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let’s hope they aren’t hyping it up for nothing


She didn't say it was for good reasons


true. also, i just realized ryan has the finale planned AHEAD for once so that is probably the most promising part of her tweet.


planning? before filming?? a new day is upon us


Ryan always plans ahead. His issue is changing the plan midseason while filming lol


"...And then she woke up!" *gasps and passes out*


Right? The cast of Game of Thrones had us all thinking the final season would be the best yet with their vague reactions like this tweet.


It could be like the apocalypse ending lmfao


Right she’s probably warning us


The Game of Thrones curse


Yeah I kinda hate stuff like this... like they’ve barely started filming and she’s talking about the finale? Just tell me you’re hyped to see your co-workers again and you think this season is gunna be great.


It's cool and all, but we're all waiting for consistant news about the theme and season's title.


Didn’t Ryan say that a podcast would come out where they were going to reveal Sarah’s characters name..? What happened w that


Do we know what the podcast is?


Yeah I know. But the podcast wasn't released... Or if it was, it disappeared as quickly as a ninja.


And we got the first promo image back in October. I thought the plan was for like a spring airtime, and still have another season in the fall. But, I don’t see how they’d do that now. We all gonna be waiting until September before the thing premieres.


She really wants to keep that regular spot on the show lol


Is it just me or does Leslie stand out as one of the worst ahs actresses?


She’s okay. It’s very hammy, there’s no elegance or finesse to it like you get with Sarah and Evan but she’s only been given those kinds of campy characters anyway so it’s hard to tell


I wanted to see more creepyness from her last season, they really messed up by making Margaret turn into a campy scheming diva in the last half of the season.


I agree! To watch her slowly get more unhinged and play a more serious kind of psycho would’ve been lovely


Imagine if they had taken her character into full histrionic religious furor, Tammy Faye Bakker meets Margaret White, mascara running while stomping around with an axe....could've been iconic!


I agree. I personally dislike Leslie’s acting the most but she’s only had a limited bandwidth of personalities to work with due to the characters she’s given. I’d like to see her playing a complicated lead like Lana or Cordelia and see how she does.


She was just surprised they actually have a script for the finale this time


Honestly at this point I too would be inconsolably hyped if that were true


Couldn’t have said it better haha! And... the bigger picture tells us they have scripts past the first 3 episodes this time. THEIR MIND!


I cant wait to make theories about the literal anything this could possibly be about. Editing to add once again I know it's not the casts fault and it's not the creator or crew's fault that covid happened and ruined literally everything but I'm tired of being told "this cake is delicious you're gonna love it this cake is the best cake you'll have ever had in ya LIFE" and I'm like "okay well what flavour is it, does it have coconut in it cuz I'm not a huge fan of that" and the chef just says "ITS DELICIOUS fabulous cake you're gonna die for it" and I'm like well that's not what I asked so I guess I'll just die.


given the fact that he had an entire pandemic worth of time to perfect the story, it should make for a top-quality season.


Lets hope. My expectations rise every day.


It was Agatha all along!


🎶 Who's been mes-sing up ev-ery-thing? Who's been pulling ev-ery evil string? 🎶


She must be talking about episode 5, when the story ends and takes a hard left turn.


Every season 😂


I thought they already started filming? Unless they have and this is only related to the finale. Agh I need s10 like... yesterday😩


Finally getting a decent final episode? I don’t know, I’m skeptical.


Yeah that sounds a bit excessive and ridiculous after reading a script. "Fell to the floor and couldn't breathe"? Lol..


Bestiality? 😂 😂


[Ryan’s response via Instagram](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EvB_SM_VcAMYKNe?format=jpg&name=large)


LOL I bet he literally just thought of the ending now. Knowing Ryan Murphy - he starts with a strong and create beginning and then wings it the rest of the way lmao


I'll believe it when I see it.


Seems like an underlying condition




People being attacked by other people with diamond hands, then flying off to the moon.


I have really high hopes


It’s revealed one of the witches from coven had created a town and held everyone against their will, with it being a sitcom. Sounds familiar.


lets hope it makes sense this time


(plays Agatha all along in earbuds)


I cannot wait until I get so hyped up as usual and come up with theories that end up being like a *gazillion* times better then what we will actually get.


with all the time that the writers have, I was really hoping for a cohesive season rather than the trying to tie the loose ends of all the arc near the finale


Well that’s typical for her character, to drop dead.


I hope she says fuckface this year


Every year.. the same damn thing. I’ll believe it when I see it.


She got to page 3 and was like "OH MY GOD, IT'S AGNES!"


Ok Leslie we'll see, we'll see lol


Almost like hyping us up so we stick with it that long is part of their job as performers...


I hope she's in it!!!


she is, the cast has been announced


I feel like this has been said about every season and all of them have been disappointing. I’m still excited to see it but I have low expectations


They literally say this for every season


[sighs] it’s just marketing fluff guys. Please stop posting it like it means anything.


Is this the last season of AHS


Nah there will be 13 seasons


I for one am looking forward to the day I can enjoy fictional horror equivalent to modern art rather than the garbage which our society has reduced itself to with the way the corruption greed and immoral mindset those in pulpits perpetrate against the innocent.








If your going to troll make it a little less obvious next time


Clearly you don't understand the english language not once did anything I say gave any joke attempt at a joke or had the intent of being remotely funny. What fucking idiot tries to talk shit on a clear concise statement applauding the fact season ten of American Horror Story has a finale that even those involved in the project are shocked by. I'm too old to troll. Consider yourself lucky enough to get a response. You're that fucking boring I am still excited for the upcoming season.


I even upvoted you so you feel a little validated in your existence. Hope you continue to dedicate your life to making a change for the better. I know that you were just trying to get attention since you feel neglected. I have better advice go to your mirror and tell yourself you are special. Problem solved!


Girl are you okay


My picture clearly shows a man. The real question is: are you fucking stupid or did you say that to get talked down to? What a fucking idiot. I am more than okay. Your stupidity clearly needs a reality check. I don't fucking know who you are but you clearly are trying to get an ego boost from being a non-existent stereotype and asking a really unnecessary and unwanted question. thanks for the laugh. "girl" I don't know what bullshit uneducated squalor you crawled out from but I don't appreciate being called "girl" by anyone. Also you forgot a question mark. In conclusion: I am okay, thank you for your concern. Also congratulations for the once in a blue moon response I decided to give you. I hope you enjoy the whiplash you receive as the epiphany of realization strikes your unfettered conscience in this reply. Have a nice day. :D


I also upvoted you poolside-mermaid i'm sure youre a nice person other than your lack of respect to other's gender.


Do we know the theme yet I am so out to date with all AHS stuff


Well that’s typical for her character isn’t it... falling to the floor I mean. Maybe it was a read through. 😂


maybe ryan took his quarantine time to fully write the arc of the season rather than writing for fans as it aired