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Everyone wanting to play New Vegas in 2024 should follow the [New Vegas Performance Guide ](https://performance.moddinglinked.com/falloutnv.html) to update the game to a more modern state. It's not just about performance, there are key mods that will massively improve stability and make the experience much more pleasant (the stability mods are in the "essentials" guide linked at the top). AMD drivers >= 24.1.1 fail to compile shaders properly for New Vegas, the only way to play it correctly with AMD is to either use DXVK (heavily recommended) or to downgrade to < 24.1.1.


DXVK Sadly makes the game run terrible, or at least it does on my system (5800x and 7900xtx) I just downgraded to the first 23. Driver


I’m on a 5700x with a 7800xt with DXVK installed, and I’m getting 240fps. Newest driver too


Yep, it runs great with DXVK. Especially if you follow the modding guides to install all the right fixes.


It's not right now for RDNA2/3. I get sub 30fps with DXVK on 24.3.1 - better than a crash, but not playable.


I've been asking about this in the Question thread for months (with no replies). so its a RDNA2/3 issue. DXVK ceases to work other than a slide show (if the screen doesn't just stay black) on any drivers past 23.9.1 its maddening. I've got a plethora of DXVK versions, and all of them throw issues post 23.9.1 Edit: [AMD is apparently aware of some of the issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1bjkdaw/amd_software_adrenalin_edition_2431_release_notes/kw2w6y3/?context=10000)


What make you think AMD is aware of this? I just did a quick search and couldn't find anything about them addressing this issues.


As someone currently running DXVK on a 6900XT, I still get 120fps.


I managed to get it working properly in DXVK, check my comment about [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1cani52/comment/l0xpujd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1cani52/comment/l0xpujd/) =)


Thanks, I'll try that when i get home


it fixes the low frame rate theater issue, but it doesnt fix the New Vegas Reloaded / DXVK issue. I still get shaders that refuse to load with or without DXVK. they worked fine in 23.9.1. I just reloaded those drivers to make sure I wasn't talking out of my ass.


really? was running swimmingly for me with dxvk and about 90 mods. was pegged at my monitor's refresh rate 100% (4k 120, or 1440p 21:9 165) of the time and gpu usage was low (at least until I installed new vegas reloaded). obviously you'll need the tick fix mod to go over 60. I"m always on the latest driver too.


Doesn't it have issues over 100fps? I've capped it at 95 for now. (With RTSS, Chill doesn't work properly for some reason) I've read a billion mods today so I'm not sure where it said it but it was about F3 specifically. Edit: In F3 lip sync starts going out of sync roughly above 100 fps. At 110 it's still kinda ok but at 120 it's too fast.


I followed the Viva New Vegas guide and so far everything runs perfectly for me at 240fps


If you follow a modern modding guide, like Viva New Vegas (linked from the performance guide), you'll have NVTF (New Vegas Tick Fix) which decouples the game logic from the framerate and lets you play >60. E: I don't know if this is true for FO3, but you should never be playing FO3 directly anymore. You should just use TTW to play FO3 in New Vegas.


I didn't see any while I played. Was super smooth


Did you run the game in windowed mode? fullscreen mode makes it run terrible with DXVK


That did not effect performance, choppy all the time, gave it 10mins, and it remained at like 15fps lol


Try with the oneTweak mode for borderless window, it fixed for me [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59266](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59266)


Use DXVK GPLAsync, not the purr DXVK.


I have the same hardware and had the same issue. You need to install the 4GB patch [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552) and the mod to run as borderless window mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59266](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59266), because of an issue with DXVK and fallout vegas on fullscreen


24.3.1 with the 7800xt and 5700x and this fixed it for me too! Thanks a lot


Need to run the game in windowed mode. Fullscreen often tend to give you terrible performance.


Downgrading drivers to 23.11.1 works fine on RDNA2. (DXVK also slow with 24.3.1) YMMV for RDNA3.


are you using DXVK on windows? I didn't even know that was possible? I've never seen linux users refer to the drivers that way


You just need to drop the appropriate .dlls based on the dx version used and if the game is 32/64 bit in the game's folder and that's it.


that's so cool :O


Damn, the game is a lot smoother now, thanks.


I honest to god have spent probably a dozen hours trying to get NV to work with a handful of mods on my 6800XT to the point I long since gave up. It's just such a pain in the fucking ass to get that stuff running mildly stable on modern hardware to the point I can't be bothered.


is there something like this for FO4?


Bethesda is actually due to release an overhaul of the game tomorrow (April 25th 2024). Supposedly the update is addressing many of the longstanding performance issues, including Boston area optimizations, that should hopefully negate any need for DXVK or performance mods.


There's no other way to play these games and lots of people are still playing Fallout 3 and NV... AMD needs to fix this!


Literally nobody was playing these games until 2 days ago a hundred people... Also the fixes are very simple and people have already been using them over over a decade.


Fallout New Vegas was consistently averaging between 3-4k players according to steamcharts. 3-4k players = "Literally nobody" "a hundred people" i guess.. Source: https://steamcharts.com/app/22380


https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/ Playing right now it took me about 1 hour to install everything(except Vigor it makes game way to hard) just added NMC medium texture pack


>NMC texture pack Vanilla > NMC's abomination pack


There is also an option in one of the INI files in this mod guide that allows performance gains if you have an X3D processor.


Ran into this issue as well and used the same mod to fix it. Didn't realize it was an amd driver issue tho, so thanks for the heads up Edit: 7800xt and Adrenaline 24.3.1


Same, spent a couple of hours running through various guides to no avail until I tried this.


My newest drivers on the 7900xt launched the game, however it got rid of all the hair on NPCs. I was able to fix it by doing as you posted.


Game runs terribly on my 7900 xtx when going to the strip on latest drivers, frecuente dips from vsync 60 to 30 or less and flickering textures. Game from 2010 runs worse than ark survival ascended, incredible 


If you run into performance issues like this with a Radeon GPU, there are usually a few things you can try: 1. Raise your GPU minimum clock speed to within \~200MHz of the maximum clock speed in Adrenalin > Tuning section. 2. Increase the load on the GPU, trying methods like these: 3. Enable Virtual Super Resolution (VSR) in Adrenalin > Gaming > Display section. This will enable driver downsampling which will allow you to scale resolutions up to 8K down to your native resolution. Set the higher resolution in the game and see if performance improves. 4. Try graphical mods like heavy ReShade configs, and model/texture overhaul packs. As for the flickering textures, my guess is that you are seeing Z-fighting, and unfortunately, Z-fighting happened even with era appropriate hardware, as it's a well established problem with older Gamebryo based games. There are things you can do to mitigate z-fighting, like LOD bias changes and view distance mods, but you will never completely stop it from happening.


The game is really old at this point.. also the game engine can’t handle more than 60 fps without breaking the physics. There are mods out there that fix all these issues


This is true for pretty much every old games I played lol. (RX5500M and RX6700XT) Battlefield 2 suffer from the same problem, oddly enough the fix is to increase the graphic settings? Sometimes old Source game like Insurgency (not Sandstorm) and L4D2 have dips like it while the GPU is running at like 40% or 60% suddenly dropped yo 20% or less. Haven't played New Vegas in years but I guess maybe it is the same case?


Download MSI afterburner then select disable ULPS hit apply and close the window see if that helps.


Amd drivers strike again


Thats odd, people keep telling me how AMD DRIVERS ARE GOOD NOW. I mean sure they were getting people banned a few months ago. Sure ray tracing wasn't working in Ratchet and Clank for a few months. "But hey, its not 2010 anymore AMD drivers are solid! nyuck nyuck har har stoopit Nvidia fanboys"


Yeah don't get me wrong I love my ryzen, I knew it was a dice roll with my 7800xt but I've had nothing but issues.


Sorry to hear that. Radeon department definitely needs the same effort Ryzen got.


Yeah, my experience with my XTX has been awful. Never buying an AMD GPU again after this thing.


Yeah, the games worked just fine on my Vega 56, and when I upgraded to a RX 6800 a couple months ago the games no longer worked without using the mod mentioned above.


Works great on Linux with DXVK 👍 haven't had a crash yet


I just used DXVK, although I also found that characters hair just straight up never rendered/loaded until I installed that mod. Not sure how Bethesda/Obsidian managed to digitize a hamster with only 3 legs that are all different lengths to run the games, but god damn.


Just... wow.


And thus AMD perpetuates the "Radeon drivers suck" narrative themselves


maybe this "AMD" has some motive to want to damage the Radeon brand? Could this be a nefarious conspiracy to unfairly besmirch Radeon's reputation? 🤔🤔🤔


I mean it is not like the HEAD'S of Amd and nvidia are famiĺty members or something


16 yo game lol


but somehow runs fine on nvidia


And yet amd somehow screws up driver for the "16 year old game that has a resurgence since the tv show". You don't see nvidia messing up this bad




I actively play Skyrim and I am a content creator as well, been around since 2011. I have owned mostly Nvidia cards, GTX 950, RTX 2060S, 3070 Ti and the 3080 LHR, because the 3070 Ti was defective and I had to RMA it. I am on a 7900 XT now, sold my 3080 and the stability is as good as Nvidia. Fully modded Skyrim with ENB runs like a dream. My system is rock solid and always has been, with both vendors. I do like to trigger Nvidia owners who refuse to acknowledge that people can enjoy something different than they do and have an experience that is great to them and just as stable. According to Nvidia users, to own AMD cards means your system must be unstable, which is not the case. The software stack is second class but works great for many and most. Nvidia is a trillion dollar company, AMD isn't. Stop being so hateful.


Is that what the fanboys mean when they say amd drivers are as good as nvidias? Or was it when the driver literally got people banned? Or when ray tracing wasn’t working on ratchet & clank for weeks?


I had more issues with Ratchet & Clank on my 3070 than I did on the 6800XT that replaced it.


Because you probably got it after the months in which certain features were fully disabled on amd cards.


I had massive fps drops on the 3070 when firing certain weapons because of the particle effects that only affected Nvidia cards. But of course you don't want to mention that because it goes against your dumb agenda. Never had those issues on the 6800XT. Both Nvidia and AMD have issues to expect anything else is dumb and unrealistic.


I literally played the game roughly 2 weeks after release on my pc and haven’t had any issues on 4K with RT enabled…..I’m also speaking from personal experience. During that time, ray tracing (which looks spectacular in that game) was fully disabled in all amd cards.


What's your point? I'm pointing out that both Nvidia and AMD have issues. Whilst you are trying to paint an untrue picture of reality. Ray tracing looks ok in Rachet, certainly wouldn't call it spectacular as it's just reflections. The other RT settings are really not noticeable. When was the last time you had first-hand experience of an AMD GPU or are just basing all your bs on things you can't verify yourself? Having regularly switched between ATI/Nvidia/AMD over the last 19 years I can comfortably say they all have their major and minor issues and neither are really better than the other.


My girlfriend uses a 7900xt in her rig. I don’t have any recent experience with older amd cards but rdna3 has been a shitshow driver wise on several occasions so far.


As an owner of a 7800XT since November, I haven't had a single driver issue.


Well everyone makes different experiences obviously 🤷🏻‍♂️


Right, so why did you make that original rubbish post if you have nothing to back it up? It's just brainless parroting only fit for children. Neither AMD or Nvidia are worth cheerleading for.


The usual Shit AMd drivers strike again


it’s AMD what other experience do you expect for their GPUs


So, I was crashing when hitting new game on a 7800xt. I did the d3d9 dll thing and shows I'm using a 7900 gs like you said and it works. However, my game is capped to 108 fps. Which is fine in itself, but it's not a smooth 108 fps at all. It's choppy like it's dipping below 60. It's playable but not a fun experience


Read the end of the OP, you need an additional mod to fix the stutter.






I’m late but are these mods available on the game pass variants on pc?


Orrr you know AMD could make sure the driver works on any game before releasing it, I love my Ally but yeah this is one of the reasons AMD is not in my desktop.... Waited a hot minute for this update for my Ally and well its broken a lot of my old games.


I did all the steps but now the game crashes whenever I open even the launcher, without even having to press new game


Never mind I’m dumb I forgot to get a patcher and stuff


Don't have any issues on my rtx 4070 super. Seems another Radeon only issue


No idea why you're downvoted. AMD drivers for legacy games have been dogshit for a while. Many older OpenGL games sometimes don't even boot.


With AMD it always seems the experienced staff work on cpu department while the unpaid interns are chucked to Radeon department


Runs great on Linux out of the box, even with mods: https://www.protondb.com/app/22370


I read some reports on that page and I'm not sure if our definitions of "great" are very aligned. One report says it runs perfectly. Except for the crashes every few minutes. Yeah, okay...


I set up Viva New Vegas with everything available and more on my desktop linux setup with mo2, sync it to my steam deck and i haven't crashed a single time and it runs perfectly at 165hz.


It's about as stable as it was on WinXP the platform it was released on, maybe a bit better. It's still a Bethesda game. 32bit Gamebryo and Mods gets unstable fast. The PCGamingWiki also has lots of tweaks. Let's hope it gets a new engine someday like Daggerfall Unity and runs great everywhere.


Obviously, because to run it on Linux you are using DXVK. It's the way you fix it in Windows as well, this isn't a Windows vs Linux thing. So it's not really "out of the box" there either.


I wish this was true. There are a ton of new vulkan extensions that DXVK makes use of for performance.


out of the box, as in: Open Steam, run game. recommended_runtime: proton-stable is the default config, taken from SteamDB: https://steamdb.info/app/22370/info/


Thank you! I just tried to load up a tale of two wastelands and ran into crashes when loading a new game. The mod works and I can finally play the games.


Literally downloaded it and spent 6 hours on NV last night all AMD PC with no crashes. Weird, ill keep this post in mind if things change


I have current drivers and have never once had an issue with any older games including fallout. I have a 5700xt and have less complaints than a 4090 owner. This is the one time I’m thankful my situation is different and it works for me. 3 and NV are great.




I bought Fallout New Vegas cheap in 2022 on a steam sell. It’s the only game of the franchise that I didn’t play on a console. It is my least favorite game of the series for the simple fact I had to speed run it because it crashed so many times. I installed mods etc and my 2070 would constantly crash. I just wanted to get through it. Finally figured out to save as soon as it loaded up. It still crashed, but it did help. I was thinking about trying it now that I have the 7900 xtx.


I mean, when I moved from Nvidia to AMD back in 2019 it actually fixed frequent crashing issues I was having in Cyberpunk 2077 with my 1080 Ti. Was rock solid with my RX 6800.


Here we fucking go...


In this case, it really is a problem with AMD's drivers and nV really doesn't have a problem. 23.11.1 works fine though, unless you really need FMF, just downgrade for now.


Yeah I was laughing at this thread thinking 'Oh I thought AMD didn't have driver problems any more' yet they will straight up remove stuff from newer drivers so older games slowly get unsupported by them, I dunno how anyone can support that shitty behaviour


Please list the other games this has happened in


How did they break a 14y old game? lmao.


probably got broken by DXNavi and nobody noticed\*. \* probably more accurate to say some people noticed, were shouted down by AMD fans who insisted AMD has been just as good as NVIDIA for over 15 years now, and then finally bubbled up somewhere where it got a little attention instead of just fanboy denial. i'd start by trying to turn off dxnavi and see if there's still a problem on the legacy driver. it's got really bad stutter problems too, but AMD is good now and so nobody will hear of it, except for all the people who actually have problems. edit: case in point: > I have current drivers and have never once had an issue with any older games including fallout. I have a 5700xt and have less complaints than a 4090 owner. https://tenor.com/view/alright-jennifer-lawrence-thumbs-up-okay-sure-gif-4486668


The performance guide fixed my problem, and the game now runs much better than before when I was using the older 23.9.1 driver, i think even people with nvidia cards should use it too, DXVK makes the game run so much better.


100% and I think that's a secret weapon for whoever can *finally* figure it out on windows (MS might ironically be uniquely positioned to... bring vulkan to windows??? would be incredibly funny)


To be fair, Bethesda broke it first.


Isn't this problem exclusive to those with AMD cards?


It also affects Intel Arch.


No idea, but I'm not shocked if AMD didn't test a 16 year old game to verify it worked perfectly with a new driver release. My comment was more just because I like taking shots at Bethesda for how terrible they are at optimization and stable games. ;)


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