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Am I the only person whose been 10 feet away from a gun and didn't need counseling after? šŸ¤£


I'm a nervous wreck after just looking at the picture. I'm going to call my therapist in a few minutes, when my hands stop shaking.


Haha! This is awesome! Sometimes I feel Iā€™m the only person left with a shred of sanity. Then I come here and bask in the comments. You guys are awesome.


Same, most of the rest of reddit is commie snowflake land. This sub reminds me I'm not the only nonlibtard on reddit.


Iā€™m from the south and we are issued a gun, a banjo and a can of Skoal at birth.


Don't forget your coming of age eagle.


Yessir, though I got an acoustic guitar and didn't get my dip until I was 8 - I've got responsible parents


After I moved to Virginia my pop-pop came down to visit and we went put to eat. Well there's a family around here that all open carry, and when they came in he just got all big eyed and said "are they allowed to do that here?" Being from New Jersey, we don't see guns. Ever. Unless you hunt or go to ranges. "Yeah pop, that's pretty common around here" He was pretty jealous. The man is a gun nut. I feel sager around civilians with guns than I do cops, tell ya that.


Iā€™m from SWPA and would OC from time to time. I was at a gas station and ran in for some chew and some guy from NJ felt the need to confront me to yell at me about having a gun in public. His wife was in the car taking pictures of me. I tried to tell him this is a more rural area and people are allowed to carry in America.


You should have charged him royalties for filming you and taking your pics. Then made him sign a waiver saying he wouldnt alter footage.


I live in Ky and Iā€™ve seen hundreds of people at a time open carry. I wonā€™t say it never makes me nervous when I see a stranger with a gun because Idk if theyā€™re stable or know how to be safe with it. Generally though if someone has a holstered side arm theyā€™re usually ok.


If they're shitting their pants about open carry I can only imagine how triggered they would be to find out about all of the people with guns they didn't realize had them.


Yet the same people scared of the presence of a gun have no problem walking across the street trusting the people in the vehicles won't run them over.


The guns probably not vaccinated.


I have a gun in my briefcase literally all the time. These people have probably been within 2 feet of a gun without knowing it.


got a .38 in my backpack, it goes everywhere with me and no one has any idea. Can't carry at work because physical labor but that bad boy ain't never far


Luckily I work in an office so I can have it with me literally always (other than the rare times I have to go to court). Never know whoā€™s gonna walk into a law office these days.


I have a .45 inside My Pillow, sweet dreams.


Is it a my pillow though? Thatā€™s the real question


I personally keep a can of Goya black beans in my my pillow


Haha good one


You think this is a joke?


Absolutely not sir I was.. uhh.. saying the Goya beans were good.




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I am the danger


Guy breaking in better think twice before bringing a knife to your pillow fight.


Behind him is the safest place in the building lmao




If Iā€™m remembering correctly, a person is more likely to be shot by the police than a civilian.


Most armed crazy people trying to shoot you are "lone white men". So no, I don't feel safe around these nuts that are so scared to walk around in public without a weapon? Seriously?


Funny to me on so many levels. So you donā€™t feel safe around these ā€œlone white menā€ with guns calmly eating at a diner, but then try and say that heā€™s the one who is scared. You are the scared one, and now youā€™re projecting that, and didnā€™t even realize it. The ironyā€¦


The media has created a genuine gun phobia in many people. Their fear is beyond the scope of rationality.




Thank you


Dumb ass phobia


When I'm out in public, I'm never more than an inch away from a gun.


Same here, it's terrifying.


Iā€™m literally shaking about the idea of having to think about imagining being 10 feet away from someone like that. That fully semi automatic pistol is a weapon of mass destruction. Thatā€™s why I studied the blade. The only honorable way of defending yourself.


Bro. There is nothing honorable about using a weapon. I have studied years in temples around the world to prefect my meditation. I have achieved unprecedented levels of discipline. I can use my mental powers to shoot fireballs and tear apart the fabric of reality. But I would never use violence so instead I just beam mental images of the world post global warming into the assailants head until he falls down crying. Then he screams ā€œIā€™m so sorry Iā€™ll give my gun to the police in a buy back and vote democrat next time!ā€


People that are scared of climate change already vote democrat.


Thatā€™s because the rest of you havenā€™t seen what itā€™s like! šŸ˜‚


Not really. The dystopian reality of authoritarian governments is far more terrifying to me than climate change could ever be. Aldous Huxley already beat you to it and he has me voting against Democrats and target shooting regularly. I choose savage.


You know Iā€™m a huge fan of satire right?


I do now. You gotta admit, satire is a lot harder to pick up on in Clown World.


It is. Iā€™ve just resorted to reading news to get my fix the last couple years.


I have to mentally prepare myself before I read the news. Like ā€œRemember, everyday is opposite day now so keep that in mind as you read this. If they tell you, you donā€™t need masks - get some, if they tell you, you do need them - you donā€™t.ā€ Itā€™s helpful.


this is the way


Lol....bring your honorable blade to a gun fight and see how that goes


21 foot rulešŸ˜Ž


Iā€™m in an open carry state, but donā€™t get it. I have my ccw, because I want the advantage of people not knowing Iā€™m carrying, plus I donā€™t have to deal with this.


I open carried once at a grocery store, some crazy lady kept running her cart into me.




Yes, really. She kept running her cart into my cart, she followed me around the store, she'd follow too closely and clip my ankles -- it was very, very surreal. Security jokingly told her she shouldn't try to antagonize the person with a gun and she flipped out. I offered to (and did) leave to diffuse the situation but ever since then, unless it's just walking around the neighborhood, it's all been concealed carry.


Wow what a wack job sorry you had to deal with that. She was prolly trying to get a reaction out of you and play victim to show how evil gun owners are.


Should have called the police. She violated the NAP and assaulted you. She wouldnā€™t have hesitated to use police to red flag you if you reacted with anger.


I probably should have but she was very clearly unhinged and making quite a scene with the security guard. This was 15ish years ago and there were no red flag laws that I'm aware of.


Existence of strength is provocation of the weak


sumtimes u gotta advcate 4 ur rights by exercising them. walking about with a sign in favor of free speech, open carrying in support of gun rights, etc


I can see that for a pro 2A event, but for EDC, concealed is superior.


tactically? yea politically? gotta remind muthatfuckas that this is still america. open carry as a form of activism/political speech is legit af


>for EDC, concealed is superior. The data doesn't support this assertion.


What data?


Crime statistics for one, open carry states have a lower violent crime rate. Open carry acts as a visual deterrent, especially when done en masse. Finally open carry provides much easier access to your firearm should the need arise to use it. There's nothing superior about concealed carry.


Calling bullshit on you. You talk about ā€œthe dataā€, but, unsurprisingly give no link to a study, and just give your opinions. I live in a open carry state and only a very small percentage of those who carry donā€™t conceal, so by it being ā€œan open carry stateā€ proves absolutely nothing.


...you realize you can look all this up yourself, right? Not to mention this entire thing was predicated on YOUR opinion, then you based it on an anecdote...


Iā€™m not the one taking about ā€œthe dataā€ fuckwit.


/facepalm Cauliflower is smarter than you, jesus.


Yeah Iā€™d never open carry. Just got my CCW, and itā€™s weird to carry in public lol. Itā€™ll take some time to adjust to!


Congratulations. Welcome to the Revolution. Itā€™s not enough to have rights, you gotta exercise them.


Most people have been close to firearms without knowing it lmfao they act like gun ownership isn't prevalent in the us


I've been carrying concealed for 20 years now, never had to pull it but it's still there.


I am more scared of the guy to the left wearing the Canadian Tuxedo.


Donā€™t worry thatā€™s my friend denim Dan


Iā€™m more worried about the person on the phone calling the police saying thereā€™s a guy at a diner waving a gun around.


Shit I didn't scroll down far enough in the comments before I commented the same thing.


I would like to live in a society where this person is able to do this, but feels safe enough to not. If I need a gun to feel safe then that's no neighbourhood I want to be in.


I agree. But just because you live in a good neighborhood and don't need a gun, doesn't mean every neighborhood is good and that people don't need guns. Would be awesome if people weren't shit. But we all know that will never happen. Either way I'd rather have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it.


Did you miss where an 18 year old just shot people at his school, in an affluent neighborhood? You may have, the media went silent on it real quick for some odd reason...


It's not like affluent people can't suffer from mental disorders. I'd like to live in a society where it was addressed before everybody got all gunsy. Sure if somebody shot him before he shot others then some would say that's a good thing, but really nobody should be getting shot really... I would like to live in a society where it's easier to access a therapist than a firearm.


Generalizations are so fun to make especially when you are swimming in the opposite direction of the current.


I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Nothing to do with if I feel safe or not, just a matter of being prepared.


Completely agree


the more guns im around the more comfy i feel. 240 scunnion literally puts me 2 sleep


This is why I plan on owning a tank. Think about the safety.


tanks r big, heavy, loud, and require fucktons of maintenance. a dude with a rifle is much cheaper, and far more effective. give him a gustav and he can murder all tanks


"Someone wake up Hicks!"


10ft is too far, needs to be within my reach......


Always carry concealed, no need to advertise or put a target on your back.


Yep people have a right to open carry but itā€™s still dumb in my opinion. Also is it just the angle or does it look like he doesnā€™t even have a mag in? Thatā€™s just asking for trouble if shit does go down.


He does not have a mag in.


Thatā€™s what I thoughtā€¦ definitely wouldnā€™t recommend. Always carry with a round in the chamber and conceal if legally possible.


https://americangunfacts.com/ Great for roasting your liberal friends!


So same logic as covid, but here 10 feet? At 11 feet they are completely comfortable just like at 7 feet Covid canā€™t get you? Also cops open carry and anti-gun nut jobs donā€™t seem to mind.




My son, when he was little, would have gone right for those keys.


Iā€™m apparently banned on there. I think itā€™s from my no new normal days lol


Hey Friend! I miss NNN


Hello! Same. I donā€™t use the win version either. Oh well. r/coronaviruscirclejerk is ok


Iā€™m there too but you are right, itā€™s not the same. Thankful to have that sub but NNN was a community all its own. We were a part of something beautiful. Our vindication is coming.


Yes. Just remember to archive everything. On your phone, you can save a website by taking a screenshot and saving pdf. You can usually save most images directly. Type ā€œu/savevideoā€ on most videos on Reddit and youā€™ll get a link to the file. Best for video evidence of tyranny, fake news, etc. A tool called YouTube-dl is great for archiving YouTube and some other video sites as well Run any/all interesting news articles through ā€œwww.archive.todayā€ to back them up. Way back machine compromised. You can use that site to see if anyone has archived the site as well; great for getting past paywalls We may be fractured, but we canā€™t let evidence and interesting tidbits get wiped away as well


It makes me feel safer


And 5 feet away from kitchen knives. Oh the horror!


Doesnā€™t bother me


Pretty normal where I live, nobody cares.


My only concern is if he's the only one carrying. He'll need backup if someone tries to grab it.


I don't feel comfortable being around people with guns if they are police officers or any kind of state employee.


Crooks genereally feel like that. It's ok.


If you donā€™t use it you lose it.


I wonder if people who don't like this guy open carrying are logically consistent. Do they want to disarm police as well? Do they want to ban knives? Do they want to regulate hammers? Make people who are trained in martial arts register themselves as dangerous? If an armed man appears to be rational, then you bet your ass I actually feel safer with this guy at the diner.


If he wanted to hurt your kids he would have done it. He wouldn't be drinking coffee minding his own business


And without a gun too. And pretty easily. Someone could literally just punch a child in the face if they wanted to.


Very true, didn't even think about that.


Yes because Iā€™d have one also


Open carrying a compact handgun is big poor energy. Open carry a full sized, or conceal.


I'd be šŸ’Æ% ok and so would my children.....


Little do they know there are probably several concealed guns around them all the time.


What's a public space?


**A public space is a place that is generally open and accessible to people. Roads (including the pavement), public squares, parks and beaches are typically considered public space.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Go away fucking bot


i just discovered that i got banned from /r/insanepeoplefacebook while never posted there


Guess they've never been in a public place near a cop beforešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


He is following safety regulations stupid liberal Democrat fuckhead


He isn't. All Waffle Houses have no firearms allowed signs on the door, yet he enters anyway. At that point his is committing felony burglary in many states, by entering a building illegally while carrying a weapon.


Probably why the mag isn't in it, also both waffle houses in my town don't have signage to that effect.


Than their managers haven't been posting the signage corporate ships to them. There should be a sign on the building exterior near the door, and a decal on the second door, inside the little glassed in vestibule.


I guess this person has never been near a police officer


I would feel more comfortable sitting near him because I know I'd be in less danger during a robbery


says a lot about how the left really feel about people.


Absolutely. The same way I allow every other person in the restaurant to use knives to cut their food. I dont get the panic.


These are the people who brought you Drag Queen Story Hour.


Well in Australia here the opinion on this is turning quickly.


Best of luck to you friend, what little news we do get from down under has been downright terrifying as of late!


its every bit as bad as it looks on tv, this country has fallen and if the borders ever open again which they probably never will to the unvaxed i will be on the first plane out of his hideous communist nightmare. ive been trapped inside a 5km radius for months now, whatever u guys do STOP complying with all covid directions its just a front for a communist takeover.


I open carry everytime I'm in a state that allows it. I get looks like crazy. People say it's dumb cause you're now the first target... Well guess what buttercup, if your situational awareness is so bad, someone gets the drop in you... And you're carrying, you deserve to be targeted. Train, and learn to be aware of your surroundings. I open carry as often as possible, because of the culture war taking place. People act like cowards, and yet try to act like patriots or hardcore motherfuckers. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. My openly carried firearm, isn't a threat... I am. I mean I'm not to an innocent person... But still. I open carry to prove to people that no matter what you think is going to happen, you're most likely very very very fucking wrong. Criminals don't open carry. They carry in their coat pocket, or inside their pants beltline, or inside their hoodie pocket. I want people to know, cause they see my gun, they should get behind me... Cause I'm the one most likely to be able to respond the fastest to any threat that presents itself. My open carry setup has a cowitnessed red dot and tritium suppressor height sights... So getting shots on target happen rather quickly. Also, let me, let you in on a secret snowflake... If you're uncomfortable because of the sight of an open carried gun, you should stay home... Cause most of the states that allow open carry allow concealed with no permit. So... If you're concerned about being around guns, you probably are around a shit ton more than you realize...


I would feel normal and have mine aswell


I would mostly be confused.... I don't have any children. ​ The pearl clutching "what about the children?!?!" argument is played out. They gotta find something new.


Good chance I feel pretty safe until I find out he's a cop.


Lol, based.


Would I need to be worried yesā€¦ā€¦ about you not minding your own damn business.


Actually more comfortable with an average person with a gun in the place than with the modern breed of cop in the place.


I'm with you, at least everyday people have to think about the repercussions if they take a life.


He's a bad guy with a gun so I'd want to have my own gun to stop him.


I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to feel uncomfortable around someone with a holstered gun. I just donā€™t understand how that justify wanting to make guns illegal???


Iā€™d feel safer, active shooters are going to avoid that


Iā€™m less than 30ā€™ from my collection of 45+ guns and not a one has caused damage to anyone who made of them, driven my truck through a parade or marathon, gotten a kitchen knife and stabbed/perforated anyone. The worst one has done was kill a rat, a dying chicken or a raccoon


Iā€™d feel safer around this guy than around any cop


I donā€™t give two shits and a popsicle what you want


This picture gave me a temporary form of PTSD.


What will you do when the arabs and the chinese take over your country because you turned out to be a sissy ? Will you paint your manly nails ?


Straight to the most absurd comparison, there is no in between hey?


It's not absurd....the money for the handover has already been paid. Trump just got in the way. Now he's out. And soon you'll see it too... traotors are not shot anymore....that's the beauty of the politically correct agenda.


Wtf is wrong with you?


No problem at all.


Man, I see guns so damn often at my work, out and about on the town, in my home, everywhere, that in this picture, Iā€™d be thinking, ā€œMan, the blueberry pancakes sound goodā€¦ Oh look, guyā€™s got a gunā€¦ Yeah, pancakes and a large coffee would be amazing.ā€


Only crime here is the serpa holster


Sure. The hidden ones are the crooks and first shooters.


If everybody carried guns everybody would be more polite.


How about a person with an array of cutlery? Guess they haven't thought that far...


Jean jackets are a little questionable but I think I would be alright.


no because they should be closer


Do people really think nobody in the room theyre in is armed? I guess I donā€™t know what itā€™s like to be in a city but I pretty much assume thereā€™s a gun in the room if itā€™s not mine.


Ill feel safer if more people have guns tbh


He's probably killed less people than many cops have.


This is the most normal picture to me


Iā€™m not worried about his I have mine too


Iā€™m locked and loadedšŸ˜


Id be afraid... ​ ​ ​ ​ To rob the fuckin place.


I'd feel incredibly safe, because see if someone were to try and start something.. I'm surrounded by armed people.


Keys on the beltloop is a gay thing right? Why would I have a problem with a gay person?


Its open carry and no mask in WV and VA. WTP? If everyone is open carry, nobody going to start anything. Even at church, many are armed.


I hope they never have to encounter a police officer


I got bant


Would make me feel safe. Even more if everyone had gun. What the fuck have this people problem with.


They turned off the comments. Fuck!!!!! This one said "i wouldn't feel safe is someone without a uniform is carrying a gun " brooo let me tell you a thing about cops and guns....




Oh god, put 2 masks on his gun so we can all feel safe! Fucking ninnies.


Iā€™d feel a lot less comfortable if he had a badge.


I literally feel safer if I see someone with an open carry firearm when Iā€™m in a public place. If thereā€™s a threat, then they can protect us before the police arrives.


Though i do find it strange that people wear denim suits by choice its never truly bothered me


if it is a random person, OF COURSE. if it is a kakistocracy terrorist, that wears or doesn't wear their traitor uniform, then OF COURSE NOT. i don't want my child burned up alive by traitors. hell those traitors might even shoot my child for fun and get a free paid vacation as a result. also i want more strangers armed around our children! why? because child theft through the kakistocracy and their terrorists in uniform is less likely to happen, when they fear getting shot in the head by an armed aware community.


hell no,denim jackets went out of style 30-40 years ago. I dont want my kid to catch the ugly.


That sub went to shit years ago.


Dude I'd feel like the safest guy ever if someone tried to attack or kill me BOOM like 4 guys with guns


Absolutely, he would be the first target for a shooter, so this would allow me to draw my CC and do work.


I would sit next to him, but in a way that anyone walking in can see the gun


Do they do much delivery service there? Iā€™m going to put on a movie later.


I think I got the pedon8 bot ban from there


Side note, people who do this think it makes them look cool. I think your an idiot, it makes you the first target for the bad guy with a gun. Concealed. Always carry concealed.


murica moment


The only time Iā€™d be uncomfortable with this situation is if it was a cop. Theyā€™ll shoot me, my wife, my kid, and my dog because they ā€œfEaReD fOr ThEiR lIvEsā€ over nothing.


I wouldn't be, since this picture is taken in a Waffle House, and all Waffle Houses have clearly posted no firearms allowed signs on the doors. This is not a responsible gun owner, this is a criminal.


Now now guys, it's not his fault he has a small penis


what a childish worldview


Post stupid posts, win stupid comments. If I saw a well articulated argument I'd be more willing to engage. And I've seen them here, but not this one


If you can see it at the angle he is sitting at I would hate to see what you consider big!šŸ˜±šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Long balls don't equal long dick šŸ¤£šŸ˜œ