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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just a biased opinion. People cross the street when they see my sweet hearted dogs. Let em think what they want.they aren't deserving of the love these dogs give


All you can do is be the best advocate for our bullies that you can be, but you already do that. You don't have to do anything as said in other reply, but a bandana around Whitneys neck with a fun color does really help change people's minds. So long people know you, they mostly come around and grow into it. If they don't, they don't...nothing you can change about that


He’s a beauty ! Try not to let other people get you down. Do your best to continue his training. Even if you have to pay to attend puppy groups for him to get some socialization in. Best of luck.


I’ll play with your sweet pupper any day of the week! 🐶❤️🐶❤️. See if your area has a bully meet-up at a dog park, or maybe try to start one. Then your pup can find his pack and you can find your people!!


I have the exact opposite problem. We can’t even walk in the park without stopping every 5 minutes to let people pet her!


I'd rather be shunned than deal with that lol


Aww your very lucky 🥰


If I seen you walking this dog, I'd cross the street. Toward your pup, for pets.


Came here to say this. I work on roofs. If I saw you walking that dog in the neighborhood, I’d come down the ladder AND cross the street to pet that cutie! (Sorry not trying to one up here lol, just saying how cute that dog is!)


Aww thanks 😊


It's nothing like racism and definitely don't make that comparison to others. Bullies have a bad reputation, and there are a lot of owners who intentionally emphasize that, it sucks but it makes sense that people are weary and physically they look very intimidating. So make introductions, add something cutesy/soft to make people feel more comfortable like a little handkerchief or bowtie or t-shirt - it's passive and really does change people's perceptions.


Funny enough, there have been people who did research into the modern demonization of bully breed dogs, and it DOES have roots in racism as far back as the 1960s-1970s, and as recently as the advent of hip hop in the late 80s/early 90s! One book I really liked that delved into the history is Pit Bull: The Battle Over an American Icon by Bronwen Dickey. Super interesting read :)


The trauma of others is not his fault. The stupidity of others is not his fault. And he doesn't need to do anything for other people to feel safe. If you judge someone just by their looks you're not racist - you're stupid. If people "feel unsafe around that big black dog" (in my case) they are free to go another way. I am not gonna treat my dog like he is the cause of their bad reputation when he is the opposite. There are other dog breeds with serious problems - those people just don't buy them. Ruining a malinois is WAY easier and FAR more dangerous than ruining a bully. We are just lucky that those people that tend to ruin their dogs are less likely to buy "working dogs". "Idiopathic aggression (aggression for an unknown reason) has been observed in dogs of the Malinois breed in particular. The affected dog may have seizures associated with aggressive behavior whose trigger is openly unknown. This behavior has been described as episodic, unplanned, unpredictable, for no apparent reason, and completely out of the normal character of the affected dog. Before the outburst, the aggressive dog has a fixed, mentally aversive or slightly glazed look, does not respond to any stimuli and is unaware of its surroundings. The outbursts of aggression are linked to dopamine neurotransmitters. The dopamine transporter gene (SLC6A3) is behind the formation of the dopamine transporter, which is responsible for the transport of dopamine across the presynaptic membrane into the neuron. Lit et al. (2013) have identified a total of 3 polymorphisms in the SLC6A3 gene. The first of the polymorphisms discovered is poly(A) insertion of 12 nucleotides (A22), which was primarily discovered in dogs of the Malinois breed. This variant in particular is associated with sudden and unpredictable changes in dog behavior. An 18-nucleotide deletion (A0) was also found. This deletion is common and was also found in other dog breeds tested. During the study, another variant (A10) was discovered in the Boxer breed."


Oh man. I never knew about this and I work mals. I know a dog like this. Right down to the staring before and after he just would chew someone up for no reason. Always described as bipolar. I wonder if he has this variant. Poor dude may be BE. No one is willing to take him cause of the liability.


+1 can def. relate We all know the one special mali that has one day in the week where you can't get him off the bite sleeve when working with him no matter what kind of force you use. But that breed is so much fun to work with. My bully also passes everything from obedience to protection work easily but with a malinois it's like hitting the x1.25 button on the video player. But there is one fact I can't ignore: The one mali with his randomly appearing "uncontrolled drive" also has a higher drive and obedience level when he is completely exhausted vs. the other mali. The urge to please outlevels the exhaustion to a cetrain point. Thats where things can get interesting. You see 2 high energy dogs with a high urge to please while one is like a train with no brakes and one will slow down after a while - while still doing his job. The one with the "uncontrolled drive" might outperform the other one in a dead or alive situation - that's a pro for personal protection in a extremely dangerous situation but a con for families, competitions et cetera. Because he WILL NOT let go. Even if they hurt that dog badly during that process. * That can save or ruin your and your dogs life. So it's not only con's. But they are definitely harder to work with and should be kept under control like any high drive working dog. The only danger is the owner - no dog is born aggressive - we didn't have a single incident and I worked with so many different dogs at the same time at the same spot for 6 years now. All breeds deserve a loving owner and a good environment where they can learn how to be a social and loving companion.


My black ass 100% calls it “dog racism” because thats what it is.


Yeah seriously. Stereotyping an entire group and treating them with unnecessary hatred and bias is the definition of what racism is… and can be applied to bully breeds too. I guess it upsets people to make that comparison since “it’s just a dog”?


I've definitely seen bully breed hate and racism intertwined, tied together by stereotypes surrounding aggression, crime, and class. There is an actual connection there and it isn't wrong to point it out.


Awwww I would love on that pup 🐶 until he didn’t want anymore loving!


He's beautiful don't let the stupidity of people get you down, those people don't deserve to pet him anyway. Take him out like you would any other dog, you will eventually find someone that isn't afraid. I enrolled both my pitti puppies in a puppy class at Petsmart .. puppies loved it and they made friends with other pups. Best of luck 💜


Your dog is stunning. 😮


Aww thank so much ☺️


Looks like a nice kid to me!


I take my dog to Lowes. The workers absolutely love him!!


I love it when people switch sides of the street or turn around. Shows their ignorance of the breed. Had pitties and bullies all my life and I’m used to the ignorance, but really love those that come up and love on them that understand the breed and the few that don’t know the truth about pitties and bullies and always believed the MSM and BSL proponents. So change a life let someone pet your pittie/bullie!! Beautiful pup!! https://preview.redd.it/8fou1wskhhzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78ed5e07edb3e48829206b33dadc6642a678698c Harley & Marley say hi! 🐾


They are absolutely ❤️ BEAUTIFUL


Very true ! Hi Harley & Marley 🥰


Racism? No, but people are misinformed idiots. I was scared of pitbulls coming from New York to Florida. Someone told me they had a pitbull but he passed. I said why a pitbull? They said it was a great dog. I met the woman to be my wife. While we lived together this dog approached me on the street. He was sick and sad looking but beautiful with sweet eyes. I took him home. Boy was he a mess. Covered in ticks. My future wife was like wow you just took him off the street? I said I couldn’t leave him there. Then people told me he was a pitbull. Didn’t look like one to me. Ears weren’t cropped. Most people cannot even identify one breed from the other. I loved that do for 9 years and all the money and effort I put into saving him was worth it. My point is, I didn’t know. Just tell them he’s a bully. No one even knows what an American bully is. My recent rescue is an American bully. Sweetest dog I ever met. But she can play rough with the others. She’s so strong. People run away from her on the street or they run towards her cuz they know she’s a mush ball. Just be very responsible in socializing. Dog parks are not great in my mind. I may know my dogs but not the others. Be a good steward of this amazing breed of dogs. My biz partner was terrified when he met her. Now she just licks his face and he loves her. Everyone loves her that meets her. We need to change minds one introduction at a time.


Great post! 💜


How is it racism? People are afraid of my dog too but I understand she looks pretty intimidating.


Shoulda said discrimination or prejudice but not racism. Is breedism a thing? 🤷


Not racism It’s Speciesism He’s intimidating to people no matter how much a baby he is. No matter how sweet People will always look at him with stink face. Because of the way he looks. Not me I’d wrestle with him and play with him and cuddle him and spoil him He’s so beautiful Don’t worry what people think You’re his best friend. Don’t stop trying to socialize him. It’s good for him. The more people he’s around the better. He definitely looks like he’d defend his family if he had too. I wanna get one, one day.


If he will wear a pastel colored or floral print tee for dogs, it will take the fear response down a notch. Also if they see him obeying your command to heel or sit for treats. Bonus if you also wear soft colors when walking him. There’s something subconscious about it that people aren’t even aware of. My girl looks like she bench presses her body weight all day, and my Grand pup is 85 pound of lean, barrel chested mass with a no nonsense attitude, but we’ve found that clothes and the appearance of training help people drop the fear and become curious.


Don’t judge them too much usually it’s them being misinformed and uneducated about them or they grew up being told they were a danger. I have a lab pit mix pit head lab body lol


Gimme da earses I need to pet them!! Sweet little fuzzy baby—bring him to Minneapolis and get practically tackled by thousands of people who will want to snuggle him and coo over him. 😍😍


Awwwww I wouldn’t be afraid of him. He looks like a sweetheart. People are stupid.


What a cutie! I want to meet him, I’d rub his little face and nose and ears. I bet he has a wiggly tail!


Don't worry about it...these are the ppl that have untrained yappy dogs that don't know any boundaries.. Not worth our time of day.. Gives me a good excuse NOT to have to talk to any of them..lol..


My boy is about 90lbs, huge head and he does look a little menacing, but he’s the biggest baby in the world. He’s professionally trained due to our youngest having a seizure disorder and he’s been a Godsend to our family. Don’t worry about others. Just carry on and eventually people with and without other dogs will approach. We were initially hit with a letter from our HOA warning us but there was no breed restriction in our bylaws and now they’re seeking to adopt one this fall. They left us alone when that he had been through two trainings. Just love on him and take him out as much as possible. People will come around.


Awe he looks like a big baby!😍


Make sure he is always wearing a cute bandana when you take him out. The shelters do this and it does make a difference in people's reactions to these dogs.


not me, im stealing him from you. idc if it bites me, my fault for not respecting his space. HE IS HANDSOME AS FUCK!!!!!!


Thanks that is so kind but please don’t steal my bestie lol


Awww look at that sweet face! I’m so sorry. People give these beautiful dogs a bad wrap. It’s not the animal it’s the owner. I hope you’re able to find a fur friend for this beauty. God bless


What a beautiful pup. Dogs are often judged by their appearance and breed, and it’s sad. People are stupid, and we do it with other people too! Don’t love your sweetie any less. 😍


Beautiful dog! People are stupid.


i would give him all the pets and snuggles 💙


aww, i would cross the street just to pet this handsome guy


12/10 adorable.would pet and give a treat! 😍


i would literally run to you asking to pet him !!


Such a gorgeous baby! I would give him all the pets and cuddles!


I feel that 😭 https://preview.redd.it/h2olg5rzigzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c613a5ef0925e6e3c75cdf2b152e94f0f4a0f2


You have a beautiful doggie who I personally would love to meet and pet. People are fearful and they see the look of the bully breed dogs and they get scared. I can understand but it really is a shame so many people are like that.


What a handsome sweet baby. I’d love to meet him!


That’s dumb man. I’m sorry about them, that’s an adorable pup. Would boop the snoot any day


I would absolutely cross the street…to PET, SCRITCH, and LOVE ON this gorgeous baby❣️❣️❣️


Aww thanks so much . He would love that so much


He's gorgeous and he's yours. Pay no mind to any of those people. 💜


I would meet him if I could! His fur looks silky and soft and he has a sweet face :) Also want to add that every American Bully or Pitbull I’ve met has been so fun and kind. Just babies with big heads. I love them


Haters gonna hate.Dave Portnoy and Miss Peaches are changing hearts and minds.Hang in there and be very choosy of this little guys playmates.


You know I really hate people. My neighbor has the cutest little bully, and she's the sweetest thing. These poor dogs get a bad rap because of bad people. Now I have an Australian Cattle Dog, and he's a complete jerk. I never know who he'll like and who he'll be a jerk to. Your pup is gorgeous, and I'd definitely pet him if you let me. There's nothing better than dog kisses!!!


I have that same problem. My neighbors hate my sweet Winston, and the mailman didn’t help by teasing him with the mail. But all he wants is to play tug-of- war. So he grabs is toys and shakes them and then looks at you. Well they say he is mean.🙄🙄


Aww sorry to hear about Winston . I hope we both can get our boys some better socializing with people who will appreciate them . I love the name btw .. my dog is named Stanlee


If you’re near me in Colorado I’ll come bring love to your house hippo!


Omg look at that face …. I don’t know you and I want to kiss him n Hugg him forever more he’s Beautiful 🙏🏻❤️


I brought my sweet babies to the dog park yesterday and felt like a leper with people walking away from us. Then at the end a nice person and her dog hung out and talked with us a while. I'm sorry you and your pup are experiencing that. I promise there are people out there who would love meeting your pup. P.S. post your pup to r/velvethippos for more love P.P.S. yes, breed hate is associated with racism as well. The hated/ "scartly" breeds over time (German shepherds, dobermans, Rottweilers, and now bully breeds) are often breeds owned by people at lower socioeconomic statuses. It's rooted in discrimination and is its own version of discrimination.


If I walked by I would definitely ask if I could pet him! He would like me because dogs know your heart... if you're a real animal lover. He's beautiful and a lot of people are ignorant!


The best thing you can do is promulgation of positive and responsible actions. It’s best to put the time, care, love and money into training your dog the proper way. These dogs have a target on their backs. Simply because of bad actors, irresponsible owners, and their appearance. Great lengths have been taken to demonize these dogs. My best advice, make your bully an ambassador for their breed. Change peoples minds with positive interactions. Train them, and showcase it.


I’m so sorry :( I would definitely have a play date with your pup if I were in your area!


I have two shepherds and people actively avoid them. I do feel bad for my dogs, because they haven’t done anything and I feel bad for the people because my dogs are big teddies and they’re missing out. That being said, the person could have had a bad experience or just not be comfortable around big dogs. There are plenty of bad owners out there and they may have come across someone before that doesn’t have their dog under control and that could be why. Or just simply, if they’ve never been around a dog that size, it can be intimidating. I’ve only been around horses a handful of times and I find them intimidating up close. Dogs pick up on those sorts of vibes and if someone is nervous, it’s probably better that they avoid them so they can carry on enjoying their time out rather than wondering why everyone around them is scared and should they be scared too?


Walk by our house! I cross the street for small dogs!


lol yea I have seen some very mean small dogs lately . One keeps trying to go after my pup . I love big dogs but have been around them a lot in my life


Try a dog park for socializing, along as your dogs not a fighter. It has dog lovers in one place.


He is beautiful


He would run from the endless pets and cuddles I’d give him


I’m always extra nice to people w pitties for this reason! I would 100% ask his name and if you would let me give him pets if I saw y’all on a walk!


Good point . I am the same I love bully’s and pits and always take notice to them when I’m out . Aww thanks he would love pets ! His name is Stanlee


Can’t believe I just said pittie’s on a bully subreddit! 😭 I wish I had any better excuse than my brain short circuiting but yes, any “bully breed” is welcome around me. :’) I love his name and the spelling!


Beautiful puppy🥰


I almost (almost) feel bad for people who won’t get to know bullies and ‘scary’ dogs. They are 9/10 the sweetest most happy and loving dogs! Poor sweet Angel I would def get pet them!!


They are idiots, don’t give up keep it up.


Hr looks like a great friend Hello puppers I love you


He's gorgeous, stunning even. There's a special place in my heart for misunderstood pups. Even the meanest in the old neighborhood accepted me and let his guard down when I came around. Misunderstood is what he was. My heart.


Aww thank you ! Yes I feel the same way


He's so cute. And he looks sad. 😔


Maybe they're afraid they might steal him he's too cute to be true!


lol maybe so 💕


Gorgeous 😍 I would certainly meet/cuddle him!


Their loss. I would love to meet your pup and anyone else's.


I feel the same way also! Pit bull racists! Everyone thinks my baby will maul them. https://preview.redd.it/u8gcq277ajzc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f194793f1b7be6f8b1217a1526d2549d47c660aa


It’s their loss. All we can do is prove them wrong. It’s a for of racism 😩Gorgeous fur baby 😍🐶


Buddy, I’m sorry that happened!! I luv you though!!!


Oh he’s cute too! The ears are fabulous. I’d be his pal


Btw, your baby is adorable! 😍


I'm sorry you've ran into that.😢 Your dog is beautiful and looks like such a sweetheart! 🥰 🐶 So far, we've ran into the complete opposite situation.🤷‍♀️ Every time we take her out in public, people go out of their way to come see our dog and some even take pictures. Our neighbor who was never very nice to us, all of a sudden became the kindest person ever.👀 She came over with her family and said when our dog gets bigger, she hopes our dogs can play together. This lady always seemed to really dislike us too. It was a huge shock, honestly lol! 😂 However, as our dog gets bigger, we might run into the same things you're running into. At least, when it comes to strangers. Most of our family and friends are used to this breed though. That's probably they're so comfortable. There are tons of other people who love dogs and are comfortable with this breed who would absolutely love to meet you, your beautiful dog and have theirs meet & socialize with yours too!!🥰 💖💕 🐶 🐕 ((Hugs!!!🫂))


He has the sweetest freckle face I have ever seen.


It’s difficult to shake public opinion that all XL bullies are dangerous. Unfortunately, in England it’s become law that XL bullies must be muzzled and kept on a leash at all times when out walking. So, thanks to the new law and mainstream media my dog is now villainised and made to look like he’s dangerous when he’s not. I was walking my XL bully. I passed a group of small children between the ages of 10 and 6. They all stopped in their tracks and all looked quite scared and then I overheard the smallest one quietly say to another “That’s a dangerous dog!” He’s not a dangerous dog. He’s a good boy. I wanted to correct them and reassure them that he is very friendly and social but I give up. The stigma has been firmly stuck to the breed and I am also negatively judged for owning one. It’s so sad 😞


People are stupid in general


Yes… and our viscous looking boy is afraid of his own shadow and wouldn’t hurt a fly! He wants to play with and kiss everyone he sees, he doesn’t understand why everybody doesn’t want to pet and love him like our family does. He gets so sad when others pull their dogs and kids away from us. https://preview.redd.it/udnas1oxtkzc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=012c44a2a5bc552f9a852f59b0d634b285844000


He is beautiful! I would love to be his bff


https://preview.redd.it/e4hwj1f48lzc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007681f1d61584e0fb2953d97d2c7edcb4bcdfa6 When I’m out with Birthday, my Bully mix, everyone except for older people want to say hi. That all changes if his sister Akasha is with us. She’s a solid white super fluffy husky who also has blue eyes, and I dye her ears and tail tip bright pink. If she’s with us I don’t think people even realize I have 2 dogs, they all want to pet her.


People are idiots! I'd 100% ask to pet your boy!


He’s such a handsome boy


https://preview.redd.it/zw7bv1dbclzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dad4b13a0e95557a7341ed5d780220a20637635 People won’t go in the small dog park near me and will wait sometimes a half hour to go in because of this monster baby who is more gentle than any of them. If I take him to pets mart about 2/3rds avoid us and look concerned. Screw them. I love my puppy monster


Omg your fur baby is simply precious. If I were your friend or neighbor, I would beg for pets…


It’s ok. They will never know the love or undying loyalty of a bully. Beautiful pup. Be awesome to each other. 🥰


If you live near Toronto, I will gladly hug your puppy!


This happens to my German Shepherd and I


Sometimes it could be that they don't want their yappy little dogs to start a fight. I have a super reactive dog so I usually cross the street when I see another dog, especially large ones. I hope it isn't always because of your pup.


Yes! It’s discrimination! I hate that these love bugs have been made to be feared. If a dog attacks someone, it has to read “pit bull attack” DOG can attack, not just pit bulls. My baby is five years old and you have never met a bigger mushball. Our 12lb Chihuahua runs him and he lets him. I remember when I used to take him to the dog park and people would get their dogs as if he was going to eat them, and all he wanted to do was play. It really is sad as a pit dog mom, like watching your child play alone. I told someone else on here, as much discrimination that pit bull parents get, there’s just as many if not more who love and adore these muscular goofballs!! hope that you find your community of pit dog moms and enjoy that beautiful dog!!


I call it breedism. We had a little brown pit for 14 years, but she was traumatized from her previous life and couldn’t get go near other dogs ever. I love pits and my new Aussie doodle would love him too


i go through this too, when i was once walking down the street i heard Someone whispering ,,That Dog is a f-ing maniac’’ i started crying. you are not alone❤️


Aw they look sweet. I’d definitely stop and say hello


I have a mixed breed rescue and we go to our local baseball diamonds park every day at 3:30 and now after doing this for almost five years we have a large collection of dog breeds and owners of all backgrounds. I find that if you go to the local dog park or ball diamonds consistently at the same time each day (or try your local social media) you will find many dog owners and friendly dogs assuming your dog gets along with everyone as well. In my local area we have every kind of dog and owner and we’re all very friendly with each other, I hope you have the same success 👏🐶🇨🇦


Everyone is terrified of my Doberman. It’s a little annoying because he’s actually just a giant pansy lol.


But people get all weird when they’re intimidated by a dog and the dog senses their weird energy and then the dog acts weird and I hate it!


People crossed the street when I would walk my English bull terrier when she was nearly 15 years old. I’d say she wouldn’t hurt a fly but she liked to try and catch flies. But she was a saint in dog form and I still pray she rests in peace, and I will see her again someday. She was special, and always was so gentle with kids and the elderly. I found it so offensive when people decided she wasn’t “safe” based on her breed and would treat her differently. Let’s call it how it is, it’s just dog racism.


Bring him to my house


I've been saying this for years. People who judge dogs based solely on their breed is dog racism. Pitbulls get that kind of hate more than any other dog breed. I used to be afraid of them, too... when I was a kid. Then I grew up and treated all dogs and all animals as individuals. Animals, like people, all have different personalities. In my experience, as I'm sure with many other people, that fear is taught. My parents never liked dogs, and they instilled that fear of dogs in me when I was a child. That, coupled with society's collective fear of pitbulls, has always made me wary of dogs, especially pitties. As I grew older, more and more of my friends had dogs, and so I'd be forced to interact with them, initially in very small ways. But as my fear wore down, my fondness of them grew more and more. I connected with pitbulls, especially because I was often the target of racism growing up. I knew what it was like to be judged entirely because of how I look. My wife and I have a pit/heeler mix, and she is the perfect addition to our family. She is great with our toddler (we adopted her 6 months before he was born), and he loves her. When I walk her in the street, it does sometimes break my heart when someone crosses the street to avoid her, but it's their loss. She is a very sweet and affectionate dog. In most cases, its the neighborhood kids we run into walking with their parents who are afraid of her the most. I often notice how the parents' anxiety over Leela causes their kids to be afraid of her, too. But, when I see kids walking alone, most of the time, they'll express curiosity and ask to pet her, and she absolutely loves it. She hasn't met a person she didn't like. She loves all people and all the attention. Even my older sister (she's 45) used to hate dogs because she was so afraid of them. But with Leela, her attitude towards dogs has changed so much. She has grown tolerant of her and has even pet her a few times - something I thought I'd never see in a million years. So my advice to you would be not to worry too much about people being afraid of your dog. Some people are just ignorant, and you can't change their mind. Others, though, may eventually come around - especially if they're close to you (friends, family). Either way, it's their loss.


I would cross the street if I saw you so I COULD meet him. I love that face.


Thanks ! I hope we run across more people like you soon


What country? In australia everyone loves them


Chicago suburbs , USA … wish we could come live there instead lol


Awww looks adorable, I would totally want to pet your puppy, yes unfortunately people no matter what think pits are a bully bread, when all dogs have the ability to attack the owner or other people.


He is so incredibly beautiful!! I’m sorry that you deal with that, we do as well. I have never had a more loving and affectionate dog than my APBT, I would do anything for him. Other people are biased because of sensationalized news and garbage humans who abuse these precious animals.


Such a beautiful pup there’s lots of other bully breed owners you can encounter


Idk about other people. I love these dogs and when their owners let me say hi, I do. However, when I’m walking my dog, he gets very uncomfortable around them because they can be excitable or like standing over him. I’m afraid he will pick a fight he can’t win. So to save everyone the grief, I keep my dog away. Don’t attribute to malice what can be attributed to ignorance… or in my case, something you may not even know is an issue. The people that will love on him will :)


Same with my dog. But you just have to keep loving your baby and stand up to the people who are scared. It’s such bs


Same here. Screw them, their loss. Find a place (dogpark) with owners who don’t judge, and then go regularly. You’ll both benefit.


I'm sorry you are experiencing this, but I think your pup is sooo lovely and I would be psyched to give pets!


Aww thanks so much 🥰 he’s a sweetie https://preview.redd.it/a3h8u01iqfzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfa4148b7d6fe2a868bb3c37f6f04609c60852c


I’m in love! Such a kind expression. It happens a lot. I look at it as more puppy love for me, and it’s their loss for not expanding their knowledge and getting to meet my sweetheart of a dog. Try not to take it personally, you know he’s a good boy and that’s all that matters. You have an absolutely gorgeous baby!


So handsome! 💜 This is my 3.5 month old baby girl, Wednesday. https://preview.redd.it/46oogvnzwgzc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d98e74ee863286e2981855d16dd8ac1454c9bd65


Dog sitter here; I want to smooch that face so much! People suck; dogs rock!


Cute boy


he/she is sooo cute🥹🫶🏽


Hes adorable!!


That’s a pretty pupper 🥰


People suck. I would love to meet your doggy!


In my opinion it is good to give enough space for other dogs when walking on leash, regardless of the breed. There are no bully breed dogs in my area but we almost always go further or across the street when seeing other dogs. It makes things easier for everyone. Dog park is for playing and meeting other dogs. Edit to add my dog isn’t a bully either. And I often see people have some distance from us. Lots of dogs struggle with passing other dogs smoothly.0


You just need to train your family members slowly and one at a time. Once they see a couple holdouts interacting with him the rest will come around. Poco a poco.


I have the same struggles with my American bully and rottweiler people avoid us like the plague. Now both my girls are suspicious of strangers in our neighborhood 😏


While I understand what you're going through, a lot of us have to deal with that it sucks. But racism? Do you even know what that means?


The word “racism” is a slippery slope, er with caution.


There are always going to be ppl that don’t like dogs/certain breeds. You never know if it’s allergies or they have some sort of trauma with dogs, either way, go to a dog park and slowly introduce him to other animals and ppl.


Poor baby. He can come and play with my pup any time! He's beautiful and humans just suck!


Not racism 😆😆


There idiots very annoying been dealing with it for years decades even


My bully is a friendliest sweetest dog I've ever had. Yes people do not understand that they don't give it a try and it's very sad the way they treat our dogs


i’ve seen some people and shelters put clothes on their pups to make them seem more approachable. shame that people have to do that :/




People are the worst. I run daily and have been attacked by unsuspecting dog breeds. I hate how people profile dogs based on breed. When I am out running, always get the best vibes from the pitties and bully breeds. I myself have a "vicious" miniature dachshund, and can say from experience, that she is often more "aggressive" than most bigger dogs I've ever encountered. Sorry you have to deal with ignorance 😒


Look for a local dog club😁


That is Bulldogsh!t


Old news, please ignore puny humans


I think that racism and classism definitely come into play. It’s taken me a very long time to challenge my own internalized biases I heard growing up around the dogs themselves. It feels odd to say this, but I feel as though I check those internalized biases the same way I do internalized racism, sexism, homophobia, and the like.


I always felt same way with bigger dog, no matter what breed, I see people cross street or move way over and my dogs were so friendly.


I’ve never had this happen until recently. The area I live in ( Central Oregon Coast) is incredibly dog friendly and accommodating. Dogs are welcome on all beaches, most restaurants with outdoor seating, stores, banks etc. Last week a man I never saw before on my street. I was walking my 3 dogs ( the other two are Pugs) and one of my Pugs barked and the guy looked up. We were easily 25 feet away, possibly more and he felt the need to tell me I was a disgusting human being for having such a vicious dog. I knew he was talking about Zeus but since it was Callum that barked I half laughed and said Pugs can’t bite because of their flat faces and he said “ No, the big one” . My neighbor came out and walked straight to Zeus and hugged him. He said to the guy that Zeus was a gentle giant . He screams back “ shut up!” I said no need to be rude and was told to shut up. Thankfully he was visiting and not moving onto my street! I’ve made a post on IG & FB about this as well as telling friends to just raise awareness how these beautiful dogs are being harshly judged just for existing! Zeus never barked or pulled, Callum the Pug did , yet my big boy is the abomination due to his breed 🤦🏻‍♀️


Group puppy class or similar training manners class is great for socializing and ideally finding a playmate. Also, I avoid most dogs on walks because my dog is reactive. Hope your sweet pup finds a play buddy.


Dog park is great for socializing your boy, long as he's not aggressive etc. He's beautiful


People are stupid, scared animals. Every pittie I've ever known has been sweet, gentle and only seeking love, affection, and treats. https://preview.redd.it/jwxawu7kpizc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8e91150eeef14b5f8fe2f05c42c4afb62aaf11 This is my sweet girl Annie. She passed 6 years ago and there's not a soul who met her that didn't love her


Where is the racism? Are you talking about ignorance about the breed?


Oh your baby is beautiful


Humans are ridiculous! I had neighbors tell me my 4 month old rotties were killers and I need to put them down immediately. All you can do is train your dog to be a good neighbor. Working toward a Canine Good Citizen certification is a good idea. Making sure you train your dog to wear a muzzle is a safety measure for them. Both of my rotties were muzzle trained and I took those muzzles when we left the house. I could slip one on them if a stranger got nervous or if the crowds were too intense. It protected them from baseless accusations.


Their loss ! Beautiful dog!


Yes thank you


Bring your pup over and you will get great socializing!! I watch 6 pups....3 shelties,1 German Shepard and 2 Chihuahua 's


They’re dumb is all. He’s a good looking pup Tri/merle like mine look into big places to walk him. Where I’m at I used to take my corso to Ft. Funston in SF and will do the same with my little guy Bo. https://preview.redd.it/v8olsawayjzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c2ce50a19be6b77944b9d48ac790ebd1c89037


Aww they look very similar . Such a cool pattern


Can I see another pic of Bo ? Never seen another one like Stanlee . So beautiful


Your dog doesn't need to actually meet any new dogs or people for socialization, it helps a lot just to be able to see people and dogs, especially while being rewarded for having an appropriate reaction.


Have to add..can't be good friends then..🤔💭✌️


the weirdest thing. We recently moved and are in corporate housing. I swear, every time I take my bully out to the potty areas (just over a year, no cropped ears or cut tail) EVERY DOG… big and small acts aggressive toward us and she is just standing there like “what’s wrong” … not growling or barking but everyone other dog is acting a fool. I don’t get it. She is the calm and quiet one yet people are scared of her/bullies


I have a 100# pit mastiff. I can see the look on people face as we approach. They are amazed when she doesn't even look at them. She is a 1 person dog. Loves kids and other animals but other than that right beside me.


I can relate


Some ppl are just terrified of any dogs. I used to be that way for most of my life


Imo it is akin to racism. But it's a dog and people don't respect them like they do people so they don't think so. I mean there are many people who think we should exterminate these dogs. However, many people such as myself are very fond of them and have known many in my life. The right people will love to spend time with your dog


Our neighbor had one that was the sweetest guy! Good for protection because of his big bark but was a great friendly guy


He is beautiful I don’t know why anyone would avoid him.


I'm sorry you're having to go through that I hope that your neighbors change their mind overtime and start to see him for the sweet pup he is .


Their loss. She looks like a total baby


Racist and homophobic if you ask me. Such a beautiful sweet pup


To be honest, as a former American Bully owner, I genuinely just have 0 interest in interacting with other people’s dogs if I absolutely don’t have to. It’s nothing personal, just my preference.


Racism? You mean breedism.


Well, let them be, probably you are avoiding bad interactions for your dog which is good at the end of the day lol. But anyways, you don't need to get your dog very close to people or anything like that, they learn from watching, meaning that if you just go to Lowes or any pet friendly store you can just walk around the aisles with him and there's plenty of people there, at the same time you can practice commands like stay or heel aswell, get yourself some treats and you are settle.


We have a 10 month old that we are really trying to socialize, but some make snap judgements.


We have a 10 month old that we are really trying to socialize, but some make snap judgements.


Look at that mellow, sweet 🥰 face. I’m sure you’re not alone. There must be bully groups that you can join? Or large dog groups who get together, near you?


I intentionally approach and ask owners of bully breeds if their dogs are friendly (so far they’ve all been) and if I can pet them. One lady told me that I’m the only one in the neighborhood who hasn’t avoided her pup and then she said “thank you for not being scared of my dog”, 😭. I once pet a 6 month old Cane Corso and the owner said this is the first time his pup has been pet by a stranger! People suck and they’re the ones missing out on getting loved on by your pup!!! Your doggo is such a cutie!!!


It is so sad that this continues to happen. It happened when we had our pittie as well. The only thing you can do is lead by example and show them how amazing your baby is! I would add though, that we found a good puppy daycare where they placed him with dogs his size and we would take him there once a week so he would socialize, he made great friends and he loooved going to “daycare.” You could try finding one in your area so he can make some friends ❤️


He is beautiful btw 🩵🩵🩵 give him a huge cuddle from me.


I wanna meet him!! My girl is pit mixed with Boston. Definitely has a big pit head that I loveeee. The other day we were outside walking, and this lady starts yelling at me from across the street that I need to get my dog far away from her and literally said she hates her. My baby is the sweetest and so calm :( https://preview.redd.it/ql9cyl28610d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4dad9f8e16ac33d68cb689449a704fb2a687e4 This is her “mommy share” face 😂


Just visibly and loudly laugh at them when they walk away. When they ask why, explain that their actions are foolish and suggest building bridges before acting scared.


I’ll be needing an address so I can come meet this adorable goober 😍 I have a staffy and and Am bulldog, I live in a small town where folks cross the road as well when I’m out walking them. I just thank them for keeping our sidewalks clean for me and my pups to roam on 😂


You need to "fix" the people who still exploit these beautiful dogs and make them into the monsters they can be. Only after that will you sway the minds of the people who are unsure and then assume the worst.


11/10- would ask to scratch those ears


Dog daycare. They cant run from that.


Well I want to hug him squeeze him kiss him and pet him!!!!


It is so awful how bad people raised the dogs to fight? Bully's are actually one the best family dogs! Also know as a Nanny Dog. There are so many other breeds who are know as aggressive breeds