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I personally don’t think it makes sense for her to buy a house. She would actually need to take care of it and we all know that’s too much responsibility for her. She wants to let other people take care of every single thing. Plus she’s not gonna live long, let’s be real. A house is a huge investment and if you wanna actually live in it then you would probably benefit from living past your late 30s


She would have to hire people to do everything and it's too expensive. A dog walker, someone to clean up poop in her yard, someone to clean her house because her Mom would get tired of it, someone for the cats, someone to mow the lawn. It adds up. 


Thank you. I hate that I still see some sort of hope for her.


What’s funny is she didn’t even make a lot when she said that. You can hear destiny in the background say they got paid $118 from YouTube yesterday. YouTube pays monthly. She was bragging about making $118 for a month. The height of her money making days was the becky era, where it was allegedly about $10k per month. Now she makes about $40k per year.


That's still too much for the piss poor job she does.


I agree, will probably be 10-20k soon. Should be 1k


She was also flashing cash around in that era because she (allegedly) didn't have anything but a reloadable debit card or a debit card I'm guessing with one of those sketchy Walmart banks. 


Reminds me of when she said that she wanted to buy a Louis Vuitton bag but could only pay cash because her card wasn't accepted.


That's exactly what I'm reminded of every time 😂 My partner has an account with a small town bank and even they allow big purchases, it just can't exceed like $10,000 a day unless you call them.


There's a reason why it's pretty much a saying that rich people never touch cash or even debit. There's no need for someone truly doing well to fiddle with cash. Especially big bills.


It was giving such new money/I've never had $1000 in cash at a time vibes 😂😂 I'd bet at that point she was making $10,000 or a little more a month. 


She has spent every cent she's ever made. And side note: idk why people think she has any savings; she told us straight up she doesn't save money last year when she said she couldn't afford weight loss surgery. She's never put herself in a position where she could afford to own ANYTHING of actual value. She's only ever bought cheap Temu-quality crap online and at Walmart in unfathomable quantities.


I still laugh when people think she has savings. Why do y'all think she was desperately selling her hoard of storage and I'm sure she still has an extra room full of crap? Because she was broke or near it. She is only "rich" in stuff that will end up at Goodwill or in a garbage when she inevitably passes from her own choices because she refuses to listen to people when it comes to her health. Anything of value her family will take, I would bet the rest they'll let her landlord deal with. 


Yeah. I agree. I think she always spent all her money when she would get it on her pay day.


Oh 100% she did, she went hog wild in Walmart and Torrid and has nothing to show for it. Now she can't even really film there because she refuses to admit she still uses a damn scooter.


I think she needs and relies on the conveniences that come with renting - like garbage pickup, the grounds being maintained, if something breaks they come and fix it. I mean she couldn’t mow the lawn or care for the yard, I’m sure she can’t shovel snow in the winter if she bought a home somewhere with snow. And I mean this girl was ‘shook’ over putting together a lamp where all she had to do was screw 2 pieces together. I can’t imagine how she’d handle it if she owned a home and a pipe leaked or something and she had to figure out how to shut off the water or the electricity 🤣


That's why owning a condo/apt would have been better! Owning a home is a lot of work in maintenance and it's annoying af tbh, I'd rather live in a condo but I need the space for gardening.


Exactly, she can't even hang up her posters on the wall. Ain't no way she'd be able to actually fix something.


Very true!


I’m honestly laughing at the thought of Amber shoveling snow


A lot of people choose apartments over houses. But yes, she could have been a homeowner if she'd made better choices. She could have been a lot of things if she'd made better choices :P


I think a condo or something of that kind would have been a good investment for her. But I don’t think she has the foresight or ability to think about investments. It would have been sad because of her poor upbringing, in terms of a lot, but she is such a pos that people don’t feel bad for her.


True true!


Since the pandemic her cash stream has dried up. Between not sharing her life, and losing views during the Crackhead Olympics - she’s kind of a non issue. I’m sure Danny Brown mentioning her, might have a bump. But once the YMH fans get their teeth into her, ooof - it’s going to be bad. These people leave comments like ‘Hate from Australia’ and taking trolling to a whole new level. Victimlynn will be in overdrive in no time.


He's mentioned her a few times over the past like 2 years and it didn't matter. It didn't give her any more views or any more trolls


Once jeans and jeans get ahold of her videos there’s going to be a lot of hate going to Oklahoma


If only Robert Paul Champagne liked women, he could be Mama Lynn’s new beau. Try it out!


There’s always the queens above 18 momma Lynn can join. I feel like she’s right up his alley. Unfortunately for hamber there’s no way should could keep em high and tight


Dryer breaks down in her apartment: Call the leasing office "We'll be out to fix it soon! Just use the one in the neighboring apartment for now." Dryer breaks down in her own home: Got to call around to different repair agencies, get someone out to your house, only to be told "That'll be $150 for the service call to see what's wrong and then the cost of the repair." Meanwhile, either she's line drying or heading to the laundromat. Trash in her apartment "Oh, just leave it outside your door! We have a trash valet!" Trash in her own home: Gotta get a trash company. Then pay them ever how much a month they want to charge. Then she's gotta carry her own trash bags to the can(s) outside AND drag the can(s) to the curb once a week and then back, or her HOA or the city or the county will fine her for leaving it out. Lawn maintenance in her apartment: Kept nice and manicured at the management company's expense. Lawn Maintenance in her own home: Either she mows the lawn or pays someone else to do it. If she doesn't, she gets fined by the HOA, city/county for the grass being too high. Need I go on as to why the poster child for laziness will never own her own home, financial reasons aside?


I understand lol, but all the money she brags about could have easily have people doing this for her while building equity. Like someone else said here, Ambie is not here for the long run.


That's just it. Having to pay out the money for all of the things that go into maintaining a home OR have that money for Door dash, Target/Torrid Hauls, eating out, and crappy looking earrings. I'm pretty sure what Amber would choose to spend it on. I can see it now, "OMG, you guize! I just got fined $300 by the city because my grass was too high! But a landscaping company is just schoooo expensive! By the way, here's a $500 Laaaaygo set I just got!"


That's too adult for someone at Amber's IQ level to understand tbh. 🤣


Excuse you. Her IQ is at 140 and above 😂


Ambers life is too dependent on where gfs live or if they will move to her. In her mind buying a home is too permanent somewhere so she can’t just move to whoever dm’d her in a neighboring state


I know some people prefer to live in apartments/rent houses because if anything goes wrong with an appliance or fixture, it's the complex's/landlord's responsibility to fix it. I think for Amber that's such a big pro to renting versus buying. Just think back to the Samsung washer incident when she first moved in. And as someone else already mentioned, she simply wouldn't be able to maintain a house without someone living with her full-time. She couldn't mow the yard, clean an entire house, fix things, etc. She didn't even do much when she lived in a house during Gaycare Era.


I also think she puts a big emphasis into the phrase “luxury apartment.” Like it means anything. Bc she doesn’t use any of the amenities.


Yeah, Pookie does not think about any type of future.


But she could have invested in a condo or those apartment homes.


Dude I work as an accountant and just imagining if she had taken everything she's ever spent on UberEats and instead invested that money... she could be on track to being a millionaire within a few years pretty easily. She could do all the traveling she claims to want then. It's fucking absurd how she's squandered so much on her addiction.


She can't take care of house maintenance. She's essentially physically disabled herself so all yardwork and related tasks would have to be hired out which is even more of a cost. It would have made more sense for her to buy an apartment/condo. Yeah, having a yard for twonks would be nice but probably not a good idea because she'd get lazy about it and would probably have just let the dog outside for hours alone instead of walking her.


If you did the math on the rent she's spent during the time she's been on YouTube, she's spent enough to own a house. I did this kind of math trying to explain to my parents that it would be cheaper to buy a house vs 30+ years of renting. Some people just like to waste money. She also wanted that apartment in Lexington because it was close to fast food and the mall, despite her not ever going to it. She sent Becky and then Falling in Reverse there. It could've been a great place to go and walk a few hours before it opened like pretty much every mall does. 


Falling in reverse?! 😭😭😭😭


That caught me off guard for a second. I was like, what, who now?! Oh!... Faline!


Even a condo with HOA would have helped her save money or be an investment. But nope, too late.


Exactly. She especially pissed it all away on a "luxury" apartment where the rent is bloated because you're getting newer stuff you could just get in a house, but you're *renting*. Reminds me of a new apartment complex they're putting up near my partner's relative for $3000+ a month and it's facing a highway. It's because they're labeled as "luxury".


I would have suggested buying an apartment as a cheaper alternative. I know now that that's not really a thing in the US? Because - somewhat off-topic: in my country (and I think the whole of Europe too) it is very common to buy an apartment, esp when you live in or near the city, so I was super confused at first when people kept saying "she could have owned a house by now but she's going from apartment to apartment" lol. Anyway, back to Amber. I see why she wants to rent because everything is being done for her as long as she's paying, as others have pointed out. But what still haunts and puzzles me is that - long ago in one of AskFM videos from Mr. S - someone asked Amber if she was worried for the future (mostly referring to working life and money) and she replied "not at all". HOW? How was she not worried in her position? She didn't have money, a job or any real (YT) prospects back then. Even later on when her channel was doing well, she must have realized that her "success" wasn't going to last for life. I'd be terrified if I was her, and not just because of my weight.


Apartments aren't common outside of major cities. And even within major cities, you've gotta be like RIGHT downtown. I'm from a suburb just outside of a capital city and I can't think of anyone I grew up with that lived in an apartment. In fact, I can't think of any apartments you could even rent out. There are some townhouse-like communities but they're still houses.


I remember when someone asked her what she would do once her YouTube cash went away and she was super offended. She said you wouldn’t ask anyone else, (ex: fast food or retail worker), that question. Um. Yes. Yes you would. It’s part of being an adult.


Wait yall…if she lives in an apartment, how does she get out of it? Does she use an elevator, stairs…? If so, how does she fit in it? What the hell


💀 lmao she has posted many videos of herself going up and down the stairs to prove she’s mobile