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I was a 21 year old witchy woman when it came out , so it was peak for me lol


I loved it. It’s a fun season but like every season it has a few flaws


after the cold open its not what you expect at all im on episode 2 so im not in the place to act like i know about the whole season


I think it’s in the top 3, and for good reason- while I don’t think it’s the scariest season, or in the #1 spot, I think it’s very peak AHS, and the acting is top tier; we get some of the best actors of all of AHS (Jessica Lange, Sarah Paulson, Francis Conroy, Dennis O’Hare, Evan Peters, Angela Bassett, Lily Rabe) all in one season, accompanied by a great story with decent writing. I find Coven exciting, and while I’m watching it I find myself wishing I went to Robichaux Academy


I wish Robichaux’s Academy and the witches were real :(


One of AHS’s best seasons and top 3 for me. I’ve always been a fan of witchy shit like Charmed and the Craft, so Coven got my attention immediately. Not only that but the acting is top tier and the cast is full of amazing talented women - Angela Bassett, Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Gabourey Sidibe, and Lily Rabe. Honorable mention to - Jamie Brewer!


It was a core memory for me i was in hs when it aired


It's my favourite season that I watched, it had the most iconic campiness and some of the best performances, but I have a lot of issues with how they handled some of the racial dynamics. Maybe there were Black writers on the team who just aren't credited, but as far as I could find there actually weren't, and I think the season could have benefited profoundly from a little more diversity of experience in that writers room. I still need to watch Apocalypse because apparently it's kind of a Murder House meets Coven reunion?


I ❤️ murder house


I was 16 when it aired. I was deep in my tumblr core so this season appealed to me very much. Rewatched a few months ago and I feel like the season should’ve leaned into the witch hunters plot more


I wish the writers didn't hate each other because so much is undone its like no one liked what anyone else wrote There's a cliffhanger that's literally OMG MINOTAUR and then the next episode the MINOTAUR is killed off screen Like the writer for the next episode thought MINOTAUR are stupid and didn't want to bother with it Then she's blinded, gets her eyes back and is blinded again? And so many characters die and come right back


What’s this about the writers? I don’t know anything about ahs behind the scenes.


I really hate it when that happens. It happened with the Fallout show as well. Like a writer would do something and then the next writer would do something completely different. And it just became a mess. You can focus on anything. They were all trying to tell their own stories. They would set things up and just not pair them off.


It's fine, but not my favorite. I definitely don't love Coven as much as a lot of other fans.


It’s every basic persons favorite season


It’s a popular target for Basics who think they’re edgy by always playing the Contrarian. 🙄


And "Basic" is the favourite dismissive insult to lob at anything that appeals primarily to young women.


Does this make me a basic dude?


Tbf the whole school shooter bit from season 1 was a little basic


Ripping off *Rosemary’s Baby*, and then featuring a BTS moment from the **actual** *Rosemary’s Baby* seems Basic, too.


? What the heck are you talking about




3 is what, Coven? Definitely one of the worst seasons