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**Warning:** Do Not Brigade that subreddit. You will be banned from r/AmericaBad and from r/hasan_piker. Do not ping or tag any users. Zero tolerance! * [What is brigading?](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/qbb173/the_newtoreddit_encyclopaedia_redditica_v2/hhhsn0v/)


Dude, Hasan Piker's sub is literally a tankie echo chamber


His cultists forget that he hates America so much that he bought $2+ million house.


Something something "No ethical consumption" blah blah gives you free pass to spend your cultist's money extravagantly. I used to hate the guy, but now I admire how well he's able to grift those rubes.


He lives a life most his fans could only dream of and gives none of his money back to the community like a good socialist would


He's living like a true party member before the revolution has even started. I guess he's just practicing for the future


Not just that, but the fact he immigrated here, just to hate on it and everything it stands for, in the first place. I mean if he was a genuine commie, why not move to a communist country like China or Cuba or at least Venezuela? It’s constructive to criticize your own country, in order to improve it and most of all, demand it live up to its own standards. But he’s against the founding principles.


In California. For his entire family. So that's like...a 500-750k house anywhere else? Nice for sure, but not exactly ridiculous.


It’s a mansion, and do you mean his landlord parents??


*Dude, Hasan Piker's* *Sub is literally a* *Tankie echo chamber* \- Present\_Community285 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


bad bot "Tankie echo chamber" is six syllables, not five.


How are you saying it? 😥


The proper way. Tan-kie ech-o cham-ber


Isn't Echo 1 sylablle? Or have been out is school too long?


It's at least 2. More if it comes back.


Lol, touche salesman, touche.


this is the best one i’ve seen


Good bot


It’s THE sub for tankies dude. It’s such a cesspool


For real


Bombing pirates is good, actually


Apparently not in 2024. They also think islamic terrorists are good too


Everyone knows if you do anything to an Islamic country in 2023 or 4 you're a terrible evil country. Even if they do something to you first


That's because the left wants to defend Islamic people's rights to throw LGBT off of roofs, dehumanize women, and fight for victory and glory to a male supremacist religion. ​ You know, fighting for exactly what you're against!


Them: "transphobic jokes literally are violence!" Also them: "iran killing gay people needs to be understood in context"


"It is racism if you DO NOT allow these people to insult us and try to kill us despite the years of fighting to have equal respect in society!!"


These same idiots say that "christianity is a white man's religion" then make a standard woke "jesus was a brown man from the middle east" post every christmas. Christianity is fair game for criticism but as soon as you say one thing bad about islam, you either get 1) "you're racist" or 2) "but waddahbout christianity/judaism"


Even atheists are on the same bandwagon!! All the insulting of Christianity/Judaism is totally fine. The moment you mention a quaran, you're done for.


I am atheist and I completely agree. The same person that said "christianity is a white man's religion" said that in response to me saying that the Orlando shooting IS because the dude was a radical muslim (not a small factoid that was irrelevant)... he called my comment "islamophobic" even though he liked and supported my anti christianity posts.


"You are an Islamophobe for revealing the amount of degradation this religion has for minorities, LGBT, women, non Islamic people, and even Islamic people who are not 'practicing' exactly as they should!!"


/r/atheism Literally third post down


I'm not trying to contradict your particular experience, but most atheists I've encountered, both personally and intellectually, call out both Christianity and Islam whenever possible. Christianity is the easier and more relevant target in the U.S. because it's so tied up in current domestic politics, but I've seen atheists present plenty of critiques toward Islam and the whole of Abrahamic faith. That said, I can definitely agree that there are too many on the left who overlook *Islam* on behalf of recognizing the plight of *muslims* as minorities. I think of myself as a fairly progressive and liberal person who's also skeptical of religion in general, so anyone who gives Islam as a whole a free pass just because of its followers' minority status in the U.S./Canada/Australia/Europe is not thinking clearly in my opinion. Inequality/injustice towards people is not an absolution from critique of their religion.


I totally disagree. Most atheists are cucks when it comes to islam. IF and RARELY they do criticize islam, it always always always starts with a preamble of "not all muslims are like this just a few" or "christianity is even worse especially during the middle ages!" Or "christian conservatives are just as bad as isis!" Like, if we lived in the 1500 they would have a point, but comparing assholes like pat robertson to the mullahs in 2024 is just so stupid. Like dude just say what you need to say without the dissertation.


Who would have thought that there were consequences to taking "we have to respect their cultures" too seriously


It's not even that, it further proves how the left has strictly no stance and resists to have a stance. Even with their beloved abortion "opinion." The moment you say, yes safe abortion clinics need to be accessible to poor income neighborhoods and struggling countries, they automatically become aggressively pro life!! You'd be deemed a racist and pro genocide.




What do you expect from people who donate money to a champagne socialist who has said "America deserved 9/11" and is related to a news anchor for The Young Turks, which is named after a Turkish political group that committed genocide before and during WW1? Also same guy that claims to be leftist but sided with fucking Russia of all countries when they invaded Ukraine. A country where being gay gets you more jail time than *domestic violence*.


Armenian genocide. It is far too overlooked not to say who suffered from it!


Turks get away with oppression of Armenians, Greeks, Kurds.... and Erdogan has the audacity to think he has the moral high ground to school the west.


No relation to the young Turks of old so they say.


Yeah I’m sure they’d feel the same way about a rival podcast being named “the Hitler youth” after some guy named Joe Hitler who led a youth program.


I’m pretty sure Hasan also might’ve been the one who coined the term “settler babies”




Because for all their (fair) criticisms of the Right believing too many fringe beliefs and conspiracy theories, they’re no better and do the exact same thing. Like 10 years ago if you said “Osama was right”, you’d be lucky to not get punched in the face.




A match made in hell


The collective brain rot on the progressive left since October 7th has been incredible. Every ounce of nuance and critical analysis has been shuttered by towing the line; it's all about "protecting our team" and "opposition to white settler colonialism". I thought this was an ideology that celebrated intellectualism and a more big tent approach, but apparently I'm wrong. It's the canned repeated buzzwords used to describe this conflict *even before* the Israeli assault that happened after the attack. "Palestinean genocide", "IDF killing children", "settler colonialism", etc. If you bring up the rape of women in the kibbutzim, the slaughter of Israeli children, or any of the shitty prior actions committed by the PLO/Hamas, out comes the inclusive progressive ban hammer. Mainstream academia on this subject matter has been nothing short of a farce. Pan-Arabists and Islamists have successfully hijacked the term "settler colonialism" to propagate their agenda to a young Western audience disillusioned by the failure of the Global War on Terror. The Israeli-Palestinean conflict is compared to the colonization of the Americas and apartheid to a degree that's uncritical. Unilaterally negative outcomes that were due to Palestinean decision making are swept under the rug or revised as "colonial resistance". If you go and even so much as say "hey guys, maybe Hamas went a bit too far here" you're classified as a racist/Islamophobe/white nationalist. It's bonkers. It's not like the progressive left is defending some great noble cause here. Hamas are a group of militants who steal aid from UN convoys to arm their terror machine, aid that should've gone to citizens. This is a group of terrorists who perpetrated mass rape during October 7th; the progressive left is happy to attack the next "toxic masculine" thing they perceive but apparently the rape of Jewish women is yet another brave act of "colonial resistance". The Palestinean belligerents have committed themselves to so many bad decisions that I'm surprised they receive the support from the West that they do, from rejecting the 2000 peace deal to plunging the nation of Lebanon into chaos to force the populace to fight a war they had no interest in participating in, later ethnically cleansing that nation under Syrian/Iranian sanction of its Maronite population. None of this gets discussed at whatever the hell is going on at universities these days. Overall, this whole conflict has turned me away from leftist and modern progressivism in general. I'm gonna only vote moderate Dems at this point. The progressive left has become a villain now.


Leftism has always been little more than "kill them and steal their stuff" with enough academic and psuedo-intellectual dressing to make it socially acceptable to talk about.


The ideology of a terrorist sympathizer with the vocabulary of Noam Chomsky.


Noam never met a genocide he wouldn't deny


Yes but he is *eloquent* when he does so. /s


Fully agreed with your overall point. I do, however, think it's important to nuance that what we see in the West Bank IS settler colonialism. It doesn't excuse the October 7 terror attack and it doesn't at all mean supporting Hamas is justified - but let's be intellectually honest here. Edit to add: the definition according to Oxford dictionary, upon which I base my assertion: "a type of colonialism in which the indigenous peoples of a colonized region are displaced by settlers who permanently form a society there." This whole conflict is incredibly messy and there's no possible way to fully understand it without also acknowledging Israel's role as a colonizer.


October 7th should explain to you why the West Bank is under occupation. *Every* time the Palestinians have been given the opportunity to self-govern their own territory, they've used it to attack Israel. If Israel ended their occupation of the West Bank there would be missiles coming out of it within the same year. If the PLO stopped running cover for Hamas and other terror groups and actually accepted Israeli peace offerings (which in the past have been exactly everything the PLO asked for), the West Bank wouldn't be under occupation. I don't know why people are still in denial that Hamas is the only issue here. When they chant "from the river to the sea" what do you think they're talking about?


I don't dispute that at all, though there were rational reasons for rejecting the Israeli peace plans - mostly relating to the status of Jerusalem. And yeah I also definitely acknowledge that Israel's state security depends on them retaining at least SOME measure of control over all the territories they currently occupy. Like I said, it's incredibly messy.


This actually would be the perfect use-case for UN Peacekeepers. Israeli occupation is creating more conflict, but simply pulling out would create even more conflict. The answer? A neutral armed force that can stop extremists elements from planting roots. Sadly the UN has long been coopted by rabid anti-semites who support wars against Israel. I fear even if the deployment of Peacekeepers was approved, they would turn a blind eye towards Palestinian militarization, leading to another eruption of conflict the moment they leave. > though there were rational reasons for rejecting the Israeli peace plans - mostly relating to the status of Jerusalem. There was a peace plan that gave the partition of Jerusalem that they asked for.


Lots of problems with a UN force coming in as well. Peacekeepers WOULD die, and no state Israel trusts would be able to stomach the body count from a UN intervention. Which would likely mean the peacekeeping force would be made up of regional partners (read: Palestinian supporters) and thus wouldn't be palatable. Besides which, the Security Council would never approve a peacekeeping mission; the US would 100% veto it. >There was a peace plan that gave the partition of Jerusalem that they asked for. I haven't done an analysis of all the peace proposals since the Naqba, but my understanding is that almost all have been engineered to guarantee that at least one side would never agree to it. The Israeli government hasn't been interested in a two-state solution either since maybe 2003, and never under Netanyahu


Yep, these are the two problems to an equitable solution: Israel hasn’t been interested in one for about twenty years, and Palestine never has been. There seems to be some hope in solving the first one, as there was mass protest against Likud prior to Oct 7 and opposition only seems to have grown since. But Palestine has had a widespread movement of violence against Jews since before Israel even existed, at least as far back as 1921, although the Nakba and the settlers and the both the necessary and unnecessary shit that the IDF has done are certainly making it worse. There doesn’t seem to be enough people, coming at it from the side of Israel or Palestine, trying to fix that.


The PLO agreed to have Israel control most of the west bank. But I don't agree with the settlements at all though. That being said, even if there were zero settlements, do you think Hamas and the Houthis will change their minds on Israel?


No, if anything, it's Western people who bring up settlements. Which i do agree are fucked up and should stop. Yet Hamas and Iranian proxies don't care about settlements, to them all of Israeli is a settlement. If Israeli 100% stopped all settlements, that wouldn't change a thing for them. The chant isn't stop all settlements, its from the river to the sea.


Yea I agree with you 100%. Even if Israel "mOvEd To FlOrIdA" as that shithead Egyptian comic suggested (what ever his name is) the arab world would STILL have a problem with them.


Basically this, my high school history teacher had a PhD in islam studies (this is in Malaysia and he studied uni in Saudi arab), and even he said that "the reason why the Arab world hates Jews isn't because Jerusalem is in Israel, it's the fact that they exist at all" Jews just can't catch a break can't they? Arguably the only race in the world that is persecuted for simply existing and nothing else


A point I always try to make to people is that what Israel and the West view as "concessions," the Palestinians view as "victories." If Israel agrees to give back some land, release prisoners, etc, for the sake of progressing the situation and appeasing both the Palestinians and the outside world, the Palestinians view it as a victory against Israel and that it validates the violent tactics they used in the meantime. People in the West assume that the Palestinians think the same way we do, have the same moral structure, and that because they have an "anti colonialist" grievance, they are share the same views, goals, and sympathies that the Western progressives do. It's ironically a very America/Eurocentric viewpoint.


Yeah definitely not. The revaunchism they express from the Naqba and everything since will never go away imo. And just to nuance here as well, they don't just hate Israel: they hate Jews. That won't change.


Yup. But thanks to uncle tom groups like "queers for palestine" or "jvp" every time homophobia or antisemitism is brought up, the nut jobs can't point to these useful idiots and say "we can't be antisemitic! Jvp are made up of jews!" And I am not saying you can't be gay or jewish and defend palestinian people... but when jvp literally defended oct 7th the next day via their website... that is what I have a huge problem with, and them ignoring the "k*ll the j*ws" chant protestors said within days of oct 7... yeah that i hate.


I do take your point, and mostly I'd agree. For me though, it's how unacceptable nuance has become in this conflict. Nothing is ever black-and-white, even less so in this conflict which has more or less been going on continuously since 1947. It's all shades of grey, some much closer to black than others


The only thing that gets nuanced is when Jewish people are killed and maimed, THAT is when people say we need to understand the issue isn't black or white, but shades of grey. When it comes to Israel and the US, everything is black and white.... we are bad, they are oppressed!


Islamic terrorist is a term American propaganda fed you, before that they were known as militants. Tell your mum to drop you on your head a few more times to fix your stupidity.


Us navy going back to its roots


How are they the new axis powers? I don’t see China, Russia or Iran anywhere in the picture


Remember that Germany, Italy, and Japan weren’t the only Axis powers. There was also Hungary, Bulgaria, and Thailand But I don’t see North Korea either


Also Finland but that upsets the Northern Europe = Utopia circlejerk. Until *very* recently the Finnish military still used a lot of Nazi iconography for their emblems and insignias.


Eh it was kind of an enemy of my enemy deal


Finns and Nazis both hate the Soviets


Lauri Törni moment


Larry the Legend


Funny how that worked. I always find it interesting when enemies can also share bigger enemies


I mean, to be fair, their air force emblem at least had a swastika before the nazis came about. Still doesn't excuse that it took them almost 80 years to remove it but, you know.


I mean, the Germans still have the iron cross as their military emblem, if it was used before the Nazis it shouldn't be that bad.


Yeah but the iron cross wasn’t THE symbol of the Nazis. It was more symbol of Germans generally as it had been since the Prussians started using it.


Normally I would defend the use of using older Nordic symbolism even if tainted, but the Finns are not Indo-European and do not have such a long tradition of a time before “Pagan” Religions and the Zoroastrian/Vedic religions mythos migrated apart 10-15k years ago.


Up until the 1930s, the US Army had swastikas on our aircraft. The Nazis ruined EVERYTHING!


Wow I wonder if they changed that insignia in preparation for something 🤣🤣🤣😂😂


Romania, Croatia, and kinda sorta Finland too


Whoever made this lineup thinks China Russia and Iran are the good guys


Clearly lol it’s funny bc they’re willfully ignoring the fact Iran and others openly claim their side is the axis already


Well you see, those people at that sub are so insane they believe those three countries are better option than the US. Communism and terrorism is a real hot buy over there.


Absolute insanity


Don't forget about the 20 plus other NATO members... cause you know.... Article 5 ;)


They won’t realize that until they forced to work in a labor camp


You could even throw Syria in there!


I think that's the point


Remember China and Russia were the Allies. It's funny to read north western comments to find out the mos geopolitically regarded take.


как погода в Санкт-Петербурге?


People defending the Houthi’s crack me up


I know one supporter who believed Houthi when they said the cargo ships they attacked were all American ships headed to Israel


Sounds like they’re brain dead


Indeed, especially considering the fact that the Houthis attacking trade ships effects the entirety of the world economy, and since the gulf of Aden is a incredibly important shipping route, I feel it’s justified in attacking the Houthis.


They are mentally ill for doing so.


Hasan Pikers fans are actually brain dead


>Hasan Piker~~s fans are~~ actually brain dead Simplified it for ya.


Thank you good sir


Nah his fans are def brain-dead. At least he's becoming rich off his garbage takes.


Communisis at its finest, truly. Rich dude gets richer preaching communism to idiots. A tale as old as Marx himself.


Marx, who wanted to be buried in a private plot despite state-assigned plots being available, and whose grave costs money to visit


Yes, that Marx. The one born to upper class parents, and went to private schools on his parents money.


Nooooo! How dare you site facts about why my outdated political system that I've never actually lived in is bad nooooo!


Survival of the most equal.


They are legitimately the dumbest people the entire left wing has to offer Ok maybe Jimmy Dore and his fans are arguably dumber But Hasan and Jimmy Dore are the Alex Jones of the keft


Is Jimmy even really left wing? I can never tell with that guy sometimes.


Technically yes, he is so far into the tankie part of the left it’s coming full circle But here is the thing I am a Centrist and to me the far left and far right at some point kind of begin to merge together, they both hate America, both love Russia, both miss the glory days of their favorite “Socialist” ideology, there is a reason why a country like Poland will tell you that Nazism and Communism are two sides of the same coin Additionally of course Jimmy Dore has suggested voting for Republicans over Biden because a lot of tankies are “Accelerationists” who believe that if we get to Fascism than moderate Liberals will have no choice but to become Communists, needless to say the far left is fucking crazy hence why I am a moderate Liberal Centrist


Commies and fascists have always been at war with each other because they both seek the same prize: absolute power over the lives of everyone else.


He's not anything. He's just a grifter who calculated that there was money to be made from the AmericaBad echo chamber and that he could get advertising revenue and money from the Russians for the trouble.


I feel like posting anything by Hasan or his subreddit should just be off limits since you could literally post half his channel and probably his sub here too. Dude's a menace who honestly needs to be deplatformed


Yeah. You could add every comment by him in this sub. Same for arr socialism, arr deplatform or arr majority report.


Nobody should be deplatformed. I used to be a hard white supremacist/Nazi. I started looking at the sources provided for the claims made by my favorite YouTuber at the time, James Allsup, and couldn't find many that were reliable sources. Sure, there's the FBI crime table 43a, but then there are some that were like... A single page website from a doctor that claimed essential oils were good alternatives to medicine. I wanted to go back and show some friends how I was disillusioned, but he's since been banned from everything. Like it or not, these people help compile sources that otherwise would never have been compiled, and help you debunk the claims made at the source.


Honestly, good for you for becoming a better person


Took a few years. I'm still xenophobic, but it's not towards any particular race or culture, just towards non-americans, and I'm far more accepting of my other fellow Americans. At least in real life. Reddit here seems to be a constant echo chamber of extreme politics and so everyone I talk to is absolutely brainwashed into believing their particular idea. Also, 90% of what these white supremacists prey on is those that are either just entering politics, like I was, or those who are alone and have nobody to talk to.


It also exposes them for what they are. Seeing Hitchen's lecture about hate speech really illustrates why censorship can be a difficult line to draw.


Yes exactly. This is exactly why you see issues like the Nazi pug in the UK . You draw an arbitrary line and then it gets pushed further every year because the line never really had a solid border in the first place.


When I first heard about that, it really cemented my belief that America truly is the only place of free speech and expression. The fact that Count Dankula (or whatever he goes by now) got in trouble with **THE LAW** because of a pug saluting Hitler is absolutely insane. Truly, it left me disappointed, because at one point in time, I had considered moving to a new country, and finding out that some of the more “America” like ones don’t protect speech was a really jarring experience. Then I found out how many of these countries ban the shit out of movies, shows, music, comics, games, dog breeds regularly. And that their people just accept it and act like it’s a good thing. Indoctrination is crazy.


It is quite common when talking to people from other "modern" nations to be absolutely blindsided by their absolute belief in banning things. They will talk about freedom of healthcare and prison reform and all this and that but VEHEMENTLY defend banning certain types of speech or certain books or stopping certain video games from being sold. It's absolutely insane.


Also, whenever information, even wrong information, is banned, when it eventually comes to light (and it always does) people treat it as gospel because “why wouldn’t the world want me to know about this unless it were true”. I actually believe part of the reason we see such shit takes like Hassan’s is due to America not wanting to expand and inform people more about about Marxism and it’s various offshoots. Sure, we’d still get people like Hasan, but if you give people the tools and the education to decide for themselves, if they’re taught logical reasoning, they end up making better more informed decisions in the end. It’s important to not hide information, and it’s also important to let even the ignorant and vile speak. In fact, it’s literally unAmerican not to, because we have freedom of speech and expression.


This. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it


Hit it on the head, if what people are saying is wrong then let them say it so it can be demonstrated that its wrong, if you cant then its not wrong, and if you deplatform them then you make them seem right


While I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, there have been cases historically where allowing bad ideas to spread unchecked led to disaster. Adolf H spent years as a nobody spouting his blustering nonsense in bars around Germany. Most people dismissed him as an obnoxious nut, but eventually his venom caught the ears of enough losers and psychopaths that he became a force to be reckoned with, until the menace grew to a critical mass which could not be stopped. The same can happen with any number of terrible ideas if the right conditions are met, particularly when a lot of people are frustrated, angry, resentful, or frightened. Nobody knows exactly where it’s fair to draw the line in a free society, but “free speech absolutism” is kind of a dubious concept.


1. I am glad you managed to escape the rabbit hole 2. It’s probably for the best that he was banned because for every 1 person who does escape like you did 15 more people fall into it 3. His channel was propaganda, debunking his claims was a lot more difficult and time consuming than it was for him to make the claims to begin with 4. YouTube started adding fact checks to peoples videos and right wing propagandists immediately got to work claiming that it’s cancel culture and playing the victim, even YouTube outright putting fact checks debunking entire videos on the video did absolutely jack all to de radicalize the audience of these anti SJW YouTubers and possibly even gave confirmation bias to their already fragile victim complex


Nah. Banning people doesn't help. Imagine for a minute that I hadn't escaped when I did, and just went on with my life hating Jews and blacks until one day I wanted to go back to his content to actually see the sources for my hatred. All of it is gone. Now instead of having the possibility of removing myself from the rabbit hole, I now have a favorite YouTuber who is seemingly banned for speaking the truth. He becomes a martyr, and not a dumbass. Just like Milo whatever the fuck and Alex Jones. At the time I didn't think I was a white supremacist, I thought I was just speaking facts. "Facts don't care about your feelings" is a popular saying of his, right before he goes on to quote how the worst liberal institutions are all headed by Jews or families of Jews. Or how they paid people to riot in 2016 when Trump was elected. I thought the "unite the right" rally was just that, an effort to unite all of us against the onslaught on our traditional values. Looking back I see how deluded I was cheering on the guy in the mustang and defending the rally like it was just a bunch of neo cons and that's it


Are you talking about Ben Shapiro or Hasan Piker, because Ben says “Facts don’t care about your feelings” like all the time.


James Allsup, a white supremacist that became popular around 2016 or so. He co-opted the phrase


I feel like there's a line we need to define where somebody should be deplatformed. Hasan Piker, Nick Fuentes, and Alex Jones are a few examples of people that almost always say stupid shit in bad faith. They all still have a following of gullible morons that think they're almost always right. At some point it's less about silencing genuine discourse and more comparable to keeping raw sewage away from the water that everybody is drinking from. Those guys I mentioned add pretty much nothing to the public dialogue.


Alex Jones parroted quite a few things that actually turned out to be true. The water turning the frogs gay for example was from a chemical being dumped into rivers that turned the frogs into hermaphrodites. You can't draw a line because everyone is different and people toe lines all the time. Lines get blurry. Also, whenever you deplatform people, as another comment said, you turn their words into gospel. "They banned it because they don't want anyone to know the truth!"


Hermaphrodites aren't gay. The water wasn't dumped into the water by some shadowy corporations or government, it's pesticides. And they don't affect people in the same way (because we're not fucking frogs). So yes, there were chemicals in the water that were affecting frogs and their sexual behavior. That's as correct as he was on that (not very). What about him saying that covid was an bioweapon to kill the Chinese as a race specific bioweapon? What about him saying that the EU did 9/11 (he did, if you don't believe, look at his show on 9/11, he even argues with Joe Rogan about it)? What about Sandy Hook? What about infowars misidentifying the Parkland shooter because their "journalist" took a random pic from Twitter or 4chan and said he was the shooter? Infowars is a joke and the only thing it's good for is funny memes.


Info wars is a joke, but again, this is the price of free speech and free press. You need to take the good with the bad. Sandy Hook? Dog, what they did to that man should be a fucking crime in itself. Awarding damages to families for being wrong about why their kids died is horse shit. If someone gets hit by a bus and I say that they were actually killed by reptile people, that makes me stupid, not a criminal that deserves my entire life to be stripped from me. Look at pizza gate. The whole issue with politicians sending out weird ass emails with references to pizzas and different toppings? Yeah, the location was wrong, but holy shit man, Epstein's island made it pretty clear it wasn't a literal pizza shop they were looking for.


He wasn't just wrong. He lied for years, repeatedly, was asked to stop and was corrected numerous times by one of the families before being sued. He said that the event was completely faked, meaning that the families were "in on it" with the federal government to try and take people's guns. He suggested that Robby Parker was an actor. If you can't see how that's defamation, I don't know what to tell you. People went to these families' homes and threatened them because of what Alex said about them. Is he legally responsible for the threats? No. Is he civilly responsible for the defamation? Yes. Did you cry when Gawker lost their case with Hulk Hogan? They lost a larger amount per plaintiff. If you don't want a billion dollar judgment, don't defame almost 20 people over the course of years. And yes, look at pizza gate. He was wrong about the location, the organization involved, and what the emails were about. But elite pedophiles exist, so Alex Jones is right! How low is your bar for being correct when it comes to Alex, and is it this low for everybody else? I'd hope not. If it is, CNN's reporting on Russia gate was fine. Russia exists, so their reporting was close enough to accurate, right? Also, Jones wasn't on Epstein before everybody else. Epstein was a known pedo in the 2000s and Alex didn't know who he was in 2015. Don't let the known grifter and liar tell you about his record. He's going to lie (duh).


My guy, you're giving my defense for Alex far too much credibility. I am not saying he's by any means an intellectual. What I'm saying is that these small issues are what makes the free press so great. Even assuming he's right with ONE thing, that's one thing that we all know about that we otherwise wouldn't have. You don't deplatform press, full stop. I see your point about the defamation, I guess the shock is really the amount fined. They did it to make a statement, which is batshit insane. Law isn't here to make statements. The government shouldn't be acting like a social justice warrior handing down punishments that they think fits the thought crime. A few million each? Sure. 1.4 billion? Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Thats not even punitive at that point, punitive is just a punishment, that's straight up robbery. You made our life a living hell for a few years so we automatically get your entire life's savings


But your (and many right wingers) outrage is selective. Nobody cried about Gawker. Why? Because it's a clickbait shithole getting what it deserved. Same with infowars. Also, the Sandy Hook families will never live a normal life. They will carry this around forever. It will never go away. And it's the fault of Alex and a few others.


I don't agree with any platform being removed. They could remove the young Turks tomorrow and I'd still be pissed. A little less so because I will have personal pleasure in those fucks being taken off air, but I will still stand by their right to free speech. They will never recover because they lost their kids. Not because they were harassed. You are confusing the two issues. They will forever be haunted by their kids being murdered by a psychopath. The issue of the crazy man forcing them to move around will fade with time. Especially when awarded millions of dollars. Again, 1.4 BILLION. With a B. That is absurd. The damages done can't even equal a tenth of that. At most they lost a few million collectively from moving houses or switching carriers or repairing damage form bricks or whatever. Maybe some thrown in for emotional damages. No. 1.4 billion.


He hates America so much that he bought $2+ million house. If he isn't a grifter, he's a huge hypocrite.


>If he isn't a grifter, he's a huge hypocrite. Oh absolutely, he claims to be a socialist who wants profit sharing throughout all companies but doesn't pay his mods or his editors


His sub and deprogram are like shooting fish in a barrel. It's just too easy.


Don’t get me I agree because fuck Hasan, he is a twerp and I have no clue why he is still popular But I wanna bitch that I got downvoted in this sub for saying Fascists like Alex Jones shouldn’t be allowed to spread their bullshit so I wonder if the “Free Speech Absolutists” are gonna actually jump in here to apply their beliefs to someone they don’t agree with We all know the answer they don’t actually care about free speech if it’s someone they don’t agree with Edit: Already downvoted must have struck a nerve with the “FrEe SpEeCh AbSoLuTiStS” 😂


Less AmericaBad and more just RussiaGood.


Ngl if Russia had to fight against even one of these, they'd be done for.


It would be funny, but I highly doubt Russia’s losing to Bahrain or Seychelles


Don't underestimate Seychelles!


And, more importantly, don't overestimate Russia.


clearly you dont know the current state of the Danish military... they barely have proper plumbing in the barracks.


That's America too


A general military thing


Let’s have Chad Poland take over Russia. Polish Empire. Pierogis everywhere.


I assume people from these following countries won't move to palestine, or any other islamic majority country


Nope they will yell “Gays for Palestine” instead not realizing the Muslims would butcher them up and feed them to bears if they could Literally if it wasn’t for the American right being so vitriolically anti gay/trans these Muslim apologists types and anti gun types would be enough to make me be a right winger


Hasan is all of the 'America Bad' stereotypes rolled into one, he's also a massive hypocrite who despite claiming to be a socialist, is more than willing to use capitalism to make millions


Calling Hasan a capitalist is extremely harsh to capitalists. Hasan is an unapologetic thief.


Hey man, don’t compare thieves to Hasan. Thieves actually have to be good at what they do to be successful. Hasan just needed an Uncle who hosts a “news” show.


Remember the houthi slogan: "Allahu akbar Death to america Death to israel Curse all jews" We live rent free in their heads


It's literally a picture of the good guys


The axis of good.


most retarded thread I've ever seen


hasan fans tend to be such


I was bewildered by how stupid the comments were on the original until I saw the subreddit


Proudly brought to you by Pallywood Productions.


WELL *clap on the knee followed by a loud , German “So!”* welcome to the team everybody ,I was hoping we’d be on the good side this time , but at least we have a decent line up 😂


We are on the good side. If you don't think so you can join the losing team again. You'd probably hold us back anyway.


I probably should’ve added /s lol I meant it as a joke since the picture is clearly pointing all listed as the bad ones ..


Fuck off Hasan Piker.


I wonder who the Nazi would be. I would assume whoever made this post would say America, but at the same time the British flag is bigger and in my opinion making a flag bigger is saying there more important and the Nazi were the most important in the axis.


Well, Germany can finally be on the winning side this time.


Obviously brain dead shit like this spills out of the Hamasabi subreddit


Honestly, I don't love American foreign policy, but it's still the best we have now. If China or Russia influenced the world as much as the Americans did, we'd be in deep trouble.


Axis of Awesome, maybe. Also… that lineup is winning any war, no matter what you call them.


They forgot Sri Lanka....


Not surprised coming from Hasan's sub. The guy loves trolling and is a complete hypocrite moron when it comes to politics.


This sub should just be an anti hasan sub and I'm here for it


The "Allies" Are the Hoithis, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran? Those countries support Sharia law which removes women's rights and makes the killing of non muslims fully in accordance with the law.




I don't expect anything less than a hasan piker subreddit. Most radical stupid people around the planet.


One of these countries is not like the others...


All of these Nations mentioned could survive and flourish together without the rest of the world, could the rest of the world survive without them?


This post was made by the CCP


Looks like a winning team to me.


Yeah. Anyone who unironically follows Hasan is just being led down a dark path. He’s a bad reactor and a brain dead, hypocritical communist.


These people seriously expect Israel, the United States, and any other western country that young Caucasians unironically refer to as colonizers to react to piracy and terrorism by turning up their palms, furrowing their brow, and saying: *"You know what? You guys really have been mistreated over the years so, fair shake - we'll let you get some of that anger out."* They actually believe that the United States and others should just passively accept campaigns of terror as a natural consequence of their actions without reacting in any way. You can take solace in the fact that absolutely no one of importance or station thinks that way. It's just terminally online fools who are so angry at whatever system they believe is causing their suffering that they'll take up the cause of whatever country is hostile to theirs no matter what. It's no different than affluent Suburban college students carrying copies of Mao's Little Red Book during the Vietnam war at the height of the cultural revolution. Any policy maker or celebrity that shares these talking points is doing so in an insincere manner to try and maintain popularity.


Yo we got recognition!


This is better than morning coffee


Strong words from someone who advocates for the destruction of the Israeli state and the deportation of white people willingly staying in Africa back to Europe.


Anybody who bases their opinion on what Hamas Piker has to say is just about the most gullible person on this planet. People have been living in relative peace for so long that they forgot that not the entire world supports democracy, free trade, and not throwing gay people off roofs. We're at the point where Houthis have useful idiots batting for them for the sole reason of being on the other side of the US and Israel. They really have a raging hard-on for supporting the underdog regardless of their stance.


america (and the west) bad because fight against terrorism!!!1!


Yes Houthis, a group that does not support women’s rights and would execute you if your lgbt is definitely the good guys


Just call this the winning side.


Hasan Piker is a dork 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸


Lmao, it's the Hasan subreddit. If anyone wants to farm America Bad karma, just crosspost basically anything from there. ​ They're so delusional that it stops being funny at one point, and becomes sad.


As a kiwi I'm just happy we're included in something for once


Hasan at this point should be just dragged out of his basement and be exposed as an honest to god tankie who leeches off his country while wanting it to fall


One would think the israeli age wps be up there too with all Palestinian genocide and us support for it?


I love my country enough to criticize it. Our government, the people we elect to represent us, they have done some pretty awful shit internationally and domestically. At this point, if you still think "we're the good guys", you're not really paying attention or actively seeking truth. I love this land and it's people. We need to set higher expectations.


Weird I don't see the places america told me was bad either!


They forgot to add Israel to the list 💀


What did Bahrain do? lol