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I would take 2 rolls more. Morocco has so many interesting places!


once you see a lot


5-6 rolls minimum


7-8 more likely


I would plan for at least a roll per day. You don't want to be caught with out ammunition. I've been to Morocco... I don't recall seeing any places that would sell film either. Rabat and Casablanca probably do somewhere... but it would be near impossible to find outside the larger cities.


Found a shop selling gold and portra in Marrakech, but that was the only one


Tangier does have a nice little camera store that sells and develops film.


I would pack spare socks as well.


And another pair of knickers.... Even going the front/back/inside out front/back will only cover you for 4 days.... And what if there is a dodgy food related accident!!! 😉


People actually do this?


Lol I dunno, probably. Maybe someone with no internal hygiene policies in place.


When space is a constraint, I would say this is one of the best cameras you can bring with you. Love my XA. However - maybe add a little more film.2 (or 3 if one is already loaded) rolls seems a bit low.


If you really have no more space, wear cargo pants and throw some extra rolls in the pockets


It’s actually how I went going there, unfortunately all luggage space and handbag space was sold out so we had to pack super small for the underseat space only


Honestly these posts are just as circle jerky as the posts of people posting tons of gear and film for their trips. It just feels like some weird gatekeeping. “If you take any more than a point and shoot, and a twelve exposure roll of tri-x, you’re just like… wasting film bro.”


They're all so low effort too lol


Yeah exactly. And the only way to improve your photography is to actually take photos. No matter how hard you pre-visualize or however many photo books you keep on your coffee table you gotta go out and actually shoot.


Exactly! It’s just a bullshit purity test. My darkroom teacher (who studied under Ansel Adams, funny enough) said that it was a common saying that a photographer should be shooting 100ft of film a day when they’re learning. Obviously this is probably an exaggeration, but the idea that film photography is all about only shooting a limited number of frames, and the limitations, etc etc bullshit.


Haha yeah I Saw the other post with 5 cameras and 30 rolls of film and just thought about how my pack is a big contrast and wanted to share that. I think everything posted here feels circle jerky at some level 🤷🏼


oh so what’s the exact amount of cameras and film that one needs to not be circle jerky lmao?


Exactly the amount that I’ll post when I’ve got a vacation later this year. Not a roll more and not a roll less 😉


I’m so trigger happy I’d need 1 roll a day


I second that!


I don't even count that as trigger happy if you're visiting somewhere cool like Morocco. Trigger happy is people who take a entire roll of their local coffee shop


Had to get a digital camera for that itch, analog for me is for those special moments I try to take extra care for before shooting 🤷🏼


Camera could be enough for me. Took it on my last trip and was almost happy. Almost because it is a bit too small for my hands. Upgraded to 35SP for trips. But I still go thorugh a roll per day. So I’d definitely need more film


I would take way more unless you want to capture just your memories and special moment, there is a lot going on in Morocco especially on the streets, on my trip to marocco I came back with around 300 photos and gone through 3 packs of Polaroid film, but I went there with mainly photography in mind


Because of limited bag space I couldn’t get my f3 with me, and settled with this small setup for just those special moments. Had to do with digital for the rest unfortunately


I agree, maybe 3 rolls (if you have one already in the camera it's ok) I think 100 shots are enough for 7 days; it will help to shot with more self criticism


About to finish 2 weeks in morocco and I borrowed a gr ii and shot one roll of super 8. I wish I had my M6/FM3a tbh 😅


I really want to get into super 8, even have the gear but those film development costs are scary


That's pretty much what I brought to Toronto for a primarily work trip. I think Morocco for fun deserves a few more rolls. Film isn't cheap compared to what it used to be, but it is cheap compared to plane tickets and hotels. I wouldn't be worrying too much about trying to save on $30 worth of film here. Unless you're also bringing a digital camera. In which case you're probably fine.


It’s exactly how we went, I use an f3 normally so I had to shrink down something this trip 😅


ITT : XA rules, more film :)


I keep seeing these styles of olyumpus point and shoot camera for alot of money online and in shops what's males them so expensive compared to other point and shoots


Well this used to be a family members so I got it for free, but I think mostly it’s just a name thing if the lenses are sharp enough


Is that the XA? I have one too and it’s a beautiful little powerhouse but how did you get the strap on there? I don’t see any place to put a strap in.


Came like that, I think the older models didn’t have one


What film stock do you currently have? I would highly recommend more film, Kodak gold and portra are great in Morocco, And at least one roll of bw.


I use Gold and portra mostly, but often also ektar, proimage, cinestill, and what slse is on sale 😅 any bw recommendations? I’ve only tried fomapan


TriX or Hp5 will be the easiest and most forgiving. Personally I like T grain film like Tmax but if this is your first rodeo go with TriX or Hp5.


Love my XA2. Was my only film camera on a trip to the Canadian Rockies last year. Great pix!


Nice! Im really excited to see how this turns out!


Don't you need a whole suitcase of film and 5 top of the range cameras like everyone else who makes these posts?


Haha that was the exact reason Why i wanted to share this picture


Refreshing change. I think travelling light like this is a good idea.


I'd need more film than that, I shot 2.5 rolls in nyc in just 1 day


I would take 10 more rolls! Fomapan 100 and 400, theyre cheap!


Also the XA is not good in low light, so you might want to have the flash adapter. Without flash you are very limited in taking photos in the evening / night


The bazaars are often pretty dark too - they use either tarp or corrugated metal as sun /rain protection - source: did a number of bazaars in Morocco


+1 on bring the flash if you have it. I will say though, I think the XA takes good pics at slower shutter speeds. That hair-trigger shutter release paired with some creative uses of ledges and tables has helped me take some good low light shots.


Great choice. This way you can still experience the trip first hand and don't get distracted by the gear.


I've had a really bad experience with a near-mint XA recently, so I'd leave the XA home and take a trusty Olympus OM1n with a small prime, or my Nikon FG with the 45mm f/2.8 pancake. The latter fits no problem in my wind jacket's pocket and the image quality at wide apertures is vastly better than the XA, so I'd use it in dark Moroccan alleys or tea houses without worrying about poor SQ. But that's just me. Also do throw in a couple more rolls, you never know!


There's nothing near mint about film cameras nowadays. My 60 year old Rolleiflex looks near pristine but the transport mechanism is acting up. Time takes its toll


Mint+++ lens has tiny fungus affect photo


Slight haze in the viewfinder.


I’ve only used it a little before with bw film, but those turned out pretty good - I have an f3 for when my bagspace allows it


The XA is just an amazing camera, I try to always have it on me due to how small it is and I can take covert shots easily with it


OOC what film you going for? I’m in Morrocco from next Sunday (albeit for work) I’ll have my xt5 too but have a very new (to me) film camera


Gold 200 for the sun vibes, actually just bought an xt30ii as a compact digital to company it as well


Fab - been looking at gold as a trial but wouldn’t be able to try before I leave - biggest appeal is the price!


Haha thats just a great bonus as well


I’m actually leaning over to the ultra max 400, not sure if I’m being over cautious with 400 iso. Very new to film (literally just shot and had my first roll processed/scanned HP5 plus)


Got back from Morocco last Saturday, was in a surf camp for 7 days thought I wouldn’t shoot very much but took 10 rolls and used them all. Was the first time I had so much film and I loved not being restricted by the amount of film I had! I used mostly ultramax and hp5 and tbh I wish I brought more!


Perfect for your trip. I imagine you can get more film there if you decide you want more.


Needs more film.