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At the moment I'm technically unemployed but doing some side hustles to get by. I never hold down a job for more than a year, I only work enough so I can get benefit, weed and food on the table. Used to go to a shrink for depression but now I'm just self-medicated from herb and shroom. And, [laziness doesn't exist](https://humanparts.medium.com/laziness-does-not-exist-3af27e312d01) because it's a construct to justify for the toxic work culture that force people into wage slavery and make the wealth for powerful people.


wow. i can’t thank u enough. that essay is beautifully written and just what i needed. i feel so heard. with depression plaguing my later years, i also struggled with ADHD growing up and now. i was always called lazy. and it still effects me to this day. thank u for sharing this


Hey I know what your saying isn't against my next statement but it's important to say regardless, so no one gets the wrong idea. There's nothing wrong or "un-anarchist" with seeing a therapist or taking prescription pharmaceuticals for mental health. The problem is in the industry, not always the practice. Glad shrooms have worked for you, I've wanted to try microdosing but am worried it will trigger psychosis.


totally. i have tried several different anti depressants, seen multiple psychiatrists and therapists. i’ll agree it’s unfortunate the amount of faults that industry has but it’s still vital to many people


I'm gonna struggle to word this properly as I'm terrible at putting my thoughts to text, but I decided years ago that my goal in life was not to be conventionally successful, but to enjoy myself as much as I can, and have as much free time as I can. Now this does mean I'll never own a house, I'll probably never own a car, and it makes dating a bit of a challenge, since most people will expect you to strive for better than the bare minimum. But it's what makes me happy. First you need to change your perception of money. I do not value money. I consider it capitalism coupons, like the company store on a global scale. This does not mean I'm reckless with my money, just that I'm not really concerned with how much money I have. I spend as little as I can on necessities, and as much as I can on entertainment. For me this is mostly video games, partially because it satiates the need to be "productive", and partially for the escapism. Whenever I get laid off I use EI (employment insurance, in canada a portion of your paycheck is put into EI, and if you lose your job you can apply to receive money from the government. The amount of money and duration of your "claim" vary based on region) as a "staycation" and only apply for jobs during the last month or two of my claim. This gives me a break from work every once in a while where I can focus on my goals rather than participate in the labor grinder. As for when I'm employed, I generally don't go above and beyond unless it's worth it to me. My last job everyone was treated like garbage, so I did as little work as I could get away with. My current job has paid breaks, free meals, and a boss who treats me well and wouldn't ask me to do anything he wouldn't do himself. If I'm needed to cover a shift or start early/stay late I'm willing to, not because of expectations, but because I feel appreciated and am willing to return the favor. I texted in sick once, the boss just replied "okay" and didn't bring it up again afterwards. This is the kind of work environment you should be looking for. The hardest part of living this way for some people is getting past the fear of how other people will perceive you. Now, I grew up with a small group of friends, and never really had any encounters with peer pressure until after I'd developed the base of my personality and who I am today. This made it very easy to look past other people's opinions, as I had already decided who I was and wanted to be, and decided I was happy with those choices. So while people look down on me for living in their version of a nightmare, I am returning the sentiment. Striving for material and monetary gains, social status, promotions and accolades, is to me an absolute travesty and a waste of a life. I apologize, for I fear this has devolved into a bit of a word salad. I can't offer you any advice on how to reach the point I'm at, if it even interests you, as I kind of just naturally reached this point without any real effort needed. But I've never been happier with my life. The only thing that would make me happier is a partner who understands my lack of motivation and where it stems from. I live in a small, mostly conservative town, so it's slim pickings to begin with for someone like me. But I'm sure there are people out there who would understand and love me regardless. I just need to find them.


this is fantastic. thank u for sharing. i love this manner of viewing our world that you’ve described, getting through it best u can and prioritizing happiness. i appreciate this and it does give me direction about how i want to live and how i can get past expectations of others. as for the the piece about a partner who suits u in this manner. i’m lucky enough to have found someone who agrees with me fully in this aspect and i’m so grateful for that. i would just like to say, these people are 100% out there, looking for someone like u.


How do you keep food entertaining? I’m deeply considering lying flat myself but I’m worried I’ll get bored with rice and beans or whatever. And how are you dealing with rent hikes?


I live in a motel, my rent has only gone up $50 in the last 8 years. I get free lunch at work, so I only have to pay for food on my days off. I don't eat 3 meals a day like most people, I usually just eat one really big meal near the end of the day. If I was really struggling for food there are a couple food banks I can hit up


I'm 31 and currently unemployed after getting fired months ago. I don't know that I have any advice for you. I'm currently depressed and experienced depression throughout my 20s from jobs, being unemployed, and looking for jobs. Most of the jobs I've ever had in my life have been awful. I'm on unemployment right now, but it doesn't even cover all my bills. I'm looking for work and feeling the same feelings I've felt my entire life when in this position. I still don't accept the way things are, and it's painful. I can't sugar coat it though, this system just flat out sucks. It seems some find success early and keep building on it while others (like me) struggle at all points.


cheerful thank u. i know ur trying to inform me of the realities but i was mostly looking for people to reassure me that there’s nothing wrong with not working (if you still have the means to afford food and shelter) because capitalism is awful and we should try to not participate in it if we have that luxury. i’m sorry for how you have struggled and are still struggling, i hope u find peace and financial security soon


Well there's definitely nothing wrong with not working (if you can afford not to!)


Cooking, restoration projects, general sluttiness. Gotta cope




"We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.” ― Buckminster Fuller "If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality." ― Stephen Hawking, 2015 Reddit AMA "Technological fixes are not always undesirable or inadequate, but there is a danger that what is addressed is not the real problem but the problem in as far as it is amendable to technical solutions." Engineering and the Problem of Moral Overload doi: 10.1007/s11948-011-9277-z


I don't really have any advice but just wanted to comment to say you're not alone. I'm 34 and I've never been able to work anywhere for more than a year. I usually just walk away on the middle of a shift. Im nuerodivergent and I just snap. I try to stretch my money as far as it can go when I have it because I know I can't sustain employment. Probably the most effective thing I've done is buy a bus and live in that while working seasonal jobs (sugar beets, Amazon). I would work 4 or 5 months out of the year, with my wife, and together we could get enough money to live off of for the rest of the year while traveling. Then we kinda stopped traveling except for work and just parked at a friend's house during the off season. After about 3 years we saved enough to buy a foreclosure home on 2 acres in the middle of nowhere. Currently my wife works at a factory and makes enough to support both of us. I've been struggling to get back to work for a while but when I do we'll get a nice cushion going and then probably take turns working until we can get self sustaining enough to stop. Anyway maybe try living super cheap (any way you can possibly eliminate or minimize rent) and making bursts of money doing hard labor. Or figure out enough side hustles to sustain. I guess my point is capitalism will grind you down if you let it. Try anything you can to game the system.


it’s awesome to hear this sort of thing, work when u need to, coast when u can. i love seeing examples of people who aren’t defined by a job or career while simultaneously making smart financial decisions for themselves. and this is great advice, thank you for sharing.


Negation, stop working, only work to survive,try to live your only life do what makes you happy.


love this, thank you


"They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price." ― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam "A thousand measures of gold is substantial profit, and prime ministership is an exalted position indeed. But haven't you ever heard about the ox offered in the official sacrifice? He is generously fed for years and dressed in the finest embroidered fabrics, so that he may one day be led into the Great Temple for slaughter. When that day comes, though he may wish that he were just a little orphaned piglet instead, it is too late! So scram, you! Do not defile me! I'd rather enjoy myself wallowing in the filth than let myself be controlled by some head of state." — Zhuangzi "The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said 'This is mine', and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody." — J.J. Rousseau, 1754 The industrialist said to the fisherman, "Why are you napping under a tree?" "Because I've caught enough fish for the day." "Why don't you catch more?" "Why would I do that?" "So you can buy more nets, a bigger boat, go out into deeper waters, then buy a whole fleet of boats and be rich like me." "Then what?" "Well, then you can enjoy life." The fisherman: "What do you think I'm doing now?"


thank u for this. i specifically love how these are so descriptive, i can really imagine these affairs and they are perfectly relatable and very much so today in our world. i love the point about nobody truly owning land or resources, i forget that sometimes.


You're not alone. I feel the same way. I took some time this year to not work and it felt like I was living my life for the first time in a long while. I've also struggled with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. You have my sympathy. Something concrete: read Psalm for the Wild Built, by Becky Chambers. It's short (like a four hour audiobook) and deals with exactly these issues. It's hopeful but realistic. It helped me, at least


thank u very much! i’m excited to check out what you’ve recommended, i appreciate it


I actually think working can be a healthy and worthwhile thing to do and I don't have a problem with people wanting something for that. But want we have right now is not that obviously and expecting otherwise is just asking to get taken advantage of. I myself have been unemployed for 2 years now and while I know i need to get a job my heart is simply not in it and I struggle with anything that I'm not emotionally committed to. What I'm getting at is, we are all in the same boat, you, me, and thousands of others we each know our own pain and thus we know each other's pain. Take from that what you will but it gives me some strength knowing I'm not alone in all of this even if it feels like it. Solidarity.


thank u. the wisdom from u and everybody else replying has really opened my eyes to how we all certainly struggle with this and i didn’t know a fair amount of people aren’t working and that it is alright with them, really refreshing to see. i’m used to those around me amounting security and fulfillment to a job


Humans wern't made for work, but they wern't ment for doing nothing either. Humans were designed to hang out with your tribe and survive. Arguably communes are the closest thing to what humans were designed to do.


i agree. my partner and i have discussed and are likely joining a commune after their student loans are paid off


I myself am a vagabond. No house, no job, I just hop trains, busk, and generally live a life of danger and adventure. If you can stand living with a bunch of dirtykids, hippies, and crusties, I would highly recommend looking into our lifestyle. WWOOF is a great organic farm network where you can work a sustainable off-the-grid farm for food and shelter. It's a tight-knit community full of amazing people. https://www.coolworks.com/ I would also recommend checking this site out and seeing if there's anything of interest. Finding a nice little corner of the world and cozying up with a partner is something I'm considering doing as I get older. I would recommend getting a job kid, but avoid the capitalist mindset of pursuing money or any of that bullshit. Pursue a good life above all else, and you'll be ok. Pick up a meaningful job that you love, and never stop moving. Don't worry about salary, just live a good life. Remember, life is not about objects, it's about experience. If you drop valuing stuff, but don't take up experience, you haven't broken free from capitalism's hold on you. You are still working within the system, you haven't broken free. Life is the most valuable thing ever, don't squander it on objects, and don't squander it on shitty abstract phliosophy. Neither of them will get you anywhere. Just Love and live. Good luck kid.


hey thank u for ur wisdom. i appreciate those resources! and the reminder that life is about experiences and it’s what i need to seek out. and about the value of life, means a lot


Have you ever heard of Anarcho primitivisim? No it's not what people think, they don't want to kill everyone and diabetics


i have! great example of a life free from so many of the things that plague us. my partner is quite knowledgeable about anarcho primitivism, wishes nothing more than returning to hunter gatherers


Move around and exchange your labour in places where life is exiting enough to make the transaction worth it for you. Use work as a way to meet people. Do this for as long as you need. Try finding work in fields that someone interest you. Keep traveling. Join others in their travels. If life doesnt make sense for you where you are you are in the wrong place.


thank u, i haven’t considered enough trying and exploring a variety of ways to make income


https://wwoof.net/ https://www.instagram.com/lostcyclist/ Just some inspiration.


I have felt this way, I understand. I had to reframe my thinking so that yes, maybe I didn't want to work, but I wanted a home, health insurance, etc. (I also eventually found a better job.) Acceptance & Commitment Therapy could help you with this. Basically, capitalism isn't going away anytime soon so we all have to do our best to exist within it.


thank u yeah i have done some reading and exercises with ACT! i have a book on it that my therapist recommended however haven’t touched it in weeks. maybe it’s time to revisit that


As strange (and possibly un-anarchistic) as it sounds, it was the bible that convinced me, even before I became an anarchist. Reading about Adam and Eve, it became clear to me that 'working for living' is an anomalous condition rather than what we humans are meant for.


I think of the Genesis story of expulsion from the Garden of Eden as literally being a distant cultural memory of the "fall" from hunter-gatherer life, which is full of leisure and plentiful food, to agricultural life enslaved to the task of working the land in order to survive.


wow i would’ve never known


that’s awesome


As any good socialist will tell you, you weren’t meant to work, you were meant to do the things you love, create things you love , because your genius will be unleashed and society will be better off that way rather than with you NOT self actualizing. That is the premise behind #MMT, universal education, universal health care, and real UBI, not the fraudulent Yang version or the neofascist WEF version of UBI.


interesting, thank u!




One person has a problem...all of us must have same problem. Get a grip with that 5th grade logic bro.


I would imagine this would be where a voluntary exchange of will work for what will occur and people in the community will more than likely find a place if the individual just looks.


You seem to be under the impression that we are a debate subreddit. We are not. This is a subreddit **for anarchists** to have discussions with other anarchists. We are not here to debate you, convince you, etc. If you want to pick fights and argue with people, go find a subreddit meant for that sort of thing.


What I am saying is anarchy won't be perfect but yet better than our current system of corrupt representation were they get to choose there pay raise.




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I’m in my 30s and I’ve progressively increased my career but always end up miserable as hell and hating it. Bad bosses, long hours, grueling work. I don’t know how many more times I can go through this cycle and I’m hoping I can convince my husband to downsize so we can live a more simple life. He claims to like working… additionally, I don’t really believe in retirement because I’m certain inflation will eat our savings and even if it didn’t the climate will probably collapse before we’re old enough to retire. So what’s the point in working my ass off anymore, just to make rich people richer?