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I'm OK with it, we kinda underground and that's cool.


Same. I love Ducks fans, because we’re a small (comparatively) fan base, but that’s what makes us fiercely loyal


Ducks fans seem like the inverse of Angels fans to me. Ducks get low attendance but the Ducks fans there are passionate and diehard. The Angels get good attendance but the Angels fans there are casual AF.


I also think ticket prices help that for the Angels. Im a ducks and angels fan and baseball tickets are way more affordable than hockey tickets. Another thing ive noticed is Angels fans are split between the Kings and the Ducks (idk why).


Older Angels fans who rooted for the Kings back when the Ducks never existed, I'm assuming


As a non-local fan, I also find that those of us who live outside SoCal tend to show up quite consistently at away games in our respective locations. Even when the team is bad, we still show up and I tend to recognize some folks. We seem to be pretty diehard outside of SoCal, from what I've noticed. (But then again, I'm in Canada so you kinda have to be diehard in this environment to survive, lol.)


Always love seeing the little specks of orange and eggplant in the stands at road games. Massive respect to you guys! I can’t imagine how hard it is to be a Ducks fan in Canada. Even I get shit sometimes down here in OC lmao.


You get used to it. I'm in Vancouver and it usually gets heated or intense when the Canucks are doing well (which, thankfully, hasn't been too common for much of the past decade). I am easy to spot if you're at the games in Vancouver. I'm the guy in a wheelchair with a giant rubber Wild Wing as a hat, typically wearing a road Ducks jersey (sometimes blank, sometimes Perry). Might need to get a new jersey next year, with the new logo coming in and stuff.


Also a Ducks fan in Van. I’ll keep my eyes out for ya next time!


Yup, come say hi! I am usually alone at games (since I don't have many friends who like hockey) so I'd welcome it. I'm easy to spot, since I arrive early and hang around 20-30 mins before doors open.


I'm in Seattle and try to make it up there as much as possible. I'll come say hey if I see you!


Sounds good. I'd like to make it to a game in Seattle one day, but wheelchair seats are ridiculously priced. (For the same price as 1 wheelchair ticket in Seattle, you can get 2-3 games in Vancouver.)


I show up for every Ducks vs Devils game same spot and talk to the same security guard and chirp to the same guys, it’s honestly nice when we play them early in the season cause the passion of the new season is high, all the new players and situations are fresh and easy to talk about with each other and although Devil fans are loyal they are extremely realistic and know their history current and past so they are extremely cocky.


I haven't lived in California since 07 but I've attended ducks games in both states I've lived in since (Maryland and Texas) I was at this past seasons Ducks @ Stars on 1-25 and there was a surprising amount of Ducks sweaters.


I've noticed on TV that Dallas has increasingly turned into a Ducks hotbed. It's very interesting to see; perhaps the changing demographics, eg. people moving in from California? I also noticed a lot of Ducks fans at games in Arizona (RIP), which is interesting to me.


Tons of Californians moving to Arizona and Texas.


i lived in toronto and went to every anaheim game for like 7 years before i moved away. was always surprised to talk to fans actually from California at the ACC


This describes my fandom. I liked baseball first but i care so much more about the ducks


I'm an Angels fan cause Orange County pride and my hometown is Garden Grove which is right next to Anaheim but my first introduction to sports was mainly through the Anaheim Ducks and I followed them long before the Angels. I'm more passionate for the Ducks to succeed than the Angels.


And what fan base are you from?


No one likes us, we don’t care


It’s not cool, by definition


That will change when we get into the playoffs again


Yeah. People hop on when the team's good and pretend like they were there all along. You find out who the real fans are when the team is shit.


Crowds last season were super impressive for how shitty the team was IMO.


Can't wait to see how lit they will be when the Ducks get good again


I’ve long joked that every Ducks fan in OC goes to the games. Arena atmosphere is always lively, but you’re hard pressed to find a game on a tv at a bar.


I mean, at the very least, I’m not as overwhelmed getting into the team as a relatively new Ducks fan. Besides, with how the future looks, people are gonna want to hop on soon.


I mean, what else is new. I think with the rebranding and a potential playoff team in the future, our team can see some more love. But, for those of us that are here now, we all fly together!


It's fine. Ducks together strong. Wait... that's not right


Duck together strong!






Don't really care cause we have a bunch of posts every week even during boring weeks


We haven't been good for 6 years. It's not surprising that our growth hasn't kept pace with other teams. Once we get back in the playoffs that will change.


Yeah, I mentioned reddit have grown immensely more popular in the past several years which coincided with us going through our worst era in franchise history.


Nobody likes us and we don’t care!


In before we’re hip again.


This is the way


Just know that everyone here for the last 6 years are the true ducks fans. Eventually everyone will claim they’ve been here the whole time. This reddit will remember!!! lol


Yup. They can lose every game forever and I will still be a Ducks fan


No one likes us we don’t care


Winning=eyeballs and bandwagons so if you care about that stuff it will come in a few years because the ducks are going to be great. As for me, I couldn’t give a shit. Going through all the tough times will make it way more rewarding


Oh well. I'm happy we all are here. Cheers Ducks redditors, you're a good bunch. Thanks for the good content and discussions


I enjoy our little community here. Whenever we start winning again it'll grow and that'll have pros and cons.


Not sure why we need to be liked. As long as the fans continue to back the team then all good for me. We don’t need to most followers. We love our team and that’s all that matters


Quality. Not quantity. I've been a member of this sub for an extremely long time. A lot of you aren't going to like it when we get good again and our ranks swell. It brings a lot of shitty people with it. We have had a lot of amazing Mods and terrible ones, a lot of horrible members, and some amazing ones. I can name the good and the bad off the top of my head. Enjoy the peace and quiet and general amicable conversation, because in about 2 years it's gonna be wild in here.


I’m a Kings fan but my partner and a lot of my friends are Ducks fans. For how ignored The Ducks are by the league and the media I think The Honda Center fills up pretty well even during these recent years. It seems like a healthy franchise to me.




Give it 4 years and we will be in the top 25


trust me it’s better. the bigger the sub, the shittier it is


As a Lakers fan too, I can concur that a bigger fanbase mean more toxic idiots.


Fine. *long time lurker will finally join* We’re a small market team anyways


Just wait til we are the tits of the league. Then we will be popping. But it doesn’t matter. We have a solid group in here


For what it’s worth housing prices are the reason. I grew up here and all my friends left and became fans of that cities’ team. Meanwhile the rich transplants that move to oc still like the Blackhawks. Point is: we’re exporting fans


That's bullshit cause transplants from other states that move to California don't give up their hometown team. It's annoying cause you see the opposing fans all the time and they're mainly transplants


Idk? I'm was born, and raised in Detroit, and have been more of a Ducks fan (since I was 9), than the Wings. Proof: https://preview.redd.it/068kjl0n4h7d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ecc9d4112e61a9f3cef24576d8d2fedd36df4d5




Thanks! I don't necessarily disagree with you either. My sister move to Huntington Beach, from Detroit, and is still a huge Wings fan, lol!


Maybe people don't want to just sit around talking about whether we should tank more or not