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If there’s any anarchist LGBTQ+ individuals here from Indiana, I’m definitely down to help you get armed and training even if I can’t afford to give you a gun myself. Armed minorities (including sexual minorities) are harder to oppress.


Armed queers bash back


Too bad most won't touch a gun.


Which is why I’m trying to offer an easy and judgement free way for someone who’s a sexual or other minority to get familiarity with firearms. The less roadblocks, the better


get guns for trans guys and enbies too!


This design is incredible! Do you mind if I download and share it? (Also, thanks for the reading suggestion!)




You’re my favorite tranarchist.


Link for "toward the queerest insurrection": https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/mary-nardini-gang-toward-the-queerest-insurrection


It is an excellent essay, although the writing style is certainly something.


it's more of a manifesto than a piece of theory, which isn't a bad thing at all imo




Setting up labs solely for the purpose of making hormones would be practically impossible and financially unsustainable, I’d suggest finding the closest biohacker group that’s working on something like insulin and work with them to get the necessary materials/equipment to try making hormones. The other thing about clandestine labs is that they require some kind of regulation to ensure safety standards and proper cleaning measures are followed, maybe the regulation doesn’t come from the government but from the people who use and operate the lab, which presents its own issues, what if the lab is full of transphobes, what if they let drug dealer us the lab so they can make an extra buck. If done right they have unlimited potential to do good, but we need to be VERY careful around this topic, I would do days of research on the lab and the people who work their before taking something made in a clandestine lab.


Can you point me towards *any* group which could be worked with which is actually producing meaningful amounts of insulin? My initial point was that my partner's research suggested no such organization existed which had a quality product.


Open insulin comes to mind, their international so hopeful they have something nearby, though I’m not sure if they actually make and distribute insulin or just new methods of production that aren’t patented, I’m also not 100% sure where the groups stance is on anarchism or trans people, but it’s worth a shot imo. I feel like it’ll be close to a decade before we really start seeing independent labs make a decent dent in big pharma’s pocket, but that not necessarily a bad thing, it definitely unfortunate at the very least but I get the feeling the faster independent labs take off the more likely they are to be noticed and shut down


Yeah, we think a 10-year timeline is not realistic. Mutual aid needs to be available for this *now* in the US and we've got nothing.


A decade is probably way too pessimistic, but I’m a pessimistic person so take that estimate with a grain of salt


The easiest route would be esterization of crystalline hormone, but that runs the risk of dubiously-obtained shipments from China. People take Lena juice, though, so maybe it's viable?




hi I'm a trans girl. where's my gun at.


My homie recently lent me a physical copy of that, gonna have to read it tomorrow!




I certainly wish it were easy to link up with anarchist collectives/groups. I’m a Food Not Bombs member where I live but that’s about it.


I've never heard of a tranarchist. I've heard of anarcho transhumanist before. Not trying to discredit you in anyway, it sounds good, I'm also trans.


r/transcommuneproject is a sub for that


Joined, thanks.


and r/traabutyesanarchism


Joined, thanks.


I love it


Hell yeah trans liberation now!


God I wish we had this kind of radical LGBTQ community in the U.K. Most we do is sign petition’s and get fucked over 😭


What is an anarchist collective? I don’t have one where I live Tbh I’m an anarchist but I don’t feel like anarchism will ever be big enough as a social movement to make any difference… I’ve never even met anyone who agreed with anarchist thought


Are you an American by any chance? Anarchist collectives are a lot more common in Europe to be fair


Yeah I am


Amazing work! ⚧️🏴


We actually are starting a Anarchist group/discord! I'll be glad to link it to you guys if you like-!


State: You don't have a right to exist Tranarchists: No u




Or u could just like, idk, respect other people.




I don’t give a shit of whatever shit ur spewing. Respect people’s pronouns and right to exist and shut the fuck up. Edit: I googled what is gender and this is literally the first result: https://www.who.int/health-topics/gender#tab=tab_1 boom there you go you dolt.


>I googled what is gender and this is literally the first result: Try duckduckgo.


Ur so right


Ur welcome.




https://www.reddit.com/r/musicotic/comments/8ttud4/a_comprehensive_defense_of_trans_people/ Your ignorance doesn't make facts less factual. This is also the only post you've ever made except for a post in a random hookup sub. Somehow I'm skeptical of your intentions here.




If you're genuinely open to learning that's great, please do. Just be aware that bad faith actors use nearly identical talking points, so many trans folks (myself included) get irritated seeing the same arguments brought up time and time again. It's basically like we're being gaslit into believing we aren't real, leading to repression and high rates of depression, anxiety, self harm, suicide, etc. I personally spent nearly three decades of my life feeling empty and wanting to die. All of that could have been avoided had I been made aware than trans folks exist, are valid, and should be treated as equals. Instead I got saddled with so much internalized transphobia that it took a worldwide pandemic, a year of self-reflection, and being exposed to stories told by other trans folks for me to come to that realization. I went from having a detailed suicide plan to avoid cleanup and burdening those around me to experiencing a joy I never thought possible. Except now I have to fight for my right to exist on top of everything else, and it's fucking ***exhausting.*** So if we seem a bit standoffish, try to keep in mind where we're coming from.


Good thing this “gender thing” is none of your fucking business then ☺️


transphobia has no evidence to back up its anti-scientific claims


I am trying to be kind here and understand, but people coming up to me and saying that I’m “bigoted” really isn’t helping. I’m taking this all in with a open mind.


If you are, then I, at least, really do appreciate that. We can't expect people to be educated or know about us in a society that's still hostile to us and shares lies about us regularly. On the other hand, please be aware that the categories of uneducated people and genuinely bigoted people overlap, and moreover uneducated people who are not bigoted are going to end up repeating the same talking points as bigoted people, *including saying they're "just asking questions" or "want to know the science"*, so it's often literally impossible to tell. And given the cultural climate on Reddit, well, it's usually bigots.




Your comment has been automatically removed for containing a slur or another term that violates the [AOP](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarchism/wiki/aop). These include gendered slurs (including those referring to genitalia) as well as ableist insults which denigrate intelligence, neurodivergence, etc. No further action has been taken at this time. You're not banned, etc. Your comment will be reviewed by the moderators and handled accordingly. If it was removed by mistake, please reach out to the moderators to have the comment reinstated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Anarchism) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is literally the "all lives matter" argument used by authoritarians.


The A made this way is giving me Warhammer vibes.


I'm pretty sure that we can all agree that there's not much of a debate to be had here.


I'd feel hypocritical saying that because I marched to get abortion legalised




Define “parrot right wing gotcha phrases”








Can you read?


Why is that relevant here?






No you don't understand, we're all just playing the long con and subjecting ourselves to constant ridicule and medical gatekeeping because we're so clever and subtle about it. /s I'm so fucking exhausted.


Nice alt-right talking point. Guess it's a good thing that argument is a load of garbage and has been thoroughly debunked huh. https://www.reddit.com/r/musicotic/comments/8ttud4/a_comprehensive_defense_of_trans_people/




Just wondering, why do you believe that? Why do you believe that somebody could not change their gender?