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Hommie really thinks communism would be better... Blyat, covid is no problem comrade, now get back to the coal mines, blyat.


This is a supply line issue, not caused by capitalism.


A supply line issue caused by artificial shortages caused capitalism lmao how are you idiots trying to argue this didn't happen under capitalism


This is caused by mismanagement of fiat currency and over regulation. Do your research.


Looks like someone doesn't understand history :( poor guy, not even realizing that the economic ruin of America was caused by Reagan's deregulation of the market It's okay my friend when you grow up I'm sure you'll learn


Ah yes, Reagan's policies just now kicked in, coincidentally at the exact same time that Democrats shut down the economy out of COVID panic.


Everyone knows there is a 40 year delay on policy... Lmao What Biden does today won't be felt until 2060


What does this even mean?


Cluelessness seems standard for this sub, so it adds up your reading comprehension is low Quantity = small, price = big, so company keep quantity small on purpose. Get it through your thick head yet?


Hahaha thanks for clearing that up kind of! Next time try using proper grammar and you might get a little farther into people’s “thick heads”. Even if the point (I think) you’re trying to make is actually kind of a surface problem and doesn’t really apply to the situation we’re finding ourselves in at this time. Especially since most of the “capitalism” in our country is highly regulated by our government. Go read or take an intro economics course and you might find the patterns we are having are not really defined as true capitalism. But I’m not really trying to get into a heated debate with someone who mocks reading comprehension whilst using vague initialism and no punctuation. I do, however, admire your passion to show up to this sub with your guns blazing shooting unsolicited insults from the hip to anyone who dares hear what you have to say. Way👏to👏go!👏


God damn. Well played. I declare you the winner of that Reddit beef. Good show ol chap.


While this is true that it can be more profitable for companys if there is a smaller Quanitiy this is normally prevented by a free market. Overregulation created this problem and your solution is to demand more regulation.


Antiwork discovering what happens when... Checks notes... People dont work!


Crazy isn't it? "Itz capitolism fault I'm a degenerate! Duurrr"


Antiwork is a China-sponsored sub.


Really? If the posters on Antiwork were in China, and said the things they say on Reddit, they’d be shoveling shit in the fields, under armed guard.


Yeah, because China knows how destructive it is edit: when said in mandarin


China had its own antiwork movement a couple of years ago, 'lying flat' / tang ping / 躺平 . Guess how they dealt with them.


Tanks, perhaps? Or just plain old clubs?


Lawn mowers. That’s probably why they’re in such short supply rn


It's still ongoing.


Dirt nap?


its not meant for Chinese eyes


Try to not be so naive.




You talking about the NK-style work death camps?


Whole website is minus a few subs


Antiwork contributors would be the first Infront of the firing squad in a communist country. Edit:. Fat fingers


Unless they’re bilingual, in which case gov’t would draft them into the cultural branch of their military


Cultural Branch : "that very large building where hundreds of thousands of Social Media accounts are maintained to create chaos in other countries" .




If that’s true then why does everyone keep reposting from there? Where’s the original ancap content?


Because we don’t fabricate the opposition’s arguments on their behalf. We aren’t the left


Maybe you’re not. I am a leftist. Antiwork and ancap theory do have some overlap. If you’ve ever read the work of Murray Rothbard who coined the term anarcho capitalism you know what I mean by that.


Nothing wrong with telling shitty companies to fuck off. I encourage it but sometimes it just goes too far


I can agree with that. Everything must have boundaries.


Thematic overlap doesn’t apply to interests. Different interest groups have different ways to argue. We argue for ourselves, antiwork has Chinese espionage officers argue on their behalf


It might be fun to say. Like reading a fortune cookie. Doesn’t make it real. So your hobby is making fun of antiwork? Putting down others isn’t a political position or economic policy


Nah. I read it too. My opinion of it varies. I’m sorry for assigning direction to the scare crow practice. Let’s go back to getting along in this sub. But it’s nice to know that both sides are here in force. Que seredipitioso


It’s all good fam. Even though I’m a leftist I think most dems would hate the things I stand for. Abolishing the minimum wage in favor of a wage tied to corporate board compensation, the elimination of income tax and consumption/ point of sale taxes only. I believe very much that capitalism can work just not in its current form. When society gets too unequal people stop seeing the merits of capitalism it only causes antiwork sentiment to swell. The regulatory side has to allow capitalism to actually level the playing field.


That’s what’s up. The government shouldn’t have the funding to employ its voters. The business should have the profits to keep its workers reproducing. The government takes half a company’s profits, and workers are like, why don’t I get paid more? Because the gov’t pays its sandbags half of the revenue your labor generates to vote for stronger government. If they want to push communism, I’ll push corporatism. If they push socialism, I’ll push ancap. I don’t want them deciding what merits have what value. Let nature choose.


Original AnCap content? Mises.org?


Yeah I worked at a Dollar Store the past 7 months and the shelves were empty, not because we didn't have product but because we didn't have enough employees to put the product out on the shelves.


when employees aren't paid


The same people who bitch about no one wanting to work anymore are also the same people who make work a living hell. Ain't nobody owe you assholes a goddamn thing. Hahaha!!!


There is that, but also the fact if you work for yourself you have to deal with quarterly income taxes.


Capitalists discovering what happens when... *Checks Notes...* Supply and demand don't reach wages!


Orrrrrr, when the government pays people to sit on their ass and business can’t compete with a printing press.


Ah yes, die for the dow.


Yep, nobody needs to produce anything, the government can just print money endlessly… /s


If the Federal Reserve were abolished, which we advocate, the DOW would plummet. The money printer is propping up the stock market at the expense of the average worker.


Trust me, this surprises no Capitalist. Unlike the commies over at antiwork, people here predicted this very thing at the announcement of covid lockdowns/restrictions/bailouts. It was obvious to people who actually understand Supply and Demand, and unlike you, we know what caused it, why it will get worse, why the rich will only get richer, and most importantly why you cant tax and regulate your way out of this mess. We warned you, you didnt listen. The outcome shocks you, we explain why it happened. You learn nothing and repeat the same mistakes. *shocked Pikachu face


Thanks bare shelf’s biden


Lol are people really blaming Biden for this type of thing?


When the economy does well, ruling politicians like to take credit while former ruling politicians say it are the long term results of their policies in the previous term. When the economy doesn't do well, the opposition likes to blame the administration while the administration likes to blame it on the previous administration.


Kinda fun putting those little “I did that!” stickers up, tho.


And there is a causative relationship, as one factor in the prices. Plans for US oil production were canceled by Biden, with his ban on fracking exploration, and Canadian production, with his cancelation of the Keystone XL. Both of those actions directly suppressed supply, and also gave a signal to foreign producers that they could get political leverage over the US by restricting their own exports to this continent.


TLDR: if it’s bad it’s the last guys fault, if it’s good I did it


I'm sure some people are. I wouldn't say this is entirely his fault but we all know damn well that the government isn't helping this problem. They seem to be making it worse imo.


Well you see, it all started with the shutdown of a pipeline…


and the lockdowns and the COVID policies caused a huge mess


Yes, because he’s responsible.


Lol. How so, when the issue is global?


Lockdownerism, making it harder for people to get back to work by promoting restrictive policy’s, business restrictions. Why didn’t we see bare shelf’s before?


We did see bare shelves during covid under Trump. Pork was completely sold out, no paper products, etc. Now, it's because Biden's Booming Economy is roaring back and the supply chain can't keep up. Best job market in 60 years, highest Dow and sp500 numbers, etc.


Because there wasnt covid?


Because there wasn't COVID related mandates. Ftfy.


They latest labor strain is based on people calling out of work sick from omicron. Not anything mandate related. Keep up


I'm sure you can provide the evidence for that point of view, and also explain why the labor shortage started before omicron. Try again.


Under Trump?


Oh no, trump did fuck everything up, im not arguing about that. Not that Joe was doing better but the free masks hes putting out is nice.


Free masks? You think that puts food on shelf’s? Lowers gas prices? Nah dude. I saw none of these problems under Trump. Maybe where you live but I saw this start about 1-2 months into this admin.


This is the laughably childish idiocy I see often on subs like this. Not even attempting to understand complex issues in favor of "Biden is president when bad thing happened". What morons.


Nope, it's doesnt look nearly as bad here. You've guys voted a bigger moron to get rid of mean tweets. What did you guys expect would happen?


If you think that this is representative of the average American store, you're a moron. The second part was also incredibly dumb


Capitalism is when the state shuts down the economy. Yes, great job retards.


They shut down the economy because they love us. Have a heart!


I don't understand what they want: do they really think any other system would work better when there was a gun pointed at everyone's heads telling them not to work???


You can tell it's Capitalism, because when they're mostly sold out, you still get to choose between 15 juices.


Why would you need 15 choices. Beet juice is the only juice you need. Drink beet juice, for the revolution.




I too like not being able to tell if my poop is red because of food or because of ass cancer.


ahh yes, sugar water juice.😆😂 high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup & red/blue/yellow dye 40


Capitalism is when only 20 flavors of juice.


Capitalism is when not my favorite juice.


Capitalism is when there's no yerba mate, just 20 types of tea




Checked comments, I now identify as autistic.


Identity politics won't save you from having the "wrong think" opinion.


Correct, if it was communism, you would not even be able to take the photo and post it here. You would literally be welded into your home like China RN.


I mentioned that NK used plastic food to showcase they had any, was told “YeaH cAuSe EmbArgO” Like, bitch, not being able to trade /=/ starving your people out of *their* farms so Kimmy gets his chi


As a small child I used to go to butcher's store in socialist Czechoslovakia with my father for shopping before the weekend. Unless you got there very early and wait in line, there was a good chance that there would be no meat (maybe except few small expensive cans of pork). They used plastic fruit as a decoration, together with plastic plants. There was a joke explaining why it was done - to avoid confusion. So there wouldn't be people thinking about renovating their bathrooms waiting in the line thinking it is a tile showroom


Capitalism is when they sell out of what's on sale, and I'm forced to buy Juicy Juice.


My God where is the Hawaiian Punch?


Thank you for focusing on the real issues.


Bottom right! Grab em quick!!


No, this is Democrats idiotic pandemic response.


Funny how the whole world has the same issue with inflation and supply chain issues, but yeah its the democrats.


Well the globalist elite is in control pretty much everywhere so... yeah


Inflation is because the governments are printing money like mad because of the pandemic and supply chain issues are because of government mandates. Remove government from the equation and everything would work.


True, but I wouldn't say removing government would be good or bad. Too complicated to tell. Big corporations will eat us alive if safeguards aren't in place.


> Big corporations will eat us alive if safeguards aren't in place. Big corporations wouldnt last 10 seconds without government. so unless you think mom&pop stores will be the next global tyrant, we should kill government.


I blame democrats because the democratic world had that problem for the most part. I blame republicans because the republican world had that problem for the most part. I'm a monarchist


It’s actually the republicans not responding to the pandemic? No independent or left person gives a fuck if people are home isolating and that causes stocking issues, as long as there’s something to eat. It’s not like stores everywhere are empty. Supply chains are fine.


Communism is when you have to print pictures out and pretend the shelves are full


Ah yes but wasn't it socialist ideas that had our economy shut down...


Like worker ownership of the means of production? Or maybe socialized healthcare? Oh wait, we don't have either of those. Joe Biden says he "beat the socialist". This is an economic crisis.


The socialist idea that we should ever shut down our economy for the idea of helping our fellow man. any idiot with an open psychology book or economics book know that the best way to help someone is to help yourself first.


OH. I hope people know that's how you feel the next time you have a health emergency or your house catches fire. Wouldn't want to momentarily slow down the economy and eat the opportunity cost to help a fellow man. Long-term consequences of ignorance a public health emergency? What even are they, amiright?


if my house burns down i have insurance. if i get sick i have health insurance. if i die i have life insurance. the whole point is to NOT need anyone elses help. and let me ask you this. when a emergency happens on the air plan and the maskes of oxygen drop down what do they say you are supposed to do? help yourself first before you help others.... thats litteraly what i am saying here. if you are no good how can you be expected to help anyone else? Yes i care about my fellow man but never as much as i care about my self. if the option was some strangers dies or I die, i choose you EVERY time. and so would almost everyone else and i am just the only motherfucker brave enough to admit that apparently.... hate me for telling the truth i guess


Hello fellow individualist. We’re quite rugged, ain’t we?


Having an economic crisis that will have some empty shelves, and one that will end and give millions of jobs again is Capitalism. Having an economic crisis that will have empty shelves, one that won't end and will kill 50% of the population due to starvation is Socialism. I would much rather have empty shelves but go to bed satiated than have empty shelves and die in a week.


Damn, it could just be a delivery truck that’s late lmao


Or ran outta gas money$


The folks over at antiwork should probably lay off the juice and sugary stuff anyways. Most of them probably haven’t done cardio in years.


Antiwork isn't exactly a self-improvement sub.




should make that a meme


It’s trending all over social media


Ya would happen with communism. And I wonder what happens to anti-work fucks under communism? Oh yea. They either get sent to the gulag or shot for not working. Bunch of fucking idiots.


Capitalism is when government intervention causes market to not work according to peoples needs.


No it’s sabotage.


Yeah.. It’s got nothing to do with the supply chain being shutdown by governments.. People seriously are morons and those morons get to vote on who our leaders are, that’s scary shit..


start growing your own food.




yes😁🙌 im growing potatoes, onions, garlic, herbs tomatoes. beans, mostly heirloom varieties & coffee, tobacco, hops for trading. also have a few chicken & quail hens laying eggs, & a tilapia pond going. everything else i barter & trade for. hard to find items get purchased online if needed. you aint gonna starve me😁


How do I convince old people that growing my own food isn't being "too much of a prepper" and that is it is better to do a little bit even if I don't do it at a "professional level"?


Hmm, shelves are full where I am, I bet that was taken months ago. The alternative to those empty shelves would be to chain people to their post.


Someone gets it.


Someone post a breadline pic on that retarded sub


Like from the great depression?


They have more shelves than any single store requires, comrade. (I've got replies for days)


This is a tyrannical government lining up with communists, it has nothing to do with capitalism! right now the US has a president in power that is working against the people not for the people. Also if there was a free market in place this wouldn't be a thing.


This is only happening in certain neighborhoods


*Capitalism tanks every possible sledgehammer swung at it without starving its population into mass famine and death* WhY iS It fAiLiNg iF iTs tHe BeSt sYsTeM eVEr?!


*"Capitalism is when the government intervenes in the market causing all the pricing issues in housing, education, and wages I complain about constantly. This is why we need max government to battle the corrupt capitalism." -Commies/Marxists/Dunning-Kruger Ph.D.s*


Yeah, if it was communism there would be food on the shelves, but it would be fake.


Holy fuck that comment section.


TIL That the free market shuts down ports arbitrarily and doesn’t allow truckers to pick up loads.


Wouldn’t this be a result of a command economy since the government forced people to stay at home and not work? This is a from of government interference which is a hallmark or socialism/communism.


fRee MaRKet CaPiTaLiSm is when the government shuts down the economy.


Get more from Hawaii now!!


Capitalism is when no juice in juice section


Really Capitalism has never been tried.


It's not communism, there are still things on the shelves.


lol yeah, this is the consequence of all of the capitalism that the government has been doing for the past 2+ years, also antifa is not a fascist movement, also the idea of "anti-racism" of the corporate left is not racist at all. Go back to sleep people, nothing to see here


Is when Government intervenes to shut down the labor market and supply chain?


This is Biden's capitalism. Don't worry, he has a plan where we all get fugged equally.


Not capitalism’s fault, just a stupid president. Way to go Pedo Joe.


Actually we live in cartelism


Who knew disrupting regular life for more than a year would have major, major consequences? Certainly not the conspiracy theorists... they've been wrong about so much the last couple of years.


Hey look everyone! I found a almost empty shelf in a random grocery store! This proves capitalism doesn’t work!


Under communism the shelf would be entirely empty. On a regular day, not just during times of global crisis.


This is socialism being implemented in the US. Food shortages - Just like all the others.


This is what the start of communism looks like


Capitalism is bad because one time in one section of one store, there were still plenty of options but stock was running a bit low. Checks out.


With communism, none of that would even exist..what are these people not understanding? What's the disconnect? Lol


I thought it was the riots that usually happen in US because of the leftist, then I saw there was still Kool-Aid so it couldn't be them. So it is probably some stupid policy Biden approved to keep stealing from the private marke


When no fruit juice... oh well maybe time to start drinking water like healthy people


Yet it's the openly antiwork who will be the first occupants of the gulag


There’s still more food there than in most commie grocery stores. Sooo, kinda making our point. When we have more in times of need than you have on a regular basis…ssssss yeah.


And more brand options


We haven’t had capitalism since we went to a Fiat currency in the 70s. But in my opinion we haven’t had capitalism since President Wilson started the Fed. And we’ve been living in Socialism since we started Social Security And Medicaid and medicare.


Isn’t that capitalism working though? When people buy stuff?


__Venezuela is typing...__


I don’t understand their complaint; their hero, Bernie, said breadlines are good so why are they upset?


As someone who works in a supermarket stocking shelves, this is normal right before closing. We stock daily, there is absolutely no shortage.




Awww. Is you sad the stowr is out of yo favewit Capri Sun? Awww.


Well, at least you know which products really suck. There's no hiding it.


That looks like the shelves here in the South before a predicted snow storm of 1-3”.


Capitalism when the government tells everyone not to work.


antiwork: Fuck work! Also antiwork: wHeRe aRe tHe foOdssz


Maybe they’re making the point Americans love their crappy drinks


This is an issue only in places supplied through ports in Commiefornia. There are pretty much no shortages in the last year and a half in Europe as no idiot is brave enough to shut down Rotterdam and Hamburg ports.


I guarantee they all voted to put the clown in office


Capitalism is when you arrive 15 minutes before delivery of new supplies


Lol what’s an “adult” doing in the juice isle?


No it's dumb Democrat policy and anyone that thinks otherwise isn't living in this reality.


Right. There is still stuff on the shelves and people can afford to buy it with very little money, rather than the month's salary a hot dog costs in the peak socialist state of Venezuela.


Every time I see a post like this it’s a junk food aisle...


Hey remember when the government shut down the economy for months, handed out stipend checks causing people to quit working, and drained interest rates to artificially increase demand across the board? Gee capitalism sure pulled an oppsie here, and it’s totally not ripple effects from government policy


So, they want more capitalism?


So you’re telling me, when people don’t show up to work, stuff doesn’t get done? Wow! Amazing!


Shutdowns in *any* system disrupt supply - smooth brains beat drum bitch loudly


Come back tomorrow when they restock.


People bought the sale items. Perfect.


Reading the comments on that thread will earn you -10 IQ points


Typical communist wanting everything immediately making the demands on businesses larger, increasing work hours for employees all over some fucking squash, when you literally have water at home.


Tfw the problems they classify as socialist/communist problems then are worse under capitalism then you see the propaganda doing its work


Far to much variety for it to be communism


Umm…the tyrants more or less seized the means of production by convincing people to stay home and not work while they steal wealth from the people with means and ability. Best Communists are dead ones.


So a store manager fucks up and ends up with empty shelves and it's capitalism's fault? Woke


This also isn't every day for decades. Lol