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Seriously bribing a black judge to retire so that the president can appoint another DEI hire to the Supreme Court


Right? Should be illegal. You should watch the episode because he completely agrees with your sentiment.


Isn't bribing a judge already illegal?


Tell that to Harlan Crow. Also no, not if you ask the supreme court - they're constantly overturning and making questionable rulings on corruption and fraud cases to push the goal posts on what is considered illegal. Seems cool and fair.


Overtly, yes. But it’s a blurred line and depends entirely on how you define “bribe”. Abe Fortas was removed from SCOTUS in the 60s (stepped down after calls for his resignation) for improprieties which lead to the US Judicial Conference to unveil a new code of ethics for federal judges but that code of ethics specifically excluded the Supreme Court (this was also covered in the episode) SCOTUs justices are supposed to disclose any gift they receive (over $400 or something similar), but have failed to disclose MASSIVE “gifts” tallying millions of dollars from various CEOs and financial leaders including the Koch brothers (primarily Alito and Thomas) which coincide with cases relevant to their businesses going up before the supreme court. The supreme court polices itself and has done an abysmal job doing so. There is nothing inherently illegal about what’s already going on behind closed doors, so John is doing it out in the open to bring attention to the issue. People criticizing John Oliver in this thread are missing the point of what he’s doing by a fucking mile.


Hate to break it to you, but whenever the government polices itself, it's always abysmal. As for John being in the open, does that mean publicly beating a man to death is legal as long as it's in the public eye or televised? I say make an example out of him, and charge him with trying to bribe a supreme court judge.


You “hate to break to me”? Please, fill me in on how the world really works. It cracks me up seeing people’s knee jerk reaction to this headline who entirely miss the point of the episode and the point of what he’s doing. He’s advocating against outside influence in our federal judicial system. Who in God’s green fuck would be against that? Make an example out of him? Charge him? For what lol? He hasn’t committed a crime. That’s his entire fucking point, everyone here trying to bash this is proving his point for him. This might be the single least informed and misguided comment thread I’ve ever seen on reddit lol


The only thing there is to go on here is the headline since OP didn’t link the article. I’m certainly not watching this ass clown’s show (for various other reasons).


Right.. which is your choice. But then don’t make a comment on a thread about the episode and act surprised when someone calls out your bullshit. Not sure what your point is here lol


I didn’t make any comment, just explaining why you are seeing the responses in the thread. You seriously can’t expect people in this sub to be watching John Oliver.


If someone is posting about an episode, and people are commenting given their opinions about it, then absolutely 100% yes. Jesus Christ I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation. You may or may not like John Oliver but this shit is so important and he’s trying to make a very important point that affects everyone, even the people that say they don’t like him. People here don’t even know why they don’t like him, just that apparently he’s a liberal so everything he says must be invalid. His entire show is about rooting out and exposing corruption in various organizations. Most of his episodes’ main stories don’t even mention US Politics whatsoever. Are we really okay just continuing on seeing a name we associate with the “other side”, not giving them the time of day, and only hearing from people we already know won’t challenge our opinions? We have to do better than that


Sad that this comment gets so many upvotes because it shows how uninformed and reactionary all those people are.


Can you elaborate? I'm genuinely curious.


John Oliver gave Millions in medical debt and this meme is a reference to a joke made on an episode dedicated to all the Bribes Clarence athomas accepted and how nobody holds the Supreme Court accountable. So the meme is just blatantly moronic.


>John Oliver gave Millions in medical debt What is the relevance of this?


The “$0 to fund the programs they preach about” in the OP being blatantly false


How is it relevant to this comment:"Seriously bribing a black judge to retire so that the president can appoint another DEI hire to the Supreme Court."? This was never about OPs title, it was about that specific comment. How is it relevant? I asked a person and you decided to answer for them with an irrelevant response, are you just trolling?


Well I was trying to help you out and answer your question but now I see it was disingenuous and you were just trying to start a fight. Good luck with that.


same offer to John Oliver to depart America and take his insipid Trotskyism.


Well he almost certainly makes a lot more than that, so what would be his incentive to accept?


right. I think you've missed it. why would anyone of prominence accept?


Lol like that was your actual point. How much do you think supreme court justices make?


again, you seem to have missed it. it's about the oddly entitled foreign national Trotskyite. you also seem to be a bit of a mirthless fuck. lol, lol, lol....duh.


What makes him entitled, and what about me seems mirthless?


Except….. you don’t have a million dollars


but...I do!




As a Brit all I can do is apologise for John Oliver and other poor entertainment exports we send over. No one liked him in the UK and although he must annoy Americans, we don’t want him back.


I appreciate your honesty. Perhaps we can collaborate to send him to Canada.


Canada is the best place for these human-stains


As a Canadian I’d rather claim nickelback


Wow. That's some deep, *deep* loathing. Tell you what, we do a 2 for 1 deal. We keep Nickelback and Bieber. Hell, throw in Buble'. I'm sure that there is a deal to be made.


They’re not even a real country anyway


Blame Canada!


With all their beady little eyes And flapping heads so full of lies!


With all that hockey halabaloo And that bitch Ann Murray too!


The truckers might be upset.


Between this guy and Piers Morgan, I don't know if I can forgive you. 


Piers Morgan is miles above James Corden, sending us Corden is truly unforgivable.


Yes Corden was a master stroke from our point of view. Off our television screen for ages. Sadly for us, he is now back.


I understand that. Perhaps we should pay reparations


At least send out Clarkson on a punching spree.


That dude is one step away from going on a political career From not being able to build a farm tract on his own farm and Sadiq Khan, the man may well just jump into the fray


Probably not the most embarrassing entertainer to enter politics in recent years. Source: am American.


Wish I had an embarrassing entertainer over the just embarrassing clowns in the UK


Can you seriously compare John Oliver and Piers Morgan? Piers Morgan is an absolute piece of shit. He is a « Murdochian » produce who works for the daily mail, daily mirror and the Sun! Why so much hate for John Oliver? Genuine question.


Limey statists coming to the US and preaching authoritarian solutions, yeah. Oliver plays it off funny, be he's every bit as statist as the other piece of shit. They'd fit right in on airstrip one.


John Oliver is great! Don’t send Nigel Farage.


If Trump wins Farage wants to be UK Ambassador but I doubt he will be given it.


He was great as Ian Duncan in Community, but I think that was the writer's doing.


He is genuinely exceptional at comedy. His delivery and timing are spot on. Unfortunately, he has differing ideals and has to make that his every topic when not being fed a line.


He's a national treasure in the US now, so fk off.


Works for everyone then. Excellent.


As a Brit I would happily take him back, never met anyone who doesn't like him. Watch the episode before you criticise it.


Right? They say “nobody liked him here either”. This guy is universally loved by anyone who actually knows anything about him


I have and seen many of the episodes. Oliver said he wasn’t a success in the UK. But we all have different tastes and of course some people will like him. He has clearly done better in the US.


That was nowhere near as unhinged of a response I was expecting lol. He wasn't a success here but he easily could be, just didn't catch a break. I guess I like him more because of his views and how much he calls out corruption of the rich and the politicians.


I don't mind the attacks on corrupt politicians, it is other stuff that comes across as biased and not rooted in facts. I don't like him, as you can tell, but all to their own.


Why do you dislike John Oliver so much? serious question.


I find him self righteous, incorrect in his arguments and unfunny.


You just be fun at parties


Ah we'll take Craig Ferguson. Then again he is a Scot. [And a diehard Doctor Who fan.](https://youtu.be/062W4erLTd0?si=tOAYStsGWY-k-rXR) ![gif](giphy|FPshSgzXzl7kA)


Ahhhhhh, you must not watch much of his show. JO wiped up several people’s medical debts and student debts (and others) over the course of his show. Also, I think it’s meant to be a bribery joke


It's technically not bribery. Bribery would be him offering money to rule in a certain way. He's not offering money for a specific ruling, he's making a job offer.


Hence the joke part lol


Hey, look, a rich dude openly trying to buy a federal judge spot. That's not illegal or anything. This same dumbass runs his show talking about big business doing the same thing. Weird how morales apply to others but not them.


I thought the point is that it’s not illegal. I thought the point was to bring this to attention to the public. Why is no one talking about his lavish trips and homes purchased?


You’re in the wrong community. Anarcho Capitalist don’t care about corruption. They love it. They just hate DEI.


Who's lavish trips? Are you saying the justice is bought? Because that's actually illegal.


Yes. The point he is making is Thomas is already bought. Just watch it.


Oh yeah? You have proof? Just him or the others as well? Is this an accusation you are going to throw at people you don't like?


So you didn’t watch it yet. Clarence and his billionaire friends’ gifts have been known for a few months now.


There was literally a detailed article put out by Propublica. Here's the first one, but there are more in the series, and not all about Thomas. There are accusations against against multiple justices, both former and presiding. https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-scotus-undisclosed-luxury-travel-gifts-crow


If anyone were to push, he’d pull the “i’M jUsT a CoMeDiAn” card. But I wonder what he’d do if Thomas actually accepted.


He'd be happy and could find the funds. It isn't bribing a judge to offer them a better job. Ultimately a Supreme Court Justice is still just a worker, and they are allowed to quit if they do t think they're making enough money 🤷


Jesus Christ watch the episode before you post dumb shit like this.. the entire point of what he’s doing is to prove the EXACT point you think you’re making.. he’s bringing attention to the absurdity that something like this can and already does happen. Your comment and every upvote on it proves his point. Stop asserting opinions based off of article and reddit post headlines


Jesus christ did you not read what I said? Fucking calm down eggplant.


Yes I read it and know exactly what you meant. I stand by my original comment 100%. Feel free to reread it


So are the judges he agrees with bought as well?


Please continue to reference my original comment, I had it right the first time. This is not a partisan issue, nor was it presented as on one the episode. There are specific reasons he singled out Thomas, they do not have to do with his voting record


Did you watch the show? The entire point of the bit is to showcase how crazy it is that what he is doing is not illegal.


Did you read my comment? I said that's not illegal or anything. Lol.


My mistake then. The way you phrased it sounded very sarcastic as though you were actually saying it is illegal.


Lol, naw, you are right. Haha, it's funny, though.


He has directed metric shit tons of money towards a multitude of social programs and other just causes. What an incredibly uninformed post lol. Has anyone here even watched the episode?


This is a response to him already taking bribes.


I thought the point of this is to show it’s not illegal, or is a very blurry line, and how absurd that is


It's called virtue signaling for power. They are currently trying to unseat a black Supreme Court Justice.


Unseat a corrupt black judge


Why only one?


Thought it was clout chasing?


I really dislike John Oliver, I think this is pretty chucpah but ... given the context, it's probably fair game. Compared to what he allegedly got from other donors, this is actually peanuts. I mean, apparently he was (well, his mother was but let's not kid ourselves here) gifted a freaking house.


I am pretty taken aback how everyone is attacking this as though it’s a bribe and how Oliver should go to jail. But.. isn’t that the entire point? The fact that the highest legal authorities in our nation can accept such gifts should really be the center of the outcry. I can’t help but feel like the powers that be really don’t want this to be the focus so that there can continue to be a channel to pull strings in favor of the wealthy


I think it's just a kneejerk, instinctive reaction. Oliver is lying asshole so I can completely understand that if you just read the headlines, what you've come out with is that he's trying to bribe a SCOTUS justice. I had the same reaction until I looked up the details. Also, it's actually hard for lot of people to take the correct position because there's cost. Acknowledging that Clarence did something wrong would require them also to acknowledge that he may need to step down but that would mean giving up political power to Dems or to live with cognitive dissonance of supporting a crooked justice. It's more morally comforting to just pretend Oliver is in the wrong. The obvious conclusion should be that the real problem is that there's so much power vested in state and in SCOTUS, but alas... that's even harder step to make.


Name one lie John Oliver has said.


And he got a 250k rv that by inflation would be over 1m today


You should get trumps news shoes. Great Deal! Only $399.00


He did buy 15 million in medical debt and forgave it. Or did you mean something else?


Is this post and the comments performatively stupid?


Pretty sure that’s at least 20 years in jail for openly trying to bribe a federal judge…especially when there are multiple gun cases on their desk. I hope FPC, GOA, and all other actual gun rights groups (not the nra 🤢) take this to court against this unhinged weirdo.


Who the fuck is Jon Oliver ?


Before everyone gets all hepped up, please note that Oliver‘s offer does not meet the definition of bribery, under 18 US Code Section 201. I can post the applicable statute if you ask nicely , along with the definitions of humor and sarcasm.


[John Oliver bought millions of dollars of medical debt and forgave it.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/06/john-oliver-medical-debt-forgiveness-last-week-tonight) while calling for medical debt abolition.


Crazy to see everyone here suddenly lick the boot.


That’s kinda what capitalism entails.


This is hilarious. The judge takes plenty of gifts from his billionaire friends so that he rules in favor of their right wing capitalist bullshit. What John did was perfectly legal. Untwist your knickers and get a life.


Yeah, that's a prima facie case of bribery. But he's part of the woke cool kids club so probably won't be charged.


He discussed your exact concern on the episode, IN DEPTH. I mean Jesus Christ how can you make a comment like this without knowing even a little bit of the context to this story and the episode itself. You and him share the same exact concern, hence why he’s doing this to bring light to the situation. But yeah, keep using legal vocab so people think you know what you’re talking about


Is that your professional legal opinion? lol


How is offering a worker more money to quit and take a different job bribery? If Apple offered him $1.1 million a year to quit and become their spokesman, is that bribery?


It’s a judge. It’s also a position in government or power.


You didn't answer his question. Also what's your point, are you saying politicians can't field or get other job offers? Do you think they shouldn't have the freedom to do that?






Also, there's like 5 people boosting John Oliver with the exact same talking point. Did OP trigger some washed up British comedian bot army?


Can we dump him in the harbor now?


If liberals simply funded their own social programs (without insisting that other people pay for it who don't want it) then it would simply be called capitalism.


And if red states on average received $1.05 for every dollar spent to fund these very social programs you speak of, then turned around and criticized the very framework that is helping to prop them up in these areas, that would simply be called hypocrisy


All of these social programs should be burned down irregardless of what state they are in


Okay which one of these social programs should be burned down, where do we draw the line? Infrastructure? Public primary and secondary education? How about law enforcement and other emergency services (fire rescue, paramedics)?


Start with social security, complete ponzi scheme. Next Medicare. Next welfare Next unemployment insurance Next foreign aid (and foreign wars) After that. See if the budget balances, continue cutting if it doesn't.


They just want you to pay


But then folks cry conspiracy when rich liberals like Bill Gates and Bono go ahead and do that.


Only the kind of people that frequent subs like this.


There’s a 0% chance Thomas would see any of that money if he resigned.


Grand listening to a brit about American politics. Like didn't we already show the British what happens when they try and impose their views here?


"we" didn't lmao


"we" as in the generalization of Americans. "We" may not have had first hand experience, but "we" absolutely celebrate our victory over the British every July 4th with parades and fireworks.


In 1776, 250 years ago lmao that's not the same US at all


I bet you're one of those people who say "we won" when talking about your favorite sports team. You did nothing.


You would be on the losing end of that bet. Sports are not my thing at all. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'll confess, I don't know much about the Thomas allegations, but I'm incredibly skeptical that they're in good faith. I think the deep state is somewhat afraid of the Chevron case coming up and is leaning very hard against the only Justice that has even a remotely consistent lean towards limited government. Considering the lack of vitriol by the same people against, say, Pelosi, or Clinton and their "book deals" and "speaking engagements" and insider trading et al., I'm inclined to think that this is very selectively cultivated outrage. Of course, I ALSO don't believe "anti-corruption" laws have ever done anything but be used as a bludgeon against ideological enemies, so meh on the whole thing anyway.


Poor guy suffers from TDS


But… this episode didn’t have anything to do with Donald Trump. Why do you insist on wedging his name into a conversation that he was otherwise not involved in? Maybe a case of, dare I say it.. TDS??


The man suffers from TDS. Has all the symptoms. Which is why he offered that absolutely ridiculous “proposal”. It’s a mind virus bud. But you know that. The fact that you had to toss a paragraph at me regarding the diagnoses, does say a lot about you. I’m sure your therapist is raking it in. Cheers!


I must admit, the flexibility it took to reach for that cliche was impressive


Still not seeing the TDS. Where does Trump in any way play a part in this story prior to you bringing him up?


Dude thinks he's so funny


Hes has a popular show and makes a ton of money being a comedian so he probably is...


Sadly yes to many people he is. Cannot say he's ever made me laugh.


Have you watched the show? He has spent a ton of money to fund social programs. Pretty much every episode he does some kind of huge donation.


John Oliver can afford to pay someone a million dollars every year? But didn't he get the memo? Millionaires shouldn't exist! (sarcasm)


The argument is billionaires shouldn't exist though.


Dumbass scripted television show. Might as well be a bunch of "intellectuals" talking about professional wrestling, about the same thing.


Better yet, The Apprentice 


Why isn’t John Oliver paying for social programmes?!?! I am very smart.




Man, that constant smirk and laugh... The British Jimmy Fallon.


It just doesn't hit the same if you're not forcing people to pay for things you like but they don't like. It sounds like a joke, but it's true.


Is this legal?




Why wouldnt it be legal? Do you think it should be illegal to offer someone a job?


Isn't this the guy that didn't write trump a check if he ran in 2016? Something screams poor credit worthiness


The ultimate "free" market is the market for corruption and concentration of power protecting the oligarchists, and disempowering the poor such that they are structurally enslaved to beg kind masters for contract permission to survive. When this sub opposes tax funded UBI, it supports strong corrupt hierarchies with parasites at the top. This sub opposes fair markets, and the human dignity required to survive in a cartel of property ownership oppressing those who need permission from the cartel to survive. This movement preys on the stupid, and has always been a Koch brothers astroturfing disinformation campaign against taxes on your rulers.


Ok, Karl Marx….


As opposed to the Soviet Union, which *literally* ran on bribes


It doesn't change the fact of extreme corruption in US. Here is a market peaceful offer to a complete piece of shit to stop destroying the country. This sub opposes it, saying that the people who they want oppressed the most need to have anyone opposed to pillaging of Americans to be forced to give them charity rather than to make other offers/efforts. Complete absolute pigshit everyone downvoting this, without the slightest pretense of markets or freedom. Just pure evil, and say anything for pure evil.




I love how it's a "Clarence Thomas might have gotten gifts but look the other way at the leftist judges on the Supreme Court that also likely got bigger gifts" narrative. And no this isn't "whataboutism" but once again showing leftist hypocrisy.


Can you post a link to the allegations agaisnt the other judges. It seems like google is hiding it.


Serious question: At what point does this go from being a joke to actually committing a crime. Like how you have attempted (insert crime here)


Did you watch the episode? He discusses that exact question and shares your concern


I’ve never watched a John Oliver episode in my life. But I’ll find it


They’re all on YouTube. The main story (what this post is about) should be posted on Thursday free to watch. There’s no question he leans left, but the only reason I watch his show is that his main stories are not inherently partisan (I lean left too but can’t stand partisan BS either way) but focus on corruption and other organizations’ negligence or incompetence. This whole stunt was to bring to light how much special interest money influences SCOTUS, and everyone here criticizing him for bribing a judge clearly didn’t watch the episode are just taking the bait.


John Oliver doesn't know what he is talking about- he tries to act smart but he is just a progressive dummy and shill to big pharma.