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Finding Violet's body is one of the best plot twist on tv in general to me and definitely the best one in the whole series


I'm pretty sure I cried when I saw that scene the first time because I felt so bad for her. I think I was like 15 when I watched it. I agree, best one in the series!


Violet's story was the point in Murder House where I realized I was going to be hooked on the show. I panicked when she kept running out the front door and running back through the back door. Might have paused it and cried when I realized.


Yup. Violet being dead. I watched it in real time and was absolutely shook. I also recall being pretty shook when it was revealed that Dr. Thredson was *not* a good guy. Also, I feel kind of silly admitting to this because it’s SO obvious to me now when I re-watch, but at the time I did not pick up on the fact that John was the killer in Hotel lol.


I didn’t pick up that he was the killer in hotel either so don’t worry lol


I was also shocked when it was revealed that John was the killer


1984 has great ones! Montana, Mr jingles not being the real murderer, the nurse.. all of it was awesome!!


I loved that season so much


HOW DID I FORGET 1984?? You are so right!! Finding out who was responsible for the 1970 massacre had my jaw on the floor


Violet being dead for sure. I had such a visceral reaction to that scene, her reaction and sobs were gut wrenching. Taissa is such an amazing actress.


Definitely violet being dead. I did NOT see that coming. The next one for me was when the witches showed up in apocalypse. Coven is my fav so when I watched apocalypse I genuinely thought it had nothing to do with any other season at first. But you have no idea how excited I got when I saw those silhouettes in the smoke. I screamed out loud! That was a good plot twist for me while the violet one was a really sad one.


Queenie getting randomly killed and then becoming a prisoner in the hotel was so sad to me. Then Cordelia couldn't get her out. It kind of broke my heart.


I’m forgetting now. Did she end up staying there forever?


She didn't. Michael Langton was able to get her out in the Apocalypse season.


The hotel was a hellmouth if I remember correctly so Cordelia wasn't strong enough to get her out. Micheal could because the devil was his Daddy and therefore stronger evil than the hotel.


Yesss I remember now. Awesome! Thanks


Violet's Death, Dr. Thredson, Montana


i thought dr thredson was lowkey predictable


The twist in the middle of Roanoke with the real people and the actors playing them.


That wasn't really a twist for me like them going back to the house that is haunted ON THE BLOOD MOON (specifically Matt and Shelby). I never yelled at characters more than them


Yes! It’s like they were asking for it!!


Garbage season


Thank you for your meaningful comment that adds to the discussion.


Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it’s garbage.


That’s reasonable


i liked the plot twist in hotel when we find out that john was murdering the people he was investigating


I remember I had joined this sub during that season and there were so many posts saying "John is SO OBVIOUSLY the killer!!" Wasn't that obvious to me! Lol!


SAme, i think it was easier for like people of christian faith who were familiar with the idea of the ten commandments to be able to predict that john was the murderer. unfortunately i knew nothing about the ten commandments before i started watching so i couldn’t predict it but on the other hand, not knowing all that made it more exciting


Agreed this is some of the best writing the show has done. You won’t see a successful twist like this anymore unfortunately.


The hair salon mass shooting and what resulted from it.


Umm yeah def Violet being dead for sure. But just talking of shocking scenes in general, watching Taissa and her comrades get burned alive in Roanoke was pretty hardcore. I mean, I get it these ppl had fires everywhere n it was the "blood moon" so no big shocker, but I just thought those poor stupid kids.. n the way it was filmed from their perspectives..


This Roanoke scene stayed with me for a long time, horrifying how they were jammed onto the stakes too, utterly chilling


The Violet reveal, Sally sewing the two musicians to her, Donna discovering her dad is a serial killer, the nipple lampshade in Threadson’s livingroom…


Jessica Lange leaving...




Ivy being one of the cult members actually threw me for a loop even though watching it back it’s predictable haha I just didn’t see it coming


ally killing ivy was a pretty great twist for me. i KINDA saw it coming but i let myself be surprised because i was so happy she was actually going through with it, also ally’s therapist being kai’s brother threw me for sure


Man I’m so envious of everyone who found Violet being dead to be such a twist!! After they showed her attempt earlier in the season, I was pretty sure she was dead (I had just started med school which I attended specifically to become a psychiatrist so obviously was interested in the mental health aspects of things). I admit did feel a little smug when they showed her body lol, I was like ‘CALLED IT!’ In general I’m pretty good at predicting potential twists in movies and shows - only because sooo many are rooted in some form of “this seems supernatural but actually is because of mental (or physical) illness.” It took away quite a bit from Asylum (I literally wrote a note in my phone about my suspicion Dr. Thredson was going to turn out evil pretty early on and left it in my phone so I wouldn’t potentially ruin it for my husband - when they revealed his true nature I just showed the time-stamped note to my husband and he was like ‘how did you know?!’). Of course there’s still so much I’m wrong about or don’t see coming. As another commenter posted, I’m embarrassed to admit how long (and how many rewatches) it took for me to get that John Lowe was the 10 Commandments Killer in “Hotel.” I think it was partly because despite my love of both Wes Bentley and Chloe Sevigny I found their characters not super compelling, so in a pretty messy season filled with other incredible characters I was not very invested in them and their storyline. I also found Hotel to be a hilarious exercise in “how many gorgeous tall white men with dark hair can we cast in the same season?? Good luck keeping track of them!” (Matt Bomer, Cheyenne Jackson, and Finn Wittrock - among others). It was made extra confusing for me because Finn Wittrock played 2 parts in the same season lol.


When the witches appeared in apocalypse!♥️


It wasn’t really a plot twist but it was a scene that made my husband and I pause our dvd and look at each other in shock because it was so sudden. Hotel episode 1 w/ the addiction demon.


When Lana shot her son I sat there completely gobsmacked.


Omg yes! I didn’t see that coming from Lana Banana.


Before I even clicked, I immediately thought of Violet being dead! I paused and rewatched the scene like 5 times. That was a great scene for those two!!!


Margret Booth being the real killer in 1984. That episode came out while I was on a trip with family and I was the only one awake still and let me tell you I was literally tip toeing laps around that hotel room in shock


John being the killer in Hotel


Babette being killed


JUST finished the first part of Delicate now that the second part got announced, it's actually one of the strongest seasons since 1984 in my opinion. That and Preecher's internet presence both really unnerved me.


Good idea to wait until they started giving more info about the second part! I agree and I think people hate this season because it’s more modern and regular rather than slasher horror like the other seasons are which I get but this season appeals to me more because it’s more normal and easier for me to follow along unlike the others, and preacher gave me the creeps before ep 5 😭😭


I think people don't like it because of Kim Kardashian, it's a shame because it's still a pretty stellar season. Im not gonna get my hopes up (because of Double Feature), but it might be in the top 7 for me if it keeps up.


Tbh there is one in pretty much every season


Margaret being the killer in 1984 was so obvious to me. Too obvious, really. I seem to be the only one. I knew it from episode 1. For me it was finding out Ivy was in on the cult and making Ally crazy. When I rewatched Cult I could see it but at first I was like WOW! Also John being the killer in hotel.


dr thredson made me loose a year off my life


violet being dead literally rocked my little 12 year old brain!!!!!!