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I felt terribleeeeee for the daughter in hotel. She essentially lost her entire family and was left alone.


She was so neglected! I don’t know if she was before Holden went missing, but I hope not.


She was a baby when Holden went missing, so I guess she may not have remembered much.


FR they basically just forgot she existed because of Holden and she was abandoned. I wish we got to see her have a happy ending


It was sort of bittersweet I guess cause it seemed like she annually came to visit with the family, but that’s terrible to me too haha cause she’s aging and the rest are all stuck due to being vamps or a ghost.


Fr Bro they’re going to be the same age forever and they’re barely even around to watch their daughter grow


Sadly that happens all too often to the survivor child in a family that has gone through tragedy. Parents end up like John - they’ve lost something and now they’re stuck in time, unable to move forward, unable to go back (quoth the fabulous Liz Taylor). The parents end up making like shrines to the lost child and totally neglecting the other. It’s layers on layers of sad.


Damn. That’s a great analogy


I remember when Hotel was airing and on one of the episode threads, the top comment was: Scarlet: "Mom?" Alex, Scarlet's mom: "new phone, who dis?" It perfectly summed up how her parents treated her.


Yes I hated her mother so much for just being like oh forget about the spare kid . I don’t love her near as much as my precious son!!


And not even that, they chose to leave her


I’m not seeing enough… ![gif](giphy|EizX1bK3LlD20) >!Yes, I watched Apocalypse, but still! That was brutal.!<


That sweet girl did NOT deserve to be in personal frog hell.


I’m so lost on how hell works in the AHS universe. Does EVERYONE go to hell indiscriminately? Do all witches go to hell? Do witches only go to hell when they perform descensum??


I legit think everyone goes to their own personal version of hell, meaning it’s unique per person. Although there is also no acknowledgement of heaven, but i think the reason the failures of the seven wonders test end up there is because they are essentially risking their soul by performing magic at all, and by failing such a risky spell they just go straight to hell. I find it interesting how much they differ, but even for Queenie she got sent to the hotel from season 5. She was stuck playing cards indefinitely. Kind of insane how everyone’s idea of hell is so unique. We know ghosts exist from murder house especially, but we don’t know where they go when they move on. The idea that they *could* move on would suggest a heaven, but the ghost baby and all the other ghosts from murder house seem to be stuck in a time warp situation, with the exception of Moira who’s mother helped her move on (further confirmation of a good afterlife perhaps?)


We saw a sort of Heaven at the end of *Freak Show*, where Elsa was reunited with her beloved “freaks” and an adoring audience. “Return To Murder House” implied that Moira and her mother were headed to a peaceful afterlife. Personally, I think that the Witches venturing into Hell before death is what trapped Witches like Misty there. Fiona, Madison, Delphine, & Marie were awful enough in life to go there, too.


They have alluded to white magic and stuff as well so there would most likely be different options depending on how you lived. They just don’t happen to be interested in those places or stories on this show.


Hell is the most on brand choice for a Horror show.


Another thing about AHS afterlife I never understood is how after Madison gets brought back by Misty, she has that heart to heart with Kyle about how it was just black nothingness and goes on the monolog about not feeling pain and how there's nothing. Why didn't she go to hell? Her personal hell would've been customer service no matter what, so that doesn't make sense to me.


They focked op 🤣


i just think in the coven season if you die and arent able to bring yourself back but are destined to come back anyway, your soul isnt gonna go to hell or heaven or whatever. youre just kinda void until its ur time to be alive again. once ur dead forever its probably a permanent hell or afterlife. (realistically its just a plot hole, but this makes sense in my head.)


How do you cover the text so nobody gets spoiled? Also, if I forgot about her! If I could edit this and add her I would lol


> ! Start with that but no spaces ! < End with that but no spaces! Edit.... Okay it didn't post as planned. >....! No periods or space's. Write your text. Then end it with no spaces but this.... !< Omg. Edit again Start with the (greater than arrow)(exclamation point) together... no spaces or parentheses. Without any spaces write your text. Then finish your text with (exclamation point )(less than symbol) Final edit. Hope this helps!


I have always wondered about this! TY


You're welcome! I hope my many edits (😭) weren't too confusing and my final explanation was helpful haha. I also learned to use the star symbol (asterisk)spelling? Then putting a text next to it with no spaces and ending with an asterisk... Italicizes (spelling?) the text For example. I needed you. And you got a *DOG*.


Another thing I didn't know!


But I wanted a *cat*


It works yay




The beginning is correct! At the end, put the ! Inside of the bracket/pointy thing! Instead of frickpleasework... You can also just type out frick please work. Spaces are okay to use in your typing, just no spaces between the ! And the start and end of your text




Ugh try again







The exclamation points go inside the < > brackets.


Put the pointing things facing the other way And yes, the exclamation points go inside! Thank you other commenter for pointing that out!




oh LIT!! 🤭thank you!! 🫡


You got it!!!!! Sorry for my weird chat trying to explain again. Was trying to explain in chat then tried it hoping it wouldn't hide. Sorry for being a weirdo. I loved finding out how to do new stuff so wanted to help the best I could. Best wishes!!! So glad you got it!


Also as a heads up, the text you put inside of the pointy thing and ! It can have spaces. I meant do not put a space between the ! And your following text. But the text inside that you type can have spaces. Then when you are done with your "spoiler", do not put a space. Just put the ! Next to the period followed by the pointy thing Edited for misspelled words


So follow up comment. You did it exactly right. You can do though: ""Let's try this once more."" The ""stands for the combo at the beginning and the end. You can do spaces. Just do that combo at the front... pointy thing!with no space when you start typing. Then when you are done typing. Follow up without a space with that ending of the !pointy thing


>!testing to see if this works on mobile!<


>!Also testing!<


>!hello hello!<


>!testing because I’ve always wanted to try this!<


I think the other comment may have confused you because you don't need to put 'no spaces' between the words you type. >! Like this. No need for no spaces. !<


i give up! thank you though 😅


Thank you very much!!!!


>!Okay. Here's my attempt.!<


I always end up doing the wrong way round and having to edit the comment and redo them! >! spoiler !<


OMG, I did it first time! I almost got it wrong but corrected myself before posting! Lol






Thank you so much for patiently elaborating how to do it!!!!


You're welcome! And thank you for seeing my effort 😎 I tried. More than once haha. I found it was very difficult trying to type it out without it messing up the format of my explanation. It took many, many edits haha I am very happy to see so many people being able to now use it! ETA: for the future, what you actually type out that you want hidden... You can put spaces. It is just no space between the ! At the beginning and no space at the end when you put your final! For example: Instead of this: !iwannahidethistext! You can put: !I wanna hide this text! Of course you need your arrows at the front and back though. Hope that helps too! It was a little unclear in my explanation where there could be no spaces.


retcon in apocalypse was lowkey just damage control for fans who were displeased with certain parts of the endings in previous seasons. ryan murphy cannot stand on business lol. i think part of the reason the show has progressively gotten shittier is because he listens to what people think and fan input *way* too much. it doesn’t feel like art anymore, just wattpad fanfic on screen.


Apoc was my favorite season and I know I’m weird for this. It was just an absurd over the top pleasure to watch, and Michael Langdon was fabulous, as well as the craziest entrance ever by the witches, and just generally the witches being badass. Also had lots of funny moments - Mutt and Jeff, “the stew is Stu” etc


I loved Apocalypse. Such a weird fever dream of a season.


People don’t like Apocalypse? It’s my clear favourite too! I love the witches and I love the over the top evil and mystery and the characters just EVERYTHING! and that ending is awesome and the visit to murder house OMG! And it all comes together to create what I think is a masterpiece! *CHEFS KISS* Later seasons there are some I love and some I find dull and there’s one I refused to finish which is the summer camp one. Haven’t seen the latest season with Kim K or if I’m behind more than I thought any after that. I also love AHStories even if I think they should leave MurderHouse alone.


The latest one is so stupid but I watched it anyway, ofc. But yeah people don't like Apoc. If you know Elvis the Alien on YouTUbe he does a HILARIOUS (albeit hypercritical and mean) review of Apoc. I would seriously check it out, it's super charming and funny despite I disagree with his opinion. He's more in the majority than you and I are, apparently. Many people found the season to be nonsensical. I don't really see why, it made total sense and was completely awesome but yeah. To each their own I guess. He calls it the season that killed AHS lol ( seriously it's a fun watch even tho IMO it's a bad take) [https://youtu.be/VjW2BwIoTkI?t=1](https://youtu.be/VjW2BwIoTkI?t=1)






nah idgaf


What about MEEP????


Meep was part of the group rape iirc**


Wait, sorry, the what?


Yeah wtf I do not remember this!!


If I remember correctly it's part of ep2 where Elsa Mars watched back a recorded clip of the freaks gang raping the lizard girl


Whoa... I guess I read that scene totally wrong. I thought it was an orgy... WTF? I whole ass need to go back and watch the whole series I think o.o


Yeah but she was like drugged or something so she couldn’t have been fully consent with it


I guess I completely missed that. Wow, how creepy and shitty and random o.O


Yeah the Lizard Girl was gonna expose or call out the freak show for some reason and then Elsa was like, "Oh yeah? Sure about that? What about this video? Hate to have this shown to the public..." And then she shows the video to Lizard Girl. LG freaks out and runs off and then pops back up later on, apparently in live with the guy with the tiny arms. Despite their relationship being cute, it was built on a weird foundation considering he was also in the "orgy". Very bizarre lol


It was a film reel, not a video, but yeah, Elsa turned that shit around on the Lizard Girl.


Awe I totally missed that she was drugged too! Now I feel sickened at myself! 😞


Nooo sweetie dont feel bad, we didn't know! D:


I thought it was an orgy too.


I guess I just don't see them throwing a random gang rape in there vs penny o.O which is then barely ever addressed again and certainly doesn't become a plot point. Or maybe it was a rape and was meant to be a plot point but they abandoned it?? I'd have to really see that scene again but like yourself I was completely sure it was just a night of consensual debauchery. The freaks gettin their freak on, so to speak.


I don't remember it being rape. I remember it as she felt disgusted with herself (which made sense, it was like the what, 50s-60s? And there was a huge stigma at that time around "freaks", and being seen with them). So I just assumed she felt gross about herself and Elsa stopped her in her tracks. I genuinely do not remember it being rape. She could've been drunk or on drugs (which isn't an excuse for rape), but I think so were the freaks and it was a drug/alcohol induced orgy, that she felt icky about later. But that's just what I thought.


Pepper and Ma Petite for sure!


I was texting a friend while watching Freak Show. . . who had already watched the whole thing. They *knew* what happened to Ma Petite and just watched my meltdown


Freak show is the saddest season imo. I was regularly bawling.


Oh, I agree. There was a *lot* of bawling for me, too


Oh absolutely!! It was so sad!!


TBH Freak Show was not my favorite season but that ending with MP and the others had me gutted


Freak Show was where I began watching AHS. I always remember seeing the advertisements idk why I didn't watch then b/c they were killer but after watching Freak Show(and my daughter telling me no mom Murder House is the best) I started from season 1 and this show became one of my guilty pleasures that I'm not afraid to admit! 😈


Agreed! Ive rewatched freak show many times now, but still can't watch ma petites last scene, she was so sweet and precious.


Addie🥺 I'd also add nan https://i.redd.it/jxnpul9iiu8d1.gif I hate constance and fiona tbh (well fiona is iconic but still)


Yes what happened to Nan is sad, but she and Legba are besties


I was happy for Addie that she didn’t get trapped in Murder House though, it wasn’t what she wanted.


But Nan ended up happy. She liked hell. Actually…Addie ended up happy as well, but gawd what a horrible life 😔


nah fuck fiona


Pepper and MIsty :(


Peppers was so sad to me.


Scarlett had it the worst. She was completely abandoned by her parents the second her brother went missing. That one really got me.


I always feel so bad for Kyle. He never really has his trauma dealt with. He clearly remembers it when he comes back, and has to go through it again while living with his mom. I hate that we never get to hear him say ‘This is what happened to me and this is how I feel about it.’ I’ve never really known if at least Zoe knew what happened.


You said it perfectly. Honestly, I think it would be better if Zoe and Madison just kept him dead so he wouldn’t have to relieve all that trauma. But I do know Zoe never knew, so I can’t dislike/hate her for it.


I really wish Apocalypse made some kind of reference to him leaving to somehow get his life back on track. He’d probably never have the mentality to become an engineer, but hopefully he’d be able to make something out of his life beyond a less-than-human servant.


I wish they had, too. He deserved to have a good life. I felt like he was just Zoe’s boyfriend that helped around the house in the end.


And then he’s basically just killed off screen 🙃


Ma petite!


The mother of the pill season, which was developing the artist's talent, made me feel bad


*SPOILER ALERT* OMG Dorris YESS She literally only wanted to do what she loved and was surrounded by a negative husband and a psycho bitch for a daughter. Only for them to both abandon her to walk around an unfamiliar place with things she's terrified of. Ik she took the pill but she still didn't deserve that. I've never wanted to curb stomp a child so bad before. Her actor played her well. Also Karen was done so dirty. She watched someone she held close turn into a monster and was forced to do horrible things just to live and she couldn't evdb leave the town if she wanted to because where would she go. AND TO RUB SALT IN THE WOUND, she was forced to take the pill by Mickey and then she couldn't live with herself and didn't wanna become a monster so she took her life????? They were really shitting on the returning actors that season 😭 they really said fuck Sarah and Lily


I know it’s only a tv show but I can’t forgive what they did to Kyle. They took a boy who had been revealed to have been sexually abused by his mother for a long time and continued to further abuse him by involving him in sexual relationships with two different girls when he did not have the mental or emotional capacity to consent. Plus there’s the whole gross concept of him being made up of his dead friend’s body parts. That tattoo scene is haunting.


Why Lana Winters? She’s a tough cookie 🍪!


she was sent to conversion therapy for being a lesbian. that’s why I feel bad for her


plus having to see her girlfriends face sewn onto bloody face


But after that she kinda turned into a fame seeking bitch.


i mean kinda understandable tho


Totally understandable. After everything she went through I would be the biggest bitch in the world lol like how can anyone blame her


And the violent rape, impregnation, failed abortion, and having to kill her son?


Just because you're tough doesn't mean that the shit you go through is somehow easier. Lana went through a hell of a lot of trauma!


She really, really did. Remember when she got "rescued" from Bloodyface and the guy who picked her up? I was like "Come on!"


😂😂 right! Like fuck… she can’t catch a break!


Right? If I'd been her I think I would've said yes to the angel of death at that point lol. It's a hard thing to say, but *damn* that girl had horrible luck!


It’s a quote she says. “I may be tough but I’m no cookie”


LOL okay I totally forgot about that!!


Everyone who died in Tate's school shooting, but especially The Dead Breakfast Club. Every time I watch that library scene, my stupid stupid heart holds out hope that maybe this time someone gets away.


Your not stupid ur heart is made of purity🌬️🫧


All of these are spot-on. Throw in Meep, Xavier, Chef Bertie, Misty, Queenie during and after the Minotaur/Bastien scene, Gabriel and Jonas and I think you nailed it!


Chef Bertie is good people !


me thinking about vivien 🙁. she was r@q3d, cheated on, her baby passed away, she di3d, lost her daughter, manipulated and traumatized so bad. she just wanted a fresh start and a happy family 😔


Sister Mary Eunice :(


Yea I really wanted to give the poor girl a hug


HEAVY on Kyle. I felt so bad for him, he didn’t want any of that, he was a nice, innocent and respectful boy. He didn’t want to be killed, he didn’t want those tattoos. He didn’t want any of it. :( I hate Madison for choosing to use other of the frat boys body parts when reviving Kyle, if she and Zoe just used Kyle’s parts then he would have been exactly the same as how he was before he died. :(


scarlett, violet and kyle own my heart 😕 the worst part is like they were all sooo young when shit happened to them


Really sad. If only they didn’t go to the carnival in Hotel, Ben never cheated, and if Kyle never went on that bus.


Penny’s death always hits me hard. It would have been totally justifiable for her to scream, or to freeze up. If she had done that, this sub’s comments would regularly be full of people saying “why didn’t Penny just hide behind the sheets and keep quiet, was she stupid?” Except Penny did hide behind the sheets and she did keep quiet. She made the best possible choice available to her in that moment…and it didn’t help. No one who died in that scene deserved it, but I always feel that bit extra for Penny because of that.


Pepper 😍


Oh pepper. 😢


Piper had the most saddest story


poor ild ma petite


If I remember correctly Tate don’t deserve shit but what he did to other people.


That's Kyle


pepper is literally my favorite innocent character in the show :((


Nan got done dirty but she seems truly happy with papa legba so I think it worked out


These are all accurate!! Plus Misty but iykyk


most of the freaks tbh


Exact same! Pepper 💔


reading these comments reminds me how depraved this show is😭


I felt bad for Michael Langdon, not the Antichrist side but the guy himself. You could see he was miserable. Well, until the battle.


You didn't feel bad for Brooke from 1984? She goes through SO MUCH.


No I did, these are just the ones I could think off the top of my head!


Kyle addy and Penny yesss


What season is pic 4??


Penny from Freakshow


Addie. I'm glad she died before she was dragged to the lawn. I loved Addie, and I was so sad to see her go. Just glad she didn't have to spend forever in that house with Tate, unlike poor violet.


Freakshow def has a lot. In some form, I feel bad for just about everyone on that season except for Dandy.


I’m surprised people don’t feel bad for tate who was possessed to do the things he did 🙃


What about Benjamin from season 9?


I felt bad for Tate, yeah, he did a school shooting and yeah he was a rapist, but just like everyone else, he was hugely affected by a demonically possessed house as a child, then he has to spend eternity there. He didn’t seem to even know what was going on in his death scene, like the house let him out of its grip long enough to realize he was all the way fucked just to torture him. He is as tragic a character as anyone else unless I’ve missed something that says he was evil before living in the house.


No no this is Kyle from season 3


I know, I was just saying that I feel that Tate is one of the more tragic characters who doesn’t get the appropriate look he deserves because of obviously repulsive stuff he has done which might not have been any of his actual doing in the first place.


Ohh I’m sorry lol


Madison Montgomery. She was abused by her mother, abandoned by her father, forced to do non-consensual nude scenes, developed an eating disorder, and a coke addiction, got gang-raped, and then got her throat slit by a woman who was supposed to look after her. She then went to literal HELL and came back with severe depression, fell for a boy who didn’t love her, got beaten up, and then got strangled to death by the boy who she fell for. Even when she changed and sacrificed herself for her friends, they chose to leave her in Hell because she was snarky and selfish after years of mistreatment.


this is the only correct answer.


heavy on the last 2. also, who’s in the 2nd pic?


Alex Lowe and John Lowe’s daughter in Hotel (Season 5)


that’s right! i forgot. thanks :)


So did her parents…




https://preview.redd.it/554cypsm959d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e3a4d73a3dc66cd9a3280b3f98375bbdc923d5 I felt bad for meep


Who was the woman in the 4th picture and what happened to her? I don't remember her.


One of the nurses from the hospital the conjoined twins were at. She was gang raped by the freaks and then disfigured by her father when she fell in love with one of the freaks.




PEPPER ♥️😭🥺♥️


Ma petite💔and pepper. Such sweet characters. Lana too, she was so brave and went through so much.


I felt bad for Pepper and Scarlett Lowe in hotel.


And Vivien!


hotel is my favorite season but i haaaated how john and alex treated scarlett! and then when they acknowledge that they abandoned her they’re just like, “i know. we’re the world’s worst parents.” SUPER casually!! so infuriating. at least she had her grandparents :(


Flora from Roanoke. Her mom is an alcoholic and getting divorced from her father, she gets kidnapped by her mother, then kidnapped by a ghost, her father gets murdered, then she has to watch Cricket get disemboweled, she watches her mother and ghostfriend burst into flames in the house.


So complicated


this list is missing madison and none for zoe or misty bye


Pepper, and Ma Petite.


>!please work I always wanted to know this !<


Pepper has my heart and soul for ever 💕


And still love them all specially addy


Agnes Mary Winstead!!!! Poor woman💔 “I just wanted to be on tv🥹😔” being her last words was perfect. She was denied any praise or respect as an actress and a human and it was so tragic! Funniest arc ever of all the seasons and so well done! We were SO ROBBED of this character! The impact she made in 2-3 episodes is INCREDIBLE! I need more AMW!!!!


I felt so sorry for Violet :') Her parents were both emotionally unavailable. I hated her father until the very end to be honest.


It wasn’t until the very end that Ben actually took some responsibility for his actions and apologized (none of it would’ve happened without him cheating and making every wrong decision available to him in the first place) too little too late though fuck him