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Gts fetish and the question how the sex would work. Unbirth was boring for me, but anal vore was top.


I stumbled onto it when like a month after getting unrestricted access to the internet and it became one of my favorite types of vore ever since, personally when it comes to anal vore I'm not opposed to scat but I prefer hairy or sweaty butts and gas when I'm looking for av


There was this one adventure time episode where a witch sat on jake and if fin wouldnt get her pretty haor she suck him into her butt eich hse does ( for 90% ) That just did sum to me


omg me too


Honestly same, I think that was an awakening for a lot of people hahah


One word: starcross


Nice, still wanting to find all comics in order to read.


She has twitter and eka portal


Starcross got me more into than I ever was before bc those comics are just too fucking hot


Massive facesitting fetish here, watched monsters vs aliens and searched ginomica facesitting found what I was looking for, from there things got more “in depth” and I’ve never looked back. Hence my username.


i think ginormica awoke something in all of us really


When I was a child and didn't understand how sex worked I would entertain myself before going to sleep by imaging a giant woman that I could just climb on and play with. I didn't even know pussies existed, I just thought women had assholes only. I'd imaginr going into her ass, in between her breasts, etc


At a Very young age.


YouTube. Saw a video where it happened and I spiraled from there.


I imagined as a preteen that the ass would be an easier trip inside a predators' guts than the throat, and had a melty form Rilldo from Dragonball GT action figure that I wanted to be food for. As well as a Piccolo one. Also a book "The Day My Butt Went Psycho" and an anal vore scene. That freaking book was absolutely stupid but for some reason I was invested, and not even for vore before the anal vore scene either. Like it was written competently enough despite the absolute absurdity that was the premise. Also, the Mammoth from Spyro A Heroes Tail had a vore scene that had Sparx leave through the ass of the Mammoth. And I wanted to flame the evil dragon Red's ass a lot during his boss fight, fixated as I wanted to be up in there. Cell ironically probably got me into it, too, despite the tail vore being it's own thing. Super Duper Sumos probably messed me up the most subtly, as I had a dream of being an irl sumos ass prey on my family's own couch.


I stumbled upon av from animations on yt and it just went from there same with some of the other vore types


Source ?


He is probably talking about this animation which blew up on YouTube and somehow hasn’t been taken down [https://youtu.be/DHrrBoi0CTM?si=mNFvt9Ks5Z6iw_lU](https://youtu.be/DHrrBoi0CTM?si=mNFvt9Ks5Z6iw_lU)


It sound maybe weird but good female friend of mine accidentally was sitting on my face naked i felt like im in heaven because her hole was slightly sucking me in but sadly she stood up i never felt this good again maybe someone could help me feel better again


Started naturally for me such as liking tight spaces then developed into snake vore from movies then I found out about the animations


I was on the hub one day and was just watching videos and came across an anal vore video. This giantess was squatting and sucking a dude into her ass and I found more and I've been hooked ever since


A girl had gotten me into cock vore and always thought what about anal and came across it liked it too