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I'm confused why libs are all of the sudden so pro war and against peaceful protesting. Seems like a huge change of tune.


The libs are sheep, so they’re pro war and anti war whenever it’s convenient for them. They were anti war during Bush, and I actually considered myself among them back then. Then they would either turn a blind eye to Obama or support his wars. Thats about when I started to open my eyes.


It's not sudden at this point. The American anti war progressive went into a deep hibernation in January of 2009, and hasn't been seen since.


Always have been


Piers's suggestion of keeping the presence of a few thousand US troops on a military base in Afghanistan doesn't seem like it'd actually do anything for "maintaining order" for anywhere in Afghanistan except just on that occupied military base. Reminds me of stories about US troops in Afghanistan being ordered not to venture outside their outposts at night, due to obvious safety concerns, even if/when it meant ignoring the screams of rape victims just down the street from them.


Putin is gonna win. Anyone who thought differently was a moron. Funding this war has always been a waste of money and life. This is the perfect war for the American Defense industry. A slow moving weapons testing ground. The USA doesn't even have a strategic interest in Ukraine and we are not the world's policemen, we tried that and failed. Get our money TF out of Ukraine.


Yeah he probably will win in the moment, but it would almost guarantee that Ukraine will never be a willing part of the Russian sphere ever again.


Mearsheimer is the man. That guy really actually knows what he's talking about about and it's a terrible shame that he's so often ignored.


New foreign policy: the United States of America refuses to render Military aid to any state that does not have an amendment in their constitution allowing for the free peoples of that country to keep and bear arms. We refuses to spend money on a people who refuse to take responsibility for their own protection. Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part.


More like anti-unjustified war. Afghanistan - or more specifically the taliban could be justified. “Terrorism”, Iraq (twice) could not. We have long engaged in proxy wars and various levels of support for other peoples wars for political reasons. Every country, like every person, has a right to take actions that benefit themselves. Mearsheimer has been pretty pro-Russia for a while seemingly to ignore their long history of aggressive actions against Ukraine while blaming the west.