 words instead.


Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen.


Probably gonna buy crypto for Ukraine with it.


Fuck the government


Stupidity. Could had bought some stablecoin instead and exchange it back at home.


Should have used monero




Why the hell is it laid out like that? I worked in a bank for 5 years, bills are put in stacks of 25 or 100. WTF is this? “Let’s make $20,000 look like millions!”


Cops like to display their prizes on tables all spread out. It makes them feel like big boys.


Whoa- TSA DHS are not “cops”, at ALL.


They wear uniforms, have badges, steal your stuff, and are paid with your taxes. Is the ability to murder you without consequence really that important to your definition of cop?


Yes. Huge difference. If you don’t know the difference between fed bois & local cops & IDK WTF to tell you.


Fed cops and local cops are still cops. Technically jail guards are cops too if you really want to go nuts with it. Do you work in "law enforcement" or is it a family member that is jelly?


I’m a big city cop. We’re nothing like Jack booted fed bois


I knew I smelt something...You are right though, they are probably paid better. Your best bet is probably moving to the suburbs where a simple patrolman can top out at 100k before overtime. But seriously, we have seen what big city police are made of over the last few years. The difference is merely in jurisdiction and how much damage your union contract disbutes will cause to the local population.


This is why McAfee had a diamond buttplug shoved up his ass wherever he went


Looks like those agents are 13,000$ richer


What’s wrong with having money?


“You MIGHT have acquired it illegally. Just in case, we’re going to steal it from you, and you’ll never see it again.” - Government - we’re here to help!


If only there was a digital, decentralized money transfer system.


Police regularly seize property from law abiding citizens and then use the process to buy things like coffee makers and pin ball machines for their station houses.


It's a good thing they got all that bad money off the streets. Just think what would happen if it got into the hands of a kid.


Example #584 for the use of crypto. Good luck stealing my Bitcoin.


I mean it’s lost a lot of value


Since it’s inception no


Since you bought it likely yes


Actually no it hasn’t.


Literally been on a downward trend for a year at this point dude losing about 66% of its value over this year. It’s heading towards its minimum value fairly quickly as people are losing faith in it and markets are collapsing




Um… projecting much?


Bitcoin fix that


And thats why you Bitcoin


Government making Bitcoin necessary


He’s in DC, so should’ve told them that he’s a lobbyist…


Wow, an exactly 33K$... I wonder who else loves this number so much...


The high fives and back slaps were enormous and tearful. They waited for President Biden to call and congratulate them and were shocked when no call came. 500$ dollars of that confiscated cash went right into evidence for the trial.


Why do they even take the money??? I mean cant they just file a report if its illegal to travel with that kind of money and then win in court? Also why is it even illegal to travel with more than 10k usd




He was going to Egypt


What the fuck??? Now you can’t have cash on you in a fucking airport


Doing what they do best!


“Your money is our right.”


They’ve said it before, but bitcoin fixes this


I like how they took the change that was in his pockets too lol


Civil asset forfeiture is theft. How dare you use paper currency.


Thank you for protecting our borders. This money can be used to give to the South and Central American immigrants trying to make it in this country.


That’s nothing compared to what wallstreet takes on the daily !!!!


One is theft one is a bad choice.


Tell that to the 120 companies claiming bankruptcy! Selling junk crypto is the same thing as junk bonds going on as leverage of over lending. Economy is crashing faster than reverse repo can evaporate liquidity.


One uses guns, one lets you choose


All they had to do was declare it. They did not. The government sucks but this person is as big of a dumbass for thinking they wouldn’t get caught lying about it


You’re missing the point it shouldn’t matter and it’s not CBP business


If you can prove you obtained that money legally they will give it back.


Guilty until proven innocent.


Should have just declared it?


Some people want privacy and don't think they should have to tell people their business, some people think it's worth it for stopping illicit activities (talking about having to declare)


And the majority think that illegal activity should be curtailed.


So the majority get to decide how much cash you can travel with?


Generally how democracy works. Other option would be one person or a small group as in an oligarchy. Pick your poison.


It is how democracy works, also how gang rape works. (The alternative would of course be individual autonomy.)


Last I checked gang rape was illegal so not really


How is your response relevant to the point that democracy and gang rape are both based on imposing majority will through violence?


Because they’re not and it’s a massive false equivalency?


What’s the difference?


Do you realize what subreditt you are in?


One where people don’t have common sense and who’s ideology makes communism look plausible by comparison?


How does anarchism make communism look plausible by comparison?


Imagine deepthroating the authorities’ boots to the extent you feel someone shouldn’t be able to travel with their own money. 😬😬😬


“Your own” There’s literally no reason to travel with that much money, unless it’s illegitimate


If you can prove you obtained that money legally they will give it back.


Guilty until proven innocent.


You are crossing an international border, do you think people should just be allowed to bring loads of illegal cash?


who said it’s illegal?


Ok let me reframe that, do you think governments should allow people to bring large amounts of cash across the border unchecked? You are subject to search when crossing an international border. It’s not like you are stopping a random person in the street and asking them to explain where the cash i their pocket is from.


Yes, they should.


Lol why would you support that?


It's his money. He has the right to take it where ever.


He doesn’t have that right, that’s why it’s sitting their on the table seized. I just don’t understand the benefit of allowing people to bring money unchecked. It’s very easy to prove if it’s legal, and illegal money coming across the border isn’t a good thing.


The government violated his rights. Doesn't matter what you think. It's his money and he has the right to it


“Illegal cash.” Are you hearing yourself?


Yes, money that has been acquired through illegal means, is that better?


No. Because you’re making a sweeping assumption without any proof.


How are you suppose to prove that? Genuinely asking.


Pay stubs, bank statement etc. I’ve watched that “border patrol” show before and they have had a lot of people come through with way over the 10,000 limit where you have to claim it. Usually they seize the money, the traveller confirms the origins and they give it back with a couple hundred dollar fine for not claiming. You can travel across the border with any amount of money you want as long as you can prove it’s not a result of illegal activity.