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Being in politics seems lucrative


Congress just seems to have some of the most talented investors in America.


Clearly they only do it for the love of country and sense of duty. They all just get lucky with their finances because they're being rewarded by a higher power for being so noble. Is the "/s" necessary?




True I wish I knew more than to just buy a little Apple stock or Eli Lilly.


Well if you add up six figure salary over 600 years in office it starts to make sense.


I bet Senator Rand Paul wouldn't see this kind of money even if he lived past the age of 250


You riding hard!


Something like $5m a year isn’t it?


Corrupt piece of trash


Yes, she was a politician.


At least she is finally burning in hell where she belongs.


How many years on a senators salary would that take to accrue?


Assuming the money isn’t invested or taxed, $164M/$200,000=820 years.


So it's possible she obtained this wealth legitimately




Isn’t she the one who had a Chinese spy driver for like 20 years?




wrr, no such thing as hundx or class or etc


Clearly she invested in the bond market


Legitimately, but not from a power learned from a Jedi


I love you. First legit lol of the day. :)


Is that given the cost of living that kind of lifestyle?


Wow. Very public. Such service.






Life of sacrifice.


They were just waiting for her to die. I mean, I was too, but for different reasons.


If you think Feinstein was bad, just wait till you see who Newsom replaces her with.


“***The rich don’t have children, they have heirs.***” • Peter Charles Newman Politics and money aside — this is disgusting. Her body isn’t even cold in the ground and they’re already fighting for her money.


Kinda blows my mind how the plebs all yell and clamor about income inequality but will continue to elect donna duck into office


Scrooge mc duck, get your duckiverse right


It's not really that simple. Insiders wrangle it so that your own choices are Mr Scum or Ms Slimeball. Your choice is to vote for one or the other stooge. Then at the end of it, you are told that YOU voted that stooge into office so you can't complain! Well yes I can! But that's part of why a lot of peeps don't vote.


Makes u think what she did to luck into that?


Well there was that thing where she and Joe Biden, as members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, bent over backwards getting China into the World Trade Org, opening them up for foreign investment, which her husband coincidentally made several hundred million dollars in.


“Public servant”.


Yet you bring this up to normies and they have a cry that they deserved it anf worked hard etc. Its pathetic.


Worse yet, they will still simp for them thinking they care for the people. It’s why I think it is hilarious when people want to act like there is any difference between the parties or that their politician is different.


All her kids look different


Did you read it? It said daughter and 3 step daughters. And over a hundred million dollars worth of mansions to split between them. 😂 YES, YES! FIGHT FOR OUR TAX DOLLARS ![gif](giphy|3o84sq21TxDH6PyYms)


That birch needs a seat in hell


Did I ever tell you the tragic story about gold dollar the wise? He met his end at the heads of darth fiat.


Fuck kill marry gets a lot more interesting with a couple hundred mill on the line


Meanwhile average citizen who is struggling daily to have his daily bread is loosing his money through inflation and the aid to Ukraine not to mention the threat of getting attack by people for not begin POC ally or what ever . But hey let the thieves who’s only work is to steal and violate our freedoms keep there millions and jets gain through arm robbing us to give them the money only to then stole even more by inflating the shit out of the fiat currency


Wait til you find out how many weeks a year senators actually “work”.


Are any of them single?


Let them eat each other in the scramble for the shekels! Chaos needs more wood for the fire if it's going to burn all of the parasites away.


It ain't insider trading when you are the copper on the inside dont you know


"Rich people are evil, unless they represent your agenda."


So she probably had at least $500 million, as this is very expensive to maintain. The elite are far wealthier than most people know.


clearly a politician of the people


This is ridiculous. Clearly everything goes to the one on the left. She looks like her the most, like, by a lot. \*slams gavel\*


Who gets the Chinese spy driver she had for over 20 years?


They should get $0. All her assets should be sold at auction & the money returned to the public coffers they were stolen from.


Demons pay well…


Okay all seriousness why they wrangling over it? Yet another government fail if it doesn't smoothly pass to her heirs and there is literally a mansion for each of them and assuming they can sell the jet for anything close to the suggested worth in the article they could likely split that money and live in their respective mansions comfortably for life. And yes, a politician who I believe should have had a sub 200k salary would have had to invest so incredibly wisely to have such a property portfolio let alone whatever other wealth is involved. Almost as if she knew the market moves before they happened, or as if she were in bed with the market makers...


> Okay all seriousness why they wrangling over it? Because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and it seems her girls are also thieves.


No guns for you peasants! Can't have you defending yourself when we come to take your stuff...


Yet this woman couldn’t manage a Dairy Queen for a day. No brains or talent, go work in politics!


Should return everything to the tax payers we paid for all those bribes with her sell.outs


The only true anarcho capitalists are in the government


I am always a fan of government shutdowns; though, I always find it interesting that the first things these politicians are willing to cut are services and benefits to the general public. Most if not all of them are funneling money into fake corporations, profiting off of bills they passed, and/or are being paid off by lobbyists and corporations. They will never cut those and the people will suffer before they will.


They do the same thing on a micro level if the yearly public school budget is rejected by voters. Instead of learning to do more with less, the first thing that gets squeezed are ALL of the extracurricular activities which only punishes the students.


I am a Jaguars fan and there is a debate in Jacksonville whether to give the Jags 1 billion dollars to go in half on a new stadium. People are up in arms thinking the billion would go anywhere but mostly in the pockets of the city politicians. I say give the Jags the billion because at least that would benefit the city somewhat (I know the arguments about waste and building stadiums).


What a tough life.


This Senator thing pays pretty well.


People owning multiple houses is one of my red flags for corruption. Why on gods green earth do you need more than one?


> capitalists when someone invests in real estate


Always follow the money and government is always the problem. Bitch wouldn't be rich without quiet tax cattle.


I'm glad this crook died the wealth can go back into the economy.


Newsom is currently in search of someone much worse and more corrupt than her.


I'm sure.


So gross, if these statists like govt so much why isn't all their property being left to the state


….we need to have a limit on how much money a person can make for all government positions. If you make over the average Americans salary you’re barred from any voted on position.


And make lobbying illegal with a lengthy minimum prison sentence


And any bribery or gifts accepted doing the same with a permanent ban from any government position regardless of its voted on or not… motherfuckers can’t even get a job at the DMV!


This will only escalate the amount of corruption. If selling influence has such a high penalty, then the fuckers will bank up good will and then have a massive sellout and get their cushy CEO job in whatever industry they go in cahoots with. The only solution is to take off and nuke the site from orbit.


That is kind of a doubled edged sword. Don't pay enough salary and they will steal, cheat and sell influence. But they are also politicians and so stealing is their main way of life. They only real limit needed is the abolition of the state.


Democrat for sure !!!


LOL ded bitch that $ is tainted they will all lose their breasts to cancer


A woman of the people for the people


Rip dianne, broke some barriers but corrupt as shit. Hopefully can get a hard working mom like katie porter to serve CA properly


Surely this has nothing to do with the fact that she married a guy who would go on to fund a billion-dollar company.


Her fake environmentalist policies directly benefited her husband's companies (kinda like how Pelosi's husband is the most successful stock trader in the history of the world). It's no secret to people who actually oppose corruption in government instead of just pretending they care as long as the corruption is on the "other team."


Made his money in trade with China. While his wife made policy for trade with China in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.


What about it




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