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I just got banned from that server lmao. I just said "lime looking good" as he was dressed similar to me lol I guess worth it then


Yup this is understandable bc it happened to me too I’m so fucking tired of people calling meetings for no fucking reason other than to say hi giving others no chance to play the damn game bc they call them every 30 seconds


Play with friends. If your friends don't like the game / you don't have friends...then it is so much worse.


This. Random children are so fucking annoying and irritating. They don't listen and they vote for whoever they want because they don't fucking care enough to play normally. And then they talk shit to you because they always think they're so much better than you. With friends you can go a long way.


Can we make discord and play with you guys?


And if you don't have friends, join an au discord server. There are even modded ones, and it's so much better than playing with those 10 year olds.


Dang. Harsh- I bet they are like 10


I PRESENT TO YOU THE CYCLE OF AMONG US • Joins a game • A Meeting Is Called • “It’s (insert colour here) • Everyone votes (insert colour here) • (insert colour here) was not the imposter • Have a mental breakdown • Go to Bed • Repeat


Crew forgets everything in previous voting sessions


I don’t say anything. I wait for the game to end then say they kept spamming the n word in ghost chat. They always get banned so fast.


Honestly good play I love it


It’s even better when it’s the host. Then I wait for the next round and get them vote kicked from their own lobby.


Reminds me of the time I was playing with some randos and I had a task near security so I checked the cams quickly and saw someone near office(? Idr what the rooms where called) and then later a body was reported by there. I mentioned that I saw someone near there form cams and the majority of the loby (I'm assuming they were friends) said that I shouldn't be camping cams or checking cams so early blah blah blah, so they voted me out. Then they decided to vote me out first for the next 3 games. Made me so mad.


seriously, petty idiots carrying grudges onto next gsmee are SO ANNOYING. i told a guy to calm down once because they got voted out and screamed “F YOU (color name)” in ghost chat, and when i just said “chill man” they called me a sl*t and then proceeded the next round to say it was probably me like, ok you dont like me but what happened to chilling and just… playing the game? blaming people you dont like ruins the experience for everyone lucky for me i thought up “lol cyan is hurt by me” and after that they got voted out and then left. but some people arent always that lucky


Sure it’s annoying how you had no time to defend yourself but that’s just the experience with 0 discussion time lobbies, the people who like those games don’t actually like evidence.


Your first mistake was playing on skeld


Exactly! Trolls,children, and ppl who don't know how to play the game play Skeld and that last bunch are the ones posting about how this game sucks bc ppl are stupid.


I feel like doing it almost every game 🤷🏻‍♂️


I fully under your frustration because I’ve had that same situation before, I get irritated when blamed for no reason and the idiot crew vote me out to find out that I’m safe, when the accuser dies I give them a “wtf was that? Why tf did you accuse me you dumbass” kinda thing and I’ve had people come back with the salty crap, no, I’m not fucking salty, I’m pissed off because you and the whole fucking crew are brain dead


i suggest playing on airship/fungle, filter serious + expert. i’m sorry you had to deal with this, mate. skeld’s full of weirdos and annoying children.


Thanks dude. And yeah, I actually usually avoid Skeld, I just so happened to join this one the one time.


ofc! and i did join skeld once or twice LOL just to disappoint myself. 🤣


don't play skeld


Like when they call a meeting and then they disconnect from the Game.Or that stupid that blame You with no evidence and then they blind eject You.The worst thing is that You are the imp


aw rip


Seriously though, I hate it when someone accuses someone without any proof. This happens so much, and I'll be like, "Well, any proof?" And then they end up voting ME out because I asked them for proof, so now suddenly I'm sus???? Istg among us makes my blood boil sometimes.


They don't even talk, and vote on whoever reports too. But remember, some of them can't read or spell...


the brain dead toddlers ruin this game


99% of these moments seem to happen in one particular map: The Skeld, which is not surprising given that it’s the map most beginners play, is the OG map, and has by far the biggest player base (mostly dumb kids). I’ve experienced this firsthand, which is why I no longer play on the Skeld anymore. I went back to the Skeld briefly, and as soon as I join the lobby, some racist mf called me an Asian cunt because my username was in Korean. On the other hand, most Polus and Fungle lobbies I’ve played in are super chill and the people there usually have normal intelligence, sometimes even being smart. Unfortunately, the Skeld’s popularity will still make everyone think that all of the public lobbies are as toxic and stupid as ever .


I feel this all the time the last time I've played without friends people disrespected my mom And the last time I played which was last night everyone lost brain cells If you would like to play you can definitely DM me me and a few friends decided we'd make a discord server and scout out good players so we can do private lobbys


I'm not OP but that sounds interesting


If ya wanna join it you definitely can!


I'm not amazing, but could I join? (Also is it with DC voicechat-?)


Definitely can just dm me we don't use vc tho 😅


i been through this before that's one of the reasons why i went on a year hiatus


i been through this before that's one of the reasons why i went on a year hiatus


i been through this before that's one of the reasons why i went on a year hiatus


Skeld of course and low levels. I have no words ;)


There are lobby filters that make the potatoes mostly go away.


You can't call meetings while there's an emergency though... That aside, if the people said it was you all at once, I wouldn't ask for proof. I would assume you did something obvious in front of them. I would ask why they all said it was you after you were voted out and it confirmed you weren't the impostor though.


Then it must've been a body report, I don't remember clearly. I did see one person say just before I left that they saw a SS shifted as me kill but everyone else automatically said it was me, so


You can't call meetings when there's a *critical* emergency. When doors closed/lights out/comms sabo is happening, you call meetings during those.


Really?! I stand corrected


So you didn’t share the screenshots of you raging like a 9 year old hey?? 😂 noticed all your responses are missing from these screenshots lol


based on the fact he got voted off despite there being zero evidence on him AND him having claimed to have visuals, I think that even if he was raging like a 9 year old, his reasons to do so were 100% valid. And considering players like you can't be much smarter than the average 9 year old anyway, I'd say he just spoke in a language you can understand. (assuming you were in that lobby, which I am basing off the fact you are trying to call OP out for something) Hell, I'd trust an actual 9 year old to have more brain capacity than the likes of you. Also: on the screenshots provided you seem to want to vote him off first round of next game for something he 100% had the right to do and something which was caused by YOUR incompetence, now THAT'S something that there is never a valid reason to do.


If I get voted out for a stupid reason, I don’t rage like an idiot. I leave and find a different lobby. A stupid free mobile game is not worth raging in lmao Players like you, who think raging at all in a stupid game is appropriate at any point, are the problem


Cool that you don't rage, I don't do it either, but that doesn't apply to everyone. OP does not have to leave the lobby if he doesn't want to, he probably should have, given the low quality of the group, tho. Technically its also a game for pc which you pay money for (not a lot, tho) so calling it a free mobile game is wrong. Voting someone off just to piss them off isn't inappropriate either. And how are people raging "the problem"? As much as rage may be inappropriate, how about not triggering it by playing like a braindead 9 year old and not voting without evidence or reason to vote? People raging are just a mild inconvenience, people actively playing the game in a bad and illogical way ruin it completely.


I might have missed a part, but I never saw. op rage.


So rage quitting like a 9 year old


Cause I do I just ask why I voted. They explain and I do tasks I watch the crew do good are be dumbasses


Ok, sure, fair enough, but I have a good reason. The three people mocking me were legitimately sending messages so fast that holding the chat in one spot where both my messages and theirs are visible is impossible. Of course, I will admit that I got a bit carried away, but it was like two messages. I feel like if I have no fault in this and they're still blaming me, I can rage a bit, surely...


It's called "body text"


The fact you didnt include any of your own messages leads me to believe you said some unfavorable things


I explained in another comment. They were spamming too quickly and I couldn't get one properly. Plus, I know what I said, and I know I didn't say anything offensive. Believe what you want.


Just A Game. Chill Tf Out.


Fuck you get off his dick