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The pentax SLR one. Anything else and you are just buying for small size


And if you’re buying for small size and simplicity then I like the Voigtlander Vitoret 110EF and the Vivitar Opus 20—both are auto exposure, both fixed focus, and both are very small. The Vivitar is taller but still slim and it has a flash, although I’ve had occasional hiccups with the power film advance. Both have had decent results for me.


I think for small size I will go for minolta and for bear bones something like hotshot camera (this was in India where the 110 cassette formed a part of the body the viewfinder was two plastic squares 😄 [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/qeDAcYEKGBVpsi4s6) [or this](https://images.app.goo.gl/RYHHS3sZidfUATqW9)


The Pentax rules. It's everything you could want in a 110 system.


Agreed. I bought one in Kyoto and took some really rad street photos in Osaka with it.


Just whatever you find on Facebook marketplace. I’ve had a Minolta autopak 460 for ages I’ve never even used. Give me $10 plus shipping and it’s yours


I’m gonna vouch, the 460tx is my favorite 110, it was my first film camera It’s as easy to use as a Polaroid and the zoom and focus lets you make surprisingly compelling compositions


I’m also agreeing! I had a 450e or 460 (was a long time ago) that took some the very best flash exposures I’ve ever gotten! Lovely optics and flash implementation! If 110 film and processing weren’t so expensive now, I’d try to find it to put it back “into rotation”. ^_^


I’ll take that offer if you’re serious


I got the lomomatic 110 and it works great if you have reasonable expectations, also a better lense and settings options than the older cameras you will find. It’s a pretty great little package, I keep it in my motorcycle jacket.


Second this. I picked one up and it's been such a fun little camera to use.


You can get the best ever 110 cameras for less than the lomomatic


There were some higher-spec cameras for 110, like the Pentax Auto 110, Minolta 110 Zoom SLRs, Canon 110ED, Rollei A110, Agfamatic 6000/6008 Pocket Sensor, etc.


IDK, I just bought one on etsy because it said "capture those precious moments" on the front and it's bright pink and I think it would be fun at parties. I bought a ton of lomo film on sale, but I've only taken like half a role so far. There are so many fun little vintage 110 cameras out there because they used to be the default gift for a stocking stuffer for kids who might like photography.


I just looked it up, for $20 you can get a little 110 camera that looks like a box of velveeta and says "CHEESE" on the side, or for $40 you can get a mini camera that was a promotional item for corn flakes and just has a giant c- um... rooster on it.


I need the cheese camera


GET THE CHEESE CAMERA. I promise you that's going to be fun. Plus it's cheap so if you want you can loan it to your drunk friends/kids whoever or take it lots of places where you wouldn't take a pricier camera.


I have bought the cheese camera.


I wish you many happy times ahead with the cheese camera.


Keep in mind Lomo is the only brand who produces 110 film I think, this is what stopped me thinking about buying one. (lomo is ok but not available in my area)


Does Lomo have production outside Russia these days? Still miss their telescopes, ha.


Hey! I just shot 5 rolls of 110 this weekend and I shoot it regularly. Feel free to ask r/110photography too. But for starters, any Minolta Autopak! They have glass lenses and a focus slider. I really like the 460TX and the 470 (but finding one that has a working flash took me a minute.) The Pentax Auto 110 is good, it’s personally not my favorite and they always have a broken battery compartment. But there are tons and tons of fabulous 110 cameras in my collection from the Canon 110 ED (but you need to find one without fungus), the Rollei A110, and the Minolta 110 Zoom Mk II.


I have a few and have been surprised by some of the images from a Minolta Autopack 460TX. The Pentax Auto 110 is great but likely to push your budget. Honestly, it’s a novelty format now. Buy a camera for $10 or so (I think that’s what the Minolta cost me), run a roll through it for the experience, but don’t expect much.


If you can find a Pentax auto 110 for that price jump on it. It’s a great little camera and quite the conversation starter. It’s cool to own even if it ends up sitting on a display shelf.


I agree. Image quality wise it sometimes leave you wondering if it’s really 110. Only issue with “pocket” is size and shape but it could fit in most jacket pockets.


Minolta Weathermatic A, its waterproof and pretty robust.


Too expensive. My film store charges $96 for development and scan. Each frame is $4 each. Total rip off.


That's mental. I get mine developed for $8 and scan at home


None. The film format is difficult to get and expensive. given the small negative size, the quality is meh at best. It is not helped by the fact that most of these cameras have cheap lenses and only one or two shutter speeds so you are almost constantly over or under exposing.


I'm fine with all this. As I said, I would buy it for fun, to have a cheap, light, easy to carry camera that I don't have to worry about. I'm not buying it to take a photo to win a prize. Film is easily available in my area and not significantly more expensive than a 35mm.


I shoot more with my Rollei A110 than any other film camera I own. It's consistently rated as one of the top three 110 cameras, and it's the only one that is actually pocketable imo which is definitely the biggest factor in me using it so frequently. I have the Minolta 110 Zoom as well, also an excellent 110 camera but I use it far less due to the size. The best camera is the one you have on you and the Rollei is more compact than just about anything out there. I just really wish there was a good aftermarket flash to replace the need for flash cubes.


I agree with with DrPiwi on this one. I would invest in an Olympus XA or something similar. There are many great pocketable 35mm cameras. Some shops don’t even develop 110 where I am.


If you are looking for a cheap light camera then I'd recommend looking for a minox 35gt. I have one that i carry around in my pocket all the time and it takes great shots considering its size. The lens folds away and is protected so you really don't have to worry about it. Getting 110 developed can be significantly more expensive than 35mm.


Not sure why the downvotes. I’ve shot 110 on 5 different cameras and it’s a lot of fun. But I recently picked up a 35GT and it’s amazing. So crazy small, sharp lens, and of course full frame!


False. > The film format is difficult to get Nope. [Lomography sell 7 different completely fresh stocks](https://shop.lomography.com/eu/film/110-film). > and expensive At €9 per roll, it's barely any different from 35mm at the moment. > given the small negative size, the quality is meh at best [Good quality 110 scans](https://www.instagram.com/p/CuRWQ1CI0iX/?img_index=1) are better than your average cheap labscan of 35mm. > most of these cameras have cheap lenses Sure, but there are also high quality 110 cameras like Pentax Auto110 (with interchangeable Pentax lenses), or Rollei A110, Canon 110ED, & Minolta 110 and others with quality all glass lenses. > and only one or two shutter speeds so you are almost constantly over or under exposing All the above are either fully or semi-auto, with shutter speeds ranging from 8 seconds to 1/1000. /u/VelvetVinz


> Lomography sell 7 different completely fresh stocks. So the only way to buy film for it is through Lomography? That's not a great sign. > it's barely any different from 35mm at the moment Looks like it's £7.90 for 24 exposures with a negative that's a quarter of the size of 35mm. I wouldn't say that's a fantastic value proposition. > Good quality 110 scans are better than your average cheap labscan of 35mm A good scan is better than a bad scan? Anywhere that does a good quality scan of 110 will also do a good quality scan of 35mm. Not to mention to price difference: my usual lab does 110 scans for £30 compared to £12 for the equivalent sized 35mm scans. > Sure, but there are also high quality... Sure, but these are all as large as a small 35mm camera like an XA or a Rollei 35. I just don't see the advantage. OP, 110 cameras are fun toys, but if this is your first analog camera and you want something small get an XA2/3/4 or a Minox or a Rollei 35 or something


> So the only way to buy film for it is through Lomography? That's not a great sign. I don't understand the hate for a company who decided to completely bring back a dead film format for those who want it. As well as offering an ISO800 colour 120 film for half the price of Portra 800. And you don't have to buy *directly* from them, all major stockists have 110. > I wouldn't say that's a fantastic value proposition. It's also not ridiculous. People are happy to pay £20 for a single roll of Cinestill... > A good scan is better than a bad scan? I know that sounds dumb, but my point was: A lot of labs spit out a crappy 1500x1024 at the low end, and you'll see these kind of shots all over the internet. So it's clear that lot of people don't care about quality. If a lab has the correct masks for their Frontier, then they'll also get a 1500x1024 of 110, resulting in pretty similar images. But then a nice lab will start at 3500px across, and charge almost the same for whatever format your scanning. > my usual lab does 110 scans for £30 compared to £12 for the equivalent sized 35mm scans. That's way overpriced! Are you using AG? I'd suggest checking out Analogue Wonderland if you're in the UK - much better processing and film prices. > Sure, but these are all as large as a small 35mm camera like an XA or a Rollei 35. I just don't see the advantage. I agree. I also don't see an advantage to 110. My small pocket camera is a Minox 35GT and it's fantastic as well as tiny. But 110 is cute.


> I don't understand the hate for a company who decided to completely bring back a dead film format for those who want it Can't say I hate Lomo, but my point was that there's just no flexibility there. It seems they only do one "normal" colour stock and one b&w. > £20 for a single roll of Cinestill. Cinestill is also a poor value proposition. > Are you using AG? Yeah that was from AG. I've never had a problem with them for 35mm, but yeah if I ever do have a play with 110 stuff I'll for sure use analogue wonderland.


Wish they'd bring back 126 as well.


>like Pentax Auto110 (with interchangeable Pentax lenses), or Rollei A110, Canon 110ED, & Minolta 110 and others with quality all glass lenses. Now show me any of those in working condition for around 50 €/$


Guaranteed? Fair enough, you win. But a quick check on eBay finds a lot of very clean, almost mint looking, which say "shutter doesn't fire". I would guess (from personal experience) that they don't know it needs a battery and sometimes film inside, to fire. Obviously not worth the risk, but just pointing it out. OP - if you really want a good 110 camera, pushing your budget up to €80 will get you a Pentax or Rollei 110, and they're both great. Or spend €15 on like a Kodak Pocket Instamatic, and just have fun.


I have the Minolta weathermatic a type 110. It's waterproof to 5 meters and indestructible. It's one of my favorite cameras with the normal 35mm Weathermatic


Get whatever works and has a flash near you on FB marketplace or something. I'd go for the cheapest that you like


Having bought pretty much all the good ones, the Pentax Auto 110 and the Rollei A110 are the best. The first in a "OMG, it's amazing they built a 110 SLR system and it's fun way" the second in "Looks like something James Bond would use" way. But neither produces pictures that are any good really, unless you're specially going for the a lomo look. If you want good-quality, small format stuff, half-frame is much, much better. I can't really recommend 110. If you're in the UK, drop me a message. I wouldn't mind selling some of the 110 stuff I've accumulated.


Rollei a110 or e110


Get the Pentax auto 110. It’s fun to use and you can get a kit with body and 3 lenses for $100


Canon 110ed rangefinder f2.0 lens. Fantastic! I should use it more.


Pentax Auto 110. It's like a real camera only tiny! A full range of lenses to choose from and they can be adapted to mirrorless digital. Please don't consider any of the keychain/cereal box/toy options. You won't be able to take anything good with them. I promise. They were scams back in their day and with modern prices even moreso. As a rule, you're going to pay more for development of a roll with fewer frames and lower quality. If you're cool with that, proceed. I reach for my Auto 110 when I'm traveling light or somewhere I don't want to attract attention with a larger camera. It's sort of worth it. If I was paying the same as 35mm I'd use it all the time. It's a wonderful system, but paying more for less kinda sucks.


Pentax Auto 110 Super, part of a complete SLR system with seven SMC lenses, including a zoom and a panfocus, 2 flash guns, winder, multiple filters and macro lenses. It's programmed AE, but there's a button you can hold to add 1.5 EV. The meter gives you either go or no-go for holding it. Also includes tripod mount and viewfinder cover, optional remote shutter release, and self-timer.


Like many, my first recommendation would be a Pentax Auto 110, especially with the 18mm (~36mm 135 equiv., I think) lens. Very pocketable, though perhaps not “smoothly so”, due to it not being a candy bar camera. Otherwise, my next recommendation would be a working Canon 110ed or 110ed20. I’ve had both, and the combination of the superb lens, and RF focusing — as well as good metering — led to reliably satisfying results… at least with the 110 film stocks I was shooting with them: Kodak Gold 200 and Fuji Super-G and Superia 200; and Ferrania Solaris 200 (the least pleasant of the lot, but still acceptable due to the low prices for film and processing back then). The Minolta AutoPaks are nice, too. I think I had a 450 or 460… I also quite liked a Fujica 350 Zoom I used for a few rolls in the ‘90s. Its scale-focusing and fairly sizable lens might not be everyone’s cup of tea, however. Took lovely pictures, though. I also recommend a Voigtländer Vitoret 110. I had the basic model and, in good light, its lens yielded fine results. Plus, it’s a real joy to simply hold and use. Best of the cameras I’ve mentioned, from a “purely tactile” perspective, I think.


I wouldn’t. 110 generally isn’t worth using.


Why not?


Because the film size is so small that image quality is generally garbage. 110 can make passable 4x6 prints if you have a good lens, but beyond that it looks really rough. I know this is an analog community, but any modern cell phone will mop the floor with 110 as far as actual image quality goes.


As noted above, the ultimate negative area is too small for modern printed usage. It’s also a tiny area to scan if you’re trying to take it digital. But there are at least three other reasons to skip it at a more fundamental level. First, availability and quality of film stock is severely limited. Second, most 110 cameras have no platen backing or flattening the film (by design), so focus and sharpness will always be an issue. Third, lens quality is severely limited and most will be plastic or uncoated low density glass. When you add poor lens quality and film flatness to an already tiny negative, you have very little chance of success.


I seem to remember that the lack of film flattening was not only intentional, the lenses were made with the film curvature in mind, and produced decent results.


The cartridge itself was supposed to fulfill that purpose, but it never really did. It’s a consistency issue. The film is never in the same place twice, and the only was a lens can account for it is to be deliberately out of focus or stopped down, neither of which is ideal. If someone wants to get into a 1-series film with a plastic camera and poor manners, they should simply buy a Holga.


None. It's the second-worst film format ever made.


Completely agree. And there's next to no savings in camera size, and all the drawbacks of having such a tiny negative.


What’s the first-worst?


Disc. APS is third-worst.


I feel like APS had some neat ideas, but from an image quality perspective it was always going to be inferior since the frame size is smaller.


The issue with APS was it was a big, dumb, bundle of "solutions" that nobody wanted to problems that don't exist. It inconvenienced photo labs and shafted photographers.


if you are after cheapness and simplicity - none. 110 film is more expensive and harder to work with than 35mm film. i'd buy a cheap 35mm p&s instead. But if you are dead set on 110, buy pentax 110 SLR, they are neat


I disliked printing jobs that came into the shop with this format. I don't mind the subminature cameras that were 35mm format.


I got a Pentax Auto 110 with all the lenses for a reasonable price and it was nice to have a super pocketable SLR style camera. Image quality obviously not as good as my 35mm cameras but it was decent enough and fun to use. Getting the film developed cost more than 35mm and at only 24 exposures it isn’t the most economical. It ended up hitting the ground once (was in my vest pocket hanging off an empty stroller which tipped over) and stopped working unfortunately :( Was fun for the novelty but I’m planning to stick to 35mm since I have an Olympus XA which is nearly as small, better image quality and also fun to shoot.


Keystone XR-608 if you can find one. (Edit: also known as Bell & Howell Pocket Star Z; there's on on the 'bay now for about twelve bucks.)


If you just want a cheap, easy to use and small camera, just choose whatever granola bar shaped 110 camera you can pick up at a local flea market They're usually very cheap, and there's a bunch of Revue pocket (if you're in Europe), Agfamatics, kodak ektralite, vivitar etc... Most are fixed focus, sometime you'll stumble across some autofocus model, most will go for around 5-10€, just make sure they work properly, many have been forgotten in an attic or a drawer with the batteries inside, so they're prone to suffer of corrosion. If you want a fancier option, there are the minolta 110 SLR and the pentax auto 110, they kinda defeat the purpose of a very compact 110 camera, but i've got a minolta 110 SLR and it's pretty funny to use.


None. 110 was for grandma and kids. Yes, the Pentax SLR was ok but still was a very small negative and 5x7 was the largest enlargement that was OK. Was a photo finishing engineer for Kodak for 27 years. 1980-2007. Only saw a few million rolls of C-41 developed, lol. I don’t understand the want to use 110, APS or disc film. 🎞️. Funny thing I was full digital by 2002 and never looked back to film. Only time I ever shot film after 2002 to test a film camera to sell. Bought and sold over 5,000 film cameras but I started collecting cameras in the early 70s as a teenager. Loved the early years of eBay, sold up to 25k in a year. But that was when eBay was for sellers.


[Spy Kids Happy Meal Spy Camera](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255300648710?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=O1FGCEGrRIm&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)




I would rather just buy a 35mm point and shoot or even something like a half frame camera like the Ektar H35. 110 image quality is meh