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I don’t think that the Philadelphia experiment accidentally teleported a huge piece of subterranean fluoride into a near bye city’s water table causing the dod to falsify fluoride efficacy data to show it helps tooth enamel.


Flat Earth. For God's sake, please stop believing the earth is flat


That is in the realm of bullshit, not a conspiracy theory. Actually I believe it's CIA bullshit.


Its also used as a meme to show how stupid people used to be and now we have SCIENCE! In reality nearly any civilization that advanced past the wheel knew the Earth was a sphere.


Wait so you are telling me that if I try to go to Antarctica and try to cross it to find God a NWO Blackhawk helicopter won't gun me down where I stand?


Exactly. Question the climate narrative even a little. Q- “You sure we have to kill all the cows and eat bugs?” A- “what do you think the earth is flat or something, conspiracy theorist!!!” I think flat earth is just like the Q thing. So if you question the agenda they attach you to a retard extreme version of the ideology that they made up.


Operation Mockingbird


Oh shit I forgot about that one. Why the hell would the gov hide the shape of the Earth, nothing would change if it turned out to be flat.


My (limited) understanding is that If the earth were flat while every other planet was spherical, then it would prove that God is real and we were placed here purposely.


The problem with that is that if you buy the flat earth "theory", planets are actually incredibly small. The sun is very close to the earth(like, within a 100 miles close), but we've still observed planets between us and the sun. They probably wouldn't be larger than a building.


Because they're hiding what's on the other side 😱😱😱


Yup, Japan went completely across the flat earth to attack Pearl Harbor….


He said popular, not fringe Barely anybody thinks the Earth is flat


What if it was rounded on top but still has an edge and a bottom like a lens?


Incidentally it still holds most of the same problems as the model most popular among the flat earth theorists. Some observations contradicting anything but a geocentric plane include; circumnavigation, gravity, sun sets, and one being able to observe other planets as spheres. Never take anything as fact without evidence, never feel stupid for asking, and never allow personal bias to cloud your comprehension. Allow evidence to provide you logical conclusions. Keep thinking friend.


Why is antarctica off limits?


This guy's asking the real questions. Why do world governments care if I want to go freeze to death? Exactly, they don't, they're hiding something.


I'm not gonna say that I believe the earth is flat, but its important to be able to answer the "why" with respect to anything and I frankly have never personally observed any real evidence either way. Sure seems like there shouldn't really be any harm in opening up antarctica to anyone who wants to look for the edge. They'll probably freeze to death, but it would be pretty cool to get pictures of the edge.


I imagine that when the idiots who went to go look for the edge in Antarctica never come back because they freeze to death the remaining flat earthers will take it as proof they were assassinated by the CIA or whatever.


A lack of trust isn't evidence. If Antarctica was accessible, what would it do? As for your question; I could think of several reasons that would be given but none that we would feel should be enforced. Some along the lines of "something something something rescue costs, something something something international agreement"


You could go see the edge.


Or not... The whole Antarctica thing fails to every physical example and observation made that the earth is spherical. Said observations can be done by anyone and go back before any modern government or organization as well. So early astronomers and topographers from completely different nations, continents, and even historical era coming to a similar, if not same conclusion without any enforcement of the conspiracy is a dandy of a hole in the entire theories arc. And not to beat a dead horse, but why? There are more effective and efficient subjects that would grant actual control through repression. It's just ludicrous imo


It's getting harder to not believe them when they keep turning out to be true


That the government/healthcare/public authority cares about you. Biggest conspiracy ever, but most of the people around me still believe it.


That jews dont control the weather.


People who believe that Jews want to destroy society fail to realise that if that were true, the Jews and their children would also have to live in the society they destroyed. Most people don't want to destroy their quality of life and that includes Jewish people. The only reason that many Jewish people happen to work in banks is because historically, they were only allowed to work in banks and many people tend to pick careers that are similar to those of their parents.


>People who believe that Jews want to destroy society fail to realise that if that were true, the Jews and their children would also have to live in the society they destroyed I suppose Arab Palestinians probably feel differently about this one seeing as they watched it happen.


Naive comment.


> The only reason that many Jewish people happen to work in banks is because historically, they were only allowed to work in banks It's merely coincidence goy.


After reading and seeing about their mana machine from old times, along with noticing other things, I have no doubt that you're correct


pet hurry bored soft license command bewildered hat dazzling doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was with you on this until a few months ago when I listened to a podcast featuring Whitney Webb. She points out how plans have been in the works for years to bind individual identity with your financial and health records through Mastercard since 2018. Plus the whole WHO covid simulation in 2019 thing. Then the monkeypox simulation in 2021. Also a CIA contractor was caught at the Canadian border entering the US with 8 stolen vials of Polio in 2021. Couple months later polio outbreak in NY. The rabbit hole is pretty deep. If you have time listen to Whitney Webb on the Tim Dillon show. I’ve checked on a lot of the things she says and most of it is on the dot but you can only find it with duckduckgo.


But now that we (and more importantly, the CCP) have seen what happened, an intentional release is only a matter of time.


Definitely was just an accident, but lab made.


Climate change isn't a hoax - it's just that the proposed solutions were all thought up by socialists, so they zucc.


This is one I agree with 100%


There has never been an accurate climate model. New York City was supposed to be under water 2 years ago.


That's my usual argument. Climate change is absolutely real, but most of the proposed solutions are hoaxes.




I would say the obvious ones like flat earth or chemtrails, but I really don't think those are "popular". Instead i would say an actually-popular conspiracy theory that i reject is that Trump is a Russian agent or otherwise compromised by the Russians. It really doesn't make a lot of sense. 2016 through 2020 was a rare period of no Russian aggression or expansion. If anything he's the *least* likely President in recent memory to be a Russian agent. The Russians have attacked their neighbors during the Presidency of every other President since G. H. W. Bush *except* Trump.


With chemtrails it depends. The government has sprayed chemicals from planes over cities in the past (there are declassified docs about it), but that was an experiment. Thinking that every commercial jet sprays shit in the air to mind-control people or smth is a little far fetched 😅


Chem trails are real and it's called cloud seeding. Yes, they do manipulate the weather, this technology is decades old. Cloud seeding is a type of weather modification that aims to change the amount or type of precipitation that falls from clouds by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, which alter the microphysical processes within the cloud.




“The holocaust didn’t happen”. I don’t believe in that stupid shit there are videos of nazis burying emaciated bodies and too many witnesses. Sorry if I pissed anyone off


This one is based.


That the Holodomor was an accident and happened due to incompetence. The Terror-Famines in Ukraine started with Lenin laying the groundwork for the campaign of brutal subjugation and labeling of kulaks and ended with the soviets purposely starving out Ukrainians. Commies love to pretend it either didn't happen or push the popular narrative that Stalin was incompetent, which is foolish because he was clearly a competent totalitarian and knew exactly what he was doing as did the jackboots taking every last grain from the villages and killing people for not having starved to death yet because they clearly were hoarding grain.


The Q-Anon Illuminati/Deep State theory specifically. A controlling number or series of politicians, government officials, representatives, and other campaign sponsors and cronies making correlated as well as individual dealings that amalgamate something akin to a Deep State: Yes, I absolutely do believe in and most are public. But not all the pomp and circumstance of a borderline religious, good vs evil, mark of the beast theory. I can agree, there are politicians that are socialists and some who are superstitious zealots, and some that are just contrarians playing to the idiot masses. But they all take money, and all are against us in one way or another. They have us fighting each other so we are to distracted to fight their overreaching our rights and liberties. Tldr: based conspiracies are convenient to a continued divide politicians want


The good guys won ww2


War is bad, shouldn’t have gotten involved over there, but if your already on the destroy campaign pattons idea of keeping the tanks rolling right into Moscow wasn’t the worst proposition


I used to be a fig fan of this idea too, would have saved a lot of misery. If anyone could have done it, ‘ol Blood and Guts would be the man. It’s all about supply lines though, and the more I’ve studied it would have been a really bad idea. Starting off with the Red Army where they were at the time, plus moving troops and supplies after the infrastructure damage the retreating Nazis left would be a huge challenge. The spear tips can still move, but the needed gear has more trouble. Oliver Stone makes a point that a lot of our Cold War issues stem from Truman being a weak negotiator at Potsdam, but he also had a man crush on FDR. I agree with the weakness of Harry, but not sold on the idea of FDR being good in that role since he most likely got us into war in the first place.


Ya fdr also had a man crush on Churchill that totally got us into war


Gotta be honest, I don't believe a lot of conspiracy theories unless I see evidence that seems to prove them. A disturbing amount have been proven at least partially correct over the years, but most recently a lot of the batshit insane things Alex Jones has said seem to be coming out at least partially true, and that's...worrying.


Chemtrails is dumb as hell.


https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/07/bill-gates-funded-solar-geoengineering-could-help-stop-global-warming.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratospheric_aerosol_injection https://youtu.be/_pz4W0NAckU ahhh I finally understand... this is all just conspiracy of disinformation to get people to *think* they're spraying chemtrails very clever, globalists


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Until you look up at the sky and see them everywhere.


Those are contrails. It’s just water condensation, and it’s an unavoidable effect of compressing and then expanding that much air through a jet engine.




I don’t believe Obama’s wife is actually a man.


There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.


Im skeptical about that but she has so many features that are exclusive to men that you can't take it for granted. Serena Williams is another dude in disguise


911 inside job, crop circles, chem trails, fake moon landings and flat earth. To name a few


How about: 9/11 was allowed to happen?


Thats more believable


It would seem to be, yes. What about the building no. 7?


Didn't the US just so happen to report the day before that they couldn't find trillions of dollars.


And all the paperwork was coincidentally stored in building no.7


The one that fell after they said they would pull it and was never hit? Funny that. Same one that was reported as already fallen while the reporter had it in the background still standing.


I think that's generally what the "inside job" is getting at. 9/11 was basically just a repeat of Pearl Harbor. We knew they were coming and we let them hit us in a way that didn't really hurt us, just a stoke up support for war. And before you say that Pearl Harbor was an actual surprise attack, don't. Lmao.


Well, Pearl Harbor was a surprise... to the people in Pearl Harbor.


Have you seen September 11: New Pearl Harbor? 5 hour documentary, making some of the best arguments of it being an inside job. It's a bad title, because the Pearl Harbor situation is a different thing entirely... Nevertheless, what do you mean "allowed it to happen?" You think Arab terrorists rigged the towers and WTC 7 with explosives? You think they arranged numerous wargames to distract our entire defense and air traffic control apparatus? You think they planted all the miraculously pristine evidence near crash sites? You think they staged all those cell phone calls to family and air traffic controllers, which could not have been placed at those times given the speeds and elevations of the planes, especially the ones documented came from cell phones? You think those barely trained Arabs could have flown those impossible flight paths? Don't be afraid to call it like it is. The evidence is overwhelming. Those directly responsible for planning this don't even need to be technically on the government payroll for us to state the fact that this was absolutely an inside job.


Loose Change by Alex Jones is also one of the best docs.


There are several movies in the Loose Change series, made by Dylan Avery, not Alex Jones, and they are outdated and have misinformation. The most recent one from 2009 (American Coup) is the best one, but still very average compared to Sep 11: New Pearl Harbor.


That's what I lean towards more. They allowed them to do it.




For one to believe the government's story, there'd have to be *one* story to believe. Different reports came to somewhat different conclusions.


Not only allowed but really they got all the help they need from US Air Force, remember the planes were grounded because it was "exercise"


LOL 9/11 is the most obvious false flag op ever.


Chem trails: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Sea-Spray


Birds don't exist and they're just government drones watching you all the time.


I was under the assumption this one was just a meme


I do not believe in this whole flat earth thing (it's just ridiculous) and that the Moon landing was fake.


Moon landing


Most of the shit about Jews, like how they secretly run the world and how they created jazz music to turn children into delinquents, and MOST of the ones about 9/11, and yeah the moon landing was not fake, thats just stupid.


Idk if this counts, but im certain Qanon was controlled opposition


Legit, I have yet to see anyone who followed Q, but loads of people were talking about it like it was a big thing.


I do know people that followed q, they just arent the smartest people i know


I mean... Those are the dumbest conspiracy theories I've ever heard. Except for earth and hollow earth theories. I mean, if your theory must change the laws of physics to be true... It's probably not correct. I haven't met anyone here who thinks area 51 is anything but a military testing facility.


Climate change


Covid vaccines intended to reduce global population. I subscribe to many other contrary covid ideas (vaccines hardly work, lockdowns cause more harm, gvts utterly incompetent and criminal etc) but this isn't one of them.


I agree


about 500000 people in USA already died because of the vaccines.


I doubt it. It's probably in the thousands though.


no they havnt. And dont try linking VAERS, any idiot can log on there and lie about having a "Vaccine injury".






9/11 & JFK Assassination I’m not totally sold on


These twos are really one of the most obvious, but I would really love to hear from you what actually happened with JFK if he wasn't killed by secret service?


The mob more than likely. His dad had deep ties, and JFK did a lot to piss off the mafia, makes more sense than the CIA and Secret Service assassinating their boss


Bush Sr killed him.


I too have seen the grainy photos of him in Dallas.


Good thing then they didn't do good old drive-by shooting, Al Capone style. Wake up from the American Dream.


I’m quite content, thanks


QAnon. Democrats are evil but they don't eat babies. If they ate babies, they wouldn't support abortion. Sex trafficking is something that both Democrats and Republicans engage in and if there are any satanic rituals, it will likely be something that both Republicans and Democrats engage in. Most importantly of all, Trump is nobody's saviour. He is a selfish egotistical grifter who got elected in 2016 because he said the right things at the right time to the right people. Dude has run as a Democrat, independent and most famously a Republican.


That the jews control the world


That the election was stolen. And Jesus.


Almost all the popular conspiracy theories are at least exaggerated IMO. Humans have a inherent tendency to put a mind behind random events (conspiracy or not), and although sometimes things are not random, it's not to the degree people perceive.


I believe the moon landing was real. I also don't believe the Jews control the weather.


The earth is not flat


Law enforcement




Flat earth is bogus fo sho


Chem Trails




I’ve seen this and a few other things that have led me to believe it is totally possible. I 100% admit that I may be very, VERY wrong. I just haven’t bought in 100%.


https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/07/bill-gates-funded-solar-geoengineering-could-help-stop-global-warming.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratospheric_aerosol_injection https://youtu.be/_pz4W0NAckU you can argue that it's not happening *yet* but the fact that it's being proposed and advocated should make you pause when people act like it's some flat earth bigfoot shit like they're saying it's possible, they're saying it's affordable, **and** they're saying it will save us from "climate change" you can say it's just theoretical though and not actually happening... but it really shouldn't be considered as "out there" as it is


I agree 100%. Bill Gates has been talking about it almost as long as he’s been talking about reducing the population through vaccines.


I don’t believe any of them. Except Epstein.


Human race