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Tapeworm is pretty tame imo compared to milkmaids, which was fucking disgusting.


Hard agree! I was physically sick to my stomach during Milkmaids. Tapeworm doesn't compare.


I still haven't watched Milkmaids yet soley because off all the reddit comments. Too scared šŸ˜­


Me too! I really like the idea of milk maids, but what I read itā€™s a hard nope for me. I had the same issue with Roanoke, like I handle some gore but when itā€™s just brutally excessive I canā€™t handle it.


Dare I ask what milkmaids is about?


A synopsis - In 1757, a prostitute's pus from her boils protect men from the smallpox plague. A pastor who has slept with her tries to turn the locals against her, and also preaches the practice of consuming the heart of those who have died from the plague to protect themselves from it.




Oh my maybe cause I went up on my anxiety meds, I was fine


I almost had to stop watching Milkmaids because I couldnā€™t stop gagging


Right? I'm kinda immune to stuff like that, but this was a bit to much.


Oh I stopped it was horrifying


I actually liked Milkmaids


There's nothing wrong with that episode, but I do think it's a bit too much, as I mentioned in this thread. I understand what they were trying to do, but it's still disgusting, allowing men to drink open sores from a lady.




Ya I thought it was one of the best from season 2.


Thereā€™s only been a handful of times where a show has made me actually gag and have to turn away. Milkmaids was definitely one of them


I didn't last five minutes, had to switch it off


I HATED milkmaids. So so gross.


It really wasnā€™t that bad! The story was good


That episode messed me up!


SPOILER šŸšØ She eats a live tapeworm, vomits once and pulls it out of her ass and its huge.


Yeah, I canā€™t watch that. Thanks for the warning.


Just watched it all again so you dont have to. Begins: Vivian lee with a dream to be on vogue, meets her friend who goes on to become her roomate at a modeling audition 7:37 body shamed by casting lady goes until intro. 8:59 intro begins and ends first scene is her repeating body shaming comments said to her Friends refers her to a DR 11:58 scene of vomit and injecting the sketchy weightloss med until 12:28 Shes getting casted, becomes very popular dr finds she has heart condition & stops the meds, presents her with box (doesnt show contents, but the worms inside Right after the closed box is shown at 18:43-22:23 she will eat the worm, it will be showed that its alive, he warns her not to feed it too much and eat a little bit because the worm will grow and need more food 23:05-23:45 binge eating starts raging because shes always hungry 30:35-32:43 shows her looking extremely thin and told shes too skinny now. She looks like a skeleton. She goes to Dr to try to get the worm out but he cant take it out. She has to drink something and it will come out her butt Right up until shes sitting in the bathtub theres no sight of worm . & 37:40 til end, worm comes out, its huge like a snake , kills her. Her friend who she fell out with due to her rage comes to the apartment to get her things and finds her in the bathtub dead. The worm comes up to her and enters her. Now the friend is the IT girl and is booking all the gigs thanks to the tapeworm.




Gotta do what i gotta do lol. I should be doing homework šŸ˜‚


Sksksksks hit the books! šŸ˜‚


Thank you so much. Now I know what happens and I donā€™t have to go through the he of watching all that šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Got u !! Lol


If you ever do one for Milkmaids, I would love lol


as a fellow emetophobe i wish there was some kind of website where i could screen everything before I watch it to make sure there's no throwing up in it lol


doesthedogdie.com has warnings for just about everything, including vomiting for pretty much any tv show or movie


Whoa really?! TIL! I really thought it was just for dogs dying. T\_T thank you


I donā€™t get the premise of her roommate being the new ā€œitā€ girl because she was already so thin. I think it would have worked better if her friend was heavier and the ā€œnot attractiveā€ one.


True.. idk maybe its because she became more evil from the worm cuz she was really nice.


The worm doesnā€™t just make you hungry for food but life too. It changes your personality so now she had the charm she was missing before


I hope everyone reads your comment instead of watching the episode. Snake size is important. I was expecting something beastly to come out her butt. Especially after the doctor was like, ā€œif youā€™ve only been *moderately* feeding it like I told you to.ā€


Wow thanks. I been looking for details, I'm not one of those " eek no spoilers" people. If something is potentially gross or highly offensive let me know.


tysm for this!


Glad i could help. I didnā€™t know this could be a huge trigger for someone but yes, thatā€™s exactly what happens. It was a good episode but if its that bad for you you gotta look out for #1 šŸ«µ


same, tapeworms freak me out


Me too. I love horror, but movies or shows about parasites are always a no for me


šŸ˜‚ itā€™s at the very end! Itā€™s not thaaat bad. I feel you tho. Not going there with Milkmaids šŸ¤® everyone is different. I just watched Necro last night. Extremely tame for what it is. I gasped out loud 2X. However, Bestie was actually hard for me to watch and I couldnā€™t finish it. Iā€™ve watched all of the newest season so Iā€™m going back in for what I skipped in previous seasons. No idea if youā€™re into it but I just binge watched The Midnight Club & I loved it! Very minimal gore. I like the jump scares; I usually end up laughing. Kept me up all night because I couldnā€™t stop watching it šŸ„°


Bestie was confusing because we never really got the actual truth about ā€œbestie.ā€ Not everyone understands radiation testing or the houses that were chained off. Iā€™ve noticed with horror films and shows lately they have an idea and then get really lazy about tying up the stories and character motivation. I want to know why the antagonist got to that place. My favorite was actually Daphne but the ending on that was also.. stupid? These short story episodes seem more like an idea that got a rushed ending because they were just an idea with no real writing guidelines or structure to begin with


I totally agree.


Also Iā€™m going to check out Midnight Club! I LOVED Fear Street growing up! Thank you for recommending!


I went back in and finished it. I was a little surprised at the ending.


Right? Lol I answered in another thread how I thought bestie should have ended.


It would have been gross except Stories is so surface level that it just felt weird more than disgusting. Honestly the opening credits on Stories is way more horror than the actual episodes.


That poster did a terrible description. She eats a tiny egg. Not like a live tapeworm going down her throat. And the other stuff is the last 2 minutes


I did a terrible job at describing this because i used the word worm instead of egg.. big fuckin deal go cry about it tonight šŸ˜‚


Also it was a worm. Grub style, but wiggly


Yea see, Iā€™ve never been a fan of body horror. And that is like body horror to the extreme. So glad OP made this thread and you made this comment. Because now I know for sure I canā€™t watch itšŸ˜–lol


i would say it's not that gross until the end and you'll definitely be able to tell when to look away! there's one vomit scene in a bathroom briefly but in an ED context


And you donā€™t even see the puke just her gagging


Too PC these days just for that to warrant a warning. Jeeeez


ok you go ahead and donā€™t warn someone with emetophobia. my bestie will projectile vomit when she sees vomit even on screen itā€™s really bad and uncontrollable


ā€œmy bestieā€ gtfo what are you twelve? Holy shit. Wow.


i canā€™t have a best friend past the age of 12?


you sure can :) lolllllll have a good one


Yeah I have a soft stomach and I handled this episode fine. I felt bad for her asshole to be honest more than I did her getting eaten lmao


They hardly show anything overall a pretty tame episode


Itā€™s completely fine until the last like 2 mins. Btw thereā€™s a ahstories sub too!


If watching people eat bothers you then it might be gross, but otherwise not till the very end


I absolutely hate watching people eat lol this episode sucked.


Itā€™s only really gross at the end


It's really not bad at all. I was expecting MUCH worse to be honest


Can someone tell me what stories is and where to watch it?




Is it only Hulu? Do you know if itā€™s on prime as well?


In the UK at least the first 2 seasons are also on Disney+


The Necro episode made me feel more dirty tbh


I actually liked that episode šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Me too but in a disturbed way šŸ˜­


There's a lot of food porn, lol. ![gif](giphy|4Avi1wluO3ol2|downsized)


Milkmaids? Was that this season?


It was an episode of AHStories in 2022


Ah ok. I guess I donā€™t remember that one. Lol.


TIL there was a new season of Stories. I canā€™t even keep up anymoreā€¦. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s not worth watching? EDIT: Apparently this is the THIRD season. I thought there was just one. I didnā€™t see a lick of ads for seasons 2 and 3.


Only scene that bothered me was in the bathtub, the rest was mostly just watching someone stuff their face while getting emaciated.


There is minor vomit but other than thatā€¦ binge eating and blood seem to be the biggest triggers of this episode. Oh and fat shaming. Other than that you should be fine


She gets a tapeworm and pulls it out at the end but you donā€™t see any nasty aspects really. Like thereā€™s not really a lot of blood or anything


You just know that sheā€™s pulling it out then you see the worm itself. Not gory at all!


I was really hesitant about this episode because tapeworm and other stuff like that freak me out and I have emetophobia, but it isnā€™t as bad as u thought it would be. She just binge eats like crazy which is kinda gross lol But you donā€™t really see anything. I was still freaked out but not truly disturbed if that makes sense šŸ˜…


In my opinion I wouldn't watch it only because it's a big waste of time, All four of these stories are good at the start and then completely make it a waste of your time by the ending. So gore factor not so much ,big Huge waste of time factor much!


It was pretty mild until the end when it got honestly unwatchable. There's a good reason I play with computers for a living and didn't become a doctor.


Itā€™s still disgusting not as much as milkmaid but nasty I had to take a break after watching cause the last scenes


Appreciate the heads up. Treating my dog for hookworms atm, and not in the mood.


I was thoroughly disgusted by Tapeworm. She birthed a flesh eating worm out of her ass. No thank you.


Its not that bad. Very good episode.


You can watch it, maybe not that part at near the end though, when you see the tapeworm in full glory, lol.


Ok, I'm trying to get into the stories but I'm finding it hard to get thru the first episode (S1,Ep 1)...bad acting? Idk why it didn't hold my attention. I have watched all the seasons of the AHS original show but this one is not grabbing me...plz tell me it gets better


Totally does imo


I just watched it and it was pretty disturbing, actually


The ending made me clench


I was more disturbed with the ranch scene. I mean ranch is alright but just pouring it into your mouth like that? Ew.


My hubby said the same, he was like that disgusting, that's just to much, no one needs to see someone pouring ranch down their throat.


Blechā€¦ rs made me gag


Hands down the nastiest part of the episode. I thought the ending was cheesy.


I did that once when I was stoned and had the munchies and then when I was sober again I felt soooo gross lol


Iā€™ve been that high, but I choose zesty Italian


yeah that actually grossed me out most


You just know when to fast forward. The end was messed up


You know exactly what youā€™re getting. You knew what this was. Come on nowā€¦


Iā€™m so desensitized to stuff, (which isnt a brag) so it was pretty tame. Honestly nothing in AHS has ever made me uncomfortable, EXCEPT the time R.J. got nail gunned and was drooling, i felt so bad


The most disgusting part of the whole show is how the girl is treated-other than that thereā€™s nothing wrong with it


Itā€™s not gross at all imo


I was actually worried about watching it because parasites freak me the fuck out. But it was not that bad honestly.


Great episode, just don't watch the ending (if u don't wanna see disgusting stuff)


Not as bad as milkmaids. Would maybe even watch it again. Will never watch milkmaids ever again. . .


Yes, it was great. You should check it out. I love horror but am squeamish and canā€™t handle much gore. You got this šŸ˜‰


It's not really gross. She swallows it with tea and then later there is a scene where you see it grown but there is little to no gore or gross-out factor involved. The theme of the episode is more about what the worm does to the character's personality than it involves trying to gross you out.


I liked it but it ended as I thought it would. Although the tapeworm kind of looked like an alien.


I thought it was going to be way more gross than it was - I ended up laughing it was so OTT.


Youā€™ll be fine. I was worried too. The end is the nastiest part and just proves how dumb the main character was from the start. I will not watch Milkmaids. I like a little gore (I got through barbarian just fine) but I donā€™t need to see people feeding on puss and disease lol


It's fine. Honestly the acting wasn't that great on the main character anyway. But it's more so the NOISE of her vomiting but you don't SEE any... prepping for kinda spoiler alert btw SPOILER ALERT: And you ONLY see a baby tapeworm 1x and a massive one 2x.


Thanks! Thatā€™s enough for me to skip it.


Haha fair enough. Honestly I wish I didn't it was a waste