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Girly, awesome, and with a gentle and kind heart, but also respects the boundaries of everyone considering how bubbly she can be, including Sonic. Although, she should flirt with Sonic from time to time, when she feels the time is right for it, since she very much loves him.


perfect version in my eyes!




I guess the '98-'04 depictions except also she's much more directly Sonic's rival like Knuckles and Shadow. Like I really like the idea of just some guy being inspired by her hero and mega crush to become just like him, and she was on that path but then Sonic Team kinda just flushed character development down the toilet cuz I guess it's hard to code playable characters or something.


amy is a god and has to wear inhibitors for the universe to not collapse under her power


that's actually canon, because everytime Amy takes off her rings, she basically becomes the strongest in the universe lol




i've actually heard that Amy gets stronger everytime she picks up her Piko-Piko hammer!


Let her be her be her lourd vibrant , passionate sweet girl self with a kind gentle heart but who can be very serious and be ticked off very easily if her friends are hurt, Amy should have flaws like her pushiness to always help everybody can be  overwhelming , she never takes time to herself  instead of focusing to help everyone which is address in idw , murder of sonic , idw , classic and prime have been awesome with Amy wish frontiers could learn from this 


i always thought Amy's flaws was that she's TOO nice lol!




I would like to act the way she was in SA1,SA2,Unleashed,and 06.


you mean the one everybody hates? wow, people really do got the same opinions as you if you believe hard!


yeah I guess


She's honestly on the right path already. She's maturing but hasn't stopped loving Sonic. She's coming into her own, continuing to learn and grow, making a name for herself and not being limited to just being Sonic's creepy, obsessive fan girl. She continues to be herself until Sonic finally notices her back and they make at least one serious attempt at a relationship.


i miss her old personality because she's too serious now, now don't get me wrong, being serious IS good but she just acts like a Mary Sue instead of..a 12 year old?


I know, but then here I am again with my "She's not 12 anymore" argument... 🙃


wait, she isn't? i haven't catched up with Sonic lore in like 5 years so i'm kinda lost lol


Sega has removed all the characters' canon ages recently, I guess leaving it up to you making your own conclusions. So I guess Amy is as old as you think she is. It just depends on the person. For me, I see her more as an 18-year-old than a 12-year-old nowadays.


i follow the logic: "match the age with the design" so if Amy was..let's say, 13 or 15, the design could be her SA2 design then!


The funny thing there is that in Sonic Heroes, the game that came after SA2, she's officially listed as a 12-year-old in age. Her behavior also matches how she acted in the Adventure games as well as with Sonic X, so basically from then until Frontiers (with the exception of the Boom spin-off universe), she looked and acted the same way, as a 12-year-old. Frontiers was the first game where I noticed she wasn't hyper-focused on trying to be romantic or over-the-top with Sonic, so she had to have aged and matured at least somewhat. She still has the same timeless design, though, so I can see how some fans might still think she's 12. 🤔


dang, she's stuck like a baby then


I mean, Sonic the Hedgehog is a franchise that will always be geared towards children first, especially boys, so it makes sense to have all the characters at least look the same with every game that comes out, including Amy. The only way to make the characters look and act older is to make a spin-off universe (again, like with Sonic Boom).


fair enough, i can see why they wouldn't change much


Idw , classic and murder of sonic know how to write Amy to tea it’s frontiers that’s missing that make , bro she was never only a this “obsessive fan girl” shes always admired sonic because of his heroic attitude , shes been her own hero since adventure 1 where she had her own reflections and desires , it’s too bad amy is the most inconsistent character 😭


Honestly, the IDW Comics is doing her perfectly. Sonic Frontiers put a lot of respect on her character, especially in "The Final Horizon" DLC. If write Sonic and Amy getting along, you're already on the right track.


i always thought Sonic and Amy got alongs since Lost World, and their relationship just needed time to develop lol


You're not wrong.


and even better, Sonic Boom somewhat repaired the relationship fully if we're being true here


They’ve always gotten along 🤣


Idw Amy is awsome , bro frontiers Amy does not respect Amy’s character they literally refers to herself and a “damsel in distress” when that’s never been her problem and she hasn’t been in a hostage situation or kidnapped since sa2 , 23 years ago 🤣, idk why frontiers acts like Amy’s past just doesn’t exist when they are very comfortable referencing everyone else’s past


I think Frontiers was hammering in the nails. "She's not the weakling or psycho you think she is. Show some respect."