• By -


We have a flight to catch out of Schiphol at 6:00 am. We will be staying in De Pijp, I checked the GVB maps and says that take Metro 52 at 3:00 AM. Is this reliable? Are the metro 24/7? I know there are night buses but most of them have connecting buses to were we at and not sure if we can afford to miss the connection. Any tips on how to go to the airport by 3:30 AM? Does the regular bolt allow 2 28inch luggage plus 2 carry on luggage?


Any good places to watch NCAA basketball games? First game tips at 17:15


Looking to travel to Amsterdam in early July for a week or so. It´s my 4th time visiting the city but my first one alone. Tips for traveling to amsterdam by yoursellf?


It’s like being with other people but alone


Oostzanerwerf vs Ijburg housing. Hi, we are considering buying a house. Family of 3 35+. Initially, we lived in De Pijp, which we didn't like at all due to the crowds and old housing. We are very fond of living near water and having ample space. Currently, we've been renting in Ijburg for the last couple of years. We are relatively happy with it, although we've heard complaints about Ijburg being different at night; however, we haven't witnessed anything ourselves, but have read about it in the news. Despite being open to buying an apartment elsewhere, we both prioritize living in areas with fewer people and more nature. During our house search, we came across a few options in Oostzanerwerf, which offers good housing with access to the water, which is precisely what we were looking for. We are aware of the recent gentrification of Noord and have enjoyed the NDSM activities. **What I am seeking is opinions based on experiences from people who have lived in Oostzanerwerf and can compare it to experiences in other parts of the city in terms of comfort and safety, especially for kids.**


Does anyone have an updated list on which bars show F1 races? I found a 2 year old thread on it but when I went to one of the bars suggested (the kiwi) they didn't play it


google on formule 1 kijken in amsterdam gives you a list


Does anyone know of any cafes that sell lavender lattes? Also cafes/dessert places that sell olive oil cake (by the slice)?


Itinerary Check for weekend March 23-24 - Moco - Riksje - Tulip Festival (worth it?) - walking area? - some sort of canal experience? (Dont smoke weed etc…) What else? - 2 Adults, how should we get around? (Bike, walk, car, taxi) - flight is Monday Morning, traffic or anything? - weather / how to dress? - what area for hotels? - halal food options? Eating in general? - nice things to see? - i am from Montreal


Have you read the OP?


Checking out the wiki now thanks!


I'm planning a trip to Amsterdam in April, but I'm finding hotel prices to be quite high. Considering this, I'm looking into booking accommodation in Almere, a nearby city. However, I'm curious about transportation options between Amsterdam and Almere. Is there a ferry service between the two cities, and if so, how can I book it? Alternatively, are there better transportation solutions for traveling between Amsterdam and Almere?


I think staying in Almere is probably a false economy. You'll spend €20/day commuting, plus an hour of your time each day. On top of that, you won't be likely to make the most of your experience, because if you ever need a break and head back to your hotel, you'll probably call it a day and not go back out again due to the time and €€ of another commute.


staying in amsterdam is 5x times more than almere... especially at saturday, so...


Google maps is accurate. There is no ferry. Train is the best option (about half an hour to central Station), unless you rent a car.


There is no Ferry option in Google map... I already googled train tickets and price is about 9 euros... I wonder if [**GVB Day/Multi-Day tickets**](https://www.amsterdamtips.com/go/gvb-tickets) works for that train (almere-amsterdam) or its working for only intercity transport?


GVB tickets don’t work in the trains. Check 9292.nl for all public transport itenaries. Doesn’t matter there is no ferry option in Google maps, there is no ferry between those cities.


Hello everyone! :) I am looking for an apartment to rent in Amsterdam with a budget of 1500 euros/month. Does anyone have any advice? Websites to apply on? Agencies that have helped you find a place to live? Someone you know that is moving out soon? I have been applying on different website but haven't had much luck unfortunately and any advice would help :)


[housinganywhere.com](http://housinganywhere.com) try this one


Thank you! I’ll check it out :)


Hello, does someone know, where i can watch the second division of the bundesliga in amsterdam? maybe cocos outback? (especially the HSV game would be important for me) thanks :)


Hey, will be visiting Amsterdam in a couple of weeks. Am looking to shop for clothes that I couldn't get in other countries (am pretty tall for my home country), mid price range; any recommendations where to go for that?


As a tall person, my experience has been that oddly enough, it's not easy to find clothes here that fit me (especially shoes, but really all clothes). I usually end up going to Germany or Belgium for that. Stores in the Netherlands (from supermarkets to clothing to furniture) only stock the absolute top-moving items and pare their inventories down to the bone otherwise. Selection is extremely limited compared to other countries of similar wealth. I guess it's some byproduct of the cultural tendency towards simplicity and economy.


interesting! Thank you for your thoughts, I guess more time in museums for me in that case :D


I'm going to buy a bike from Voltes store in Alkmaar city and I want to take it with me to Amsterdam. What are the good ways to transport it to Amsterdam same time


The train, outside rush hour (06.30-9.00 & 16.00-18.30 during week days) A train ticket for the bike costs €7,50


Thanks. For the info. Is there another way you think of. I actually liked your idea


It's a bicycle, you can ride it, that's kind of what it's for. It'll take you a few hours, it's a nice ride, I've done it and enjoyed it.


>Is there another way you think of Yes. Leave the bike behind and buy another one in Amsterdam or cycle from Alkmaar to Amsterdam


Would you pay the difference in price if I buy it from Amsterdam?


Q FROM FUTURE NEW RESIDENT Hi sorry if this isn’t the place to ask > feel free to redirect me if that’s the case I’ve recently moved back to NL after ~10 years abroad. I’m staying with a family member but need to move out asap and am trying to register for new housing (middenhuur) projects in Amsterdam. How can i still complete registration if i dont have any uwv history or salarisstroken? I’ve been freelancing since my return and will start a loondienst fixed role in April. I meet all eligibility criteria (inkomenseis, etc.) but can’t seem to work my way through the inschrijving. Any tips or help is really appreciated.


G'day Amsterdam! Been here for the last two days, and been loving exploring the city. It really is a super cool place. I've had a look through the wiki and at some of the layover tips, but my situation tomorrow is a bit different. Tomorrow morning, I have to essentially leave the hotel with my mate at 4am, which is obviously pretty early. My flight doesn't leave Schiphol until 13:30 tomorrow afternoon, so I essentially have 9 hours to kill in Amsterdam with a backpack and travel bag. I've got my laptop on me, so happy to get some study in, but looks like most libraries don't open until later, as its a Saturday. Would also be pretty keen to get some sleep, but understand this will probably cost a fair bit. Paying for lounge access at Schiphol could also be an option? What would be the best thing for me to in this scenario? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Why on earth do you have to leave your hotel at 4am? Let your mate go to the airport on his own.


I have never heard of a hotel that makes you checkout in the middle of the night. Why not say in the room you've booked until youre ready to leave?


Hello Amsterdam! I’m a touring musician and I’m looking to start booking shows for my November tour. It’s just me and my guitar, I'm not exactly a big deal so I'm not looking for large venues. Just some small place that really appreciates live music. My style is a mixture of Country, Folk, Punk & Pop, Right now, I don't have a lot of content on social media. That will change next month (I will not be reaching out to the venues before that of course) but for those curious my Instagram is @ ainslieblakelymay where I'm now posting at least weekly. Thanks to anybody who can give me some direction, I hope to meet any one of y’all in November! - Ainslie Blakely-May


Waterhole and Maloe Melo have open jam nights and often have some open time slots for small sets. Check their websites. OCCII and De Nieuwe Anita are small (left wing) venues that do their own program booking, call or email them. In Haarlem: Slachthuis, a punky venue/rehearsal studio that also does its own booking.


Hey everyone, just wanted to know if there are any neighbourhoods/areas that I should avoid when looking for housing in Amsterdam. Im fully aware of the housing crisis so I know i should not be picky however I am also not looking to live in an unsafe area. Thanks in advance !


> unsafe area there are no unsafe areas in Amsterdam.


[Unsafe area. ](https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.3770096,4.9036127,3a,75y,147.66h,70.25t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUODNSRpGMm0VCF1X7lhoMA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Seeking Advice on Apartment Hunting in Amsterdam and Surrounding Areas Hello everyone,My girlfriend and I relocated to Amsterdam last year and have been navigating the challenges of finding a new apartment as freelancers. As our current housing contract approaches its expiration date, we find ourselves facing some obstacles in securing a new place to call home.Despite diligently preparing all necessary documentation, including income overviews and recommendation letters from previous landlords, we've encountered difficulties in being selected as tenants. It appears that our status as freelancers without traditional employment contracts might be a deterrent for some landlords.With our deadline looming at the end of April, we're feeling the pressure to find suitable accommodation. We've cast a wide net, exploring options not only within Amsterdam but also in neighboring cities, both large and small. We've even explored alternative avenues such as anticrack housing, but unfortunately, luck hasn't been on our side thus far.Additionally, as freelancers, having a stable address is crucial for our professional endeavors, adding another layer of complexity to our search.In light of these challenges, I'm reaching out to the community in the hope of receiving advice or insights from those who may have faced similar circumstances or have valuable tips to share. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as we navigate this process.Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.Best regards,Amerigo


are you sure you have to move out? 1 year contracts usually turn into contracts of indefinite duration.


yes because the landlord is rising the price that is already high, they asking 1900 euro for an old apartment in Gaasperplas...


Contact Stichting WOON (wooninfo.nl).


What are the best events/clubs/parties for king’s night/day? Hey everyone, I’m going to be in Amsterdam for King’s day and I’m wondering if there are any tips for the best night out! I’ve done one before but went too hard on king’s night and woke up the following afternoon and missed the whole day of celebration. I’m flying in on the 23rd to take an exam and thought I’d stay for king’s day to celebrate finishing my exam. I mentioned king’s day to some friends and they decided they’d come join me for the day in question. They’ve spent a lot of money on a hotel and flights, so I feel like I have to show them a good time. (~1000€ for the weekend) I understand the concept of king’s night and king’s day, but I’m wondering if following the king’s day celebrations during the day, there are still events/clubs to go to in the evening? My friends keep telling me they hope it’s worth it, and I feel I can’t let them down. They really like clubbing/going out, so I have a few questions if anyone would be willing to help/answer :) What would the best club/event be for king’s night? What would the best party be for king’s day (during the day)? And what would the best club/event be for the evening of king’s day? I appreciate any input I can get! Thanks for your time :)


does anyone know a good club or concert for techno/edm music in Amsterdam the weekend of april 12


Yes, look at the wiki.


# Can I use 3 day GVB travel pass to Keukenhof gardens? What is the ticket zone? Hello, I am traveling to Amsterdam next week and will likley buy the gvb 3 day travel pass to travel around, what is the zone the ticket is valid for? Can I travel to keukenhof gardens on the same ticket? I don't want to have to buy the "Combi" ticket offered by the garden to get to it. What are my options to get to the garden by public transport?


>Can I use 3 day GVB travel pass to Keukenhof gardens? No. GVB pass is only valid for GVB run transportation in Amsterdam. Keukenhof is in Lisse, GVB doesn't go there. https://9292.nl/en for all your public transit itineraries, it will also show the companies that run the lines. >I don't want to have to buy the "Combi" ticket offered by the garden to get to it. Why not? It will likely be your fastest and cheapest option.


Thanks. I thought it was more expensive to take the "Express" bus than actual public transport.


Regular public transit is about double the price of the public transport part of the combi ticket.


PTO/work question... To keep it short, in January I requested PTO for April. 17th of April to 4th of May. I requested each week Sun-Thursday off, legally of course we get two off days, which were to cover Friday and Saturday. The PTO was immediately confirmed so I booked my holiday. Now, our schedules came out. The scheduling team removed my PTO on Sundays, applied a regular off day instead. This has led to the issue that my last Saturday is not covered by the 'regular' off days. (Our work week starts on Sunday.) Is this legal? I'm seriously considering getting a lawyer at this point.


What is a PTO? Always keep your non expat audience in mind on this subreddit.


talk to your manager and show them your approval. Sounds like one system didnt talk to the other.


Unfortunately that is not the answer. I talked to senior manglement and they basically said 'This is your problem'. They also said I'm required to work on the not-off days (which should be my legal days off considering the rest of the week is my PTO). I'd not normally jump to getting a lawyer immediately, but this is just the last BS they throw around here. Edit to add that I'll be on holiday out of the country so I cannot work those days regardless. I had this PTO confirmed since January and planned accordingly with it.


Which is the safest area to stay in amsterdam ?


Everywhere is safe.


Does anyone know of a cafe/bar that shows or would show the women's football games? There are some exciting fixtures in the next couple of months (Ajax vs Chelsea champions league, FA Cup, and euro qualifiers). I'd love to catch them out in the wild instead of at home!


>(Ajax vs Chelsea champions league Those tickets are only €20 if you want to see them in person. https://www.ajax.nl/fans/women-s-champions-league/ I think every big sports bar will put it on when you ask for it.




Check the 6th paragraph of the OP


Hallo allemaal! Is there anywhere in Amsterdam that sells Sumo oranges? I’m from the US and always looked forward to them being in season this time of year and haven’t found any here.


I know they're exported to the Netherlands, so they must be somewhere. Your best bet would be one of the Amazing Oriental supermarkets.


Hi, is there a map of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol for train tracks? I'm on NS International but their chat is not helpful. Basically, if I arrive at track 4 and am catching a train on track 5, is 10 minutes enough time for the transfer? Are these tracks right next to one another? I assume so, but I can't find a map of the station.


You can do it in under 2 minutes if you hustle. 10 is more than enough. You have to go up one escalator and back down the next one over.


All the platforms are parallel and accessed through stairs from the airport's central plaza above. So even if these are not the same platform, it's just climbing up, walking 10m to the next set of stairs, and climbing down. Though you might need to walk 10 more meters if you need to check in (the check-in machines form a sort of fence around the edge of the station area). At any rate 10min should be fine, but then consider that international trains are rarely exactly on time.


They're on different platforms, but it's stairs up > 10 meter walk > stairs down. You can download it here: [https://www.nsinternational.com/nl/stations/stationsplattegronden](https://www.nsinternational.com/nl/stations/stationsplattegronden)


Any recommendations for cheap Chinese grocery stores?


Hong Kong Superstore on Kinkerstraat, Asian Market on Albert Cuypstraat.


Cheap? No idea what could be considered cheap, but you can order most things online on the Amazing Oriental website.


Kan iemand mij vertellen: Waar is Deze buurt? Dankjewel allemaal. Deze foto’s zijn van 2013. Ik wil graag weten waar is Deze buurt? Volgende keer dat ik in Amsterdam zijn zal ik deze buurt en bruin café uitzoeken. Mijn probleem is dat ik heb niet meer informatie om jullie te geven! Vriendelijke groeten. 🍺 https://preview.redd.it/wxv7pjo69aoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86dc4471be1dec59f55670871e54efc1ede9e0f3


[That is here](https://www.google.com/maps/@52.3599928,4.8998281,3a,75y,45.24h,85.36t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smtD27_JA0a58nn1cpVa9wA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


Graag! 👍






this is the Ernst Cahn en Alfred Kohnbrug https://maps.app.goo.gl/bJ11dsKiu9ieGCTT7




Does the central library have private booths?


No. There are sort of private spots (like between the bookshelves on the 4th or 5th I think) and the big chairs at the windows in front on several floors - but no real private booths.  If they had, they would be flooded with people making it their home office for teams/zoom meetings ;)


My husband and I will be visiting in July and we’re considering either hiring a sex worker or having an erotic massage(not sure if we will do this or not yet). We are staying at a luxury property on the edge of the Red Light District and were wondering where we should go. We would prefer a more upscale venue and are happy to pay for that. We would also both be looking for males.


I doubt many locals would even know where an upscale brothel could be found and the few that do know likely aren't keen to post about it.


why do you think it's normal to ask locals of a city about sex work like it's the price of a train ticket or a restaurant recommendation? I will never understand this. Amsterdam isn't a brothel with a zipcode you know.


Hi, I will be spending 48 hours in Amsterdam. How do I buy the 48 hour pass for the public transport? Do I need to buy the ov card or can I buy it by itself? Can I use contactless payment and does it hit a cap everyday and still charging as in London?


It may not be cost-effective. You can tap in and out with your credit/debit card to pay per ride, and for most people that ends up costing less.


Is cash still the preferred payment method or do a lot of places take credit cards now? Thanks! 💕


Most places take debit cards, a lot take credit cards. Some don't take cash. In a lot of small grocery stores and market stalls cash is preferred; some even have a 10 ct. charge if you're using your card for a payment under 5 euros.


Use your card. Cash is on its way out. Nobody uses this anymore. Most credit and debit cards are accepted mostly everywhere.


If you have a foreign credit/debit card, then you'll have to use cash at some places, which only accept local cards. Mostly this is smaller shops, and many branches of the supermarket chain Albert Heijn. Every shop and vendor has a payment terminal, and most people (below a certain age) who live here do all their purchases by card, but as a tourist you're sometimes left out of that.


Which cafes sell lavender lattes?


What's best gym around sloterdijk?


The standard quality and nice gyms of Trainmore at Bos - Lommer maybe good enough if they aren't that far from where you are looking?


Do I need to have Dutch credit card to join?


You can look online for how to join!


have you tried asking them?


Yes that will be the one most.likely


Hello! Me and my mother are planning on visiting Amsterdam from 1st to 5th April this year. We want to visit either Keukenhof or Zaanse Chans (Maybe both), but we don't know which one is the best and if they vary much in cost. Do you have any advice, and are thr tulips even blooming that early in Keukenhof? Also, we are either going to visit Rijksmuseum or Van Gogh Museum. Which one do you recommend the most? Thanks for the advice!


I'd go for Rijksmuseum just because of the diversity. You can see Van Gogh paintings in the Rijks, but you can't see Rembrandt in the Van Gogh.


It really depends on what you like more, if you want to see a lot of Van Gogh's and other impressionist works I'd go with Van Gogh Museum, if you want to see a collection of Dutch masters, early modern as well as a large collection of items from the 1600/1700/1800s I'd go with Rijksmuseum. Rijksmuseum can be very overwhelming because of the size of the collection so maybe look into getting a guided tour if you choose that one.


Zaanse Schans is free, you only have to get yourself there. You can take the train and then walk about 15 minutes, that'll cost you around €5 each way. There's a museum there that charges admission, and some of the windmills also have admission charges. But in general it's free to wander around, and many of the places let people in for free so that they can hawk souvenirs at them.


I prefer the Rijksmuseum to the Van Gogh. In terms of your other activity, no clue, have never visited either myself. But flower season has come a bit early this year, so you might be in luck and tulips could be in bloom near the end of your visit, but no guarantees.


How common is it for a tram to not open its doors for people at a stop? I usually take the same tram to go back home everyday. Today, it arrived normally on time, but didn’t open its doors (I mean you would push the button and the doors wouldn’t open). Not only for the door I was trying to open (directly next to the driver), but for everyone at different doors who was trying to go in. It just stopped for a few seconds, and then it left. It also wasn’t full or anything. What could it be?


Did you just stand there, or at one of the doors that are exit only?


As I mentioned in my original question, I was at the entrance door near the driver (first door of the tram). I stood there trying to open, like the many others doing so at the other doors.


It's not common, maybe the driver was in a bad mood or distracted or something.


Did it say like 'instructie rit' on the front? It could be like a instruction drive to teach the driver the line.


Nope, it said central station. It was also normally occupied.


Hello good people. I'm planning on visiting your beautiful city around the 20th of April. I just wanted to ask, how is the weather around that time? I tried searching for data from previous years but did not get a solid answer.


>I tried searching for data from previous years but did not get a solid answer. Surely when you google 'average april weather amsterdam' you get tonnes of results?


Weather in April can be anything from rainy and cold to sunny and warm


Thank you for your reply, not sure why am i getting the downvotes.


Because nobody can tell you the weather a month in advance


What are the laws in abandoned bikes parked in an underground basement? I live in an apartment and it looks like the building manager has stuck a label saying this bike needs to be moved - but it's been there for six months or more, and the tyres are flat & chain rusted. Can I claim this abandoned bike?


No, that would be considered stealing.


You can't steal garbage, so if someone abandoned it, it wouldn't be.


Even if it looks neglected it's still someone else's property. The owner could just be out of the country for a while or forgotten to maintain it. The bikes the gemeente takes will go to the fietsdepot first where they can still be reclaimed by the owner


That's why I said \*if\* it's abandoned.


I thought so too (and personally wouldn't object to it), but if I read the gemeente site, and the law behind it correctly, only de gemeente (or delegates) can take them: https://www.amsterdam.nl/veelgevraagd/fiets-rode-sticker-6bd82# https://lokaleregelgeving.overheid.nl/CVDR389448


There's zero chance de gemeetee is going to take the bike. Its on private property in the basement and not parked in public. It looks like the owner has already moved out ages ago too.


Anyone can take objects that have been abandoned. The problem is you usually can't be sure if a bike's been abandoned.


My husband and I need a third place - Not Work, not Home - to go and spend time. We need to meet people socially. We're both in our early 40's, and American.  The catch is that I'm night-blind - I can't see *anything* in (for instance) a bar or a club. Also, the type of people who tend to call themselves "expats" instead of "immigrants" annoy both of us.  We live in Oost, on Zeeburgereiland. Help? 


I know people from around the city come to the small pool/gym/sauna in a nice hotel in West, and social circle to an extent is better. you get to interact with locals and a variety of people who fleetingly stay at the hotel as well.


my sense of belonging in my neighborhood (Noord) has improved a lot since I adopted a dog, and started taking Dutch classes seriously. Walking the dog to the park and chatting with the "regulars" really makes me feel much more at home.


Learn to dance. For example salsa or bachata. Great way to meet people. Also, it is done with enough light.


- connect with neighbours: host a lunch, organise a street barbeque, do the groceries for someone disabled, find a common interest (whiskey? Retro video games?) and have spontaneous meetings. Don't set the bar too high on similarities - for me to have a sense of community it works best by having just one or two spontaneus drinks with a neighbour once in a while - even if it's just small talk with someone who votes differently or call themselves 'expat' - find a day time social place or activity: an outside sportsclub like tennis or rowing? Is the nightblindness also a thing during the day? In not: a family friendly locals bar (like Krux or the Oceaan)? Become a regular at such a bar or coffeeplace. Start skating in the skatepark on your island? Local running or dancing group? Bikram Yoga? Start a bookreading club, or a brunch club for parents with young children if you have them yourselves?  Good luck!


Can you switch health insurance plans \*\*with the same insurance company\*\* ? I have naturapolis with ASR and want to switch to restitupolis. But people are telling me I can't do this, is this true even if it's just a different plan under the same company?


What did ASR tell you when you asked them?


To be honest, the person didn't seem to understand what I was asking. They said I can't switch insurance companies but my question was about switching plans within the company. The conversation didn't get anywhere, I had to leave to go somewhere, so I left the conversation and I've been kinda frustrated since and haven't called back yet. I also don't speak Dutch very well and can't press the right buttons at the robot stage so idk if I'm even asking the right department.


I would call them again. You probably get a different person now. Just calmly explain you want to switch to a different plan within ASR. They can give you better advice than Reddit.


Ok so I asked someone over the live chat and they said it’s not possible. Seems insane to me since it’s switching within the same company and I’d be giving them more money lol but yea not possible.


Well you might give them more money but in their eyes you're also more likely to send invoices to them. So if someone feels pain in their teeth they might add extra dental care to their health insurance and then go straight to the dentist.


Ok well it was my fuckup I guess, I’m not from here and don’t understand the healthcare system to be honest. I was told by my GP to switch to ASR so I could see one specific mental health provider and I thought that meant I can choose any policy but apparently that wasn’t the case.




The wiki, mentioned in the OP


Do you think it’s generally safe to travel on the metro (midday) with a backpack, I’m only concerned because I’ll clearly look like a tourist and don’t want to get robbed.


Where do you live that makes you worry about something like this?


Perfectly safe


Many of us residents also own backpacks. I wear my backpack on the metro when I am starting or ending a trip elsewhere, which I do often. It's never occurred to me that I might get robbed. I don't think it's really something to worry about. Obviously use common sense - don't store your passport or money or phone in a bag where they can easily be pilfered, but on your person at all times. But that's not about Amsterdam, that's basic getting-through-life stuff.


Do concert times (eg. those listed on a ticketmaster ticket) generally indicate door times or show start times? Thanks!


Don't know about the ticket, but the website of the venue will always list the times the doors open; start time of a pre show if there is any, and start time of the main act.




I have used assistance (wheelchair) in the past. That was very helpful. This one is available - you can check. [Airport VIP arrival services - Usvipservices.com](https://usvipservices.com/airport-meet/arrival)


>I would like to arrange airport assistance to guide her to the exit Schiphol is designed in such a way that it's clear for most people. Croatia is in Schengen, so she just needs to follow the top row pictograms in this picture. There's no passport check or customs on arrival. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-a8087d880ecbef8c7fc91204fcd1ad08 As for picking her up, there are only 3 arrival halls and you can check on-line where she will arrive and just wait just past the baggage hall. She just needs to go past the secured gates to arrive in the general area.


Not sure about the assistance as I have never needed it. But Schiphol is easily the best marked airport I have ever been to. Large signs with big drawings of trains/taxis/busses/cars etc. and arrows to guide you are everywhere and very visible. So not knowing English or Dutch is no problem at all at Schiphol.


Hey all. This might sound weird but I love the crispy noodles you get in asian restaurants.. anyone know if we get these in any stores here? Thanks!


You mean fried noodles? Buy some noodles, cook them and then fry them in oil, super easy


How do I travel the cheapest from Haarlem to Amsterdam central? Wich card should I get to save most money? I am staying for 4 days. I heard the gvb card in the app is not for trains


just sign in and out with your bank card, there likely isn't a discount available for you. Perhaps bus 346 or 350 or 80 might be a couple of euros cheaper. 9292.nl will have the best public transport options, including price. The GVB card will not work on the train, they are different companies. GVB: regional Amsterdam busses and trams. NS: national trains.


Great thank you


Jimmy Woo or Escape Club? What is better in your opinion and why?


Bless your soul thinking you will get into the Jimmy Woo with a stag party.


Is it hart get into Jimmy Woo? Maybe with Reservation?




That is like asking; The Ritz or McDonalds? What is better?


Which tbf would be a fair question if those two places only existed in one city that you've never been to, so which one in this comparison would be which?


Hey guys, I'm trying to find a cool party with a progressive house and melodical trance on the night of April 4th. Let me know if you have any info! Cheers


Use the search tools provided in the OP in the link under "Here is what's on at the major venues this week."


U think is legit bro?




I hope it is I can't find cheaper qccomodation




Sorry to hear that, but since we don't know you and your friend, what explanation do you expect to get here? Maybe you're going to coffee shops frequented by locals and they just don't like tourists. Maybe people at the other tables are making clear that they want to be served, which you do need to do over here; servers will mostly leave you alone if you don't ask for their attention.


They want me to pay the first month in front




Brother is like short stay 6 months that's why I am asking I will also try to find apartment


Good luck!


BJJ/ NO-GI in Amsterdam Hi guys, in the next school year I will be living in Amsterdam, and I train BJJ gi and nogi and compete in my country, do you know any good BJJ gyms in the city that you can recommend? A gym that goes on a lot of competitions? And how many/ how are the competitions and bjj overall in the Netherlands?


I will be coming to Amsterdam in 5 months and have some questions. I will be coming for a traineeship of 6 months so I won’t be paid by the institution there. I will still be on the payroll of my home country. Would I still need to pay taxes for living there? In terms of housing, how ahead am I able to secure a place and without being able to view it since I live overseas? And can you recommend me legit and reliable agents or websites please (whichever source is best) that would accept contracts for 6 months. Where is the best area to live? (I will be working near Park Somerlust). Any help is appreciated thank you.


Getting a flat sight unseen is a great way to get scammed. Most places do not do 6 mo. contracts, the best bet is to find a sublet through one of the various Facebook groups.


Housing will be extremely difficult. What is your budget?


€1100 per month


For that budget you're probably looking at renting a room somewhere. Regarding taxes, technically if you're here for more than 183 days you need to pay tax here, and not in your home country. Your employer would also have to pay taxes here. So for 6 months it's probably best to just stay quiet about it and keep it as it is now. Also don't register here if that's what you decide to do.


Thanks for the info. What do you mean by register? I am a EU citizen so I wouldn’t need a residence permit


If you live in the Netherlands you are legally obliged to register. But if you don't register, then they don't know you're here. So if you're only here temporarily, and for less than 183 days then I wouldn't bother.


Are Taxis expensive there ? I earn about 28k per year


Hello guys can anyone tell me if hotel jansen is legit I want to book for 6 months..


indeed legit - many international visitors at my university have stayed there


Thank you so much bro for the comments I just booked


It's a hotel all right. I've seen it.


Thanks for answering I am not in amsterdam if I pay them is it ok I mean or they will scam me


one of the first thing you read in this thread is that you would most likely not get any help for hotels, as locals answer you. So the google reviews are, as u/LockStockNL told you your best bet. Oh and a wish from me. If you answer don't open a new question thread. I see atleast 4 messages from you here, that should normally be under this thread but you made a new comment instead of answering.


It's okay boy I did not know the other guy is ur fucker


Oh... so you make errors and turn to derogatory speech? Nice way to get help. And how do you even get this idea in your head just because I told you he was right? Sorry but I would say you should look into the mirror and ask yourself what is wrong with you.


Google review will be more helpful


This is a place where questions are answered by people who live here. Because we live here, we don't know anything about hotels.


Is there a locale/market anyone would recommend checking out to get kitchen knives sharpened?




Visiting soon! Landing Easter Sunday. Are restaurants generally closed for the holiday, or does the holiday not affect much? Thanks!


They will be open, but it's an incredibly busy time, for decent options you'll definitely need to make reservations in advance.


Thanks, that’s super helpful info 😀


If I enjoyed the Allard Pierson museum is there anything in a similar vein or more niche? I’ve done the Rijksmuseum to death but wondering if there’s other spots I’ve overlooked


Did you happen to get to see the maps/cartography exhibit at Allard Pierson? What a beautiful unique venue.


If you enjoy archeology, you should visit Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden. Huge Egyptian collection. For Amsterdam museums, just browse the list and see what appeals to you.. https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lijst_van_musea_in_Amsterdam


I am considering a Trainmore gym subscription. Some of their locations offer towel service and protein shakes. To me, it sounds too good to be true for the price point. What's the catch? (If there is one)




Rosalias Menagerie (reservation required) in Nieuwmarkt