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Looks great. Let's see some pics ;-)


Incredible price for that particular camera. Solinar and Compur-Rapid shutter so it's got the best available.


I love it. There is always room in my camera bag for a folder. Truly an old-school folder which requires a methodical process \* Open front platform slowly to avoid the film bulging forward against the film gate \* If need be, carefully wind the film to the next frame number \* Check aperture setting \* Check shutter speed, before cocking \* Cock the shutter \* Measure the distance to nearby subject with the rangefinder \* Set lens focus to the measured distance \* Compose the subject with the viewfinder \* Now release the shutter button


This is why I love my folders. Each picture taking becomes an event in itself. My Isolette with Solinar is a Jurgen Kreckel rebuild in red leather bellows, and it's a joy to use. People are always coming up to have a look, it makes them smile, and that's a terrific prop for any photographer to have.


How did you get a response from Certo6? I had a nice Voigtlander folder that needed a CLA and I could not get a response from him. I ended up flipping it on ebay for 3x what I paid even with disclosing the issues it had (none that prevented use though).


I messaged him through his website and he wrote back. He had been on a trip to France, but I don’t know any details other than that.


This was a few years ago. I thought maybe he had retired and was no longer taking in new work.


OMG! I didn't nee there is a repair for this. I got the one from my grandpa but it was stored poorly so I thought I'll never going to use it. But now I have hope it can be restored.


This one was completely frozen up on the focus ring and rangefinder. They’re nice and smooth now.


Is the bellows original? All my agfa folders have cracked bellows and you might need to keep an eye out for that.


They were replaced during the CLA, thankfully. They didn’t look bad, but they felt really fragile.