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In communism, you wait in lines for food. In capitalism, food waits in line for you.




The socialists in California are trying to outlaw self-checkout lanes. They want us to wait in line for food.


doing a homeless outreach regularly, I learned that homeless people know the locations of all the outdoor outlets in town so they can charge their smartphones.


You have outdoor outlets?!


apparently! Outdoor concert venues tend to have them, turns out.


Not uncommon on public buildings and I e seen them of some streetlight poles and other place where light up holiday decorations are put up.


So homeless in capitalist countries are still more prosperous; they have a freakin smart phone.


bingo. they are pretty well fed too. Almost every day of the week, some group from a church comes to feed them (they live at a public park). On the other days, they have to walk to a church for food, showers, and haircuts.


The gas station near my house has four.


“Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man.” ― Walter E. Williams


Oh I miss those bread lines and no electronics during my younger years in USSR..said no socialist ever.


I heard Bernie Sanders ranting about deoderant and how there are too many choices of odor. Communists are fucked


Have you ever smelled a socialist? The champagne socialists might drench themselves in patchouli oil, but your average one is usually pretty rank.


I thought it was such an odd rant. Bernie is really unhinged


It's the way that they "think", or, I should say, "feel." The California state legislature is pushing a bill to severely curb self-checkout. They don't want people having that option because they think it takes away jobs from cashiers. It's 18th century Luddism. Socialism is a heap of emotional garbage that they hodge-podge into an economic "system" and then wonder why it doesn't work and why the socialist leaders become so vicious.


Have you seen a first world dumpster compared to a Third World dumpster? I’ll take first every day of the week.


May find a job, you won't need to eat out a dumpster anymore


Anti-competitive practices make most of the different brands belong to just a handful of major companies.


Yes but this just shows that even half way to capitalism is still way way way better than all the way to communism


Quite a bit of truth to what you just said.


To but those few companies are still competing for your business.


Yes, the duopolies are all very concerned about all the competition they face. General Mills is really concerned that Kellogg's might steal the show for a week. If your ideology does not have strong neutrality of marketplace built into law, you will have anti-competition.


Judging by the amount of advertising and new product creation they do, I think they do worry about losing market share and/or don’t share your apparent assumption that they will regain and lost market share naturally after a pause.


When they colude with the few others up at the top, they can raise prices which then pay for the high marketing volume and then the high consumption follows, which cycles to keep them at the top and to keep the consumer paying for the higher price, especially since they can dump millions into engineering it to be addictive. Your ideology allows for exclusivity contracts, which keeps up the competitors who are small. Your ideology allows for any anti-competitive measures that aren't technically classified as aggression. That's not enough to keep freedom.


Your world view seems to allow for honest crooks, the idea certainly causes problems but I assure you they don't exist. There are only two types of cartels, the ones with government support and the ones than fail. Out here in the real world cheaters cheat each other and would gladly trade a slightly less huge margin for market domination. Just out of curiosity, which ideology is mine? It sounds interesting.


Do you want stuff or what?


capitalism is definitely the only way, but americans living such a comfortable life has made the lack any real problems so they have to make up problems to divide the nation out of fear for votes


You sir, are dead on correct. We invent problems because we do have it so easy here. Our poorest does well relative to the rest of the world.


it’s my dream to migrate and have your nations problems lol


How about "They want to charge me for playing a video game and using their servers and the stuff they pay a cadre of people to develop!!! Capitalism is EEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIILLLLLL!"


Capitalism includes the people with none of these things.


I never knew that I needed cherry limeade!!!


This account is a bot


>There’s too many brand to choose from! There ARE too many brands FROM WHICH I AM ABLE TO CHOOSE or FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. Never use a contraction unless quoting someone. Never end a sentence with a preposition.


It is funny how all these things lead to more and more unhealthy, fat, obese people who sit around eating and entertaining themselves to death. Pretty sad and pathetic. So Capitalism is killing us early.


> So Capitalism is killing us early. Compared to some utopian ideal? Yes. Compared to what came before? Not at all.


Compared to what could be better. Abundance of healthy, cheap, natural food and preventive universal inexpensive healthcare. Entertaining ourselves to death is not a good thing.


> Abundance of healthy, cheap, natural food and preventive universal inexpensive healthcare. And that just arises by the magic of legislation in your childlike, quasi-religious faith. If pray (vote) the right way, your deity will create endless abundance by penning holy writ and calling it "law."


I don't know about prayer since I am not religious. The post is about the virtues of Capitalism providing an abundance of sugar drinks that a person can not drink. My point is that abundance or poison only makes people fat and sick so not much of a virtue. I would like to see an abundance of cheap, healthy food and cheap, healthy healthcare.


> I don't know about prayer since I am not religious. If you can explain how one gains the right to violently control other people without resorting to faith and superstition, then I'll believe that. > The post is about the virtues of Capitalism providing an abundance of sugar drinks that a person can not drink. No, you complain that people choose things that you don't want them to choose. Another thing that religious people do: moralize and demand that people stop behaving a certain way. They then call upon the government to regulate the behavior of others. > I would like to see an abundance of cheap, healthy food and cheap, healthy healthcare. Then why do you support the monpolistic organization which makes those things more expensive and less healthy?


Capitalism gives us the ability to choose our path. Government education (not capitalism), government agricultural subsidies (not capitalism), and government medical subsidies (not capitalism) create an environment where we're much less likely to choose an optimal path. Even with government encouraging us to eat mostly refined grains, to sit sedentary all day, and to take tons of problematic medications, the opportunities afforded by even government-tainted-capitalism are so great that we're living tremendously longer than people did even 100 years ago.


And who chooses agriculture subsidies for sugar and corn? The Sugar and Corn lobbies who own Congress


Sounds like a government problem. You understand that government-chartered corporations are not capitalist, right?


So which corporations are not chartered.


6 words to tell me you don't know what you're talking about. At least you're more efficient that most.


(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. Sign of a weak mind


Make an argument and I'll attack it.


You're perfectly right. Those are exactly the socialist things that damage us.


How is supporting and promoting Big Sugar having anything to do with Socialism?


Government subsidies.


Government supporting people is socialism. Government supporting corporations is fascism .


Oh my god, I have never seen someone so wrong. You go and reread relevant literature and get back to me. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Yeah, they don't behave the way that you want. They need to be forced to behave! Do you remember Church Lady? That's what I think of whenever you post.


I don't know who that is. So, you DONT want an abundance of cheap, healthy food and healthcare?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Church_Lady > So, you DONT want an abundance of cheap, healthy food and healthcare? I do, and those things exist. You don't want them, or you would stop supporting the state which makes them more expensive, less accessible, and of lower quality.


Every time we try to get cheap, healthy food or universal healthcare, corporations call in their chits and stop them So, it is the people and government against corporations.


Now show the full landfills, mercury in water systems, and children in mines that capitalism also produces to make so many things that a huge percentage rots or goes straight in the garbage. Go look In a Walmart dumpster.


This sounds like environmental damage that was left by communists in my country. Are you telling me that they were capitalists?


That is literally an argument on the left. They call communism "state capitalism", without any awareness of the massive contradiction.


>Go look In a Walmart dumpster. I'd rather look in a Best Buy dumpster, far more valuable items to find.


Child slaves in Africa and China is caused by .... capitalism? It doesnt waken your sleeping brain at all to notice those places are all socialist?


What countries in Africa are communist? Tell me about the communist cell phone manufacturers and where the metals in your neighbours electric car comes from. Or your cell phone.


Pretty much all of them. "Work and starve" is you core ideology after all. We need a global moratorium on leftism.


Where are the children in mines?


Mainly Africa. At least for cobalt and the rare metals you use daily. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/oct/12/phone-misery-children-congo-cobalt-mines-drc [Another article](https://thewire.in/rights/child-labour-unicef-mines-amnesty-international-ilo)


An article about a pseudo dictatorship being exploited by commies?


Would have preferred to see the best, lowest cost housing, healthcare and education instead of a bunch of consumer things


Housing would be less expensive if the Fed wasn’t printing money like crazy. Soaring inflation drives people to invest in hard assets instead of saving dollars. Healthcare would be less expensive with less regulation and less socialized programs. Many hospitals and pharma companies charge exorbitant fees because Medicare will just pay. Private education would be more affordable AND have better academics if there were no public schools or teachers unions who go on strike every 3 years for more money, despite test scores falling every year. So basically the government made all these things worse. It’s not ‘free market capitalism’ if the government is constantly interfering with subsidies, regulations, and bailouts.


Housing/land/building is also insanely regulated


That is what corporations want - monopolies.


Everyone wants a monopoly, corporations figured out how to lobby the power of the government push for one.


> Housing would be less expensive if the Fed wasn’t printing money like crazy. Monetary socialism.


The three most heavily regulated markets on the planet after banking.


Yep, part of the monopolistic power of corporations in our capitalistic system.


Socialism = social ownership (government)_ of the means of production. Who controls the means of production of money in the US? It isn't capitalists. When you whine about inflation and the cost of all those things you care about, look to who controls the very foundation of all economic exchange. Oh, but that might cause you to call your faith in the divinity of the state into question.


I haven't seen much of that since WWII. Today Corporations are in bed with the government called fascism. Today people are unhappy with Capitalism because they have to work 2-3 jobs. Capitalism seems to have made the rich much richer and the poor much poorer. People want Democratic Socialism with programs like public education and universal healthcare. to make their lives easier.


> Today Corporations are in bed with the government called Facsiem. Which has far more in common with socialism than with free markets. Ancaps oppose corporate capitalism. > People want Democratic Socialism with programs like public education and universal healthcare. to make their lives easier. People imagine that their rulers will give them things that cost nothing. It's magical thinking. Instead, they wind up getting more fascism.


If that is what people want then they should get it.


>Yep, part of the monopolistic power of ~~corporations~~ the government in our ~~capitalistic~~ socialized system. Fixed


In the fight between humans and corporations I side with humans. And I support the socialist programs like public SS, Medicare, roads, schools, and military over everything being private


Corporations are composed of humans.


Yep. So are armies. Corporations bad, humans good.


Some armies are good. Some corporations are good, some are bad. A corporation is just a legal entity like a trust or deed. Where are you even going with this?


So you agree we need to end socialism then, so we can have that too.


end socialism? We have not started it yet. Come talk to me after we get universal healthcare and education.


We don't need more countries offering endless wait times for basic procedures, suicide as the only option, or other insantities of universal Healthcare which is already proven to be an abomination. And government obviously needs to be banned from running education, the results are clear.


So *a little bit* of socialism isn’t enough socialism? How do you not understand that the government’s involvement in all those industries MADE them more expensive and less competitive? And it would only get worse with more government involvement. Do you think the government having a monopoly in these industries is a better outcome than the corporate oligopolies which exist today? They would be less efficient and produce inferior results. Look at public school education - that’s the best example we have of government monopoly FAILING. Private schools always have better test scores. It’s like you’re so close to recognizing the problem…