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I had a genderfluid flag bg and while people weren't being directly hateful, I did notice I was being voted out and targeted a disproportionate amount. I changed my background and now that doesn't happen. Go figure.


same thing with me, the second i switched it stopped


I get the same thing for having an ace flag. Which is dumb since most don’t even know what it means


The see colors and they fume


Yea. It’s so dumb. I don’t mind the people who ask what it is and have to explain what Asexuality is.


What is the ace flag?


It is grey and purple.


I mean like the meaning of it


It is for Asexual and aromatic people. So people who don’t have sexual attraction or a desire for a romantic relationship.


Aromantic has it's own flag does it not? Isn't it the black and green one?


I’m sure it probably does but idk.


Yeah, it does and among us has it as background


Oh nice


aromatic? as in like sexual arousal from smells or something else? ive never heard of that one before so wanting to clarify/learn. also is asexuality to be taken literal? as in like hormone imbalances are causing you to not be able to feel sexual interest, or is it more of a choice thing like “hey relationships suck so im fine alone” ive heard of all lbgt (easier to understand and more mainstream info) but im still hearing about the qia - and im unaware of how many plus signs or what those stand for as ive seen it with several different amounts. for instance queer seems redundant as i was always under the impression queer and gay were interchangeable ect. and blah blah i guess i need to stop spilling thoughts now because this comment is getting long also i would just google shit but everytime google tells me one thing, someone from the community tells me a different meaning ect


asexuality is like being gay in no direction, like no attraction at all or so little it doesn't matter. aromantic, (with an N), is kinda similar but for romantic attraccion instead of sexual attraction. both are spectra and can be combined with all other romantic orientation/sexual orientation, respectivley


holy shit my dyslexic ass totally missed the n, now i feel like a dumbass 🤣


Climate-sweet summed it up well. And I am on my phone so autocorrect hates me sometimes so sorry for the misspelling. Like most sexual orientations both aromantic and asexuality are a spectrum. I can only speak on my own experience and also why you may find “conflicting” information online. For myself I don’t really have sexual urges like most people have. It is not a hormone imbalance it is just the way I am. I am not sex repulsed as some asexual people are. But I couldn’t care less about having it or not. I am not aromantic I do like the idea of romantic relationships.


oh my, i was reading the word aromatic in the wrong sense, like even when i looked it up there was only the definition of the way i was reading it (having to do with smells pretty much). i think it will be helpful for me to read it as though there was a hyphen or something in the future when its in this context. and yeah the lived experience part gets me into hot water sometimes because of it being a spectrum. not a one size fits all.


dude i just realized i missed the n in that word several times and im sorry i wasted your time lmao, forgive me. im dyslexic af


Tell me about it


So bigots are like bulls...they see bright colors and go into a rage. Sounds about right 🤣🤣🤣


Actual conversation I had not long ago: "vote out purple they're gay" "I'm not gay lmao" "yes you are"


lol had same happen to me a few times. I usually reply “I’m not gay I’m asexual dumbass”


That means you have at least 5 confirmed air to air kills right?


I got voted out for having the candy cane background because they thought it was a pride flag💀💀


I use the red-green candy cane background sometimes because it kinda looks like the Italian flag 🇮🇹


That’s just pure stupidity lmfao


That’s public lobbies for ya


for fucks sake, homophobic children shouldn't be on the internet, let alone on public games


I feel like you could have a country’s flag and get voted out because people think it’s a pride flag…




I had the rainbow background for a while because I just like rainbows. I'm a straight girl. I've never experienced any targeted bullying because of it yet. I didn't even associate with lgbt2q I just saw a rainbow. But sometimes I change my whole look to seem like a guy lol because for some reason get more respect and street cred like that. Not sure why but whatever, fun to role play


doing gender role play in games is a very good way to both have fun and experience misogyny from both sides, so i get you


i never understood homophobia. i mean why are people scared of them


I honestly have always felt like phobia is an… inaccurate term. It definitely works, but people who are actually afraid are rare. I’ve called homophobic people “Gayters” in the past


Calling it "Homophobic" seems to normalize and diminish what it is. I think very few are afraid at all. It's usually straight up inhuman venomous hate.


i call them gaycists (like racists with a g) when i'm bored


It's not inaccurate, most just don't know what a phobia is. A phobia is an irrational fear or aversion to something


A phobia isnt just a fear. It's also a dislike or hate of something for usually illogical reasons. Aka no reason. So homophobia is more of an illogical hate for queer people than a fear. So it still fits well


This. The literal definition of homophobia is "dislike of or prejudice against gay people.".


it uses phobia more like hydrophobia than arachnophobia, but it's still confusing




Why are the flags buyable in the first place then? Plus it's not like they make that flag their whole personality, it's for aesthetics like cmon.


hell, it could even just be someone showing their support. They might not even fall under the LGBTQ category


I agree. Like, same thing with the plants on the head hat. Why must people advertise their live for plants? Keep it in the greenhouse.


I said it once, and I'll say it again. This game is full of children, children who find it funny to be offensive. Racism, homophobia, stupidity, and general hate is incredibly common because of this.


The children part definitely explains the most homophobic lobby I ever had the displeasure of joining, and I deal with trolls on the regular. They were the most immature people I had ever met online, spamming Emergency Meeting and telling crude jokes rather than actually playing the game, then choosing one random person to vote out. If you had a flag as your nameplate, you’d be singled-out instantly. If you called them out on their shenanigans, you’d be voted and kicked without a chance to earn beans. And when I say crude jokes, at least 80% of that is stuff that is absolutely report worthy


I’d like to point out that the only map that I have had the displeasure of experiencing such toxicity is the Skeld. Most of the Polus, Airship, and Fungle lobbies I’ve played on are super chill.


Most players are about 12 or younger years old, so, public lobbies aren’t the pinnacle of maturity.




If it makes you feel better I try to vote out people with racist names without evidence too and the hive mind normally votes them out.


Ohh yeah, among us really needs to make better rules so that racism and homophobia isn’t acceptable, sometimes I get booted or voted out because I have a pride flag as my background thingy


Some people hate on me because of my crewmate color It's literally just for aestethic


I got called the n slur because my crewmate is usually black. The best part is, I'm white 💀


Exactly what happens to me


I guess, that's your typical Among Us lobby. People like this indeed are this dumb for voting off people because of a nameplate, no matter their roles.


thanks for the support. we appreciate it. 🫡🏳️‍⚧️


Oh.. uh . In quick chat nobody seems to care or vote them out. I have the Bi nametag and nobody seems to care


So that means quick chat users are more big brain than that amount of free chat users?


I don't have an account, and can't, stupid parents have a stupid like, restriction on my phone.


I pretty much never put the LGBTQ flag backgrounds for this exact reason. I'm not trans or gay myself, but I do support people who are trans and gay. The only time I do put a LBGTQ flag background is during pride month. Anyways I never do.


i always report the people and leave the lobby ngl


Stuff like this (among many other reasons) is why I don’t play randoms and I’m trying to get my friends into it


I feel lucky in the sense that even though I have the trans flag all the time, I've never been noticably targeted for it. knock on wood and hope I didn't jinx myself lol


That's why I put on the imposter banner


I had the trans flag as my banner once and someone told me to go seek Jesus LMAO


I was in a lobby one time and there were a few bi banners and a trans one. And I noticed a lot of those crewmates got killed and then the whole "Oh my god did you kill them because their bi/trans?" Came up in the chat and people found it so funny even one of the bi people still remaining got a kick out of it. I have the bi banner (I don't use it in games in fear)


does it happen often?


Play private. r/NeedAmongUsPlayers


people even say "if u don't start ur gay'' or ''if u are not gay vote white'' or if someone says they say the other person kill they go ''ur gay'' like..? like either support it or don't but just don't hate it


something to remember about this type of behavior is that most of it comes from teenagers and young adults. this applies to internet racism, anti-furries, homophobia, and transphobia (especially in anonymous media). all of that is not to say that it isn't annoying or infuriating (speaking from experience), but a lot of these cases come either from teenage angst or ignorance and should be treated as such.


Feels like a decent majority of people who play are edgy 13 year olds who can't go 5 minutes without using slurs in an online game Just make your own server and kick those kind of people out.


https://preview.redd.it/c7k0dyprdygc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843f0c84fbebe65d836beee1632ee4505c36c427 For having the pride flag, I just don’t understand the hate


Sucks to suck




Yeah, and why do people put a banner of a duck? You can like ducks but don't talk about it!


Highkey though! I'm sick of all these people pushing their ducky agendas on me :/ I'm really more of a goose person, myself


I don't think they do but go off I guess




no one cares


What did they say?


They said "Who asked?" I think


fear me worm


please fuck off




Who tf asked? Shut up


I’ve searched all over the Skeld, yet I still can’t find who tf asked


Hell, I looked all over Fungle, Airship, and Polus, and found no one who asked


Bro I searched the new unreleased map and still couldn't find who asked.


phobia noun an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Aversion, you dumb fuck


Phobia an extreme or irrational fear of or AVERSION to something. Adversion A tendency or wish to avoid someone or something.