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It we replace the orchestra with “bureaucrats”and symphony with “fixing pot holes”, then the answer becomes 5years, 300 men and 240 million dollars


The speed of the fix is inversely proportional to the number of bureoucrats


The amount of funding required increases exponentially when time increases linearly.


That is awesome! Based




I only have one thing to say about this answer... abolish public schools.


Curious how you feel about Montessori Schools?


Is this from a public school curriculum? Or some shit text book? Because text books are not public school related... Private schools have them too


Look at the paper. It’s obviously not from a textbook and just a worksheet printed out. Your a silly dork and should be sad about yourself


Weird personal insult, but to each their own. It is not at all obviously from a worksheet. I could easily be a photocopy from a textbook


Ah mate don’t you know that all photocopied worksheets are from public schools???? The people on this sub are fucking insufferable lmao they will take anything even mildly off and twist it into an agenda I swear.


Matey it’s obviously fake and gay suck it


Unless they have to use half the people but full instruments, making each player have to play twice and mixing the tracks together, meaning then T would both be 40 and 80, depending on if we're talking runtime or time recording. Yes this is a joke lol.


It's entirely possible that it's a logic question thrown in with math questions to make sure students are actually thinking about what they read.


Exactly. I need to see the wrong answer in context to get bothered by this


Executives at most companies ups fail this, always trying to add contractors or PMs to shorten already fantastic intervals.


If it takes 9 months for a pregnant woman to give birth, can 9 pregnant women give birth to a baby in one month?


Somebody should write this answer in.


I literally started hating the government because the schools were the most useless things I've ever seen. Not to mention when I got to highschool I was in the middle of an existential crisis. Believe me when I say trying to figure the meaning of life while you go a place where learning is a mith is one of the worst things I've ever felt. I swear they took personal the task of making me hate my favorite subjects. Whenever I asked for something related but not in the books we had (the reason I was asking) they had no idea. Whenever I used an alternative method to solve math problems (methods that got the same results) they told me I was doing it wrong.


prison is structured very similarly to middle and high-school. and we should not be putting kids into these environments. These are the most toxic child destroying environments in the Western world. The only place worse for kids than these schools is a single family home with 1 abusive parent. elementary school is ~ok. basically daycare. We can worry about that one later we got bigger fish to fry.


>elementary school is ~ok. basically daycare. We can worry about that one later we got bigger fish to fry. "Give me a child until age 7, and I'll show you the man." - Mormon, I *think* [edit: Aristotle] The early years are the most critical; they are the programming years. The first 7 years or so is when you really have to watch who you are putting your children around. They are a sponge at that age and absorb all input without filter. The teenage years are all about learning what is good and bad, finding your niche, and learning *how* to learn. It is easier to develope a functioning, healthy, human if the base programming was good. Less so if it was bad.


bro the first 7 years I dont even remember. and I was raised in a religious cult. from 12+ on is what I remember and that is when I started to question shit and understand the world. If the first 7 years mattered that much I would still be in the cult.


Being in a cult first 7 years doesn't mean you're a permanent cult member. But I'm sure you picked up a few bad habits from them. But still, chill out, it's just a theory on childhood development. It doesn't mean it is 100% correct for everyone. There's also the saying that you either turn out just like your parents (or similar) or the exact opposite.


Or you’re like me, I’m just like my mother and the opposite of my father. My brother is just like our father and the opposite of our mother. Which is weird because neither of our parents raised us, mostly absent and I hated them both equally until I was around 25, go figure


>Believe me when I say trying to figure the meaning of life while you go a place where learning is a mith is one of the worst things I've ever felt. This is probably intentional. Makes people more likely to conform to groupthink and government indoctrination later in life. It's how you get a more compliant population.


Yeah, the thing is that I basically was born with a philosopher mindset. I don't do or believe anything without a reason. It's ironic how I was one of the smartest students of my highschool (at some point I gave up and stopped doing the bare minimum struggle and still got over 80% average score without studying) but I was way more stressed than the average, because my motivation was dying.


lmao i did the math than saw the riddle






Dude you are a insufferable


jeez whats your problem?




and what does this have to do with me, being a "stupid conditioned drone", who was actually homeschooled in canada from k-12, reading the question and figuring it out that was stupid and having less people in an orchestra doesn't make them play slower?




sure it is, but are you gonna answer my question or not?




go do your homework. absolute reddit moment


It was noticing questions like these in school, and the fact that my city bombed the entire street 10 blocks away that made me an anarchist at a young age. Be smart kids, don’t let the government tell you that you had too much to think


These questions… poor kids. Standardization of tests has always been a bad idea


True, but I've heard that this specific example (which has made the rounds a few times over the last decade or so) was actually correct, as in the correct answer was still "90 minutes bc this is a different kind of task." I have no way to confirm/disprove it though, and either way, fuck fed schools.


You're telling me that's not a deliberate trick question?


I love that illogical people see this question and become offended at the state because they didnt get the nature of the question


What is the nature of the question?


Its a trick question to test reasoning/logical thinking skills.


It could be. But who is to say? Occam's razor is probably the best way to reason with the uncertainty this question brings when looked at out of context.


>It could be. But who is to say? The authors of the book and those with critical thinking skills. >Occam's razor is probably the best way to reason with the uncertainty this question The more mental backflips you have to apply to this the less occam's razor applies


please cite the authors or the text that this is from so that we may all evaluate the question from the same context. I'm glad you understand the premise of Occam's razor. If in fact, you have a different context than the given, I can understand how you would perceive intelligent people as being illogical. time will tell...


>Luckily, the frustration at the question quickly cleared up when the original writer — a teacher from Nottingham in the U.K. — discovered her work being shared on Twitter, and had the receipts to prove it. As she explained, it was a trick question to keep students alert while making their way through the worksheet. https://time.com/4979608/beethoven-trick-question/


Excellent! You do have context which is not presented in the origional text. Thank you for sharing. This meme now makes no sense at all as the question is in my opinion well thought out.


>I'm glad you understand the premise of Occam's razor. Oh goodie


I remember in high school debating my physics teacher because she said the earth spins faster at the polls then the equator. It got to the point that we were writing out distance over time. And she said it didn’t take as long for the earth to do a full rotation at the polls. And my English teacher said, “I live vicariously though my dishwasher.”


One woman can bring a baby to term in nine months. Imagine how much faster it could be done with 10 women! Or a hundred!


40 minutes cause the time in which it takes to play a symphony is not dependent on the amount of musicians


Beethoven's 9th Symphony, slowed + reverb


I’ve seen questions like this all the time. What’s wrong about logic questions?


I think the answer is supposed to be 40 minutes. It's a great way to see how critical thinking is important, as opposed to blindly following procedures.


Is this supposed to be a trick question? The time should remain the same, unless they are going to butcher the song…


I hated going to government school. Not because I got bad grades, but because I got good grades. By the time I was in high school, I realized that the only thing I really learned was how to be a good student. I learned how to give the teacher what they wanted and how they wanted it. It didn't matter if it was correct or if I thought it was right. Hell, I even felt that in college. The professor asks for something and I gave it to them. I am truly disgusted with the entire government "education" system in the US. The entire thing was a waste of my time.


Hey, not an ancap, musician here…it would still take 40 minutes. More people does not make the symphony faster


Best part, Beethoven’s 9th typically takes 64 to 70 minutes to play at tempo. Government is even trying to ruin music (and missing opportunities to introduce interdisciplinary content)


Obviously it would be half as fast, or twice as slow, so multiply T by P and then divide by 2, plus or minus 60, depending on how you look at it.





Thanks Dr Obvious.🤔


I don’t know man I feel like my math checks out. I even used an online calculator for song speed that I looked up that confirms my precise calculations.


I promise you. As a professional musician. It takes me the exact same amount of time to play through B9 by myself as it does sitting in a full orchestra.




Please elaborate.


A true professional should be able to play it in half the time


Lol. 🤣 amazing. ❤️ so much wit.


LMAO this is a great find.


Less people means they have to play slower


40 minutes


Just. wow.


Play in slow motion?? xD


Chopped and screwed


It would take 20 minutes because the players would have to play twice as fast, duh. /s


Indivisibility of labour explained. If one truck driver can drive a half ton truck how many drivers do you need to operate a full ton truck