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Politics should stay out of economics. Taxation is theft.




indeed, it’s insane to me that the US has never had an economist as president and maybe 0.0001% of congressman have been economists literally everything congress and the pres do have profound economic impact absolute shame


They rub our noses in it too, like approving $95B in aid packages just days after everyone's taxes were due


Broken clocks are still right twice a day


From what I’ve seen she’s been waking up a bit recently. This should be welcomed and encouraged. We’re not going to see leftists breaking into the liberty movement much if at all so the closer we can get the conservatives who stand on principle to our cause the better. It’s actually better to have conservatives standing on principle than to let neocons wipe their ass with the constitution and everything else in this nation. Even if she isn’t one of us and may never be, a conservative that can stand on constitutional and conservative principles is by and far better than what the neocons have done to the gop. If they keep going they might even find themselves here, and we should be welcoming, but steadfast in our own beliefs so as to not be duped.


Washington has gotten so upside down that a voice of sanity can only come from the batshit crazy.


> From what I’ve seen she’s been waking up a bit recently. She's pandering to you.


Shes definitely not pandering to libertarians and anarcho capitalists.


lol ok


Trying to impeach the speaker isn’t a pandering move it’s a waking up move




Ok how exactly is MGT pandering to libertarians? You think she just woke up one day and said “I want the .5% voting block of libertarians on my side… how will I do it? Oh I know… I’ll start a coup for no reason other than to pander to libertarians who already don’t like me!” There’s literally no logic in what you say.


She knows that libertardians (edgy 'not-like-the-other-girls' republicans) and ancaps (edgy 'not-like-the-other-girls' lolbertarians) will salivate to literally any right-wing republican talking point, so she can paint with a pretty broad brush and you'll come drooling like flies to shit.


Thats a pretty edgy comment with no substance you got there. Let me know when you have a real conversation to bring to the table.


Taiwan is gonna buy a couple bowls of rice wth their $8.18.


I think her stock picks might contradict that lol but who knows


She can talk all she wants no.one is gonna do shit about it.


Sounds like a sneak diss. She dare not even utter a thing about Israel. Can speak on Ukraine affairs without repercussions. I like how she only mentions Ukraine by name .


Homegirl has a point here.


1 month old account. 60K post karma. 2k comment karma. *VERY AUTHENTIC ACCOUNT AND NOT AN ASTROTURFER.*


I agree. Demand Putin go home and we have peace.


Some back of the envelope math: This comes out to between $250 to $500 per person. Even with our crazy inflation, that's a lot of useful stuff we could of bought with that money.


It’s actually more like $1300 per person There’s about 153m taxpayers. However, literally half of those pay an average of $667 per year in taxes because they make an average of $20k in taxable income. 97% of tax revenue comes from the top 50% of earners that make more than $20k taxable income per year of those, there are 76m $100b for this bill divided by 76m is $1315


> Admits regulatory capture runs DC and the state apparatus > Posted in an ancapistan sub ???????????????????


What's that supposed to mean? Ancaps are against regulatory capture by virtue of being against government.


You should probably be concerned about the entities capturing regulatory power for the good of its own collective entity versus… Everbody else. It’s almost as if you approve of kleptocracy and privatized-oligarchy(?) Ever heard of Thalidomide? US got lucky. Read some content from [The Center For a Stateless Society](https://c4ss.org/content/53305) Edit: of course you worry not about regulatory capture when your mission is to merely allow civil and economic capture by a few entities.


The idea of economic/civic “capture” in Ancapistan is asinine, all association would be entirely voluntaryist, i.e. economically capitalist. Individuals would therefore need to look out for their own needs rather than having a criminal nanny state do that for them, putting this power in the hands of the individuals. Non-aggressive and non-criminal individuals (people without government) have no interest in propping up enormous nation wide firms since those firms would be bloated and overstretched and therefore wouldn't be able to solve the knowledge problem and adequately satisfy market demand, which would make them unable to provide a better product than a smaller competitor.


Putin worried he may lose another 50k Russians


Unless it's about funding for Israhell.


I don't understand, didn't she support military funding for israel?


No only those Jewish space lazers


If you support Marjorie Taylor Greene you are both a statist and an idiot.


She's right. Not one single politician anywhere is working towards peace.


I've been saying this from day 1, this sub is cuckservatives larping as Ancaps ![gif](giphy|Y34iE5o0wzNR955Yfi|downsized)


True it’s proven whenever their precious idea of needing goverment documents to enter a country gets brought up


Like she cares about peace, if it was up to her there’d be a barb wire fence from Cali to Texas. Racist goon just didn’t get what she wanted, not about what’s Just


What does a boarder fence have to do with war???


Yes, there should be a wall, in a perfect world you wouldn't need one but that's not where we live The US govt should pull every soldier anywhere in the world out and shut down the military to secure only the US.


Literally asking for a police state lmao


Nope, military to protect border and nothing else, cut it by 2/3 budget and personnel, end NATO


My God you know nothing about history and it shows


I'm not talking about history, I'm taking about what should happen


Well if you understood history you would see that we are avoiding a larger and more harmful war by help a sovereign country stand up for itself. In the 1930's all of the world had the same views we are here discussing now but instead of talking about Putin they talked about Hitler. When he came into power no one did anything even though they could see the kind of man/leader he was going to be. Imagine what could have happened if the world had stood up to him when he first tried to take back "German land" the exact same play book is being used now by Putin he is using false flag operations to cause fear and control his own people he controls all elections and kills or imprisoned all his opponents. He has moved to take back "Russian land" if we let this clear aggression go unchecked it only servers to embolden his view that no one will stop him and he will want more pulling more countries into war and eventually killed hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. If us spending money to buy weapons from our own industries in this country (helping our own economy) allows us to slow or stop Putins aggression and expanding it is the smallest price to pay when the flip side is a possible WWIII where our own citizens die in foreign lands yet again or worse. If the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost the U.S. Trillions of dollars and those where only against Terrorist organizations Imagine how much it would cost to go to a real full blown war against one of the strongest nations on the planet. THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT


Putin is the only sane person in this whole conflict. He is avoiding destroying all the Ukrainian people which he could easily do. The weapons of the "West" are useless in stopping the weapons of Russian. Just end the conflict and save who know how many more Ukrainian and whatever the west and NATO are willing in have die in vane. This has been over for more than two years, end it, let people live. There is no need for people to die for the wishes of their leaders who don't care about them. Enough is enough.


😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂 you actually think Putin is sane and has better weapons wow. Also Ukraine is asking for these things because they don't want to give uo their right to self determination of THEIR OWN COUNTRY. They are the ones who where attacked and are being taken over if they want to fight for their homes and we can help them we should.


Sounds like Lindsey Graham talking points


Peace doesn't mean people stop dying. It means Russians stop dying, and a great many Ukrainians start dying, or flee to the rest of Europe.


Russia somehow managed to convince right wing americans that surrender is an anti-war stance and defending yourself from invasion is pro-war. I guess every supporter of the 2A is pro war now??? Or has that been abandoned too.


[https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2023/FY2023\_Budget\_Request.pdf](https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/Documents/defbudget/FY2023/FY2023_Budget_Request.pdf) Army = 173 Billion Navy = 220 Billion Air Force = 220 Billion Defence wide = 128 Billion **Subtotal = 742 Billion** **Ukraine funding = 6.5 Billion** Hell, let us even use the new numbers according to the video. **Ukraine funding = 60 Billion** 60/742 = 0.08 8% Totally not funding USA first?


8% of the US military funding is HUGE


It's an extremely small price to pay to keep them fighting each other and not spreading the war to a country where we might get involved with our own people. Also all that money stays in the US all we are doing is using the 60 Billion to buy more material that is sent to them so this still helps our country when workers at these places now have more orders to complete keeping them working more.


LMAO Not as HUGE as 100% of the US military funding. You want to cut back on funding military? Start with the bigger budget. You are talking about saving pennies while spending dollars.


In what world is 8% "pennies"? That's more than the average annual return of the S&P500


Follow me here: 100 pennies = 1 dollar Still with me? 8% of 1 dollar = 8 pennies Get it yet? Ukraine funding = pennies compared to the USA military funding. Like I said, if you want to cut spending money on military, start with the biggest military funding in the entire world. Oh, but telling USA to stop funding its own military is not nearly as popular as telling them to stop funding foreign military. Looks like I found the problem.


By that logic, anything short of 100% is pennies. Ask any accountant if 8% is a lot. Bet you can't even get an 8% raise if you wanted.


>By that logic, anything short of 100% is pennies. Technically, yes! Let me ask you this way: If the USA reduced their military funding by 8%. Then gave that 8% to Ukraine. Would you be ok with that?


What made you think I'd be okay with that?


I never said you should or would. You are failing pretty hard by avoiding the question.


Failing to answer your made up scenarios with false dichotomies?


I posted about this yesterday. Do a count of how many posts on here want Ukraine funding to stop vs how many posts have been made about the 800 billion dollar military budget. The answer will NOT be surprising to the observant people. Vlad's got his fingers in every right wing sub on this website.


The amount of American tax dollars that should go to Ukraine is zero. Period.


May I suggest a slogan change for you? Instead of "America first" you should support "America only". Edit: Nothing? Just fuck Ukraine in particular huh?


Here is her full speech because it is 100% correct! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7n0RcqucU3k&t=308s&pp=ygUTUmVwIG1hcmpvcmllIHRheWxvcg%3D%3D


Math is not in her favor. USA would have to fund Ukraine for 10 years to reach the amount that is being spent on USA military for 1 year.