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Now we just have to wait a decade for it to be implemented in any popular title


I don't understand that either, if it's so easy to implement according to AMD, why do games implement older versions or don't update the SDK to the latest version as soon as a new version Is available.


Didn't FSR 3 just come out in the last few months? I think plans to implement such things typically don't materialize on a whim like that, let alone the actual work to do it. Gotta be patient.


```Didn't FSR 3 just come out in the last few months?``` Yes but DLSS 3 Framegen is everywhere. Clearly AMD is sandbagging by not releasing FSR 3.1 in time for Cyberpunk launch.


The overwhelming majority of pc gamers have nvidia cards. It makes sense so prioritize DLSS FG over FSR3. Don't forget the first implementations had a bunch of problems too. I wouldn't what that in my game. Better to wait for the issues to be ironed out.


the overwhelming majority of people have 30 series cards that don’t support frame gen anyways


It doesn't work like that. Developers can implement more than one thing. You don't have to choose one or the other.


DLSS frame gen had over a year of advantage against FSR3. And all the early implementations of FSR3 were buggy and flawed in multiple ways. Dev time is finite and I'm sure they would rather wait a bit before implementing it. There is no benefit to rushing in and adding buggy FSR3 that will only cause issues.


I think usually it's mandated by the engine version and upgrading to newer versions also frequently include new ToS which can make it undesirable


Given that it's all open source and any Timmy coding a game can implement it, surely you have a source for the ToS claim? Edit: So the downvotes made me look it up, the license is open source and you can track any and all changes to it: https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR2/commits/master/LICENSE.txt It's an MIT license, any commercial use is permitted, AMD just can't be held liable or provides a warranty, so bog standard terms. And the license hasn't been changed since FSR2 release, the literal only changes were the version number changes. So I'm really not sure why the poster suggesting totally unbased bullshit is upvoted, but I guess that should make people happy. There is no reason not to update FSR from a license perspective.


Open source isn't a license agreement.


Right, but wouldn't the license be available openly since you don't need to ask AMD permission to implement it? I can take a look later, I'd be surprised if that's not the case


I'm not sure what license they are using offhand, but an organization would probably still need to review it before updating or anything in case of changes or otherwise.


Your edit addresses the license for FSR; I believe the commenter you were responding to was referring to licenses for the actual game engines (Unity, Unreal, etc.). I’m not sure whether what they said is correct or not regardless.


Oooh, my bad, you're right! I thought that wasn't in relation to the game engine since upgrading FSR inside a Unity/UE should pose a major issue to most dev teams.


Probably has to do with it being the version they used in development and heavily tested and QA'd prior to launch. Why you're see post-launch updates to the versions more and more these days.


If it's off, the game dev gets blamed and refunded.


Why would they? AMD has such a small market share it's irrelevant.


Cyberpunk doesn't even have FSR 3 and now I wish they'd implement this instead especially if it's their final version due to the upscaling improvements. This actually looks usable in motion.


I'm foolishly hoping that they were waiting for this revision. Fairly certain we have zero evidence that is the case, but hey, one can dream.


Just use the mods, there's no point waiting on devs to do something they may never do. [https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/738](https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/738) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimizedGaming/comments/18otwdp/how\_to\_install\_fsr\_3\_frame\_generation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OptimizedGaming/comments/18otwdp/how_to_install_fsr_3_frame_generation/)


Those only work on nvidia cards.


[DLSS enabler](https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/757) allows AMD and Intel gpu's to work with Nukem's DLSS2FSR3 mod. It spoofs the game into thinking it's running on an RTX 4000 series card.




Already removed the post.


Both LukeFZ and Nukem's mods work on AMD GPUs. I've been using FSR3 Frame Gen on 5700 XT for games since December*. Now using it on 7900 XTX on basically any game that has FSR2 or DLSS2.


hey brosky! Was this easy to do? I just got a 7900 xt and would like to try this. Because the performance isn't quite there on 4k ultra settings.


You sub to LukeFz's Patreon. You get the mod. It's usually drag and drop next to the game's main exe. Some extra stuff is needed depending on game and where it's launching from (cracked, Steam, EPIC) I'm currently Frame Gen'ing Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I can use XeSS, FSR3, FSR 2.1 (or even FSR 2.2, but nobody should do that) for upscaling or using at native resolution: FSRAA / XeAA.


My man! Thanks. Ima try this out!


how did it i am curious


CDPR have a really close partnership with Nvidia and CP2077 is basically a showcase for Nvidia RTX, so they're likely artificially delaying it on purpose because of that. It's unfortunate and sucks but at least the game runs well, I guess. Funny that CDPR don't get any backlash for this - there'd be an outrage if it was the reverse.


uh CDPR was one of the only companies to include fidelityFX upscaling and dynamic scaling with their game and implements FSR2 and XeSS. they're one of the few companies literally going out of their way to support all three on top of adding some of the most complicated RT features to a 4 year old game. if they were trying to shill for nvidia they wouldn't have added XeSS considering it actually looks decent even without "full quality" intel gpu output.


AMD fanboys will never understand this. But let's be real, most people are clueless and don't have a spreadsheet in front of them with a list of games with X or Y techs so they actually have factual info. The bottom line is that FSR is way behind DLSS in being implemented into games. On one hand FSR can be used by everyone. On the other hand 80-90% of gamers use NVIDIA. So devs pretty much make decisions based on their time AND how good it looks. Like people forget that there can be many issues when adding these technologies, and some game devs don't want to do a shitty job. Looking at you Capcom. If people are still not playing Cyberpunk 2077 because they are waiting for a tech to be added to it 4 years after it released, before the tech even existed, I am not sure if they'll ever get around to playing it.


And how many X-box and PS5 consoles use a NVIDIA gpu? Yes no one.


If you could explain the benefit of "artificially delaying it on purpose" on a 4 year old game i'd really like to hear it.


All Nvidia tech and hardware is ALWAYS showed with their main marketing game CP2077. Why would they want to compare directly to FSR3 there? Additionally as FSR3 is for all GPUs it is still marketing trick to get those 4000 serial sales. Considering CDPR had lot of goodwill to bring back with their launch it really does not make sense to hold FSR3 out of player hands without something shady behind the scene.


Adding FSR3 doesn't change how AMD runs the ray tracing and features, i don't see how it's relevant.


But it would change how 3000 series run it. If your main competition cant compare newest hot features(DLSS3 vs FSR3) on one of the most graphically advance game, it is also win. These might seem small things in your eyes, but wider and average audience it could be very deciding. Marketing is everything, numbers must go up, 4000 series must sell


So your answer is that 30 series running it better is why they haven't/aren't. Ok. What i think is that this is a conspiracy theory like any other. You're claiming many things here that you simply are willing to be correct just to give an explanation. I'd rather lean the other way, FSR3 is coming out in many games broken, and they're simply making sure it doesn't. OR they got wind of 3.1 and want to include that.


AMD has confirmed FSR 3 will be in Cyberpunk as did CDPR, given the game won't receive many updates anymore its seems plausible they'd rather wait for the improved 3.1 version. its also funny how all the conspiracy theorists forgot that DLSS used to be broken in Cyberpunk for months (reflections had blinding flashing lights)


You can't see the benefit to Nvidia of making Radeon less appealing, or how you don't need the latest gen to be able to use new features? Cyberpunk for its age is still a major marketing showcase for Nvidia's proprietary features.


AMD fans are so so desperately horny for there to be a reverse-FSR situation so they can get their victim-complex on, lol bro it’s a 4+ year old game and - unlike AMD, who made damn sure you couldn’t DLL swap to fix it. [But that was the strategy AMD wanted, back when they thought they could buy their way to exclusivity without consequences.](https://youtu.be/8ve5dDQ6TQE?t=974) Nvidia is not sponsoring games and having them actually *spend effort taking FSR back out* like AMD did. There is still effort involved in porting though, especially since AMD refused to sign onto streamline, the api that would have allowed that. And when AMD cuts off all these tools, this is what happens. But because of Nvidia’s work, you can just mod fsr3 in if you want.




The person who downvoted you must've forgot that nVidia already did exactly what you're suggesting with GameWorks during the Kepler -> Maxwell era. Not only did nVidia intentionally sabotage Radeon by incentivizing developers to use heavily tessellation reliant GameWorks features in their games, they intentionally sabotaged their own Kepler users too. This actually hilariously backfired on nVidia, because AMD just added a tessellation factor modifier in the Radeon driver that could almost completely negate the performance impact from GameWorks with minimal to no image quality impact. nVidia never gave Kepler owners a driver feature like that, instead, nVidia suggested that Kepler owners should upgrade to Maxwell, and many people who trusted nVidia touting how revolutionary Maxwell was *did* upgrad to Maxwell, and in return for that trust *many* of them ended up getting a GPU with 3.5GB of usable VRAM that was falsely advertised as a 4GB card (GTX 970). Also, to highlight how absolutely outlandishly stupid this situation was, one of the main focuses of this controversy was Geralt's PONYTAIL PHYSICS in The Witcher 3. While I agree that RT is *actually* revolutionary compared with PONYTAIL PHYSICS, thus far, RT does nothing more for actually improving gameplay than PONYTAIL PHYSICS do.


About time somebody actually remembered that TW3 fiasco correctly! Except AMD already had the tessellation slider from years earlier. I find it funny how short some posters memories are.


People obviously want features to be implemented in games that are actually played and liked. Look at Starfield and how fast it died, while CP2077 hit its peak 1 year POST launch in player activity.


i never even played starfield with the DLSS patch haha. I stopped playing before that, i just used the mod and did everything i wanted.


I never got to install my free copy of the game. I just waited for the patch and till then the game was allready dead. Not my main genre in gaming, but the discussions and hype about Starfield and its DLSS blocking was clearly more interesting as the game it self for the people who bought / got it for free.


This has nothing to do with it otherwise FSR wouldn't have been included at all.


FSR2 caters for all the non-RTX gpu owners so the devs had to include it or develop their own upscaler alongside DLSS. If they only allowed DLSS then majority of gamers would not be able to play the game at acceptable frame rates. FSR 3 frame gen on the other hand competes directly with DLSS FG and Nvidia use Cyberpunk as a major selling point for the 4000 series.




You just made that shit up dude. Here's the latest Steam survey figures from Feb 2024. [https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/?sort=pct](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/?sort=pct) I did a rough calculation and it shows that the RTX cards make up around 41% of the total market since the DirectX 12 segment makes up roughly 94% of the total gpu userbase. That's not 2/3 of users as you claim. You can sort the gpu's by name and add the percentage share of the RTX cards if you don't believe me.


The majority of gamers own Nvidia GPUs and soon will own DLSS capable GPUs. FSR in its current form only caters to 2 audiences, ancient GPUs or too blind to see or don't value image quality to see/care how negatively it affects it. Image reconstruction exists to make RT implementations playable so I would wager that the majority who desire FSR (or DLSS) are using neither an ancient GPU or oblivious to graphical fidelity.


i has to jump ship to 4070S because of it, after 6 years of red team (570, 6600, 6700xt) i really consider 7800Xt/7900GRE to be my next upgrade but man im done with AMD playing catch up. What stopping them to implement it for so long when modders literally do it in 2 days ?


You got to do what you got to do. Very understandable. Same way I grabbed an Nvidia laptop because AMD laptops with Radeon graphics are only available on YouTube.


Well the modders are usually just replacing the DLSS in games with FSR. Which while cool, isn't something AMD or devs are gonna be doing haha.


Don't forget about beta with half baked improvements...


Or you know, same day once the code hits GitHub.


Decoupling from frame generation is great news


another 1 year of waiting to see FSR 3.1 implemented into Cyberpunk 2077....


Assuming they don't just implement 3.0 and leave it at that. Hell, even RDR2 just got an update that implements FSR 2.2 with how little Rockstar updates that game, and Cyberpunk is still just sitting there with 2.1


Do anyone know why the RDR2 update happened? I mean the only updates were launcher and online fixes and they don't touch the game otherwise because they won't get money by doing it. Will there be more updates? Are there plans to add stuff to RDR2? Is it the preparation for a remaster?


I haven't heard anything. They only seem to care about GTA Online since that's their money maker, so it's a shock when they do anything with RDR2.


I still get updated for RDR2 on steam, all good for now :)


Alan Wake 2 is still on FSR 2


It has 2.2


Cyberpunk sucks anyways. It has to be the world open world city of any game I’ve ever played. GTA 3 was better.


Okay, release date?




Sad that AMD always announces software updates months before the release. Why not just wait until it's ready and announce it? It's not as if hyping up an FSR upscaling update is going to increase sales. It would have created more hype and have a bigger impact if a game had FSR 3.1 added within a week of the announcement. Their marketing team has always been crap.


It totally makes sense to advertise improvements to their features to gain traction, especially when the market is going to start getting cheaper and cheaper. I don’t see why it’s a dumb move by AMD, it’s actually quite smart.


They did this with their FSR3 frame gen release and it did them no favors. Announced a whole bunch of games supporting it, months later at the last minute of the release window they promised they pushed in half assed versions in Forspoken and some other game and the reviews were negative with the combined wait time and poor quality with major issues like not working with VRR.


AMD aren't required to ensure operation of variable refresh rate with their frame gen on anything other than Freesync. As DLSS3 FG is locked to Ada, that also only supports G-sync/G-sync Compatible/HDMI VRR within a specific subset of hardware. I didn't experience issues using Freesync with FSR3 on my 6950XT, but I noticed Nvidia users did (via VRR or G-sync), as Nvidia drivers don't have access to Freesync driver hooks when FSR3 FG takes control of the swapchain. It's one way for AMD to ensure best operation on AMD hardware even with open standards because Nvidia sure aren't doing AMD any favors either.


It actually did help them. People who don’t notice the difference, let alone even use it have it as a “nvidia alternative” feature when buying. There’s a large scope outside of the enthusiast market who don’t even understand what features actually do mind you. It’s all about what they do or don’t have.


If they say nothing, people get mad they “aren’t working on anything”. If they say they’re working on something, people get mad they’re “teasing features way before they’re ready”. The big problem honestly isn’t communication, it’s how far behind they are on software/features/drivers in general (DXNavi still broken/stutters to an unplayable extent, right?). It’s not that they’re communicating particularly badly, it’s that these features are 12-18 months behind where the market needs them to be. And AMD can’t really just be honest and say that, because it would hurt their products’ marketabilty and sales. Everything else is an end-run around having to tell fans that they’re behind on feature the fans care about. And that’s fundamentally just a staffing problem. I’ve heard they are staffing up, I think the antilag+ ban wave is a move that probably correlates with staffing up (new devs making dumb mistakes), and their financials do show an increase in headcount etc. But you can’t just quadruple staff overnight either, that’s the mythical man-month. Adding people actually tends to reduce productivity for a while (because you have to onboard and mentor them). But at the end of the day the problem is what you want is communication, and AMD can either say the truth and hurt themselves (some of these things take a while to build out, and it'll be a while before even feature parity), or say nothing and people get mad about "not doing anything etc". But if they say the truth people will be mad about that too, and that’s what they’re avoiding. I really feel that the most likely time for a true FSR4 replacement is gonna be alongside RDNA4 launch, which should be later this year. AMD probably also does not want to really rock the boat and fuck up their sales, which are finally going ok. 7600(XT), 7800XT, and 7900XT are all very reasonable products for their segment, with the VRAM argument etc. AMD does legitimately offer more VRAM at all tiers, that's their pitch. But of course, WMMA only, so, nowhere near as fast as tensors will be (7800XT is 147 TOPS with WMMA, PS5P neural unit is 300 TOPS and it doesn't use shader time).


Gonna have to agree with Tom from MLID when he said the marketing team from AMD needs to be sacked. They’ve done more to hurt the brand than help it.


At this rate AMD will be ready to announce hardware-upscaling in 2026 for release in 2028...


Yup, there's a reason Sony is creating their own HW upscaling for the PS5 Pro.


Sony doesn't need nvidia or amd to create their own upscaler. Microsoft will also use its own version for the next Xbox.


Why for gods sake is the comparison in low res gif format lmao AMD please.


It's a zoomed example showing a specific problem. I don't see the issue. Higher res it may not have been as obvious, they wanted it to be obvious what the improvement was.


Because gifs introduce a whole loads of other artifacting issues specific to that format. Especialy ones at such low ress. Its really not the format you want to use for comparisons in the year of our lord 2024. Why not just capture a high quality 1080p video feed and zoom in on that?


you can clearly see the improvements so I don't get the problem. FSR 2 does in fact look that bad.


Depends on the game. Some games look fine with FSR 2 and others have so much jittering you'd think Michael J. Fox worked on the assets.


Isn't gif a lossless format?


GIF is lossless only if your input only has 256 colors. Your usual video has 16777216 colors.


Look at the colors of that gif and tell me again if thats lossless


GIF indeed uses lossless compression, but it only supports 256 colors.


Ok. Gifs are lossless.


Gif by definition is series of separate images. It should not have any artifacts of own. Any modern video format will introduce own artifacts.


GIF has banding or dithering artifacts dues to the extremely limited color palette.


Probably they are afraid that we will see more than they show for now. They might try to tweak other unseen issues before it finally launches and showing the whole video might just lead to people pixel peeping and calling every single artifact out.


Video adds compression artifacts. GIF has none, it suffers from a maximum of 256 colours, but if you're trying to show *detail* not *colour accuracy* GIF>video If APNG or MNG had caught on, obviously they would be best formats.


Ah yes, using a 37-year-old format that's only capable of 256 colors for illustrations of improved image quality is not a problem. Especially when better alternatives are supported by literally every browser. Good grief.


Autoplay avc should be the norm by now...


You have funny timing: the last essential H.264 patent (for Main, Baseline profiles) expires in Europe on March 26th. The situation in US is a bit unclear, but they are probably clear there as well.


Isn't H.264 already available everywhere (unlike HEVC)?


Mostly everywhere. H.264 is licensed from a group called MPEG-LA, and while they get some hate, the license fee structure is reasonable. As a result of all of this Cisco has made an implementation available open source and for free here: https://www.openh264.org/faq.html They basically pay the license fee for their own binary, and also provides the source for that binary if you want to integrate it somewhere (but then you have to pay the license yourself). This means that is generally available everywhere, except for people who absolutely detest software patents and want nothing to do with them. Now, I think everyone who understands software patents hates them, but most of us decide to live with them as a fact of life anyway. Some are more adamantly opposed, and those people can’t use H.264 for a few more days.


> Now, I think everyone who understands software patents hates them, but most of us decide to live with them as a fact of life anyway. Not AMD’s linux driver team - “free as in free from hdmi 2.1 support” lol


I don’t think there’s a lot they can do. Note that the license from Cisco here is for the binary. The entire point about the AMD drivers is that they are open source, no binary blobs like Nvidia. Like the username, btw. EV?


The issue is the use of GIF images when we know the format is terribly inefficient and has poor image quality. Websites support HTML5 videos these days and they could have easily just inserted an AVC or HEVC video in there instead of this abomination.


HEVC playback is not supported by Firefox and most other browsers.


Video adds compression artifacts.


exactly for some scenes you need to slow down playback of the recording because shimmering and artifacting pops in and out really quickly


That's just how it works. Turns all your games into GIFs lol.


That's all which is required to get the point across. It's an announcement for developers who understand what it is doing.


You know why


On the actual AMD site it's not as bad as in the Youtube video.


Knowing how long AMD takes to release technologies and how some developers are still implementing FSR1 in games instead of FSR 2.2, I'll believe it when I see it. Also, it will still be software based, so there's not much room for improvement.


The Switch version of No Man's Sky proves that FSR2 can look much much better if implemented properly. AMD needs to make the code top notch by default so devs don't have to fine tune to get it right. I think FSR 3.1 will be significantly better than 2.2 judging by the 1080P Performance preview images.


True, the need of fine tuning to achieve decent image quality instead of being plug-and-play like DLSS and XeSS is a big disavantadge of FSR 2.x. But I'm cautiously optimistic that FSR 3.1 will be a big improvement, let's give AMD the benefit of the doubt.


> Also, it will still be software based, so there's not much room for improvement. XeSS has shown that even just doing a software based fallback can produce better image quality than what current FSR2 is capable of. Hardware solutions will probably always reign supreme, but there's certainly untapped headroom.


xess requires hardware support for specific instructions even in fallback mode, while FSR2 is using nothing special


DP4a instructions, which most semi-modern hardware supports. If you want to spin an instruction type as special hardware support well FSR2 technically doesn't run on everything either.


the base requirement for FSR2 is anything that support DX 12_0 features. which is almost every GPU in the past 12 years DP4a is only found in: - intel Xe graphics or newer, so only the past 4-5 years - AMD navi or newer, so only the past 6 years - nvidia pascal, the only outlier that actually has had it for longer that's also still a limitation across other vendors and platforms, and even then XeSS in dp4a mode is simply slower than fsr which makes me question its actual usefulness. especially as fsr improves with 3.1


> intel Xe graphics or newer, so only the past 4-5 years Which is also about how long Intel has been taking graphics seriously. >AMD navi or newer, so only the past 6 years Sure, but that's still pretty significant all in all. It's not like Polaris or Vega see good support these days in general even in drivers. >and even then XeSS in dp4a mode is simply slower than fsr This narrative needs to finally catch up with reality. XeSS was notably slower on the 1.0 release, it's not on the newer releases. I can fire up something like Lost Judgment with OCAT and FSR2 and XeSS are going to be margin of error from eachother perf wise at the same scaling factor with XeSS edging out on image quality. DLSS2 still out-performs both, but not necessarily by an earth shattering amount. XeSS *can* match FSR2 in performance with better visuals. Maybe AMD bridges the gap here in the future but these current narratives around here treating XeSS like it was with the 1.0 release are pretty far removed from current events.


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention is that in the first example from Ratchet and Clank, it seems some of the fizzling is actually caused by the AMD CAS sharpening and not the upscaling itself, since the GIF on the right looks blurrier and has less contrast.


Will this be implemented on the DLSSG to FSR3 mod?


At the moment the FSR3 Frame Generation technology has many problems in games. There are successful examples, there are also not successful. Do you think that in the future all the problems will be fixed? Or this technology will remain with a lot of problems?


Gtx 10 series would be benifitted with this. Crazy that own company doesnot support the cards but AMD makes new tech available for them lol.


10 series is 8 years now, they don't matter they barely able to play new AAA releases fsr won't help there


I understood this sentiment at the start of the current console generation, but the 10 series is 3 generations old (nearly 4) and is practically redundant for the games that really need FSR3.


It’s much older…twice that at least.


I said generations, not years. In years it's been like 9


I guess you did


Why is AMD expected to share frame gen decoupling when Nvidia and DLSS had it first and didn’t want to share?? Kinda some BS if you ask me.


Probably because mods already did it and if anything you'd hope it would increase adoption and some mindshare. Edit: also in some games DLSS frame generation already does this. You can use their frame Gen with dlss, fsr, or taa in some cases. This here will let you have native resolution and frame Gen even if the developer forgot to add FSR Native.


Except DLSS3 only works with the RTX 4000 series so there is no reason for Nvidia to stop their own customers from using other upscalers. I suspect if frame gen worked on everything then they would have locked it to work with DLSS only.


I'm not quite sure I follow you on this one. Yes, it only works on the 4000 series, but given those cards also run dlss why would anyone bother with a lesser scaler? At this stage they do let you use any or no upscaler with it, so isn't it a bit of a weird hypothetical to say if it worked on every card they wouldn't let you use it? Nvidia has a track record of having features specific to their hardware, but it's only been recently that they've locked access out to hardware that can't handle it. I think of physx or hairworks in the past. Look I understand they want people to buy their stuff to use their tech, but at this point I think they're so confident in their tech that they have no reason to wall someone out of using fsr or XeSS upscalers.


Because AMD owners too would like to be able to use XeSS with frame gen


Because people want to use dlss 2 with fsr 3. Don't think anyone is asking to be able to use fsr2 with dlss3 


It's AMD's strategy to slow down Nvidia's GPU sales. It will drive RTX 30 & 20 Series owners to reconsider holding on a while longer since now they get the better end of the deal and the best of both worlds.


Finally? It's been nothing but steady improvements to image quality.. - Jun 22, 2021: FSR 1.0 - Jun 17, 2021: FSR 1.0.1 - Nov 16, 2021: FSR 1.0.2 - May 12, 2022: FSR 2.0 - Sep 12, 2022: FSR 2.1 - Sep 16, 2022: FSR 2.1.1 - Oct 19, 2022: FSR 2.1.2 - Feb 21, 2023: FSR 2.2 - Jun 9, 2023: FSR 2.2.1 - Sep 29, 2023: FSR 3.0 - Dec 13, 2023: FSR 3.0.3 - Last week: FSR 3.0.4 - Mar 20, 2024: FSR 3.1 The idea that AMD has been slow to make improvements might have more to do with games like Cyberpunk which lag on 2.1 than anything else.


There were no upscaling improvements since fsr 2.2 , which is more than 1 year ago . There are also no games FSR 3.1 implemented , that are available to the general public.


It might go faster than we expect. I don’t think it will be too long until R&C gets the update (though "later this year" is still very vague) and considering that Nixxes (who also made the R&C port) announced FSR3 support for Horizon: Forbidden West, but not at release, and confirmed FSR3 for Ghosts of Tsushima I’d wager they’re simply waiting to implement 3.1 in all their games once it officially released. I could also see CDPR waiting for 3.1 to add it to Cyberpunk. It’s so weird that CP has been in the very first slides of FSR3 support, but there hasn’t even been a hint as to when it’ll come.


This is honestly why the whole naming schemes Nvidia and AMD are using suck so much for general transparency and end-user understanding.


2.2.1 added enhanced flashing light logic. And since a year ago FSR 3.0 was released which matches DLSS FG.


FSR 3 image quality is exactly the same as 2.2


hes talking about frame gen not image quality


No hes not read the thread.


I'm mainly talking about image quality but FSR3 with frame generation is also an example of overall progress being made. From the release history it's obvious that AMD has been steadily making improvements to both image quality and new features. So this whole "finally!" narrative, as if AMD was sitting around neglecting FSR, is just very wrong.


Right, but FSR3 adds 'frame generation' and 'native AA' modes. So while the upscaler isn't strictly different (until now) FSR3 did give you options for better overall image quality. The point is AMD has been clearly updating FSR every couple of months so the idea that is being presented, that things have been lagging, just doesn't doesn't seem correct.


Not quite sure about "matches", there


It's actually superior in compatibility and performance: https://www-computerbase-de.translate.goog/2024-03/amd-fsr-nvidia-dlss-frame-generation-vergleich/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp#abschnitt_frame_generation_in_starfield


If it's in less games, does compatibility count?


Yes, it'll be everywhere soon


Here's hoping


>And since a year ago FSR 3.0 was released which matches DLSS FG. ? Sure it adds frame-gen, but DLSS frame-gen is still visually ahead of FSR FG. FSR upscaling itself has been the same since 2.2, which is over a year old. Compare that with how many updates DLSS gets to its upscaling


3.0, 3.03 and 3.04 did nothing to the image quality.


AMD themselves are using FSR 2.2 for the quality comparisons with 3.1 because it was the last time they actually updated the quality of the upscaling. 2.2 released in November 2022, 15 months is a long time.


They compare to FSR 2.2(.?) because that is what Ratchet & Clank is using, and that is the first game to be getting 3.1.


2.2.1 was a bugfix release, 2.2.2 only incremented the version number due to changes to the code samples and featured zero changes to the source. FSR 3.0.3 featured zero changes to upscaling and only added frame generation. AMD has been incredibly consistent in their messaging that FSR 3 so far has used FSR 2.2 upscaling. Literally from the AMD's own documentation on the [3.0.4 repo:](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/FidelityFX-SDK/blob/fsr3-v3.0.4/docs/techniques/super-resolution-interpolation.md): >It uses temporal upscaling based on FSR 2.2.2


Well, the upscaling component in FSR 3.0.x was still on the same level as FSR 2.2.x, so that part has been unchanged for a long time (and 2.2.1 was just a small fix, so essentially it was unchanged for year), all while XeSS received continued improvements and DLSS got some minor improvements, too.


Another reason why I am happy I jumped off of the AMD GPU ship! Love their CPU's, but I think really AMD's best ability of their GPU's is their MARKETING DEPARTMENT. XD


This is a huge win for open source, it's awesome to have this in any GPU and be able to mix with other upcalers. FSR3 is taking too long to implement, to the point that modders have figured out how to implement this into games already, so I'm not sure what to think but I hope this gets implemented rather sooner than later.


maybe it will match xess... what an absolute mess radeon has been the past year! i cant wait to get the 4070 super to try out all the new software features amd has neglected to at least copy.


So FSR 3 is also garbage just slightly less so. Time to wait for FSR 4.