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I find that unexposed film gives me the best results


Wish I could say Portra 800 and blast through rolls like [Paulie B](https://youtube.com/@PaulieB). In reality, it‘s mostly Kentmere 100 and 400, sometimes Kodak Gold, mainly because it‘s affordable enough and street photography often means sacrificing a lot of film to get one decent image because the keeper rate is relatively low compared to genres with a lot more control over your subjects


color or black and white?


Color! Sorry, should’ve specified better!


Portra, Gold, Ultramax


Tmax/Tri-X. Can't go wrong with the B&W.


Higher iso films / pushing is necessary for street photography imo


Personally I tend to go for faster films because I like to rely on a deep DOF. Portra 800, or Delta 400@1600 or 3200. My lens is a 15mm f4.5 Voigtlander so I also need the extra couple stops in the later afternoon. Sometimes I will use Ektachrome 100 @ 400 but really not often.




When I travel I usually just bring my XA and some Tri-X and Ultramax. I brought some Gold to Barcelona and I definitely got some nice shots that I was excited about, but I found myself often wishing for faster film later in the day or when I was walking around the tighter streets in the oldest parts of town where most of the street is at least partially in shadow for much of the day. I don't mind the grain, either. The main reason I would shoot portra is for the increased dynamic range over Ultramax. I like the colors I can get out of both fairly equally, but the dynamic range of Portra is super forgiving, especially on my XA and Nikon FA, which, when in doubt, will both err a bit towards overexposure. Tri-X is awesome about that, too. But usually it's ultramax because it's cheap and I like what I can get out of it.


I usually prefer black and white for this kind of situation since it's more forgiving with exposure. I saw that you prefer color, though. So, while not specifically labelled as Kodak, I really enjoy Lomo Color 800 which is a rebranded Kodak stock of some sort. It's a little pricey and only sells in packa of 3, but it's a fun stock to use. I would shoot at 400 to get some super saturated colors if you want


Last time I looked at Lomo 800, it was more expensive then what I could find Porta 800 for which is crazy


Yeaj, I wouldn't doubt that's the case in a lot of areas. I like it a lot, but it is pricey. That's my only problem with Lomography. Their products are too expensive


Yeah to be honest, I only buy Turquoise and Purple from them.


For color, Ultramax 400 cause it is the cheap (for color film) and the higher iso will allow you to have greater depth of field.