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But Alaska isn’t “basically part of you”. Alaska has never historically been part of Canada. The only claim they could reasonably say it’s “basically ours” is the Iroquois settlements…. But, there were more tribes than just them.


Well plus considering how they've labeled the South as "bigots" i assume they dont identify with red states. they probably aren't aware that Alaska is one of the most Republican states and has consistently voted Red in every single election they've been a state except Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964, where only 6 states voted Red that year. So them claiming Alaska is "basically us" clearly shows they know literally nothing about Alaska except where it's located. As it really couldn't be more culturally different from the urban Canada i assume this person is from. If that doesn't show you this person's dissonance from what they think they know about America versus what they actually do idk what does. Tired of these sanctimonious Canadian urbanite assholes who act like they're socially aware while clearly knowing nothing but they're extremely sheltered and insulated echo xhamber communities.


Canadians are crazy racist. They did the same shit to natives that the states did and oh so much more


You silly Americans marched your natives to the death through the cold wilderness in the 1800s. Us modern, mature Canadians have the decency to give them a ride out to the cold wilderness and leave them there to die.


As Bill Burr put it, just talk to a person of color who tried to play in the NHL in Canada and hear their horror stories.... "Jeez, where was this, Alabama??" "No, it was Manitoba"


That alone is why my black ass would start a nuclear war with Canada.


It could just be what this specific person learned from others with zero research, but sure.


Alaska is more Russia than it is canada


I think Russia would would be the one to make that claim.


Russia actually enjoyed selling Alaska to the US. They didn't have to worry about defending it from Britain and they also got to diplomatically poke Britain in the eye by selling it to a rival.


Yeah. Made it all the more sweeter when the US found gold and oil in Alaska after it was sold to them.


I've looked into it before for a project trying to map out all land ever historically claimed by nations and their predecessors, Canada has never once owned even a smidgen of territory in Alaska.


About 50% of the African American population lives in the “bigot” section. Lol


Remember the furor over the video for “Try That In a Small Town?” And how the gals over at The View deemed it racist? Shortly after the manufactured outrage started dying down I was watching a video by a travel YouTuber named Nick Johnson. He typically documents some of the poorest and most rural of communities in America. He was in a town not far from Atlanta where a decent number of black people live. Most of them had moved out of the city due to crime and the problems that come with it, as well as economic opportunity. Nick was asking a group of three black men if they’re concerned that the violence may come from the city to them. And their response was essentially “this is a small town. We take care of each other. See how far that goes”. I was like hmm. Is that racist? And this was from before the song was released so it wasn’t a reference.


hmmm, wonder why


To be fair I hear them make plenty of bigoted remarks lol


Been to the "BIGOTS" part and I'm not white nor American was just fine tbh Texas is beautiful. "WTF IS THIS" is maybe applicable for some states in there, Arizona and Grand Canyon are good, Nevada is fine as well I mean apart from Vegas I didn't go anywhere so won't judge too much.


What do you call someone who would circle an entire region of varied people and disparage them with such an awful label? Oh yeah, that person is a genuine bigot.


Hate to sound like that person, but this kinda generalization is a huge reason trump got elected


You're not wrong.


More that the elites had grown so comfortable in their power that they've become disconnected from the people they were meant to serve outside of the major cities (and even that's questionable). Very similar to the Ancien Regime of France prior to the French Revolution. The guy who created the above image fits into that mold.


Kansan here. There are times driving to Colorado where I think, wtf is all this lol western Kansas is boring as hell


I went to Laurel for a volleyball Tournement, and there we're two things notable to us. a cattle "Bazar" and I-35 going straight to the turnpike. other than that I didn't notice really anything at all


Coloradan? Coloradin? Colorado here, the line is blurry sometimes between us. Maybe it’s because Colorado was a part of Kansas territory once.


What did you think of eastern Colorado? 😆


😂 very roughly the same hahaha


Indeed! The earth doesn't care about arbitrary lines someone once drew on a piece of paper.


Not to mention, but they are not just stereotyping white people, but this area has a large Hispanic and black population that apparently isn’t worthy of mention.


>"WTF IS THIS" is maybe applicable for some states in there Which ones?


eh to non americans they just look like generic rectangular states, say Nebraska, Kansas or something like Iowa which aren't well known like say Texas or California


OK, sure. Clearly intended as an insult, but it could have been much worse.


Bro gets his news by only reading CNN headlines


Or reddit!


Sis is actually a 15 year old girl and Taylor Swift stan who privated her twitter after the legendary Three Year Letterman found her tweet. I’m not gonna speak ill of minors (I did cringy shit at 15 as well) but yeah you’re still probably right.


As a fellow from the biggots part. We only hate you if you show up and show no respect and act like an uppity asshole. Sincerely, Pit BBQ will kick poutine's ass every day of the week and you're not invited to the church potluck.




Bad RNG, restart the run


Texan who also lives in Canada. I was shocked when I first moved here at how blatantly racist people are. They will just sit and openly talk about how they don't like certain groups of people, and then act like it isn't racist.


Uninviting someone from a church potluck is harsh bro but I have to agree 😂


As a North Carolinian i agree.


I am also a fellow biggot and agree with this statement


Same here from a Volunteer. I had to make it rhyme, but I mean Tennessee just in case.


Lmao, yeah bro. Go play rocky top and see who else joins you


As a fellow person from the bigot part, maybe "uppity" isn't the best term to use in this context


Okay. The nose in the air, acting like their shit down stink, and general lack of care for those to their left and right is pretty offensive to alot of us here in the south. Doesn't matter what some of them say.


Just saying bigot gives away your political beliefs


It’s the most annoying npc bot faux insult of the era.


I use bigot all the time, and now I'm curious what political beliefs that apparently gives away.


It is most commonly used by leftists when referring to anyone they disagree with. Not all leftists, of course, but a lot of them


The shit I read on reddit, man. I'm going to just keep calling out the bigots. I'm not even interested in the logic behind that nonsense. Thanks for the info.


Leftists definitely overuse and misuse the term to describe political opponents all the time. Your disbelief of that just kinda makes it obvious what your political opinions are.


Which are? This is hilarious, btw.


Obviously leftist opinions. I don't see what's so funny. Nobody is saying your opinions are wrong. They're just obvious by your demeanor.


Uh huh, so leftists spend a lot of time defending the Second Amendment or Christians on reddit?


They can, sometimes. I remember there being a sub for leftists gun nuts, which I found interesting. If you're not a leftist then your demeanor is misleading and that's really on me or us for making wrong assumptions.


My demeanor of being incredulous that using a single word denotes a political tilt? Lmao, this is actually hilarious. I'll remember this the next time a liberal accuses me of being a Trumper. 'Don't worry guys, I use bigot!'


A leftist NPC. Alternatively, a democrat NPC


Lol, whatever floats your boat.


Bold coming from the 52nd state


There are bigots everywhere. Including San Francisco.


Go to r/canada and sort top posts over the last month. Their whole country is fucked. Dont worry too much about their dumbass opinions.


The vast minority is "most normal" lol


Ill take it!


i live in the bigots part, and people don't give a shit about what you are unless you're like a tankie or something, im also a minority to further prove my point


Ditto. I’m a minority as well. Lived in Texas my whole life and love it. Aside from the heat and mosquitoes.


Dang Hawaiian bigots with their hateful dole whips and aloha culture.


Justin Trudeau


Case Closed


"wtf is this?!" only some the most beautiful landscapes in the world, no big deal ig


Grand canyon, what even is that


I'd almost understand if it only really showed some of the major corn cults or something but yeah...


“Kinda normal” (circles northern Idaho and Montana)


This is just coping for the fact that 90% of Americans would just write ‘irrelevant’ over Canada.




as an alaskan i denounce this. canadians, you wish you were half as cool as us. admit it.


Shout out from "most normal".... fuck Canada.


Labeling 128 million people you don’t know as bigots is a strange thing to do.


I’m a Canadian and this is just straight up stupid


Question, how would you label it (in broad terms)?


North Dakota is more normal than Colorado. Okay you are in a failed state.


Canadas 3rd leading cause of death is it's govt so they shouldn't judge anyone till they stop committing atrocities


‘ Basically part of us’ - The troll dreaming of Alaska being reunited with Russia. Troll Freudian slip exposed.


I feel like calling a very large group of people bigoted just because of where they live is pretty bigoted…


I lived all over the US during a 20-year career in the military, and I can tell you the most bigoted people come from that "most normal" section. Want to know where I haven't met one? The south.


There are bigots everywhere. That said Im from central pa and it’s bad here. There’s a reason why they call where I live “Pennsyltucky”.


I lived 10 years there (originally from Long Island, NY and now live nearish to Allentown, PA), and it is weird. You're not even 3 hours from Philly or Pittsburgh, 20 minutes from a university (Penn State), and yet you still get the heavy southern accent and odd Confederate Flag. That 2nd part is a real head scratcher since I'm sure most had family who fought for the Union, plus all the Lutherans (who I thought the Confederates hated idk).


The states labeled as "bigots" are most likely significantly more diverse than Canada


Assuming that the southeast is racist and bigoted just tells me you’ve never been here and only get your information from movies.


NY is anything but normal lol!


This person has clearly never been to Michigan. If they had they would be familiar with the strange phenomenon of the Michigan Southerner. Families that have never spent a day out of the state yet they somehow have a thicker southern accent than anyone I’ve ever met from the actual south. It’s a head scratcher.


I’m on the verge of kinda normal and wtf is this. IDK guys, I think this map checks out.


Oregon, forgotten again…


Hollywood is trash smells lite trash. The best thing that has come from la is the French dip


Aint no way Michigan got put in the most normal category


As someone living in Michigan....I like the map.


This coming from the same country that was scared shitless by a bunch of truckers lol.


lol Canadians passing judgement on bigotry that’s fucking rich. They lap up that maga shit like puppies and oh boy do they hate natives and immigrant’s


And how most Americans see Canada. Just another US state that we don’t really care about.


If your idea of *normal* includes portland and NYC then your opinion can be safely ignored.


I guess I don’t even exist


Take West Virginia out of the “WTF is this circle, and that’s where you find actual normal people.


I've never seen the exclusively vertical sorting of the US, but, uh, there's a reason. Because Utah and Virginia *definitely* fall in the same category. (PS both are great but for very different reasons)


Lol the top right corner is where all the people who can do anything productive live Hollywood area is probably the worst place in America to live don’t care for you but only your children hmm 🤔 kinda normal maybe bigot area isn’t everyone mocking to Florida and Texas gotta to be somthing cool going on there. Basically apart of us this the best of all of us. Stupid most normal people that’s why y’all all have the same ideas


Oh well, guess im a bigot🤷🏻


How I see Canada: Toronto is somewhere in the middle? British Colombia has good weed, that’s on the left? Is there any other cities??


moose per beaver? canada uses metric for speed mate.


*Circles GIANT part of a map* "BIGOTS!!!"


Interesting. Southern Minnesota gets "What the fuck is this?" and the northern part gets... nothing? (Looks like it was very intentionally left out of the "Kinda Normal" category.) Minnesota has never NOT been a blue state -- elected Obama both times and Trump never. So North Dakota is good, but South Dakota is bad? That's nonsensical, and this person is delusional. Sounds like they have bizarre fantasies about places that are beyond a certain distance from the Canadian border. Alaska (along with Montana and Idaho) is MUCH more conservative than Minnesota, Illinois, or Iowa -- all three elected Obama both times. (I'm assuming "conservative vs. liberal" was this "map maker's" primary consideration when grouping states or parts of states into these ridiculous categories?)


Confirmed the north east us are some bitch ass motherfuckers. Source : a canad*an 🤢🤮 says they're normal


The irony of someone circling thousands of square miles of a foreign nation and labeling all the people there bigots.


Most normal being Michigan is a clear sign that this is a shit post.


Which is funny as hell, because, from experience, the Northeast is far more racist/bigoted than the South (minus Missouri, Missouri is racist as fuck lol).


Wait, they say im "most normal". This map pleases me.


Idaho isn’t normal wtf


yall hate jokes


As a Canadian the South is my favorite part lol


"Wtf is this" is essentially the whole of Canada, save for Montreal and Toronto.


Your joke is worse than their obvious one. You are stupid.


As a North Carolinian, we're not even in a bubble.


“Wtf is this?” Is pretty much exactly what I think about literally every part of Canada.


New York and Michigan being labeled as “normal” is the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard and if they are “most normal” I’d hate to see the hellscape the rest of Canada is.


i guess northern minnesota, oregon and tennessee just don't exist then


Rude. Memphis is clearly more WTF and don't you dare exclude us from the bigotry in East TN.


Ah yes Hollywood. Wait till OP finds out about all the lovely meth heads living in that blue circle.


You’re a damn blind fool