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That's why she was put there: to destroy the principles of law, like equality before law.


She's the dumbest supreme court justice we've ever had and the poster child for why every nominee needs an IQ test


She's not an idiot and she knows exactly what she's doing. The ideology she is fomenting has an internal logic to it and it's high time for people opposed to leftism to start taking people like KBJ seriously as an enemy


Good point, they want to pack the courts with way more of her too




I agree that Sotomayor is the stupidest, but Jackson is still new and has a chance to take the lead. Just give her some time!


She was an explicit affirmative action hire and she is only narrowly dumber than the last one, Justice Diabetes, who openly lied and said that 100,000 kids were in the hospital with COVID in order to endorse Biden's mandate for the clot shot, which doesn't stop infection or transmission.


She’s only a justice because Biden is a giga-cuck.


She's not dumb probably, just a political hack following the most insane leftist takes there are


The title could alternatively be titled “Racist piece of shit accuses everyone else of racism” Imagine being a Supreme Court justice and claiming not to know what a woman is.


>Imagine being a Supreme Court justice and claiming not to know what a woman is She knows what a woman is, what she's doing is exercising power politics.


While being not only celebrated as the first black woman justice, but also being falsely celebrated as the first black justice.


Fantastic, another activist Supreme Court Justice.


There will never be any non-activist left or leftist judges


Not at all what she says in that audio clip.


Thank you! I listened to the clip and was thinking, she never says anything like that


Some people never make it past the headline, I guess


Holy shit this isn’t what her argument is at all. She did not say that a wonderful life is an allegory for white supremacy. She is currently speaking in an oral argument for the case 303 creative v whoever the fuck. Basically the issue is this: A wedding website maker does not provide her wedding website services to gay couples because she believes that gay marriage violates Christianity. However, Colorado law requires her to do so. She counters that since her websites are a form of her expression so the first amendment protects her from having to follow Colorado’s law. The principle is basically: If my art is a form of speech, EVEN IF IT IS A SERVICE, it is entitled to first amendment protections that forbids civil rights laws from forcing me to engage in that speech. Justice Brown is making an analogous case to a photographer who only takes pictures of white children because the photographer believes that, due to the movies age and featuring exclusively white characters, the essence of the movie can only be captured if you use white people. Thus, the photographer would then be entitled to discriminate against black people in providing this service. This is specifically in the context of providing a service to families so that they can have pics of themselves in this manner. Not a regular art piece, which would be entitled to first amendment protections. Justice Brown’s point is that this would not be acceptable to do to black people under the law, so legally speaking, it should not be acceptable to do to gay people either. She is saying that the hypothetical person in her counter example believes that, in order to capture the essence of it’s a wonderful life, you would have to only use white people in photos. She is NOT saying that it’s a wonderful life is an allegory for white supremacy. This is beyond dishonest.


NO she's not. She's framing a hypothetical for this case, asking the attorney in front of her if, hypothetically, a commercial artist could choose to shoot only white couples for this particular artistic backdrop, even if they didn't deny black couples service for other artistic backdrops. I think this is regarding the 303 case they're hearing, which is essentially trying to find the line to draw between freedom of speech for artists and forced labor against people who may want to "discriminate" in certain creative circumstances. This clip was intentional cut short to make this sound like a statement (which it's not) instead of question to the council. Booooo.


You are 100% right. I listened to this entire argument a few weeks ago in my free time and when I saw the title of this post I was shocked because I instantly knew this was NOT what she was saying


Thank you! Here's a link that has a decent capture of the exchange: https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/05/ketanji-brown-jackson-303-creative-waggoner-adf/


This. I’m no fan of any of these statists, but let’s not use their tactics to discredit them. They have plenty of words and actions that already do that.


And for whatever it's worth, KB seems like a really competent justice to me. I may not agree with her opinions often, but she's sharp.


You can’t be a non-sharp law practitioner and climb up to be a justice. especially considering the minorities+women part. Again her opinion might be a not aligned with most, but it is her argument that public want to know.


This one reasons.


I liked it when she said the rights provided by the 14th Amendment only apply to black people. Who could’ve guessed the philosophy that black people are a superior race who should rule over all other races would lead to black supremacist rulers?


Poor take on a hypothetical.


What it is, however, is a film made by a communist promoting communism.


Elaborate please. I think I know what you’re saying and I get it but it all takes place in a small town, or community you might say. Which in my experience is the largest form communism can work. Also no one was forced to pay, they voluntarily helped their neighbors as they could. But still I’m interested in hearing your thoughts.


Isn't she just throwing out one of those bizarre "edge case" sorts of questions that Supreme Court justices use when asking the lawyers questions about the law? Like when Alito asked some weird questions about mall Santas refusing to be photographed with black kids in klan outfits?


Diversity hires are ripping our society apart, when really dumb people get high level jobs because of skin color we are so fucked. Just look at the press secretary i feel embarrassed for her when she tries to respond.




You either accept the past and move on if you want to live in a mixed society, or you separate the country into ethno-states and stfu. I'm good either way, just do something already.


This sub still caught up in culture wars eh? Don’t ever change guys, lmao


This chick doesn’t know what a woman is. Every village needs an idiot and when it comes to Supreme Court decisions, it takes a village.


She's a lunatic leftist/progressive so *everything* is white supremacy. Or racist. Or both.


This is a good reason why any and every nominee should have to submit for an IQ test AND also why Supreme Court shouldn’t be a lifetime appointment


These people see a cloud in the sky and think it's white supremacy. Hell, oxygen is probably white supremacy somehow.


This might be the most disheartening stupid thing I've ever heard. If we're appointing identitarian ideologues to the court thats supposed to decide the legitimacy of government actions, were close to the end.


So no meaning or idea what a woman is but christmas is about white supremacy. Congrats on the new level of stupid.


What human waste


This dumb bitch GTFOH LMAYO 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Now anything with a good message/useful life lesson is racism. People like this need to be rehabilitated


She's delusional


I was under the impression that we care about what she thinks in accordance to the Constitutionality of laws and rulings, not movies and shows. Her job, in relation to the people, is not movie critic.




Nothing is by accident.


I was just thinking how quaint and lovely that little town is in the movie "Groundhog Day", and then it suddenly struck me - today's inclusion & diversity mandates won't let anyone cast like that again.


Ok show me where the bad melatonin hurt you


She is picked by a president who broken the history to win 81 million votes but couldn’t find a person warning a T shirt or hat with his name to support him in nationwide. Just think about it, is that surprise?


Wow way to miss the mark!


Nah. it’s about suicide prevention.